
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Sponger child (Isoko) (20,090,812)

(Since this diary, I think I When I was a junior high school three years.)

I was now three years. To three years "rating number" was not clear as ever.But, in two years I felt I was in charge of each one by name men and women.Per year, maternal cousin came up.Is a cousin unawares, had to live together. Sister was a cousin of the same grade with me.

I and two younger cousins, there was no conversation that you have the most.Cousin is referred to as "Mr. (my name ←) ○ ○ ○", that I,I do not have much memory called a cousin. To begin with, was because there was no conversation that you have almost.I was tired every day, did not have courage enough to talk about other than work.Of course, was the chastisement to cry on a daily basis even before the mother of the cousin.

Now call a brother or father or, I either have forgotten, and "Isoko" that cousin.With the "child", the sponger, was called "Isoko". Sometimes when I called, I call.Cousins, I was using a tatami room for more than 10. There is one there was a large bed.Was the double bed was using when the father has remarried another woman before.Cousin was waking up in bed that has a.Brother and four under, I had spent two to put bunk beds in the room 10 tatami room of weak next to it.

Breakfast is my father, who now make every morning. To butter toast, fried egg.I was the same menu every day, you remember, it was very happy.Cousin, the butter to coat the bread baked and father.My brother and I, it is awakened it eats it became a daily routine.

Cousins ​​also have the entrance, even passed each other in the corridor, we can fit over the voice was not.We have followed a few weeks, my cousin is now a two-year associate with a bad group such a day.It is apparent it was, was not even really mind to stop.There was also what I expected, and It will not be much.Bad really bad, and the other, this school is a person who did not.Was about my cousin who graduated at the same time as the generation of my admission, such as it is said that last bad age.

One day my mother was hailed, at home.I'm going with a group or a bad cousin? And.So, I leave that answer. And "Yeah". My mother was angry. Why not stop! And."If you have been together for poor! I've been entrusted at home! Will it is natural to stop and".

Honesty, and Mendokuse, I thought. Jean and Ne relationship to me. , And I put it Yarashi to love.Besides, (cousin) is to protect, in every sense of the word oneself, and I wonder what "necessary", because he was aware.If hanging with the strong (grade above), at least, to target from the same grade and probably less likely.Cousin (is the remarriage of divorced parents repeat, were repeated many times turning the elementary school.

Locally, I think because it was always move in to the same elementary school, it would also narrow shoulders. )

Another, c'mon. I only let me do a simulation of this work! And.Do it, and the other, and Give me away from the job, did not hide the frustration felt a strong unreasonable.In recent years, and although reduced, at every opportunity, the mother is beaten in, the copper-wording and deportment.More me, baby without asking me! And,,, even my own, about Susamu, was the mental state of the last minute.

Pursuit of the mother does not stop Desuga. I will eventually break.As my mother says, the bad girl of the group rated number two years, and remove me from fellow cousins, I decided to go with the story.

Chokai end of school assembly, went to the classrooms of two years.In the staircase landing of the classroom two years, was rated No. hailed the girl.Need and talk immediately so I thought, not moved to a location, started talking to direct as it is.Three years than two years, went through our side immediately. Everyone, I had seen through the eyes of curiosity, was Shikato.I bought all the browser. I bought Dal. Was Mendokusaka~tsu, was also good copper.

No. 2-rated girl of the year says. "We do not mean I was invited. He came to is selfishness."Such a thing, I was also good copper.However, as was said of the mother, only to break off the relationship, because there was no meaning."Anyway, even if he came,! From fellow should do us a favor and not to go back and".I told a little tight.

Then, the boyfriend of the girl that has been at odds with my three years I have been a voice over."Is heaven? Caulking What ~! Only young ~! (Is the name of the I ←) ○ ○ ○ ○?" And has been happily over the voice.Staring at the girl has returned so I rated No. Mendokusaka~tsu, and "Do not such", from a cursory inspection.The boys went back to the classroom as it is three years.The girl, so said, "I understand", when talking about such things say Well, and I asked and tried to go back to the classroom also, my wrist to the woman teacher of the country now came running was caught.

And "? What are you doing to my students! (Is the name of the I ←) ○ ○ ○ ○". I was surprised.Moment, grabbed the wrist, being gushed. This is What on earth? And, could not understand.Teacher of the country and the current, on a daily basis, I have to firmly and unusual submission, was a good teacher relationship.That the teacher, suddenly grabbed my wrist, not yelling. In the face of anger blame me, unilaterally.

The current teacher of the country, was solved than this girl 's homeroom. I became moody.In this situation, I mean look, "as put a hand? And ".Laughed. And "Hanaseyo, your hands".The current teacher of the country, still gushed, so do not let my hand was laid glare.Did not stop "Hanaseyo,? Would Ne to anything," a voice, it becomes lower.The teacher, release the hand, are pushed into the classroom she was.I was talking to her back. "It's just,! I asked" and.

I have a human being to touch the body, was hate.Moreover, Nejifuse to brute force, such as those, who touched one-sided, it was hate.Feeling anger is unacceptable even seeping has had.

Was hysterically blame me, the current teacher of the country, and "? What is just now."Teacher, did not touch me. If you touch, I would have Bun'nagu~tsu.Residence may have been half dead. So, did not stop the pure anger.Since then, the relationship between this teacher has expired. Now also be applied to flow through the voice.

It, and "? Evaluation, for me, will you."Grasp the wrist of my gushed unilaterally. That would be "judgment" of you have seen me everyday? And.

