
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Copperplate relief (20090808)

In art class, it was decided to make a relief copperplate.I have the theme, select the pointer dog sideways, along the photo to the draft, Sowase to draft a nail, and began production.Nori, a very fun feeling unusually concentrated, at once went forward to finishing.

The spotted part of the pointer, caught my hand. In the mechanical pencil, but I was able to "expression" well.Emergency, when it comes to expression in the nail, can make a dent in the copperplate, but you can not draft or as shown in the picture, can not be represented well.Suddenly, I tried to tilt about a 45 degree angle, have a nail with his left hand.If you slide, "What will happen? And "It was because I thought.

Copperplate, you could very well represented, a part of, "butyl" in and feel like a wound, feeling a little dent.I further, feeling came aboard Te, to concentrate at once, I went and finish.Then came an art teacher,Is, What happened "(part of butyral) This"? And "that we have heard, and then diagonally across the nail, I showed how to reproduce.Teacher, I am surprised. Teacher was still a young man.To say "Thank you? I will tell", in next to me, I was watching.

I, at this time, I wondered.Why? Would not be said and thank you, thank you? And, so, now a strange feeling.Teacher is much, a little bit away from my work, was because I knew it was seeing.

Then, how to make, and want to tell of, "butyl" is boys and girls were near immediately, we have gathered.I have the nail as usual, was doing the actual show. To say "Thank you", everyone went back to their seats.Teacher had seen it, told me.Was very badly from having a sense of incongruity, it was staring me in the face talk with "I'll tell you", was frightened.

-Usually not a tell? And,,,,,,,,,This is Why get connected would become one of the elements and personnel entertainment, at work or some sarcasm? And,,,

But I remember more than that, it was very shock.And "to a teacher",,, would say such a thing, why? I remember, and, it was very shock.Surprisingly, "I am heterogeneity" Is was so? And,,,

Teacher said."If properly made (this is the name of I ←) ○ ○ ○ ○, also frame, and I'll be exhibited at the contest, Try to hold on" and.However, my mood would swoop.And, to make the frame, we finished in suitable they almost completely, so excited was not interested.It was exhibited at the Competition, was the work of the boy came to hear the recipe made of butyrate, a very elaborate frame.

Could have made during the fourth graders "vase of elephant" has previously been exhibited at the contest.But heard from the teacher to fall in the middle of the exhibition, and had shattered, did you see that vase exhibits.Covered with cellophane tape was around.I remember teacher said, "Because poor, I got them on display," and it was said.Separately, was not in the work there was a fondness.However, "Please use a lot of color" elementary school teacher, I was told, as it is with the striped in primary colors, the front of the color paint 12, was only made a vase of striped elephant.

May not be obsessed with something, be it a nature that can not be absolutely. . .


If you can not understand, why is feeling,,, I'm sorry. Their own feelings,,,,,,

From this diary, the past, in a way that will "fix-add, again at a later date", you will proceed. . .I'm sorry. . . . . . Absolutely, my feeling is I do not get a good grip.Memories and feelings, it does not lead well. I'm sorry,,,

Right now our children are suffering from that, please, that we saved a little,,,,,,,,,,,,



銅版レリーフ    (20090808)


ポインターのブチの部分に、手がとまりました。シャーペンでは、うまく「 表現 」できたのですが。
『 滑らせたら、どうなるんだろう? 』と、思ったからでした。

銅版は、気持ち少し凹み、そしてキズのような感じで、「 ブチ 」の部分を、とてもよく表現できました。
「 これ( ブチの部分 ) 」は、どうしたんだ? 」と、聞いてきたので、釘を斜めにしてと、やり方を再現して見せました。
先生は、驚いています。 まだ若い男の先生でした。
「 教えてくれるんだ?ありがとう 」と言って、私の横で、見てました。


すると、直ぐに近くにいた少年少女たちが、「 ブチ 」の作り方、教えて欲しいと、集まってきました。
私は、普通に釘を持って、実際にやって見せました。みんな、「 ありがとう 」と言って、各自の席へ戻って行きました。
「 教えてあげるんだ 」と、酷く驚いた表情で私を凝視して話したのを、とても酷く違和感を持ったからでした。


「 先生なのに 」と、、、どうして、そんなことを言うのだろう?と、とてもショックだったのを、覚えています。
そんなに驚くほど、「 私は・異質 」だったの?と、、、

「 ○○○○( ←私の名前です )、額縁もちゃんと作ったら、コンクールに出展させてあげるから、頑張りなさい 」と。

小学校4年生のときに作った「 象さんの花瓶 」が以前、コンクールに出展されたことがありました。
先生曰く、「 可哀想だから、展示させてもらったんだ 」と、言われたのを覚えています。
ただ、小学校の先生が「 色をたくさん使ってください 」と、言われたので、12色の絵の具ぜんぶを、そのままの原色でシマシマに使って、シマシマの象さんの花瓶を作っただけでした。




これより、過去日記は、「 後日・あらためて・追加修正 」していくようなカタチで、進ませていただきます。。。


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