
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Plain clothes and dressing gown (20090702)

Now take off your uniform dressed spend that on a T-shirt and pants home from school.Several times from my father, and "kg clothes", I had been told, I was only repeating a vague answer.One day, in a tone hard to mother my father, "clothes? Or not to ○ ○ ○" and said it was.My mother, "If clothes,! Is the only child is not wearing this! Is also wearing what" and.My father to me, "clothes? Whether it really," and has been heard and.I, "so certainly if clothes", "clothes'm certain," and answered.My father, as blame me, or do not wear clothes, why then? And was coming closer.

I vaguely laughter. Skirt was so hated, was tight pants became small.Both of the parents, I went and moved to the next topic as was convinced.

If "clothes," was a lot. About does not fit in the closet, always, I met a lot.But, the "clothes-can be worn", I did not even wear one.Formal and dresses. Suit of the brand name ones. Each time the weekend, went from increasing.But you know? Clothes that I wore in the room, I did not even wearing one. Even I did not pajamas.

Formal and suits. "If you don-where-I?"My mother, "as casual wear, kilometers," he says, anywhere, anytime.I do not wear. Material will be pressure mentally. Time from the time of the child, seems to come on.In addition to someone, is not something? The terrible thing, or not?Yasumara feeling is not. Become to hate yourself.Another, do not touch. Clothes Do not touch things. Another, forgive me. Please, if you leave them alone. Do not be cornered.
Even me, I was not wanted to stay in the pants.Even jeans, I did not. Mother, and "sloppy-dirty", because had abandoned.Evening, and then to the thighs daddy pillow, sleep a little. Call to open the legs, and watch television together dad.From the time of a child, was watching TV with a pillow between the legs of daddy.Papa, as children want to leave me, because have to cherish that time.Was on an "as is" Children, So.Did not want to hurt, the daddy.
· · · · · I think becoming an adult · · · · · ·
Had been "conflict", the father also own father. Do not hate me.So, "Time" weekend spent with my father,To hurt self-esteem of the father and there was more than enough for any length of time. . .So, we are father and daughter, which might have been that you do not change, the "time-of-unchanged from the children", somewhere.
部屋着&私服    (20090702)

何度か父から、「 服を着ろ 」と、言われていたのですが、私は曖昧な返事を繰り返すだけでした。
ある日、父が母にキツイ口調で、「 ○○○に服はないのか? 」と、言いました。
母は、「 服なら、何着でもあります!この子が着ないだけです! 」と。
そして父は私に、「 服は本当にあるのか? 」と、聞いてきました。
私は、『 服なら確かにある 』ので、「 服はあるよ 」と、答えました。


「 服 」なら、たくさんあった。押入れに入りきらないほど、いつも、たくさんあったよ。
でも、「 着れる・服 」が、一着もなかったんだ。

フォーマルやスーツ。「 どこで・着れば・いい? 」
母は、いつでも、どこでも、「 普段着として、着ろ 」と言う。
誰かにまた、なにかされないか? ひどい事に、ならないか?

ジーンズだって、無かったんだ。母に、「 汚い・だらしない 」と、捨てられてしまったから。
だから、「 子供のまま 」でいた。


父も父なりに、「 葛藤 」してました。私を憎まないように。
それほど、父と私の過ごした「 週末の時間 」は、
だから、私たち父娘は、どこか、「 子供からの・変わらない・時間 」を、変えないようにしていたのかも知れません。

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