
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Priest (20090807)

Each time the father and mother argue, mother of the day or night, on the evening of the next, a time period not my father, decided I was told."Mom since he became a monk, that Papa, that (is the name of the brother ←) ○ ○, that of the revival house,○ ○ ○ I'm asked to (my name ←) ""Because there mom decided temples anymore, because I can not bear it. Going now. But do not meet again. Mom was cut from the spear"

Since I was in elementary school, I heard from the mouth sometimes, mother.Every time I hear those words, my heart was so broken. I was scared, to land, may be left alone in this house. Was very scared.Others-uncle-and current affairs,,, dad, cousins, their brother,,, What should I do? ? ? ? ? ?I had stopped crying. I was scared. Was very scared. Can be left alone, it was very scary.

The larger Desuga, now you want to analyze, the "factors" that.Why "priest" is the mother, why? That factor, the background, the media, and "What?" The trigger,,,And, so that you do not have Iarasowa father and mother,,,,,To avoid contact with two people as much as possible, it is now allocate the color of time and work. . . . .My mother, scene. My father, and entertainment. . . . . . .

Be put on the mouth, the words to my mother, and gradually the "priest" has been decreased.Still, there was also gone out and taken to the hotel room.

Spend time together and my father has been increased.Now like to talk with his father, I go further, such as "policy, human resources and management and entertainment company."From his father, now hear in more detail, details such as the entertainment. To the development of new pipeline. . . . . . . . .Conversion to a new industry, went gradually become heavily.My father was more will allow you to listen empathetically, my simulations. . . . . . . .(I think this is also Izure, or after the age of 19, to how to live and is Nanzo?, And it will write.)


I'm sorry. I feel so very bad. . . Also, once again, this diary at a later date, we will start adding some. . . . ."If confidence is lost and all of you, I want to die," my mother,,,, in turn, and now to-mouth,My father, while hit me so uplifting about that, "You're not from the solution of human feelings! You are! 'S always so," saidI think it reminds me of the three of us, the feelings of the last minute, so very hard, and then a little more, from calm, to write and want to add. I'm sorry,,,,,,,,,,



出家    (20090807)

「 ママは出家するから、パパのこと、○○( ←弟の名前です )のこと、御家再興のこと、 
 ○○○( ←私の名前です )に頼んだよ 」
「 ママはもう、我慢できないから。もう行くお寺も決めてあるから。もう会えないけれど、ママはやりきったから。 」


ですが大きくなるにつれて、その「 要因 」を、分析するようになりました。
なぜ、母は「 出家 」するのか?その要因は、背景は、媒体は、引き金は「 ナニ? 」と、、、

母は、次第に「 出家する 」と言う言葉を、口に出すことが減りました。

父と、さらに踏み込んだ「 会社・接待・運営・人事・方針 」などの話をするようになりました。
( これはまたいづれ、19歳以降か、生きるとはなんぞや?の方へ、書いていくと思います。 )


母が、今度は、、、「 お前と居ると全ての自信がなくなる、死にたくなるんだ 」と、口にするようになり、
父は、私を殴りそうなほど高揚しながらも、「 お前は人の気持ちが解からない!お前はいつもそうだ! 」と、

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