
■ Nanzo and to live is? ■生きるとは・なんぞや?■

Good people, friendly people. (20061212)

Paternal grandmother, in the hospital from the weakness of physical fitness, will be one year soon. Accordingly, is likely also had concomitant dementia.

My grandmother and, due to the nature of the house, had a better bet Hanafuda. (. Until about junior high school students)Hanafuda is a few years until you stop, really well, was passage at arms."I Baba~a ー book! ー! Was ~Tsu! Fuck you ass," and can flip through the bills."I four light rain! Bald! This," and or struggling.More often than not, but that was much larger and have got carried away, or by the debris to escape grandma, would escape."Bar-chan Oh! Light is five ~! Quit" or,"Triple-book! Quit" or, in feeling emotions MAX really was passage at arms.I think even grandma, and "! Give me quickly! 'S hand role brat!" This, the two sides, pretty mouth was bad.

Grandma and went to dinner from time to time.Was pulling out. (. I hold hands, but I did not like)By using a hand or foot grandma is coming weak, the back, was careful not to fall.I think because it was said to father or mother, except playing cards more than necessary, and was in contact with gently.Two people, I went to Kabuki. In the family, we also travel a few times. Also at the trip destination, was out the Hanafuda.

Since then the divorce and one parent six or seven years ago, and I have not seen Grandma.Said around May 10, brother of my grandmother went to the hospital with my dad, who came and shook.My brother, grandma had said, and seem that long.Grandma is so much that was talking about me."Even today, came from that (I) ○ ○ ○, Do not worry.""Before,. From took me for a walk is (I) ○ ○ ○""After this, if you come from (I) ○ ○ ○,. I'm fine" and.

My father is in trouble, but said so several times "(i) ○ ○ ○ anymore, to the (hospital) does not come from here,"Each time, Grandma "(i) ○ ○ ○ is. From that came every day and"., And so had to say is repeat. "Before, came from. Even after this, you come from."

I do not go. In the future. To stand up, this destination. Even as it was Grandma's funeral, I will not go.Bondage is paternal, maternal. Human relations. Problem of the inheritance.From an early age, to come face to face. It seems cold, it will hesitate.

My brother and mother. My brother stopped in the night, did a report a street.I said, "or along, I daily ー. Are we take care of grandma," and I tried to laugh.My mother, "That? Boast Why? Why be so happy," and to despise, I did think so.My mother, my grandmother is hate. When greeting the marriage of the father, it was taunted, but did not seem unforgettable.And "Yarrow! Beggar"! "Cat burglar" "Pansuke!" This, we distributed, seems to have been abused.The stomach of the mother, I was stay. After the miscarriage of some told me that it was a child was finally able to.Even after marriage, a long time. Mother is forced to come so mother and sister of his father.Also to the wedding, also did not give me out, I did not even get up to the house, my mother would surely it was hard.How to grandmother, to decline a house, life is impoverished father since I was a child, my father finally made his professional debut,How did my mother to marry Just when I thought that life becomes easy and you probably did Kataka~tsu forgiveness.

I, however. . . Just did not stay folded.What are you think like that, why, just sad.Yourself, just Yarikirenaka~tsu.

I, for a long time. I remembered that people did not accumulate in the ear.For better or worse, be left in the impression of a person, does not collect in very unpleasant. It is still not much different.So, even take a photo, also with a mobile phone, not hate.At work, unless you are forced to take reluctantly, in private, nor does it take almost.(Mobile or Meado exchange, it is limited in many ways is hate, does not have.)

Why show up? Would not be "misunderstood" in a good way. (Also be hated. But there are many)"Good people" "people friendly". Would have said, many times?To that degree, I will become to hate yourself. Go no longer stay folded. Makes me want to cry.Who is hated, has been through, but feel very comfortable.

When talking to people, usually with a smile, has been happily answering. A matter of fact, it is like being troublesome quarrels or pry.From me, when the conversation and jokes, because people can not speak, but I only talk to that person waving.Bullying is like, because it becomes a gas. Be anxious about, is how taking action, to regret, because machine.I believe that just a piece of cake. Have yielded better, because easier.Enough to argue about, an obsession, because something does not mean there is a policy.

I'll have "leadership" human "pure". Would have been said many times?Ridicule, but to become a habit. That kind of guy! Not my decision! ! In my heart, so I though a minimum.Hurt, the child was in the always together. "Always unfair to decide anything just you!"Do not cry, but was a child. I was a child but strong. In public, get upset about, I hurt her.Kits, all of me. Behavior, the attitude is, suppose I was just hurt a friend in high school.Was going to have to be careful. But was that good intentions, I think. I had hurt the girl familiar.

