
- (Supplement) - middle school diary and reprint past

Wooden sword (20090728)

In the warehouse of the house, there was a "wooden sword" had been using children from the time of my father.Its heavy wooden sword. Dry discolored marks of blood everywhere, was caked.My father, a wooden sword of memories and it was not discard it in your warehouse.

One day, in the evening alone with my father.Remove the wooden sword from the warehouse father, showed me.My father held up a wooden sword, or divided by the head of whom this wooden sword, and traces of this blood, or wound it at that time.There was heard several times.Also father, mother was rated similarly numbered. That through my junior high school, it seems most were bad.(Father's brother, also a sister does not know, seems to have been rated number is from generation to generation, in this junior high school. House to fall, may it been ruined.)

My father has a wooden sword in front of me.And "? Do you want me to you, the wooden sword" This has been heard.I am, why? I think that exonerated his father, and say things like.My father, will continue."At this rate, from heavy to you, cut off two-thirds? What Shiteyaro like a dagger to the length and".I think he continued, and I say good things like the length of the intact.My father stroking my head, also a wooden sword, was returned to the warehouse.


My father, from time to time. I was taken from the solution is not well, strange behavior.Also. "Is led by the hand of the Father"-era past elementary school diary, I was "action" of the father is not well from the solution.Now a little, you solved. Maybe it was would "love" of Father's own father.

But also do not want than solved, there is.I first mistress of six years of the Father, one is an older woman than I am.The woman was very similar to my system and hairstyles of the time (overeating) was fat, I've heard from my brother.

My father is a slender woman was supposed to be like.This is at a later date, or after the age of 19, and is live and Nanzo? Is, I think I will touch.

But I think for a while, and to cherish the time to digest.Even now, so I feel pretty bad. I'm sorry. Do not do it without even touching, so come out.

That his father, his brother asked to confidentially, a picture of me, last year.A brother, in the absence of my stay, it had been Candidate attempts, the picture.(I, the family. Did you know that. All, who wants to dispose of, I hate a picture it.)

My brother asked me to photograph his father, had been Candidate attempts, theI am young and naked, was the only photo of my elementary school were all reflected in a bikini.Photos and have clothes on, pictures are an adult, was not even a sheet.White and purple bikini, red. Photos are taken and pictures was lying on his back to the pool side, a pause.Absolutely, I feel bad. And snorting, and nausea. And in disgust. I think for a while, and want to wait for the digestion of time.

Japan, compared to other countries, is a country often (including sexual offenses) of child abuse in many ways.Also rape and sexual activity from close relatives, including father-in-law, is a country very often.How do the children will be saved. . . How do.


->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -Is led by the hand of the Father. (20070609)

> "My Rules"> Adult Children
Mr. Chair adults
Doubles, also "insurance"-my own
(I-a-nature of Mr. Chair, so adults did not believe,)
I gained-the "Amulet" · A double-edged sword
> Is the photographs of my childhood-

One at a time (if Himotoi pond,,,
> Museum Trojan

Mr. Chair-adult "saw" and "(act of impersonation, made to me) to compete"-me-and-when your own fans,,,
-A-thought he pretended not to notice,,,

>> (Temperament-human nature of this type) "This is I can not leave,,,, I would not bothered, following appearances in the calm and self-advantage-in-full of lies • (Mr. Chair boy) that child, ,, and. "
↑ "Maybe 'the slightest guru" ·,,,
 http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10932908898.html) and


• When my brother-in secret does not stay in my father-

Came to take photographs was a picture-my-

Photography is less than 10 sheets in total,
But I was about 10 years old nude swimsuit-all-or-
They are almost-was just "photo was taken-to-mother-is-a-pose to take my mother" -,,,
> Is the all-bikini

I said, "I wanted to believe, the people"-

I wanted to despair and to human,,,

If that photo is published, such as Internet
> I thought likely to commit suicide, and I wish
I thought, also, to overcome when you're over it-But-
I thought, and when you're weak and overcome their own mental-surface-loose

