
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Baker's son (20120422)

The admission to junior high school, the time was later.When you look up, dialed voice awakened as usual, I was sleeping at the desk in the classroom languorously.Along with the elementary school boy, had been The most popular, such as foreign-based Middle East Boys (bakery), but has been Tsureda~tsu to my seat.Do not hate. And, I thought.

Boy in elementary school, had been The most popular (elementary school was a power-much-th-3), while bullying, it was me not care about in its own way to me, I knew .Guy "from elementary school age boy of those in power, had been among the girls competing for 1.2 · T of (← class,Most of those in power. Also this girl, even she is bullying, also been getting care about, I think it was true.I, the time of the lower grades in elementary school is named "clunker issue" was "horse" of her. 'll ー I would go home and even play-it-now red in the face and give the name of) my last name (← · H) and! ! To hear from in front of your eyes, "said it had been Hayashitate, this boy was very weak would become,,,And, should still be No. 1 elementary school Mote, also went to the relentless hunt down, the boy transfer student, because it was this boy.

That elementary school age children, come talk to me from up to junior high school, it was almost nil.Everyone seemed to fear, the retaliation of bullying to me in elementary school.Therefore, may not bring the other boy in elementary school, may have come to my place.

• "What?"-I, and return the reply"Yen. 10,000 money, Chodai" system-boy face of the Middle EastI was staring at the same class, the boy was six years of elementary school next to a frown.

Then, "H (← most people, you will be my last name to honorific), the guy you, Give me money to do" has been spoken to in and look, a little tense.I, and compare that to alternating two boys, Well "was a boy the same class in elementary school, whether you're good to go immediately N today? Bet. I'll Donjara three people. Then, I What? "Rather, meaning is not understood, would ~Tsu temper. Than money, because it was still better bet is more Donjara"Donjara do not know, never did. If not tell me, I said,"-I, and returns the word, join now as it is within me.

Boys and that I have a poor awareness, and Middle Eastern foreign-looking boy.In a sigh, "and they issued several options, it is difficult otherwise" it is, and kindergartens and family dysfunction, six years of elementary school bullying. I think that would influence such as work.Closed the living room, I waited for the boys to prepare the tea and sweets.

Chime will sound after a while, boys just came Donjara do have a large set.Through to the living room the boys in mixed sigh, I began to hear a set of rules Donjara.And in it When I was tired and tired after two to three hours, I decided to adjournment. The outcome of this case, do not remember.

After that, the same way several times, we have to do a Donjara into.Elementary school, because it was way home together with me, now also participate girl was often back together.(Please reference. "Birthday party"-era diary past elementary school.)I also knew this girl, and boy was it was like the same class in elementary school, I feel even worse.From this point onward, in Donjara is no longer Toriawa.

Come talk like a boy because of foreign-based Middle East, and "yen. 10000 give me some money", but with the victim.And became Mendokusa network. I had been robbed of her money every day in elementary school, I would pass the 10,000 yen from the sale of the company.Even after that, time and again, but with the victim somehow, so come to a request for money, get confused whether I mad anywhere, borrowed without permission of ¥ 1 million from the company's sales remain confused was a repeat of that pass.I think one or two years, and was followed by such a thing.

Here, even in elementary school boys of the same class, if there was a "request money" if.I think I was angry.But only from this Middle Eastern foreign-looking boy, so have never been requested, there was good I did not know what to do to deal with.If I Aragere a voice, perhaps, this boy would face bullying in the school year.In addition, it heard the third grade, and might lead us to something, had been confused sense of distance is not always grasp.

Boys, it was about the victim to me. I am not that because he was scared.Occasionally cousin, who just graduated three senior, was a local gang leader of hell is because he was scared.My cousin, came to pick such as lunch around me often.

From third grade classroom of grade-2, it. And "Y Senpai!" From men and women of every flashy as well from a distance, because I had been greeted by cheers."Power"-that is I think at the time, in children, would not there was immeasurable.