I was "going to" keep quiet. So that inconspicuous, I was going.Nevertheless, the presence of me, that just hurt someone.Notice it every time, how would you dislike. How, I would have laughed at himself.

It is said that people at a time, and "friendly", anger seeping into that person.Even want to hurt, and I want to take even cornered, they feel. So, laugh gently.Then, as much as possible has not met, was supposed to run away gently in contact with.I do not want to hurt, words and attitudes. Using the situation, I do not want to Itaburi.Remain "friendly people", as ends. So that there is no next encounter, began to take action.Was actually hurt because hate, and suffer yourself.Or, without hurt. To not feel anything, because I do not want noticed.Felt it would be "a fun game of" it, because he was scared.So, was supposed to turn down softly, the next meeting.

After I intended to hurt people, "Do you feel like" What I did not want to know. Because he was scared.It is, surely. Even your own, I think that probably that you do not, believe in yourself.This leave. Are beginning to think is not bad, regardless of anyone, even to live.Much, and do not want to change with anyone, because that was also was hoping. And pleasant it is, because sometimes I had expected.. . . Still, if you meet "without overdoing it" with someone, I also think I wish. Both, I think to love with all their might.I also think I wish I could meet, to be passionate about something, something. Also want to try all the power.I arrogant. Think again. Ru solved well or how ugly yourself, when you text.And that the said, and thought that the difference in the direction of all hope that the.So, I can not move. Might not want to move.Be determined to one, but still, perhaps scary, to something. I also forget who one is, I think at the same time.Still, when you think of yourself something strongly, because I liked. Remember, that the sense of stability."Something" "someone", to me, might be necessary.

Also the fear of that "most", but "make" something special, remember that.



いい人・優しい人。     (20061212)


祖母とは、家の性質上、よく賭け花札をしました。( 中学生くらいまで。 )
「 ババァーブックだ!死にやがれ!ったー! 」と、札をめくったり。
「 雨四光だ!このハゲ! 」と、追い討ちをかけたり。
「 おばーちゃん!五光はやめて~! 」とか、
「 トリプルブックはやめて~!! 」とか、本気で喜怒哀楽MAX気味で、打ち合いました。
おばあちゃんも、「 このガキ!手役だ!さっさとよこせ! 」と、双方、結構口が悪かったと思います。


「 今日も、○○○(私)が来てくれたから、心配ないよ。 」
「 さっきも、○○○(私)が散歩に連れて行ってくれたから。 」
「 この後、○○○(私)が来てくれるから、大丈夫だよ。 」と。

父は困って、「 ○○○(私)はもう、ここ(病院)へは来ないから 」と何度か言ったそうですが、
その度に、おばあちゃんは「 ○○○(私)は、毎日来てくれてるから。 」と。
「 さっきも、来てくれたから。この後も、来てくれるから。 」と、繰り返し言っていたそうです。


私は、「 そっか、私が毎日、おばあちゃんのお世話してるのかー。 」と、笑ってみました。
母は、「 それが、そんなに嬉しい事なのか!?自慢なのか!? 」と、蔑むように、嫌そう言いました。
「 このパンスケ! 」「 泥棒猫! 」「 乞食ヤロウ! 」と、散々、罵られたそうです。


( 携帯やメアド交換は、いろんな意味で制限されるのが嫌いで、持ちません。 )

なのに何故?良い意味で「 誤解 」されるんだろう。(嫌われる事も、たくさんありますけれど。)
「 良い人 」「 優しい人 」。何度、言われただろう?


「 純粋な人 」「 リーダーシップがあるよね 」。何度言われただろう?
嘲笑が、クセになる。そんなヤツ!いねーよ!!   心の中は、こんなに最低なのにね。
いつも一緒に居た子を、傷つけた。「 いつも、おまえばかり何でも決めてズルイ! 」

おとなしくしている「 つもり 」だったんだ。目立たないようにしている、つもりだったんだ。

人に、「 優しい 」と言われる度に、その人物に怒りがわいてくる。
「 優しい人 」のまま、終われるように。次の出会いがないように、行動をとるようになった。
それを、「 楽しいゲーム性 」だと感じてしまう事が、怖かったから。

私は、人を意図して傷つけた後、「 どう感じるのか 」知りたくなかったから。怖かったから。
。。。それでも、「 無理せず 」誰かと出会えたら、いいなあとも思う。全力で愛するのにとも、思う。
「 誰か 」「 何か 」が、私には、必要なのかも知れない。

でも、「 一番 」「 特別な何か 」を作る事の怖さも、覚えてる。

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