
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

Smock (20090814)

Teaching of home economics has been a continuous 2 hours a week. I did not like the teaching of Home Economics.However, because it was home economics subjects in charge of teacher of young women became teachers and classes two or three years, it lacked a voice to attend a class with something, I try to leave as much as possible.

Meanwhile, was "smock" to have expected to make in the classroom. Was fed up with honesty. Decided as Bakkure.Apparently, girly things, without interest Mote. Bucket force even if, not only to frustration,,,Also home economics class, was always empty.In fact, even though the class is out, or looking out or asleep, was either reading a comic.

Still, (teacher) is talking to my teacher. Gave me made together.The teacher raised from the pattern, took me for a fitting, most of the smock."After that, because only put a sewing machine," and I was told to submit.

Is hot outside. Happens without motivation. - And I wish to, in discursive thought, if I thought.Is it any wonder why I do not submit, and I wish or bad,,, say, or sewing machine - Dari,,,,,,,,,Can not be helped. Bought, remove tags, and intends to submit. I went to the clothing department.

Smock pattern is not close to. Not accustomed to the feel to go to find another shop.Smock to buy anyway, and probably from the barrel, as it is completely different design, was submitted as it is to turn off the tag.

Guard of a girl like that has been at odds with me, a girl with a high body mass,"It? What did you do," and has been heard. She was very much as you like handicraft.(Junior high school girl is one of the past diary "You furnaces accounts for the year." Come out to http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10905401758.html.)I normally, and "? I was off and submit it. Tag he has bought."As it is, the story is over, I was sleeping in the classroom.

Then, at a later time. I came running crying and hoping that teacher.And "! ~ N ~ Wow! (Is the name of the I ←) ○ ○ ○ ○", was away at my desk and crying.While I think in many ways, and, damn, tentatively, I asked the teacher.And "? Sensei? Did you Do."Then, the teacher may have broke down, got up Innovation governance, a moment, surprised, was impatience.

~ I was glad to Saturday - did you "~ 's not?! About you!○ ○ ○ ○ I ~ is a little different design, and submit me very well over the smock sewing machine!

- A teacher! Do ~Tsu Suggo! ~ I'm not I was happy! ! ~ N ~ Wow! ! ! And "'ve just been crying.

Normally, Ne or notice? And, while I think. . . I have my bad, sigh leak.This person, that cry about this, and I'm a happy person, I felt the day after tomorrow that somewhere.The teacher still does not stop crying,"I'm sorry, because you do not already, I'm sorry" and he apologized. Teacher is crying, I forgive me.

Then, whether the smock is issued, do not remember. For some reason, and the teacher was a love relationship such that the consultation., And I've been subscribed to two men dating from the teacher, had been listening to the teacher or


• Since this is a fill-20110708 ↓.

The above is> smock at a later date-(20090814)
> We will, connected to "a child of school refusal",,,

One by one, and although my own sow,,,Adults also, even to family members also Mata societyDespair? Would even "background" as-of-history began to,,,Now grown up,,, personally, I think in retrospect, is,,,

This is a single data
-Will-and as one sample,,,

As we will be saved even a little-children-are suffering from bullying and abuse right now,,,

As we will be saved-even a little of Adult Children, are you still suffering from,,,,


> Then, at a later time. I came running crying and hoping that teacher.> And "! ~ N ~ Wow! (Is the name of the I ←) ○ ○ ○ ○", was away at my desk and crying.> While I think in many ways, and, damn, tentatively, I asked the teacher.> And "? Sensei? Did you Do."> Then, the teacher may have broke down, got up Innovation governance, a moment, surprised, was impatience.

↑ (^ ^ at this time;;; and bad-yourself> Although

->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -
> "Meaning" with that word "mother"
One day, and want to come along next to the gym not a popular teacher, I was told. I wonder what I think, have prompted the teacher to ensure that as desperate, we went to the gym.To concrete with a little height, two people sat down, I said open your mouth that looks heavy teacher.Was excised "Because the teacher! I'm human," and was desperate in the face like tears.

↑ honesty (^ ^;; why> I did not know (^ ^;;

->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -
> Continue to corrupt themselves. (20061212)
My mother is like to choose at one's own discretion on the second floor of the home or not there anyone grandfather, and I come home from school.Not here not there anyone in the room, only my mother and I, over and over again tie string around the neck of his grandmother's kimono.Me and pulling me, crying, is not pester.Right now, being bullied at school. To get to this room, is a trick on his uncle grandfather.Thinking that all the events in front of you, it will at Keshiton in a moment.The sight of that time. The shock. I still can not forget.To call his mental state, "daddy" and the people who say these that caused the mother, was not very.

Have a sore throat. Temple hurts. As Rumex body does not move as you wish.But my mother is poking me. Though, like if it came to looking for the next reaction.Without power. Does not move in thinking, to solve the string is wound around the neck of the mother.To appease, to resist the mother. So as not to hurt, while applying the word.Or painful, or sad.The solution is not from his emotions.Events in front of you, since they will be deprived of all nervous. But vicious cycle thinking in a moment, would up dispersing.I've been feeling that little by little from the time of the prostrate, to go in their own broken something, going missing.Emotions, to go down peeling. I went no longer be able to capture the emotions of his own.But, do not break. Like not hurt someone else. Was full filled.(I think most, and because it seemed like had vaguely scary in the world that repentance is contrition. It rather than simplicity.)