I, What a fast-and went about his nausea turned to hate is "ass in a lion's skin."

> As an aside.Son of bakery· Baker's son "s 10,000-yen note not to do, you bring in a thousand-yen bill?"· "I am that much Ahahahahaha ~, not on your own!"

Also in this conversation, I remember, it was bad mood of each "power relations" is, seems to be oozing.What he wants, is "money", even though with victim until there, why. To me, could not understand.

Money borrowed without permission from the company had was pretty angry Bale next to hundreds of thousands of parents in elementary school.However, there is a demand of money "" being bullied "" "If you do not have to go, which dumped more violence" and was not really until the end.Family dysfunction.That time again, so were you, such as "(Human Resources, telephone operation and reception site) work", I myself, in the power balance between the family, did not say.



パン屋の息子      (20120422)

小学校時代、一番モテていた男の子と一緒に、中東系外国人のような男の子( パン屋さん )が、私の席へ連れ立ってきました。

小学校時代、一番モテていた男の子( 小学校時代は・3番目くらいの・権力者でした )は、私をイジメながらも、それなりに気にかけていてくれていたのは、しっていたのですが。
小学校時代、1・2を争っていた権力者の男の子から・「 こいつは・T( ←クラスの女の子のなかで、
私は、小学校時代低学年のころは「 オンボロ号 」という名の、彼女の「 馬 」でした。 )と・H( ←私の苗字 )の名前を出すと・すぐに顔を真っ赤にして・遊んでても家に帰っちゃうんだぜー!! 」と、はやし立てていたのを、目の前で聞いてから、この男の子が、とても苦手になってしまいました、、、


・私・「 なに? 」と、返事を返すと
中東系の顔立ちの男の子が・「 お金、ちょーだい。1万円 」

すると、「 H( ←ほとんどの人は、私のことを苗字で呼び捨てにします )、おまえコイツに、お金やってくれよ 」と、少し緊張した面持ちで話しかけてきました。
私が、二人の男の子を交互に見比べていると、小学校時代同クラスだった男の子が・「 じゃあ、今日おまえんち行ってもいいか?三人でドンジャラやろう。賭けて。それなら、いいか? 」
・私・「 ドンジャラ知らない、やったことない。教えてくれるんなら、いいよ 」と、言葉を返し、そのまま私のうちで合流になりました。

ため息の中で、「 いくつかの選択肢を出されてしまうと、断りづらい 」のは、機能不全家族や幼稚園や、小学校6年間のイジメ。仕事などの影響だろうと思います。


( 過去日記・小学校時代・「 誕生日会。 」参照してください。 )

中東系外国人のような男の子が、「 お金ちょうだい。1万円 」と、ビクつきながらも話してくるので。

もしここで、小学校時代同クラスの男の子たちにも、「 お金の要求 」があったのなら。


それを、3年生・2年生の教室から。遠目にも毎回のように派手な男女から「 Yセンパーイ!! 」と、歓声に迎えられていたのですから。
その・「 威力 」は・当時の子供たちの中では、計り知れないものがあったのだろうと思います。

私は、「 虎の威を借る狐 」なのだろうと・どんどん、自分が吐き気がするほど大嫌いになっていきました。

・パン屋の息子・「 1万円札じゃなくて、千円札で持ってきてくれないかな? 」
・私・「 アハハハハハ~そのくらい、自分でなんとかしな!! 」

こんな会話の中にも、それぞれの「 力関係 」が、にじみ出ているようで気分が悪かったのを、覚えています。
なぜ、そこまでビクついているのに、「 お金 」が・欲しがるのか。私には、理解できませんでした。

ですが、「 イジメられている 」「 金銭の要求がある 」「 持って行かないと、もっと暴力を振られる 」とは、最後までいえませんでした。
そのころにはもう、私自身・「 仕事( 現場・電話接待・運営・人事 ) 」などをしていたので、家族間のパワーバランスでも、いえませんでした。

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