
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Curved finger (20090824)

Such as "road-map-name of the person or place name-face-" I will, absolutely, I can not remember.I think from an early age, strong in themselves to blame, have been multiplied by suggestion.Somehow, I felt familiar, such as those that, while thinking in my head, talking to people.

One day. Forthcoming graduation time.Always was by my side, two people can ~Tsu was bullied, but has been uncommon to talk."Mr. ○ ○ ○, you know?"Our conversation she was just such a story.The only name of those who have been referred to as bad was on the two hang out, and mainly my cousin,Was out why.

From cousin, sometimes, it had been listening to a lot of talk, or someone not in it? And.In addition, a time of year, and came to the classroom, in the schoolyard and hallway, a voice every time I see meI have over me, and I wish someone would be in it, I felt."Maybe, I know,? What it is," So was repeated, the answer just like say a half-hearted, and.

In such repetition, the smaller girl said to me.(Is a girl who began to come out to the Pride past junior high school diary, my name.)"Mr. (name of the I ←), always, a pile of shit! Do not know Jean ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆" and.I, Kachin! I came with, and angry. They are, as it is, has disappeared.I think, while annoyed, to have been irritated. That has been branded as a liar, could not endure.

And, always, to do something obedient habit, as long as today, even confrontational attitude for some reason, was in a fit of anger.

Then, When I was finished eating a dinner of a man, I forgot someone, my phone rang.Remember that content, "I always, and lying, those two, I'm around" with, was that.At once, along with the anger of the above, was cut butyrate.Takes a heavy wooden sword my father was in the warehouse, I went running to the front door. Forcefully, sister slipped on the carpet. Step has become, on the stairs at the entrance, has gone addicted buttocks.~ Too! Anger! Is shaking! Shame, Yara disgusting! !But I had hooked buttocks does not slip out. I ~ too! ! - Frustrating! ! ! ~ Haradatsu! ! !

His brother, laughing, pulling me was me. Until then, I had to return a wooden sword and counsel.Now, while laughing, pulling me was me.Another, but still angry! The thrust of the wooden sword on a bicycle, I went to her house smaller.But did not anyone. Reluctantly, she went to the estate of the larger.

When she arrived at the apartment complex inhabited, a bicycle parked near the stairs, and wooden sword in hand, I noticed the eyes of some.Years, the girl does not change with me, looking at me.I suck with, and made a threat "Uze! Disappear! Temera! I beat to death" like.(This is, in high school, to pay the price of something like self-esteem. Now)The girls went running. I am still in his hand a wooden sword, went to her room the larger.

Ring the chime, I yelled. And! "Teme!, Come on out."Parents, and she Protect an. I leave the anger, issue, something like that! "Ola! Daseyo".She is, from a distance, you apologize. Crying. Parents, it will lower the head and nervous, "Please forgive me."While with Ira,And "Teme! Tell me that (the smaller ←,. Is the name of the girl) ○ ○ ○ ○ Where the whereabouts?"Whereabouts is that I do not say from the solution, tomorrow, be sure and bring in front of me, do not fit to hold back his anger.Anyway, I decided to go home.

The next morning, only the larger of the back girl, did not come to school.She was Tsumeyori. "○ ○ ○ ○, we do it? Teme!" And.She, while atrophy. "Night of today, be sure to bring from,? What should I take to go where," and asked,

Moment, night or I! Pitch! Innovation, while thinking, I looked, the place seems to be able to talk.Most, so hard to find the people divided on the three and a cousin, the glass window of the school, a Shinto shrine, there was specified.

She is large, said, "than was solved", much fight is far from being lost, so had to atrophy, was forgiveness.

At night, the time we finished our meals. What did they call, or incoming, but do not remember.So because it comes with a story to the shrine, and want to come to me, I went to the shrine.However, even if only a little, she does not appear smaller.While I with Ira, her large, was Tsumeyori.! "Teme'm enshrine! Innovation playfully, seriously!! I Bun'nagun" and.She is, and, soon will come from another, you soothe me.

After a while, she came smaller.I was relocated to the rear of the shrine. Two girls, we have atrophy. All, we arrived at suitable."Hey, I Teme.? Even with? What did you say a lie," and to remain sullen, and sold the fight.She is the smaller, comes earnestly apologized. I do not forgive.And! "Teme! I" Gimme a break, grab the nape of the neck, and sold the fight.Still, she is single-mindedly, comes to apologize without looking at the eyes.I think "! Nigga do not sell! Fight much apologize if", and thrust down.

She is, in feet, not picking a fight! I'm sorry! And, again, come to apologize.With Ira is invited. Was kicking. And "!" Gimme a break.Grasp the scruff of her, and! "Well in Ne I licked." I glared.Earnestly, she "does not lick! I'm sorry!" And, come to apologize.With Ira is invited. If much apologize, I Ne in Well to imitate was born yesterday? ! And,,,Was beaten, her smaller. Still, the body is about 10cm it was larger than I am.

