
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

How much a night? (20080222)

Was taken at a store near family, and dinner. Could your shop have a relationship of close family.So, even customers of this shop, I knew that most people, their parents were friends and acquaintances.

As always, people gather to shop, to the bow. If shake the conversation, answered with a smile.

Meals at the end, leaving the table is our family.Is a common human parents, my old friend, the seat and stood together.Has a bad feeling.I have this uncle, did not like much.At every opportunity, was coming from a casual touch.Fathers are spoofing the accounting, I was a little off with me waiting for the light.

Why? The step is about 10, I wonder away? And became the question.But, we went to the father difficult.As fathers and block me, because I was standing in front of uncle.Uncle, a little drunk on sake, is laughing as usual.Uncle, is an unpleasant laugh, did not like somewhere.And next to the chest, buttocks. Was coming from touching the thighs and arms.And somewhere. Was because remember, the maternal grandfather. The behavior of drunken grandfather. Body odor and his grandfather, have been caught that sexual.

Uncle, grabbed me on the shoulder,"Overnight? How much" and has been heard."If about 50,000 yen, I'm fine""This remains,? Or going to the hotel and".

I was shocked.To someone else, if it is said, was fine kit.But this uncle. Old-fashioned, common parents were friends.From such a person, I am a "kind eye", and I've been seen. Himself, was not only the subject of hatred.In front of the eyes, even though one parent,,, I, what did you say "subject-such",,,Another, in me, it was sloppy. To want to get away, laughing.To a tight fit, laughing. Only a laugh, only "cool-pretend," I can no longer go.

As if nothing had happened,"Do not go. I'm sorry," said said. Laughing, "Adokenaku" said.So that it does not hurt Uncle, the Pride, while paying close attention, somewhere.Very strong, to protect themselves, defense instinct seemed to be working.Because I knew, the "violence", after the man hurt. So, because he was scared.Their eyes. That voice. Its action.

A night of people, so as to suppress the nausea, I cried.But what are you crying yourself why, gradually, we will not know. Meaning of that there are no, I went no longer know.Their own feelings, with each passing day, I went no longer know. No longer grasp, I went.



一晩いくら?     (20080222)

夕食を、近くのお店で家族でとりました。 家族ぐるみのお付き合いをしているお店でした。

いつものように、お店に集まる人たちに、会釈をし。 会話を振られれば、笑顔で答えました。


胸の横や、おしり。 太ももや腕を触ってくるからでした。
それに、どこか。 母方の祖父を、思い出すからでした。 祖父の酔った行動を。 祖父の体臭や、捕まってされた性的なこと。

「 一晩、いくら? 」と、聞いてきました。
「 5万円くらいなら、大丈夫だよ 」
「 このまま、ホテルへ行こうか? 」と。

けれど、このおじさんは。 昔ながらの、父母共通の友達でした。
そんな人からも、私は「 そういう目 」で、見られているんだと。 自分自身が、嫌悪の対象でしかありませんでした。
目の前には、父母が居るのに、、、私は、「 そういう・対象 」なんだと、、、
もう、私の中は、ぐちゃぐちゃでした。 逃れたいのに、笑ってる。
キツイのに、笑ってる。 笑うことしか、「 平気な・フリ 」しか、できなくなって行きました。

「 行かない、ごめんね。 」と、言いました。 笑いながら、「 あどけなく 」言いました。
人を傷付けたあとの、「 暴力 」を、私は知っていたからです。 とても、怖かったからです。
その目が。 その声が。 その行動が。

けれど、なんで自分が泣いているのか、だんだん、判らなくなりました。 泣く事の意味が、判らなくなって行きました。
自分の感情が、日を追うごとに、判らなくなって行きました。 掴めなくなって、行きました。

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