
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Rank of the car up (20090810)

My father was a man from taking a license from the car, after the inspection of every three years, do not ride the same car even once, such as status.However, as the company gradually increases, it is now no longer make sense.Develop a feeling of distrust to his father, who was the title of the destination entertainment went from increasing.

Even though much, raising the rank of the car and my mother, and had better stop, my father will not listen.And how to be "How the clouds", I went to consult.I would like to raise the rank of the car, Could you advise on the type of surroundings? The effect that the said.

Then, seems to have been the roar.But! The president "You are small but certainly, our job title of the destination you have got, the salaryman's everyone!Position might be above you, You're not a low income than you, everyone!Look that you have got a job, go to work each morning in the car that the high-grade than their own,Do you think I think I'll turn the job to you! ? And ", seems to have been the roar.

Father, give up this year it Kaikaeru the car, I took the car until the next inspection.But, from the year of the next inspection, I gained one grade size of the car.As an alternative that, I let out the front, the "restructuring of the house."Instead of not rebuilt the house, and bought a new car you want.

Restructuring of the house also, because they were not made to face much better entertainment destination, and I was not able to be rebuilt."How the clouds," says.And "? Do you think I think from our own, I live in a house, good car ride, and I'll turn the work into that kind of guy."The entertainment, also be done at home, often, there was.Was a dirty old house. Each animal was a dog and a cat. In the house had been sharpened nails in one's own sweet way Dari.But it showed. Leave, showed me there.

More entertainment destination, has seen rising, the "family-and home."And in that home, whether that reputation for themselves how, seemed to have come to make sure.This is, would probably be a "elements" of one of the entertainment, I think. Whether Helps build a trust relationship. . .

And, "is you,? I was a child always answer the phone," and in many cases, we get to remember my name and face.From the following entertainment is now many things are called by my family and near his home and snacks after the meal.Reception of the Father, the spread of personal connections is thus little by little, I went big spread.Accordingly, we went to bigger companies soaring.But, probably because of gambling father, even if the company no matter how large, that level of home life did not change.


I did hate karaoke. Because it was tone deaf. At all, because there was no rhythm from the solution.But, to entertain because it was "necessary", it is now singing.As usual, pitch and rhythm, but did not completely solved than, the other, so-what attitude was mid.

I sang happily. In some cases, did not release the microphone. We sang together. Narration, I put.However, the karaoke was very painful.


↓ is a supplement-of-20110703 From this point on,,,

> (Oddly Enough?) 2 "receipt" of the president-http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10484124520.html"I do too much choice but calculated? I will not Taman is why-even-money working much?" (Father), president· "I · Yeah..."

"(Mother) 's do you use to offset! Much-he?" (Father), president"Have not heard from... Do not know ..." I

(Father) is, but. He? I owe, how much! Every time? You to borrow money in secret to me-even-Zahir ud-Din Muhammad, not just the money of the company (mother of father) "He (mother) Vice President would not you know, I'm going along, also? "

"I do not know, not get out of the car,,," IDemo father (is, and when I go to my grandmother's house-was-almost does not depend on.When I talk from the younger brother and sister-in does not go, but seems to have dropped-almost-every time,,,,)

> Life history?

> I am shopping-and-mother and

> How do you spend your evening (20090721)

> Happening, a lot of shops and brother-in? Special?ゞ Deshi~tsu 2 (● · ω ·)!
"Work"-as a matter of course-and is-> To me, as a responsibility and duty was imposed,
↑ at the age of 10

• Most did not, until about 25 to 26 years old I salary• Is salary is about 10,000 yen, to human society. Had bought their own lunch, as well as television and
↑ spring offensive? Through the? Few years?> Last about a little-100000-final will be 50,000 yen (laughs> to 30,000 yen

When he moved to Chiba intend one stop, the company (is gratuitous,,,, ", and doubtless! Would muscle goes out education and re-the brother of Education (President) from the ending"-, ,, (^ ^ and I do so;;;?? and I think now>,,, and where, the first place, year-one that Aitata Tatatatata ~ I I wonder what reason barrel stupid idiot is transportation · The amount and was forgetting? I asked what had been 40 to 600,000 yen in a month, including educational expenses. Ron Paul: Something like that)

↑ (^ ^;;; "? Binbo" among> is I thought I was far-and-a-smile he (

> And he fulfilled that part does not fall in the cost-to-in the "entertainment" (^ ^;;

What I can not be helped, even if there is no salary-me-so? And? (^ ^;?? Your mind to quit, the company> such as salary, so I did not have interest, is almost all situations (^ ^;;

• Even if there is something the company quit (← What have-want-to a minimum as a point of view (mother, father, brother) management team, the "skill up" to go around-even if not, anyway I (; I was going off the edge->;; ^ ^), so I did not want to be "restless and easily-summoned" • Each time the

But well, well? Think about it, (laughs

Father's company and now is a company-wide of about ¥ 10 billion in annual revenues. > Growth was soaring, almost from the company at the time of establishment.

