
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Child of school refusal (20090818)

When I was finished eating a meal, is called the teacher, we went together to the home economics room.Teachers and two people, no one mobile classroom was very quiet calm.

Serious look at the teacher,"The (name of the I ←), I've got teachers, a favor to ask, will listen ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆?"What? This air? And,,, I wish Iyada, but I think, in the review of the smock, but somehow out of Tsuppane,I thought "? Sensei?" What, tentatively, and let's talk just listen.(This happened in the past-smock in middle school diary.)

The teacher is, Why do not I may escort to school, the girl of school refusal are in class? Was purporting.With its children, in the same elementary school, there was some acquaintance.When I was a grade 5-6, if you have been transferred, I think it was the same class.That story is, there is almost no. Elementary school, because I was the target of bullying.

Teacher, and so on."Please,! Please! I do not ask! Only ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆! ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆" and.Still, if I am reluctant, honest,,, is because I do not want too much involvement.Is the next graduation, we also. Up to a few months, and leave me alone I wish I do it,,,,,,,,If you do hit a hand, from the time of entrance ceremony, and I do it a helping hand, and then Ira Innovation somewhere,,,,,,Children to school have not mentioned nearly three years, even came to school too late, it would be hard to your friends,,,,,Sensei, the school, would probably be to back up, to where,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

But, the teacher with one's hands close together, and then appeal.I could also just attend school in the morning ", ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ is and let them bring to school, Mr. (child of school refusal ←) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○, rest I'll be teacher, brought anyway and! "Please! I want you,,,Or <adult circumstances <>, purely, the teacher, sympathy> Did you, It does not matter solved,,,In the review of the smock, I decided to have a teacher I cry, very difficult to refuse,,, undertake."I do not whether you can solve, for now, I'll just say go, not it? Is good from tomorrow" and.The teacher, ー thank you! To say, gave me very pleased. I, in contrast to the depressed mood has gone.

The next morning, as usual, after breakfast my father made, without sleep twice, I left the house a little early.The child's home, as the school from my house, I had a little farther away, there was a need to leave early.Morning because it was very weak, there was also one of the factors that also wanted to refuse it.I myself, in daily life, was because could not afford mental.Even a little, both physically and mentally, because I wanted was not resting.But more than assumed, for now, Demui went to her house.

Sigh was leaking.The story of the teacher, when you move in the elementary school, the friends can not, and so was not familiar.It seems like it is I was not has been a Shikato, are Shikato feeling, and they're afraid.Honestly,,, and Mendokuse, I thought. At most, if lack of communication,I white on your own! And,,,

Around me, two girls who were bullied in elementary school the other, was always near.Moderately, I do not mean to speak, is that the beside of me, seemed to protect themselves from bullying.This is also a child of school refusal, and <or-that kind>, I thought. In good faith is not perceived, somewhere.Even so, press the chime of the apartment was more than assumed, and can not be helped.

Demure mother came out. "I was trying to Chakuseyo uniforms, not wearing me ...""Now? Where is," and I heard her whereabouts.I've heard off work and his father, which is what you try to Chakuseyo her uniforms, and clothes that could not.That air flow, clothed me, I uniforms. Receive a uniform, that she went to the lavatory.

Her body is large. Than me, 30 to 40 kg heavier. Big girl was also about 20 centimeters tall.Between school refusal, not even step out of the house a little, the body color was very white girl on the shortcut.She is, every day, but others say they have trained the body. I've heard to enter to professional women, and did not forget the training every day.

To her, "uniform, wearing," said said. Without looking up she was silent.I do not receive, and ". Will go to school. To wear", but gave her a uniform. After a little while, "wearing", I was talking, so that the No, just look down.Gradually, irritability is invited. Was Nugase her clothes. She resisted but was taken off the upper body.

So take off the upper body, when you try to get her own way, and on top of the sailor, she was shake off my hands.Her elbow, around on my chin, the taste of blood and kidney has been assigned in the Preamble.Rather, Kachin! Come with, and "! Guy!! I Teme kilometers!", Was cut butyrate.She can resist. I will try to force Chakuseyo. I spoiled, what! This guy and.

Her limbs are usually tempered, just, but it only would have resisted, very heavy.About every time I touch, body sway, was a heavy shock.Her body, there are only really trained every day, everywhere, was covered with heavy muscle. In her resistance, my body began to ache a few places. Come and win, would have beaten her."I believe school! Teme! I kilometers! Kg quickly? Will not go," and was yelling.

She is, ~ I ~ I was just saying.Another, really! ! A break! ! ! And, I thought. Always, I like to think why? And.Heart has become violently painful. Was the cry. Another, really wanted to forgive.

And where! "I Teme kilometers," said she has been a counterattack to me.That is heavier punch. Strongly than anyone else has been up to now fight. Power punch than a boy, much stronger.This is no match! And was able to perceive in an instant. No match in a fight and I thought, was the first time.And, at the same time. If you have "power" of this only, without limit, the composition of the bullyingWould Hikkurikaeseru! I thought.With Ira, was exploded at once. Gimme a break! ! And. I also presume, then most likely put it! ! And,,,

Parents, is thinner than her body. Since she can not hold a candle to, but can also be cool to school.In addition, the conversion of the parents, because there is indebted to the daughter was bullied, because can not say strongly, and want to come to me, I've heard.All, Gimme a break! ! And, butyrate was cut.Not, "power" is a fight. And willpower that, in most cases, and he broke the hearts of the strong law partner,,,,,Of course, was on top of prepared for it at your own risk, and counterattack the (injury) risk.I've just said, Do not say a word."I'll make to prevent the call to the school Teme! Gimme a break!" And.She, "words" were afraid of most. . .

