
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Gallery (20090805)

• In the perspective of the time (when the children), if you can not really be written.· In addition, very difficult to explain.This time, objectively, you will spelled. Maybe, I think there is more, and infectious.I think this is, hope to be able to be an opportunity to change the environment, or something of little boys and girls, are suffering right now.

(Can also be found in the "Middle school" past elementary school diary.)

• The force has a strong dominant-side that bullying.But, if anything it is "power" in the entire class, but not necessarily so.I think that in many cases, such as power relations from a group of friends in the 3 to 6, and bullying they usually develop.Unlike the bullying of the entire class in this case (↑, many classmates as a gallery, does not perceive.The reason is that there is and if you have "empathy-to-understand reasons for bullying" somewhere,I think that in the group and so different from their own, unless it is overdone bullying, tend to thing that you slew.The cosecant of the degree, or if you have to proceed with the move of their own group from that group, also, such as providing information to the teacher. )

After that, boys and girls and the pattern begins with a lead of a strong power in the entire class, roughly, it seems that these two.Hide things or stain and direct violence. I think it outside, in the eyes of adults, and especially that characterized by hard to reach.If Wu (teacher or adult), children and society changed, create an atmosphere of good human relations.Turnover of this moment (from bullying, chummy situation) to an adult. It may be difficult to detect is not.

Also, I think bullying is "instant-starting", and is also a very delicate. The slightest thing.For example, since some giggles from even pointed to the teacher in class, and misinterpret the textbook, they started bullying.Not clear, the things. Blood, such as eyes always downcast,,,,,,,Women disliked the girls, there is also bullying begins. This is, I think, especially, and it will come to the mental bullying is repeated.* The boys and girls and, or too different attitude, or too different voice.From such a thing, you may inadvertently starts with the entire class.

Request for money.Bullying is a pattern of one, I do not think my network.

Gallery (20090805)

• In the perspective of the time (when the children), if you can not really be written.· In addition, very difficult to explain.This time, objectively, you will spelled. Maybe, I think there is more, and infectious.I think this is, hope to be able to be an opportunity to change the environment, or something of little boys and girls, are suffering right now.

(Can also be found in the "Middle school" past elementary school diary.)

• The force has a strong dominant-side that bullying.But, if anything it is "power" in the entire class, but not necessarily so.I think that in many cases, such as power relations from a group of friends in the 3 to 6, and bullying they usually develop.Unlike the bullying of the entire class in this case (↑, many classmates as a gallery, does not perceive.The reason is that there is and if you have "empathy-to-understand reasons for bullying" somewhere,I think that in the group and so different from their own, unless it is overdone bullying, tend to thing that you slew.
The cosecant of the degree, or if you have to proceed with the move of their own group from that group, also, such as providing information to the teacher. )

After that, boys and girls and the pattern begins with a lead of a strong power in the entire class, roughly, it seems that these two.
Hide things or stain and direct violence. I think it outside, in the eyes of adults, and especially that characterized by hard to reach.
If Wu (teacher or adult), children and society changed, create an atmosphere of good human relations.
Turnover of this moment (from bullying, chummy situation) to an adult. It may be difficult to detect is not.

Also, I think bullying is "instant-starting", and is also a very delicate. The slightest thing.
For example, since some giggles from even pointed to the teacher in class, and misinterpret the textbook, they started bullying.
Not clear, the things. Blood, such as eyes always downcast,,,,,,,Women disliked the girls, there is also bullying begins. This is, I think, especially, and it will come to the mental bullying is repeated.
* The boys and girls and, or too different attitude, or too different voice.
From such a thing, you may inadvertently starts with the entire class.

Request for money.
Bullying is a pattern of one, I do not think my network.