↑ a "salary" of I-N ~ gaff · I do not wish to look at de-monkey does not really smile ← ~ ☆ (? Σ (Roh ∀ `*) ー Pec Aitatatata

* I-and-mother and amoeba
But I,,,"Alimony"-is-only-so mother-What is it, "400,000 yen""Said 400,000 yen per month", while Ali has annual sales of 1 billion-(I've heard this year-from-brother. Closing right shoulder of next year, but is falling for the first time-It is said that the decisions)

You da not "crushed" by yourself-

I for-face-of-their own or ecstasy

I was surprised,,, (laughs
Aho and what was up about this,,, 's I was surprised,,, (laughs
-It seems helpless mother, and. Can not do anything-really-yourself-be want to die, and go with you, "the results that are expected as soon as batch after every-thing-I I said that ( I really want to die ")

And mass of overburden sand seat *,,, "Ticket (Die)"
Father's company is closing next year, lost revenue for the first time, is expected.

This is a single data-

Will-and as one sample,,,

As we will be saved-even a little-children-are suffering from bullying and abuse right now,,,

Everyone for Adult Children are suffering, still, even a little, as we will be saved,,,



車のランクアップ       (20090810)


「 雲の上の方 」とされる方に、相談しに行きました。

「 お前は確かに零細だが社長だ!だけど、お前が貰っている仕事先の役職たちは、みんなサラリーマンだ!  

その代替案として、「 家の建て直し 」を、前面にだしました。

「 雲の上の方 」が言います。
「 自分たちより、いい家に住んで、いい車に乗って、そんなヤツに仕事を回してやろうと思うと思うのか? 」と。

接待先の方は、「 家や・その家族 」を、見たがりました。
これが、接待の一つの「 要素 」なのだろうと、思います。 信頼関係を築けるのかどうか。。。

そして、「 きみが、いつも電話に出る子だね? 」と、私の顔と名前を多くの場合、覚えてもらえました。
父の接待は、人脈の広がりは、こうして少しずつ、大きく広がっていきました。 それにあわせ、会社も右肩上がりに大きくなっていきました。 けれど、父のギャンブルのせいか、どんなに会社が大きくなっても、家の生活レベルが変わる事はありませんでした。


私は、カラオケが大嫌いでした。 音痴だったからです。 リズムがまったく、解からなかったからです。
けれど、接待に「 必要 」だったので、歌うようになりました。

楽しそうに歌いました。 時には、マイクを離しませんでした。 一緒に歌いました。 ナレーションも、入れました。



>社長の・「 領収書 」2( こぼれ話? )


・社長( 父 )「 いくら働いても・なんで・カネが貯まんないんだろうな?ざる計算過ぎるのかな? 」

・私「 ・・・そうだね。。。 」

・社長( 父 )「 あいつ( 母 )は・いくら!お布施に使っているんだ!? 」

・私「 ・・・判んない。。。聞いてないから 」

・副社長( 母 )「 あいつ( 父 )は・会社のカネだけじゃなく・ババー( 父の実母 )にも・私に内緒でカネ借りにいってんだろ!?毎回!いくら・借りてんだ!?お前も・一緒に行くんだから・知ってんだろ? 」

・私「 車から降りないから・判んない、、、 」

( でも・父は、私と行くときは・ほとんど・祖母の家には・寄りませんでした。

  弟妹からの話では・私が行かないときは・ほとんど・毎回・立ち寄っていたようですが、、、 )





>夕方の過ごし方      (20090721)




そして・「 仕事 」は・当たり前のように・






( 会社を・辞めつつもりで・千葉に引っ越した時には・「 弟を・再教育( 社長教育 )終わらせてから・出ていくのがスジだろう!! 」と・いわれ、、、確かに、、、そうかな?と(^^;;;>今思うと、、、ここが、、、そもそも、、、アホのアホたるゆえん?なんだろうな?アイタタタタタタタ~。その・1年間は・交通費・教育費込みで・月40~60万円もらってたのかな?金額・忘れましたが。そのくらいです )

       ↑(^^;;;>うちは・「 ビンボー? 」なのだと・ずっと・思ってたんですね(笑

>「 接待 」で・経費で落ちない部分を・まかなっているのだと(^^;;;


とにかく・私がいなくても・まわっていけるように・「 スキルアップ 」を・経営陣( 父・母・弟 )に・最低限の視点として・持ってほしくって( ←会社辞めても・なにかあるたびに・「 ちょこちょこ・簡単に・召喚 」されたくなかったので(^^;;;>縁を切る・つもりだったので )



     ↑私の・「 給料 」が・でないはず・ないんだよなあ・・・ぎゃふ~ん~☆(笑 ←ホントの・ザル?Σ(ノ∀`*)ペチ アイタタタター




だから・母の・「 慰謝料 」は・たった・「 40万円 」なんだよ

10億の・年商が・ありながらの・「 月額40万円 」だ

( 今年・弟から・聞きました。けれど・来年決算は・初めての右肩下がりが・決定しているそうです )

あなたが・自分で・「 つぶした 」んだ




( そのあと・散々・言ったけどね・事の次第と予測される結果を。そして・母は・「 おまえといると・死にたくなる・自分が・本当に・なにもできない無力に思えて・本当に死にたくなるんだ 」 )

*砂被りと升席の、、、「 チケット( 代 ) 」







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