• In a capitalist economy-also "sweetness"-own-to-friendly-to "environment" surrounding-'s Chair adults. And will become strong-enough to tremble at best, a "counterattack"-by being published ( "support and predict and respond." was because that was one-of "strength"-wanted-even on its own, also. I was wondering, they need-even the "strength"-that-be back and once again · the need to consider "other-other"-until-that it can not and that he "arrogant",,,, I wanted to break-in your own)

> Father's anger
Mr. Chair, and adults going to be touch-

According to time and circumstances (and I would be, to fight, in the three-way standoff, my Sun Chair adult father-on know. Was your own risk. To nursing, Mr. Chair and adults of course it also ., after being based on the assay. fair and that I would not-nearly-)

I'll give you, as amulet his father "was Candidate attempts to remove, ask my brother-I. Photographs if scary. It I · If you are exposed, will receive, the major damage, or can not live and "and was committed from.

(That of Mada.. (20070630) http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10822154879.html> ") photo location (the" father-do not know, depression,,,)

This is,,,
> And I wonder what I "repeated self-injury," Adult Children, I think,,,

-The people, wishing to believe
To be betrayed, but the repetition of

The Itaku~tsu human-like
The like-people Itaku~tsu
• The human despair, wishing,,,

This is a single data-
Will-and as one sample,,,

As we will be saved even a little-children-are suffering from bullying and abuse right now,,,

Adult Children of everyone-is-still are suffering, as we will be saved-even a little,,,

> "When I grow up, self-responsibility",,,· Abuse and bullying,,,

Please children, are suffering from bullying and abuse-in now,,, as we will be saved-even a little,,,

• Even as you start becoming a little soil-to-be-adult children try our society,,, the following are produced, not like us any more,,,


> "Last-letter", from me. And "exposure of a trick (described Illustrated?)"?


> Supplement

> · · YOMIURI ONLINE newspaper2011-01-23 15:46:19
★ ★ face
Mr. Keiji Goto, a lawyer of 50 police officials aim to eradicate child pornography from @☆ there is an unforgettable experience. 1998 was working on Internet crime in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Was referred to sarcastically as "a brave person who came in from a superpower that child pornography" from the moderator, at a meeting of the (ICPO) International Criminal Police Organization was held in France. And Japan at the time such images covering the eyes and there is no law to regulate child pornography had been leaked all over the world. Lowering the head-to investigation officials "sorry" in each country was enough to do. Seemed inadequate regulatory Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography of enforcement of the following year. Wound of the heart-child of the subject can not say a lifetime. "Why does Japan insensitive to pain of the children why this much" jumped out, police organizations and 2005. I passed the bar exam during his tenure of 92 years. "I wanted familiar with the law." Faced with law book on holiday or when commuting. 33-year-old. Was passed in the fourth challenge. Tensin was after flying to petition to lawmakers, such as asking for the prohibition of simple possession of child pornography, a lawyer. At the end of March was also formed group 0 lawyer role. "Child pornography is child abuse itself." Belief does not change.(Tomitokoro Kosuke Sasaki, Noriaki social unit shooting)


-過去日記・転載・中学校時代- ( 補足 )

木刀    (20090728)

家の倉庫には、父が子供のときから使っていた「 木刀 」がありました。

( 父の兄も、姉もまた、代々、この中学で番格だったらしいです。  家が没落し、荒れてしまったのかも知れません。 )

「 この木刀を、お前にやろうか? 」と、聞いてきました。
「 このままじゃ、お前には重いから、3分の2切り落として、短剣みたいな長さにしてやろうか? 」と。


過去日記・小学校時代・「 父に手を引かれ。 」もまた、私にはよく解からない父の「 行動 」でした。
いまは少し、解かります。たぶん、父の父なりの「 愛情 」だったのだろうと。

太っていた( 過食 )頃の私の体系や髪型によく似た女性だと、弟から聞きました。


今現在も、かなり気分が悪いので。すみません。 触れなくてはいけないことも、出てくるので。

( 私は、写真が大嫌いです。それを、家族は知ってました。全て、処分したがっていることを。 )

