(Oddly Enough?) 2 "receipt" of the president-
· Tax Office
Social insurance
Near 10-year until the whistle-blowing. . . Is the word-of (mother) Vice President (father), president
"~ I do not have and money Taman worked well how much" president Vice President "You'll be going from motorboat"
"I do too much choice but calculated? I will not Taman is why-even-money working much?" President · "I · Yeah..."
"(Mother) 's do you use to offset! Much-he?" President "Have not heard from... Do not know ..." I
(Father) are together, will not go! I owe, how much! Every time? Also you to borrow money in secret to me-even-Zahir ud-Din Muhammad, not just the money of the company (mother of father) "He Vice President would not you know, I'm going to? "
"I do not know, not get out of the car,,," I
Demo father (is, and when I go to my grandmother's house-was-almost does not depend on.
When I talk from the younger brother and sister-in does not go, but seems to have dropped-almost-every time,,,,)
The company's accounting. . . I think we need to be healthy, even the company itself is a glass-most- I think he-and high-speed the most, and grow And more than anything else,,, In most cases, the mental burden, and he goes missing, I think,,,
>社長の・「 領収書 」2( こぼれ話? )
2010-03-17 15:33:46 テーマ:零細の光明と晦冥
社長( 父 )・副社長( 母 )の・言葉です
・社長「 いくら働いても・カネが貯まんないな~ 」
・副社長「 あんたが・競艇いくからでしょ 」
・社長「 いくら働いても・なんで・カネが貯まんないんだろうな?ざる計算過ぎるのかな? 」
・私「 ・・・そうだね。。。 」
・社長「 あいつ( 母 )は・いくら!お布施に使っているんだ!? 」
・私「 ・・・判んない。。。聞いてないから 」
・副社長「 あいつ( 父 )は・会社のカネだけじゃなく・ババー( 父の実母 )にも・私に内緒でカネ借りにいってんだろ!?毎回!いくら・借りてんだ!?お前も・一緒に行くんだから・知ってんだろ? 」
・私「 車から降りないから・判んない、、、 」
( でも・父は、私と行くときは・ほとんど・祖母の家には・寄りませんでした。
弟妹からの話では・私が行かないときは・ほとんど・毎回・立ち寄っていたようですが、、、 )
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