But, I think she must be drawn at this, we had to brawl and flow either to shed blood.At least, I decided to get the vase was close, is another hesitation, was not.

So, her parents, went into the stop us. We have been peeled, trimmed the breath was rough.Her parents, say, a "thanks" to me. "Thank you", and "I'm sorry",,, I, of apology and thanks, was brought back.

Was the cry. Said it would do, and that is I own fault, say.To school, it was about a 10 minute walk.Moteamashi a heavy feeling while crying, went to the staff room.

Have been moved to another room. Cried the teacher, were repeated, the "I'm sorry" "thank you".". ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆! I thank you! I'm sorry (I is the name of ←) again, because I" and.

Different I,,, teacher.I, I wanted to apologize. To her. Why are separate? I sweep under the carpet?I want to apologize. . . Teacher. Let me apologize,,,,,,,,,,,,

She is coming to school was not.And also her topic will be raised, since this was not.


That do not want to be known, is one of the past. . .But this is, and if adults are familiar to us in the wake of something, I think,,,,,,,,,,,,

I much, remains a heavy heart, I would become an adult. Roh own fault is solved ~Tsu.That's why children are suffering right now, but you wish strongly, that we saved a little, whether,,,,,Regret very heavy, it Nugueru is not,,,,,,,


-> Middle school diary and reprint past -> Smock (20090814)



登校拒否の子    (20090818)



「 ☆☆☆☆( ←私の名前です )に、先生、お願いがあるんだ、聞いてくれる? 」
「 なに?センセー? 」と、一応、話だけでも聞いてみようと思いました。
( 過去日記・中学校時代・スモックでの出来事です。 )

話したことは、ほとんどありません。 小学校時代、私はイジメのターゲットだったからです。

「 お願い、☆☆☆☆!☆☆☆☆にしか!頼めないんだ!お願い!! 」と。

「 朝の登校だけでもいいんだ、☆☆☆☆が、○○○○○( ←登校拒否の子 )さんを、学校に連れてきてくれたら、あとは先生がやるから、とにかくつれて来て欲しいんだ!お願い!! 」と、、、
< 大人の事情 >か、< 純粋に、先生が、同情 >したのか、解かりませんが、、、
「 できるかどうか解かんないけど、とりあえず、行くだけいってみるよ、明日からでいいんでしょ? 」と。



今回の登校拒否の子も、< そういうこと・か >と、思いました。 どこか、善意的には受け止められず。

おとなしそうな母親が出てきました。「 制服を着せようとしたんだけど、着てくれなくて・・・ 」 「 いま、どこにいますか? 」と、彼女の居場所を聞きました。 父親も仕事を休んで、彼女に制服を着せようとしたそうですが、着せる事は出来なかったと聞きました。
制服を、私に着せてくれ、という空気が流れ。 制服を受け取り、彼女のいる洗面所へ向かいました。


彼女に、「 制服、着て 」と、言いました。 彼女はうつむいたまま、無言でした。
私は、「 着て。 学校へ行こう。 」と、彼女に制服を渡しましたが受け取らず。しばらく、「 着て 」と、話しかけていたのですが、イヤイヤをするように、うつむくばかりで。

かなり、カチン!と来て、「 テメー!着ろよ!コノヤロー!! 」と、ブチ切れてしまいました。
彼女は抵抗します。私は無理やり着せようとします。 なに、甘えてんだ!コノヤローと。

「 着ろよ!テメー!学校、行くんだろ?さっさと着ろ!! 」と、怒鳴りつけたと思います。


「 テメー着ろよ! 」と、言ったところで、彼女が私に反撃をしてきました。
そのパンチは重く。いままでケンカしてきたほかの誰よりも、強く。 少年のパンチ力よりも、遥かに強く。
と、同時に。これだけの「 チカラ 」があるのなら、いくらでも、イジメの構図を

ケンカは、「 パワー 」じゃない。意志力だと、相手の心を折ったほうがほとんどの場合、強いのだと、、、、、
もちろん、リスク( 傷害 )を覚悟の上での、反撃も覚悟の上でした。
「 テメー!学校へこれないようにしてやる!ふざけんな!! 」と。
彼女が、一番恐れていた「 言葉 」。。。


彼女の両親は、私に「 お礼 」を、いいます。 「 ありがとう 」と、「 ごめんなさいね 」と、、、私は、お礼と謝罪の中、帰されました。


別室へ移されました。先生が泣きながら、「 ありがとう 」「 ごめんね 」を、繰り返しました。
「 もう、いいから。☆☆☆☆( ←私の名前です )ごめんね!ありがとうね! 」と。

私は、謝りたかったんだよ。彼女に。 なんで、引き離すの? うやむやにするの?
謝りたいんだ。。。先生。 謝らせてよ、、、、、、、、、、、、






>スモック    (20090814)

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