GalleryIn many cases, it is no-touch to their bullying. Sometimes, looking at its bullying, is laughing.To exchange information among other groups, such as, the reason being bullied, and or have seen and heard that while watching the bullying.
Situation, I think there are various.A certain sense. . . I think things that are giggles in the gallery, so can lead to psychological damage and that it.
Side-bulliedEven if there is a problem, there is.To write this (↑, but then you might have been taboo, if not an eye the root,Ultimately, I think bullying is not lost. In addition, I think only become difficult to see the eyes.And gentleness, compassion. Give and take, love forgiveness, I want you to know our own children to such feelings.Bullied because that should do anyone, return times, rather than to human or bullying,,,Now, I want to know the strength and the like to help, the child that being bullied. . .If Rarere bullying, pride is shattered. I'll help the children of the other room, do not have.But, you know the pangs of bullying, the pain is, only boys and girls were in the same bullying, because it does not. . . )
How do I, why there is no bullying children from society,,,Eradication is difficult even if you can stop it, what can be, I do,,,From there, it'll help, what can be,,,How do I, that I'll heal the broken heart, what can be,,, if the party,,,,,,,,
Only. . . Unlike elementary school bullying is to say, in turn, also the side that bullying, bullied side also, and with physical strength.This is direct, and have led to the damage of physical violence.Finally, if you do Hikikomo~tsu home. . .This time, (which I feel,) and wounded in the home, was injured when,,,I think that there would also be developed to domestic violence. . . How much. That the wounded heart.What would be pride and dignity, how, are suffering as a person to shreds,,,
That's why, you may not say to my parents. Is painful.Be put on the mouth is, is that known, pride and dignity,,, how, or most likely suffering as a human being,,,
And, if I feel the future or from social anxiety, the current situation now, further, was cornered and also from the parents in the home.Also does not happen very painful tragedy, it is not limited. . . How do I, how do you like to help you. . .How do children, what will be saved,,, How do I,,,,,,,
> Middle Elementary School (since this is the event of the year about 3 to 4) (20,060,904)
Child being bullied, you remember to laugh. At home, we will behave wearing a bright acting as usual.Bullying is a child of the side that, when adults and teachers are, we will remember that touch or gently, usually in contact with.Children in the middle, called the Gallery, in most cases, will not be implications for both.Side that the hunt = bullyingSide by side to be hunted = bullyingUsually falls on a neutral, teachers and adults to elicit the information side, for all that Kara is the hunt gallery =It may be difficult, you may be able to easily obtain. However, even side by side also hunted hunt,Galleries, and I'm usually experienced by anyone.
I think children now, and he was a child living in a society more sophisticated.How do I, how do you like to improve the nature of the problem underlying such deep-rooted. . . . . . . . . . . .
> Introduction-the "? Madness? Justice of the number of" elementary school-age, will continue to escalate further, now,,,
ギャラリー        (20090805)

・当時の( 子供のときの )視点で、どうしても書く事ができなくて。

( 過去日記・小学校時代「 小学校中学年 」にも記載されてます。 )

 けれど、クラス全体で「 チカラ 」があるのかといえば、必ずしもそうではありません。
 ( ↑この場合・クラス全体のイジメと違い、多くのクラスメイトはギャラリーとして、感知しません。 
    理由は、どこか「 イジメの理由に・納得・共感 」している場合があることと、 
   度を越せば、そのグループから自分たちのグループへの移動を進める場合や、先生などへの情報提供もあります。 )

人( 大人や先生 )がくれば、一変して、仲のよい雰囲気を作り出す子供社会。 
大人がこの瞬間の入れ替わり( イジメから、仲のよいシチュエーション )を。見破るのは難しいかも知れません。

また、イジメが「 始まる・瞬間 」は、とてもデリケートでもあると思うのです。 些細な事。 
 *男子と女子とでは、態度が違いすぎるとか、 声が違いすぎるとか。  


 多くの場合、そのイジメにノータッチです。 ときには、そのイジメを見て、笑っています。


( ↑これを書く事は、タブー視されているのかも知れませんが、根本を見据えなければ、
けれど、イジメのつらさ、苦しさを知っているのは、同じイジメにあった少年少女たちしか、いないからです。。。 )




今度は、家庭内で傷つき、傷つけられた( と・感じてしまった )場合、、、




>小学校中学年(これ以降、3~4年生くらいの出来事です)      (20060904)
狩る側   = イジメる側
狩られる側 = イジメられる側
ギャラリー  = 狩る側・狩られる側・大人・教師、全てに対して大抵は中立に当たるため、情報を引き出すことは


>小学校時代・「 数の正義?狂気? 」の・序章、、、これから・さらに・エスカレートしていきます、、

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