Cousin, the failure of two years from a group, can be removed completely, there were no I was not even that fellow.Festivals and, in every little event, but was like together, I had to tolerate.Mother is that it came with a story that I seemed to be convinced.

Every day I went tired.Nevertheless, repeated on a daily basis, the simulation of working with his father. My soul, I went to exhaustion.Time I was not anywhere.


↓ is a supplement-of-20110706 after this

 Kisaten cousin (20090727)
> Sister
(Younger than me-two) second-eldest daughter of the brother of the motherDeath & true sister of the cousin who grew up like twins-aboveFor me, my sister-in-per-is "cousin" on the family register,,,,I-within-is now live together, from around age 10, with "? For family reasons", but

↑ I did not-is the "Description", with respect to this-but,,, did you hear about mother-ringing "was take back"-to recently that,,,

May-be not-did not know anyone other than the mother-and-Perhaps, this fact
>-Also (ex-husband of my father-mother) father
-So had said, "It will not be helped, because I had settled, unawares," his father,,,

My mother is a strange place? So, such as "secretive"-is,,,
It said:? Often, there was,,,
> Such as "(that was in progress, in the discretion of the mother) knows" only my mother,,,,


> Party line
> Party dial (crosstalk)
↑ I like this writing, Il leaking. I think adding some go-and-Mata again at a later date,,,



居候子( いそこ )    (20090812)

( この日記以降、中学3年のころかと思います。 )

私は3年になりました。相変わらず3年には明確な「 番格 」が在りませんでした。

従姉妹は私のことを、「 ○○○( ←私の名前です )さん 」と呼び、

父か弟か、どちらか忘れてしまったのですが、従姉妹のことを「 いそこ 」と呼ぶようになりました。
居候に、「 子 」を付けて、「 いそこ 」と呼びました。 私も時々、呼びかけるときに呼びました。


そんな日々が数週間続き、従姉妹が2年の不良グループと付き合うようになりました。 それを見かけてはいましたが、別に気に留めることもありませんでした。

だから、そのままに答えました。「 そうだね 」と。 母は怒りました。なぜとめない!と。
「 家で預かっているんだぞ!不良と付き合ってたら、とめるのが普通だろう! 」と。

正直、めんどくせーと、思いました。私に関係ねーじゃんと。好きにやらしとけよ、と。 それに、あいつ( 従姉妹 )は、自分の身を、あらゆる意味で守るのに、「 必要 」なんだろうと、気付いていたからです。 強い者( 上の学年 )とつるんでいれば、少なくとも、同学年からの標的にはなりにくいのだろうと。
( 従姉妹は、両親の繰り返しの再婚離婚で、小学校を何度も転向を繰り返しました。

  地元では、必ず同じ小学校への転入だったので、肩身も狭かったのだろうと思います。 )




2年の番格の少女は言います。「 私たちが誘ったんじゃありません。あいつが勝手に来たんです。 」
「 とにかく、あいつが来ても、帰れと仲間にしないでくれればいいから! 」と。

「 ○○○○( ←私の名前です )~!若け~!なに?シメてんの? 」と、嬉しそうに声をかけてきました。
私はめんどくさかったので、「 そんなんじゃない 」と、一瞥して番格の少女を見つめ返しました。
少女も、「 わかりました 」と言ったので、じゃあ、頼んだよと言うようなことを言って、私も教室へ戻ろうとしたときに、走って来た現国の女の先生に手首を捕まれました。

「 ○○○○( ←私の名前です )!私の生徒になにしてるんだ!? 」と。 私は、びっくりしました。 一瞬、手首をつかまれ、まくし立てられて。これは、いったいなんだ?と、理解できませんでした。

現国の先生が、この少女の担任だと解かりました。 私は不機嫌になりました。
この状況で、私が『 手を出しているように・見えるわけ? 』と。
笑いました。「 手を、離せよ 」と。 現国の先生は、それでもまくし立て、私の手を離さないので、睨み据えました。
「 離せよ、なんにもしてねーだろ? 」声が、低くなるのをとめませんでした。 先生は、手を離し、彼女を教室へと追いやりました。
私は彼女の背中に声をかけました。「 さっきのこと、頼んだよ! 」と。

しかも、力任せにねじ伏せられるような、一方的な触れられ方は、大嫌いでした。 許しがたい怒りが湧いて来る気持ちさえ、持ちました。

現国の先生は、「 さっきってなに!? 」と、ヒステリックに私を責めました。
先生は、私に触れませんでした。 触れたら、私はぶん殴っていたでしょう。 半殺しにして居たかも知れません。それほど、純粋な怒りをとめませんでした。 以来、この先生との関係は切れました。 声をかけられても素通りするようになりました。

それが、「 あなたの・私に対する・評価・でしょう? 」と。
私の手首を掴み、一方的にまくしたて。 それが、普段私を見てきたあなたの「 判断 」でしょう?と。





>従兄弟のキサテン    (20090727)



・母の・二番目の兄の長女( 私より・二つ年下 )


妹は・私にとっては・戸籍上・「 イトコ 」に・あたります、、、

けれど・「 家庭の事情? 」で・うちに・私が・10歳ごろから・同居するようになりました

   ↑けれど・これに関しての・「 説明 」が・なかったので、、、最近になって・母が・「 引き取っていた 」ことを・知りました、、、


>父( 母の元夫・私の父 )も・

・父・「 いつのまにか・住み着いちゃったからな・しょうがないだろう 」と・言っていたので、、、

母は・変なところ?が・「 秘密主義 」のようなので、、、


>母だけが・「 知っている( 母の一存で・進行していた ) 」など、、、



>パーティーダイヤル( 混線 )


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