"That antics,? Teme? What" and.We scattered, hidden behind the human, place and protect the body, motherfucker ! And. Was Naguritobashi.She apologized to earnestly, to protect from my own body, rounded. Will continue to apologize.Nausea was likely to. This servile attitude. And, in a place not of my trumpet. . . Dirty! ! ! Then, one-sided violence, was likely to nausea."You're saying!! Gimme a break if a fight! Teme I bring it on! Sold! What I'll buy," saidBeaten, kicked down. Attracted, her, let me raise the face, was yelling.And! "Hey! Come suffering."She turned away. Single-mindedly, you have apologized. I do not forgive. Leave the anger, was beaten.She is nothing but was only apologize. Feeling bad! ! ! ! ! ! !Dirty! ! ! Do not you resist me, why? ? ? Feeling bad! ! ! ! !

The other, I fight her, was also good copper. Was beaten. Again and again.If you come to fight back, but if you say. In order to protect themselves, come to counterattack! ! And. . . . . . .But, she rounded on the ground, from me, to protect the stomach and head, had just rounded.Beat tired, I stood up. Kick was defeated. And "! Ola! Come suffering."She is moaning, just did apologize. Feeling bad! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Exhausted. When I was no longer beat physical strength.At your feet, looking down, her crouch, the nausea was suppressed.Still, one-sided violence, the girls are subservient, very, bad feelings, there was no way in the gills.I was spitting out lines discarded. "Again,? Teme! Do not offend me."Her smaller, it will earnestly apologized to. She is also the larger the body, and have apologized.Bad feelings, reluctantly. I was after that place.

On the way home, I noticed that the finger is aching.A look at the finger, except thumb, most finger, was bent.Second and third indirect-first, the mess was winding. I was surprised.Look at the finger, rather than pain, was attacked by nausea. Feeling bad! ! ! Nanikore? ? ? And,,,And the next moment, was attacked with anxiety. This finger, what can I do? ? ? And,,,

To cry, while becoming uneasy. In addition, looking at that, the winding, the finger feeling bad, reduce the nausea.When I came home, there was a father.Been prepared for being angry, to his father, and "Papa ...", was held out his finger.

My father, a look at my finger, and then his face and "Hey stupid," very sad,And? "Why did fight," has been heard.And I "" Yes, in a tearful face, was the answer.My father, then to fit my hands, gave me a warm and wrapped both hands of his father."Besides, I do not" and.And, "I hurt a little, color to be patient," said said. I nod.

I have no bad feelings that want to see the finger, was turned away.My father went back, the joints of my fingers one by one bent.That feeling is very bad feeling. Was queezy.When all indirect has become the reason yuan, father, "the other, I do not", and theGave me a voice over gently.I looked at my finger, in a gentle voice of his father, surprised, was filled full.

The next morning, and go to school, two girls, was waiting for me in the classroom.When I sit down, stand in front of me, has apologized. Very, bad, was with Vic.Seemed to be afraid of the bullying. In its attitude, mood will be worse, and the other, do not want to see,"Another, from the good," and he was turned away.Yet, Tage was say something, I put the jersey on the desk, rounded, made a gesture to sleep.Girls, but was like standing still for a while, I went back to their desks as it is.As I dug, was leaked a sigh, somewhere. . . And bad feelings,,,

Another, to me, though not,,,,,,,,,,,,, feeling bad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Another, forgive me,,, again, forgive me,,,,,,,,,,,, again, truly, and forgive, God,,,,,,,,,I was crying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,


From this point ↓

The Night of the day
I did not sleep,,,,

> When trying to do "(bad-is-far from kick-far from beaten) if they die",,,
> When trying to do "(,,, I think, had seen the news-boy-died-in visceral rupture in the case of bullying) • The rupture internal organs if they die",,,

However, just,,, scary

Over time, it tries to verify the safety of girls, tomorrow morningMorning to becomeI was waiting, in the sense of fear,,,

-> Middle school diary and reprint past -
> Pride (20070901)



まがった指     (20090824)

私は「 人の名前や・顔・地名・地図・道 」などが、どうしても、覚えられません。

「 ○○○さん、知ってる? 」

だから、「 たぶん、判るけど、それがなに? 」と、言うような生半可な返事ばかりを、繰り返してました。

( 過去日記・中学校時代・プライド・に出てくる、私の名前を出した方の少女です。 )
「 ☆☆☆☆( ←私の名前です )さん、いつも、ウソばっかり!知らないじゃん! 」と。
私は、カチン!ときて、怒ったと思います。 彼女たちは、そのまま、消えました。
私は、ムッとしながら、イラついていたと思います。 ウソツキ呼ばわりされたことに、我慢が出来ませんでした。


覚えている内容は、私が『 いつも、ウソをついていると、あの二人、言いまわっているよ 』との、ことでした。


ムカついて、「 ウゼー!!消えろ!ぶっ殺すぞ!テメーラ!! 」みたいな威嚇をしたと思います。
( これは、高校時代で、自尊心のようなものを支払う代償に、なりました。 )
少女たちは、走って行きました。 私はそのまま、木刀を手に持ち、大きいほうの彼女の部屋へ向かいました。

