
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Shoplifting (20090725)

The request of the fight and sophomore, but was invited several times to fight with other schools of the year, all had refused.Within that repeatedly refuse that, except for grade 3, who had become less call out to me.Without friends in the class seems to stay friends. Still, some of the chat, was suitably spend everyday.

One day, a girl of other classes have been talking to me. Did you know that face.It was a girl dressed like that "bad" tentatively, was because had caught the eye.The scarf was short and skirts were long. Long hair was burned in the dryer or drugs. Crushed the heel slippers.And always the "jersey jacket" hard to wear, had to wear was because there is no power to some extent.

A girl to me, "I'd like dating? Free today," that we have voice over,

Tentatively, I heard the reason.The girl "I'm having fun. Want dating with" So and.If you try to Kotowaro, to (I have mentioned in past Pride junior high school diary) ~Tsu this is one of the girls being bullied,"I called Mr. ○ ○ ○ ○ (is me), and should not otherwise"

When I hear the "Why?"The girls looked at each other with, "! 'S fun and it definitely can not be the Son", was afterthought.I found these two people, and that can already.Anything, and probably you're going to take me anything.Became so lazy even more questions and answers, I decided to mingle.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, do not walk the moon. I have to walk, was a hate movement.And the breath is cut off immediately, because there was a consciousness that was inferior to stamina and endurance than people.And while more and more frustrated, "then how far? How long you going?" And I've heard.The girls were answered "about 20 minutes later."Kachin! I came, and another, had come in so Nandakanda half, I decided to mingle.

Destination arrived, it was super large.Did not fall off. Why? What a super? And.I've heard without obscuring the dubious. "Why? No such here."The girls were lead me to the stationery department.Without knowing the meaning, I went with.

Girl was dressed as the bad says."I say take what you like. From the child have a watch that. I'm fine" and.From irritation, was driven by anger at once.Gimme a break! Why did you call me and I mere shoplifting in this fucking tired!Also something like the pride against him, was because I felt was shame.

"Offense", the girls are not. Know if you looked at.Weakness at the same time, it would leak was spontaneous laughter. With self-derision. I would also Ousset was angry. Even if all is good. Another, is missing all of this situation.

"I will not. Not interested. If you want to do, I do it with you guys"I was away from the spot.

This one person is bullied ~Tsu, as cover up, you have to apologize to me.I, again, was also good copper. I speak not accustomed to, was to go home.

Later the girl was dressed as the bad, I came to be spoken occasionally,Carry on a conversation that was not long.



万引き     (20090725)


一応「 不良 」となるような格好の少女だったので、目に留まっていたからでした。
そして、ある程度チカラがないと着づらい「 上着のジャージ 」をいつも、着用していたからでした。

少女が私に、「 今日ひま?付き合って欲しいんだけど 」と、声をかけてきたので、

少女は「 楽しい事だよ。だから一緒に付き合って欲しい 」と。
断ろうとすると、いじめられっこの( 過去日記・中学時代・プライドで触れています )少女の一人が私に、
「 ○○○○さん( 私です )、断らないほうがいいよ 」と

「 なぜ? 」と私が聞くと、
少女たちは顔を見合わせ、「 絶対楽しくて、損にならないことだから! 」と、付け足しました。

だんだんとイライラとしながら、「 どこまでいくの?あとどのくらい? 」と、聞きました。
少女たちは「 あと20分くらい 」と答えました。

怪訝さを隠さずに聞きました。「 なぜ、ここなの? 」と。

「 好きなものを盗っていいよ。あのこが見張りをしているから、大丈夫だよ。 」と。

少女たちには、「 悪気 」はない。見てれば判る。

「 私はしない。興味ない。やりたいなら、あなたたちでやればいい 」



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