->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -
> Continue to corrupt themselves. (20061212)
I was crying.Been hugged his father, do not mean I cried from joy.Been frustrated, sad. His is pathetic, I cried. Can not hold a child's life, frustrated and cried.This frustrates that may not live in their own intention, from the strong to be strong from the others, cried.I wanted to stay in the beautiful. Pollution is to go is the mind, I cried.I cried in misery can not defend themselves, to their own weakness.Every time I hug my father, says something every time, my heart went to become empty.Little by little, broken, dirty is to go is. To want to stop it, not unstoppable. I cried.It is the child's heart, it was terribly painful.I remember, there were also things through these events, little by little become ambiguous.

↑ My father-brother was crying, on the footbridge. Was crying, in a loud voice. Was looking away-from-behind a little better-it-my mother,,,

> · ー impossible "il" ー not even born again!! "Even" |!!!! | Li_ | ¯ | ○ il | | li

May be around the age of 23 to 24, women who have been together has been the subject of suicide.From the adults, was the one who taught me the name and address for the first time. Cause, I think it was from my breaking up.

↑ screaming "Where have you been like this!?? Did not like the phone-why"-and the phone from her incoming-to-end? Real intention is with · · · · · · is? I'm sorry li · · · "| | li_ | | ¯ | ○ il | · · · il is crying large in her over the phone · the next moment ..." was going, the game punishment "Porori · · · · · · · · · sealed and cut, mobile "? Manusa? Nifuramu? I am so sorry · · · · · · · ° · (Roh Д `) · ° · · · · I'm sorry had immediately

↑ · · · and through? (^ ^;??> "System crying?"? Is
> impossible; (^ ^??!

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone! ! Impossible! ! ! Is (^ ^;;

S not good or bad-or (^ ^;; "? System crying?" In my head> is the mode switch-on Bakkure Gyafun Death (^ ^;;

> Reason-Is not really impossible
>;;; ^ ^ (of no

Ron emotionRon idealRon spirit,,,I do not really accept-perhaps-(^ ^;;

Through reason and moral certain-· · ·
 Of can not be "(such as mutual adjustment and respond) said,"Is not unreasonable (^ ^;;



スモック    (20090814)


そんな中、授業で作る事になったのが「 スモック 」でした。正直うんざりしました。バックレようと決めました。

それでも、先生( 担任 )は私に声をかけ。一緒に製作してくれました。
「 あとは、ミシンをかけるだけだから 」と、提出するように言われました。

仕方ない。買って、タグ外して、提出しようと。 衣料品売り場へ行きました。


「 それ、どうしたの? 」と、聞いてきました。 彼女は、手芸がとても好きなようでした。
( 過去日記・中学校時代「 あなたが一年をシメろ 」http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10905401758.html に出てくる少女の一人です。 )
私は普通に、「 買って来た。タグ切って提出したけど? 」と。

「 ○○○○( ←私の名前です )~!! うわ~ん!! 」と、私の机で号泣してしまいました。
いろんな意味で、参ったな、と思いながら、一応、先生に聞きました。 「 どーしたの?センセー? 」と。

「 ど~したの?じゃないよ~!!センセー嬉しかったのに~!

  先生~!すっごっく!嬉しかったんだよ~!!うわ~ん~!!! 」と、泣かれてしまいました。

「 ごめん、もうしないから、ごめんなさい 」と、謝りました。 先生は泣きながら、許してくれました。

その後、スモックを出したかどうかは、覚えていません。 なぜか、先生とは恋愛相談をするような仲でした。



上記は・後日>スモック    (20090814)

>「 登校拒否の子 」へと・繋がっていきます、、、



絶望?していった・経緯としての・「 背景 」だろうとも、、、







>「 ○○○○( ←私の名前です )~!! うわ~ん!! 」と、私の机で号泣してしまいました。
>いろんな意味で、参ったな、と思いながら、一応、先生に聞きました。 >「 どーしたの?センセー? 」と。






「 先生だって、人間なんだよ! 」と、涙顔で切羽詰ったように切り出されました。



>壊れ続ける自分自身。  (20061212)


母のこれらの原因となったと言う人を、「 パパ 」と呼べる心境には、とても在りませんでした。



>壊れ続ける自分自身。  (20061212)




>・「 もー!!生まれ変わらない!!」「 もー!!ムリ!! 」il||li_| ̄|○il||li



     ↑最後に・かかってきた・彼女からの電話に・「 どこいっていたのよう!!?どうして・電話でなかったのよう!!? 」と・絶叫?され・・・つい・・・本音が?ポロリ・・・「 罰ゲームに・行っていた 」・・・次の瞬間・・・電話越しで彼女の大号泣が・・・il||li_| ̄|○il||li ・・・「 ごめん・・・ 」と・携帯きって・・・封印?マヌーサ?ニフラム?ちてしまった・・・すまん・・・・・・・°・(ノД`)・°・ごめんよ~


>「 号泣系? 」?(^^;???>ムリです!!!


いいとか・悪いとかじゃなく(^^;;;>頭の中は・「 号泣系? 」で・バックレモード・スイッチオン?ですぎゃふん(^^;;;








・「 話し( 対処対応・相互調整など ) 」が・できないの・


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