
* Little girl * Chitra first chapter beyond the age

Was at a place to remake, the blog of my mother.

> Di ━ ○ o "collecting data".. D (* '∀ `*) b.. O ○ ━ source!! ☆

(Thought tentatively, and I'll have to check the minutes of today's update) and a mother, of today, in the swing of the conversation
· "My mother or my name (HN), made in No Do?"
· "I have read Crelle, from the know"
↑ so poor mother to read, the sentence (^ ^;;

In terms of content, well, somewhat? ;; A better blog writing and mother ←>, such as date and time settings are fine, so that finely touched; (^ ^ I do not like some parts, such as

But my mother is more
-If you comment does not write "mother, (Mother's blog amoeba ←), do not write me! From Oh, no! And I forget my fellow comment-Ru deny mother also write blog (← better of me Since the very-return-comment mother? (● `· ω · '●) Mokyu ♪)"

· I "But. Was found, but can also comment settings that are not received?"
"Now! Do not have to wonder out the answer!? Sasero thought nothing about a day!" Mother
· I "(^ - ^) I Yo (anyway ☆ Fufufu will, the status quo, so that satisfied ☆)"

· "I, even in your car's more, No You do not have to shed?"
Mother, "Hey, Let me think! Me do not shed no!"

· I "But, because this is the mobile site., Koch, will sink even say?"
· "My mother and I it is, What's the difference?"
· "I am different I (^ - ^) (Fufufu tofu ☆)"

· "Mother is the name of the I, I Do it?"
· I'm "" Chitra, "I. Will not issue?"

· "Mother, it s not me, What you wrote is, properly, I put write!"
"Of course (^ - ^)! (A variety of tofu ☆ Fufufu"-me "rights and duties, ☆ from are considering Chant) in Kai (· HN in our blog mother) my name Teruyo "

· "Mother Chants, What is you are writing sentences, I put leave me!"

"Of course (^ - ^)? Flaw ☆ Fufufu tofu (Okachan is'm not"-I "I have to worry about,,, are looking at" different "location-always,,, different I'm,,, whatever,,, it, even with his father and because it was so,,, this is, I'm going to one of a humble-"cross words" I,,, just at work ,,, I think I wish it at the fair,,, justice and fair-necessarily-but does not match,,, still, and when it at the fair,,,) "

Is to say that? (Laughs

The time being?
The blog of the law of the mother, so do not seem to be to be reproduced
Here is a reprint ☆

This is, data of one
As will be one sample,,,

Right now the children, are suffering from bullying and abuse, as we will be saved even a little,,,

Everyone for Adult Children should be noted that even now suffering, as we will be saved even a little,,,


> ー ー beyond the age

Tokyo to Nagano away the first chapter

This is, read the blog of my mother.

And I think that was actually heard from my mother and, while looking at the photo, on the basis of that which was spoken mother and brother from the mother, and he must spell out.

I think the data and one, and would love to be an aspect of the history this is.

Mother's blog, so that life history is told very heavily at the time, its life history. I think that color does not impair the life, I have a third party, and he must write.

I do not know the war generation, or do not know where to write.

Go in within reread the blog of mother, mother is alive, I wanted to, etc. Make a note of the episode of "War and postwar evacuation."

I think this is, and he must write through a girl named "Chitra" Mother's childhood.

* Chitra * little girl the first chapter

When I was born Chitra after a while.Immediately, it was decided to take refuge with two people and Shinshu maternal brother, the birthplace of several years from two to one minute walk from the town prostitute in Tokyo and be able to walk.

Then evacuated at Shinshu, When I was a few years later.3-year-old Chitra One day, very hot summer.




>・「 データ取り 」ディ━○o。.d(*´∀`*)b.。o○━ス!! ☆


母との、今日の、会話のやりとりで( 一応、今日の更新分を、確認してもらおうと思い )

・母・「 私の名前( HN )とか、どーなってんの? 」

・私・「 読んでくれれば、判るから 」





・母・「 おまえコメント書かないんなら、あたしのほう( ←母のアメーバブログ )に、書かないでくれ!大変だから!( ←母のブログ書いても・吾が輩・コメント拒否るの忘れると、母が・コメント返して・大変なので?(●`・ω・´●)モキュ♪ ) 」

・私・「 判った。だけど、コメント受け取らない設定もできるけど? 」

・母・「 なにも今!答えを出さなくてもいいんだろ!?1日くらい考えさせろ! 」

・私・「 いいよー(^-^)( うふふふ☆とりあえず、現状に、満足しているので☆ ) 」

・私・「 これ、おかーさんのほうでも、流さなくていいの? 」

・母・「 ちょっと、考えさせてくれ!流さないでくれ! 」

・私・「 でも、これは。携帯サイトだから、こっちは、流してもいいでしょ? 」

・母・「 あたしのとは、違うのか? 」

・私・「 違うよ(^-^)( うふふふふ☆ ) 」

・母・「 あたしの名前は、どーなってんだ? 」

・私・「 『 チトラ 』だよ。問題ないでしょ? 」

・母・「 それ、あたしじゃなく、お前が書いたって、ちゃんと、書いとけよ! 」

・私・「 もちろん!(^-^)( うふふふふ☆いろいろな「 権利と義務 」も、ちゃんと・視野に入れているから☆ )私の名前( 母たちのブログでの・HN )で・書いてるよ 」

・母・「 文章にちゃんと、おまえが書いてるって、入れといてくれよ! 」

・私・「 もちろん!(^-^)( うふふふふ☆ぬかりはなくてよ?オカーチャンは・「 別 」の心配をしているけど、、、見ている「 場所 」が・いつも、、、違うんだよね、、、仕事でもなんでも、、、それは、父たちとでさえ、そうだったから、、、これが、私の「 クロスワード 」の・微力な一つになっていくんだよね、、、ただ、、、フェアで在れたらと思うよ、、、フェアと正義は・必ずしも・一致しないけれど、、、それでも、フェアで在れたらと思う、、、 ) 」

























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