白や紫、赤のビキニ。 プールサイドに仰向けに寝かされて撮った写真や、ポーズを取らされた写真。

日本は、諸外国に比べて、様々な意味での幼児虐待( 性犯罪も含みます )が多い国です。



父に手を引かれ。       (20070609)


>・「 マイルール 」>アダルトチルドレン



私自身の・「 保険 」も・兼ねて

( 大人座長さんの・性質を・私は・信じていなかったので )

諸刃の剣となる・「 お守り 」を・あげました


( 一つずつ、紐解いていけば、、、


  大人座長さんは・ご自分のファンのかたと・私を・「 争わせる( 私になっての・なりすまし行為 ) 」などを・「 見た 」とき、、、


  >>「 コレ( このタイプの人間性・気質 )は・放置できないな、、、あの子( 少年座長さん )に・嘘八百で・   平気で・自己優位に・なりふり・構っていかないだろうな、、、 」と。

       ↑そして・「 グルっぽ 」かな、、、http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10932908898.html  )






それらは・ほとんどが・「 母に・ポーズを・取らされて・母に・取られた・写真 」ばかりでした、、、


私は・「 人を・信じてみたかった 」







( 公開されることによって・「 反撃 」を・全力でふるえるほどに・強くなろうと。大人座長さんの・取り巻く「 環境 」まで・配慮する・自分の・「 甘さ 」も・資本主義経済で・もう一度・戻るなら・その・「 強さ 」も・必要だと・思っていたし。また・自分自身でも・欲しかった・「 強さ 」の・一つだったからでした。「 対処対応・予測対応 」それが・できないことまで・「 他社・他者 」を・配慮する必要は・「 傲慢 」なのだと、、、自分に・決別したかった )




知っている上で( 時と場合では・父・大人座長さん・私の・三すくみでの・戦いに・なるだろうなと。それも・覚悟の上でした。もちろん・大人座長さんを・養護することは・ほぼ・ないだろうなと。フェア性を・踏まえた上で。 )

そして・「 父が・弟に頼んで・持ち出そうとした・写真。私が・怖いなら・お守りとして・あげるよ。それが・公開されたら・私は生きていけないか・大きなダメージを・受けるだろうから 」と・託しました。

( 憂鬱。。    (20070630)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10822154879.html >まだ・「 写真( の所在 ) 」のことは・父は・知りません、、、 )


>アダルトチルドレン・「 繰り返す・自傷 」なんだろうなと、思います、、、


・「 すべてを・あげる 」









>「 大人になったら・自己責任 」、、、





>私からの・「 最後の・手紙 」。そして・「 種明かし( 図解説明? ) 」?





2011-01-23 15:46:19




@児童ポルノ撲滅を目指す警察官僚出身の弁護士 後藤 啓二さん 50

☆忘れられない体験がある。警視庁でインターネット犯罪に取り組んでいた1998年。フランスで開かれた国際刑事警察機構( ICPO )の会議で・司会者から「 あの児童ポルノ大国から1人でやってきた勇敢な人物 」と皮肉たっぷりに紹介された。当時・日本には児童ポルノを規制する法律がなく・目を覆うような画像が世界中に流出していた。「 申し訳ない 」各国の捜査関係者らに・頭を下げるのが精いっぱいだった。翌年施行の児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法も規制が不十分に思えた。被写体の子は一生・心の傷が癒えない。「 日本はなぜこれほど子どもたちの痛みに鈍感なのか 」・2005年・警察組織を飛び出した。司法試験に受かったのは在職中の92年。「 法律に精通したかった 」。通勤時や休日に法律書と向き合った。33歳。4度目の挑戦での合格だった。弁護士に転進後は・児童ポルノの単純所持の禁止などを求め・国会議員への陳情に飛び回った。3月末には役0人の弁護士グループも結成した。「 児童ポルノは児童虐待そのもの 」。信念は変わらない。

( 撮影・佐々木紀明・社会部 富所浩介 )

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