チャイムを鳴らし、怒鳴りつけました。「 出て来い!テメー!! 」と。
両親が、彼女をかばいます。「 出せよ!オラ!! 」みたいなことを、私は怒りのままに、発します。
彼女が、遠くから、謝ります。泣きながら。 両親は、オロオロと「 許してください 」と頭を下げてきます。
「 ○○○○( ←小さいほうの、少女の名前です。 )どこにいる?居場所を教えろテメー! 」と。

彼女に、詰め寄りました。「 ○○○○は、どーした?テメー!!! 」と。
彼女は、萎縮しながら。 「 今日の夜、必ず連れてくるから、どこに連れて行けばいいですか? 」と、聞かれ、


大きい彼女は、「 解かりました 」と言って、戦意喪失どころではないくらい、萎縮してたので、許しました。

「 いつくんだよ!テメー!ふざけてっと、マジ!!ぶん殴んぞ!! 」と。

私は、神社の裏手に場所を移しました。 二人の少女は、萎縮しています。 全てが、ムカつきました。
「 オイ、テメー。私がなんだって?ウソつきだって? 」と、不機嫌なままに、ケンカを売りました。
「 ふざけんなよ!テメー! 」と、襟首を掴み、ケンカを売りました。
「 謝るくらいなら!ケンカ売るんじゃねーよ!! 」と、突き倒したと思います。

イラつきが募ります。蹴り飛ばしました。「 ふざけんな! 」と。
彼女の襟首を掴み、「 なめてんじゃねーぞ! 」と。睨みつけました。
ひたすら、彼女は、「 なめてません!すみませんでした!! 」と、謝って来ます。
小さい方の彼女を、殴りつけました。 それでも、体は私より10cmくらい大きかったのですが。

「 あのふざけた態度は、なんだ?テメー!? 」と。 
「 かかってこいよ!テメー!売ったケンカなら!買ってやるって言ってんだろ!!ふざけんな!!! 」と、
殴りつけ、蹴り倒し。 彼女を、引き寄せ、顔を上げさせて、怒鳴りつけました。
「 かかってこいよ!オイ!! 」と。
彼女は、顔をそむけ。ひたすらに、謝ってきます。私は、許しません。 怒りのままに、殴りつけました。
彼女は、ただただ、謝るばかりでした。 気持ちが悪い!!!!!!!
キタナイ!!! なぜ、私に抵抗しないの??? 気持ちが悪い!!!!!

もう、彼女の戦意なんて、どうでもよかった。 殴りつけました。何度も何度も。
反撃してくるなら、してくればいい。 自身を守るために、反撃してこいよ!!と。。。。。。。
殴り疲れ、私は立ち上がり。 蹴り倒しました。 「 かかってこいよ!オラ!! 」と。
彼女は、うめきながら、謝るばかりでした。  気持ちが悪い!!!!!!!!

疲れ果て。 殴る体力もなくなった頃。
私は、捨てセリフを吐きました。「 二度と、私を怒らせるなよ?テメー! 」と。
小さいほうの彼女は、ひたすらに謝ってきます。 体の大きいほうの彼女も、謝ってきます。
気持ちが悪くて、仕方なく。 私は、その場を後にしました。

第一・第二・第三間接が、ぐちゃぐちゃに、まがりくねってました。 びっくりしました。
その指をみて、痛みよりも、吐き気に襲われました。 気持ちが悪い!!!ナニコレ???と、、、
そして、次の瞬間、不安に襲われました。 この指、どうしよう???と、、、

泣きそうに、不安になりながら。 また、その、まがりくねった、気持ちの悪い指を見ながら、吐き気を抑え。
怒られるのを覚悟して、父に、「 パパ・・・ 」と、指を差し出しました。

父は、私の指を見て、「 馬鹿だなあ 」と、とても悲しそうな顔をして、
「 ケンカしたのか? 」と、聞いてきました。
私は泣きそうな顔で、「 うん 」と、答えました。
「 もう、するなよ 」と。
そして、「 少し痛いけど、我慢してろ 」と、言われ。 うなずきました。

その感触は、とても、気持ちが悪く。 吐きそうでした。
全ての間接が、元どうりになったとき、父が、「 もう、するんじゃないぞ 」と、

私が席に着くと、私の前に立ち、謝ってきました。 とても、酷く、ビクついてました。
イジメを恐れているようでした。 その態度に、気分が悪くなり、もう、見たくなくて、
「 もう、いいから 」と、言って、顔を背けました。 





>「 死んでしまったら( 殴りどころ・蹴りどころ・が・悪く ) 」どうしようと、、、
>「 内臓破裂で・死んでしまったら( イジメの事件で・内臓破裂で・死んでしまった・少年のニュースを・見ていたと・思います、、、 ) 」どうしようと、、、



>プライド     (20070901)

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