
■ Nanzo and to live is? ■

Little puzzled (20070715)

Yesterday. In seven couples and younger brother, and ate the roast.From beginning to end, but he was very fun.When accounting, there was a small accident.It was originated from the difference of sex "oriented", was a minor signal.

Brother, it seems that you can feel something is wrong is. In haste, sent me a look I look back to find these answers.I said, "It is a hated person. I hate because," and so as not to be noticed, replied in an undertone.Since it was also sung by subtracting the border without the details, nuances that would receive much.My brother, as was a start. I switched the subject.

But I have seen her brother, the exchange of a few seconds of that set.Normally,,, I would not think, if it,,,,

I, to the "stupid-pretend.""Neat, so pull MoriShigeru, ♪ Nya is Nyago us! Has to treat us she always says," and.

If I, my brother would ease. So, in recent years without a follow-up as before, that Tsukihanashi.The flow of conversation, not assembled in the center brother, as you like that I have been talking about at will.But, and I have. My brother, I will not be able to stand somewhere.So, after a while. Brother, transferring all the stories.My brother, laughing. And, happily, happily, to take over, will become the center of the topic.

I,,, and will do what you're doing, I think.Would probably want to, what,,,His brother, and they "hate-like" me, you know.Brother himself. On ~Tsu have solved it, are in contact with me.As much as possible, so that it does not realize to me, as an effort not to lose the love of me,,,

So, we are brother and sister, as much as possible and never misses a meal once a month, and so on. . ."Off" so they do not."Hate" so they do not.My brother, seemed to understand the inner workings of nature-I.I, at any time. Even now.Every family, it does not stop even if discrete. Can not even copper.So, my brother, maybe not me extra care.

As well as the mother. . . May not even though they do not like it,,, be it only "do not want to let" me.But, "I do not care enough to even off, only a partial eye somewhere-just not the hated" Maybe a.Brother to me, and asked you to follow.Brother to the original state, implies a return to work and asked.Pretending to both public and private cute, and want to support a moment, smiling loveliness comes watery eyes. . .

And,,, I'm not beat, I think.Brother who are accustomed to be loved.To get that love you, brother accustomed.I think people feel like, without hesitation brother.I love having fun, people love his brother.May presume, is to ask for help, my brother can be cute.I, his brother and cute,,, I think.If you can, I think also want to raise support.But, again. Think that the way we are sister and brother and family, and he was Wakata.I, and "live". Decided at the moment.

When the mother, leaving the company, and want to let it die. Say you want to die forgive, is rejected.If there is no forgiveness of the mother, can not even weak will die, had become to the lack of human making.

From the time and "live", it made up its mind. I threw away the feeling I think, the family.MUST be discarded, was not alive. My mother, for just that, I ordered the last to me, "Ikiro".I, in a sobbing, I took somewhere in despair, it.Another. . . The family structure was abnormal,,, uncontrollably say, I think it was a distorted form of family.

Mother. . . Of lawyers. Reviews of divorce. Reviews of alimony.Had been thrown round me, all.I, the father, "only you are! Never forgive," and is despised by name.Were laughing. Was pretending to talk to "? Mill here, the data", and next to the father, to a certain person.My father was waving a white flag, hung without pulling a face, bright red trembling, before that there is a certain person, "not seen".More likely, it checkmate can not show that person, the data I have provided, would have felt since.I threatened no fake does not use or meaning.Surely, would be located was because my father had been familiar with "straightforward", only to come-led meaningful.And, I forgive my father was raised.It is, after the people. ~Tsu Have solved his neck and strangled, was pulling up.It, was a farewell gift from the last against the father, of my own way, even lie.

His brother, they sent me, and occasionally a small signal.I would help, it. . .I think I need to Tsukihanasa, and can not go. . .They held out their hands. . .But does not mean she's feeling, does not have noticed. . .The results would fall into a small confusion, always, his brother can not Tsukihanashi. . .And wind up being for that, a sad, eyes lack of confidence,,,And always want to stay, in the carefree brother exude self-confidence,,, because they hope, somewhere,,,But it is, in a sense true, but they say that picking a chance they will change, the growth of the brother,,,

Own fault, chickens come home to roost. . .Really, and I wish that would be not much of an exaggeration, I think really.Result of the actions of one's choice, as a matter of course they are, because they will only come obsessed. . .Because of the rules of its own inertia and Dajaku,,,,,,,,,,,,,Until the end, I'm sure, but does not help,,, they put out the hand,,, to his brother, mother,,,Worst, I,,, it 's way of life, it would not be the worst weakness, I think. . . I'm sorry,,,

But, this remains,,, not hurt, if you can live, everyone, from the desire at the same time also wants to be,,,,,,



小さな戸惑い  (20070715)

昨日。 弟カップルと7人で、焼肉を食べた。
それは、「 志向 」性の違いから起きた、些細なシグナルだった。

弟は、違和感を感じることは出来たらしく。 速攻で、私を振り返り答えを求める視線を送ってきた。
私は、「 それは、嫌いな人は嫌いだからね。 」と、気付かれないように、小声で答えました。
弟は、ハッとしたように。 話題を切り替えました。


私は、「 バカな・フリ 」をする。 
「 ニートで、ひきもりもなので、いつも彼女さんたちにご馳走になってます!にゃごにゃごです♪ 」と。

私が居ると、弟は安心してしまう。 だから、最近では以前ほどのフォローをせず、突き放してる。
だけど、私が居ると。 弟は、どこか目立たなくなってしまう。
だから、しばらくして。 弟に、話を全て振り替える。
弟は、笑う。 そして、嬉しそうに、楽しそうに、引き継ぐように、話題の中心になっていく。

弟は、私を「 好きで・嫌い 」だと、知っている。

「 切れて 」しまわないように。
「 憎んで 」しまわないように。
私は、いつでも。 いまでも。
家族全てが、離散してもとめないし。 どうともしない事。

母と同様に。。。私を、好きではないくせに、、、「 離したくない 」だけなのかも知れません。
けれど、「 切れても構わないほどには、嫌ってはいないだけ・欲目が何処か在るだけ 」なのかも知れません。

けれど、もう。 私たち姉弟・家族の道は、分かたれたのだと思ってる。
私が、「 生きる 」と。 決めた瞬間に。


「 生きる 」と、決めたときから。 私は、家族を、思う気持ちを捨てました。
捨てなければ、生きられなかった。 母は、それでもいいから、「 生きろ 」と私に最後の命令をくだしました。

母は。。。弁護士の件。 離婚の件。 慰謝料の件。
私は、父に「 お前だけは、絶対に許さない! 」と、名指しで蔑まれ。
笑っていました。 「 こっちの、データも見る? 」と、父の隣に居る、ある人物に話を振りました。
父は、顔を引きつらせ、真っ赤に震えながら、ある人物の居る手前、 「 見ない 」と白旗を振りました。
確実に、意味のある・繋がってくる事しか、「 正攻法 」で在るだろう事は父も熟知していたからでした。
それが、後々。 自分の首を絞めると解かっていて、引いてあげました。




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