
- Past elementary school diary -

Kumon. (20060907)

Performance of up to junior high school, I was close to all is a five-step evaluation.What was good was about three and three of arts and crafts of physical education. Even after well, performance was about 2.I asked the teacher of the mother is also Kumon An attempt to attend to cram me, I was a regular of the restaurant at the time of my grand parents.Kumon teacher, so was the audience of my grand parents, I attended with seriousness that could not wag.Desuga as much as several days, from Kumon teacher-chan "○ ○ ○, so stupid, it will be the cause of the delay of a child of the other. Please do not let come," and seems to have been said."Even by looking at the notes of the other child. Is not immediately Kakiutsuse," and seems to have been said to continue.But now decided to quit Kumon, also my mother, was put to me after a while and cram school.I think in the meantime, you can look at the study got to his cousin, but I went to abacus and calligraphy, and had to leave immediately.

Not even keep up with cram school Yappari, academic reinforcement classes also (?), It was decided to attend at the request of the cram school.Half, but was just playing around, reinforcing academic achievement in the class, I had to study a relatively serious.Because it was only two people and one of my younger boy students, because there was no time to playing.With this boy, became friends immediately.One day, "for my birthday, I got to buy this watch? Would be nice from papa" and boy is that, I was proud to have a very happy story.Said in a conversation such, the boy "If you guessed the second what at what hour and minute from now! I'll watch this," said the teacher was stay next to, so was not in school hours yet, I have received stood.

And the boy said! "Start!" Yes happily, we switched to the clock stopwatch.From that moment on, I began counting the number of seconds of clock according to the 1 to 60 in the head.(. Was then calculated back to add my own moment and said, "start" boy, I began counting the injury time)Although I tried to count beyond 60, we switched stanza 60 as absolutely no sense grasp.Meanwhile, the conversation with the boy goes on. Silly little conversation.Was borne in mind that smooth, smooth as possible to talk to. But, in the head teacher of a young man is seen in, the expression of I counted the number of seconds of the clock, have a conversation with the boy while counting the number.I tried to draw the head, an expression of yourself.That other entities from observing the teacher in the step-by-step Morobare that the numbers in your head, very ashamed.But I did not quit while continuing the conversation with the boy, the counting numbers in your head, hands, rather than turn up to the expression of his face would have been seen by the teacher.This frustrates that up to facial expressions, hand absolutely still does not rotate. . .But have noticed my, the pupil can not be, frustrated. . .

I was around 2 to 3 minutes have passed, and I begin the lesson the teacher soon. Boy, "Now! Stop! Yes,? Minutes but many seconds" What has stopped the clock happily, and then.I said, "with a bunch of 60, the numbers would have said to stop now" and by adding the, was the answer.The next moment the boy was stuck away. Teacher has looked into the clock of the boy.And said, "because I was hit, I ○ ○ ○ Raise to watch that," and laughing meaningly.The boy, pale as a very cute so, was it would cry.I, I do not need to watch. So I said "I do not need."

My interest, was to guess the numbers that while the conversation. Because it was very happy.That had been seen in the teacher, my face has continued the conversation with OTA while thinking about that number, more than anything, was very touched and pride about is nothing more shameful than shame."Has been seen to Tenouchi", I felt at this time. . .But this is "work" after, as feeling positive, has become a solid position in the future challenge in itself as my own. (Seen in the expression of a third party who I have been in the belly that Yomitoka. It is from my complex to stimulate. Of the teacher, can not forget those eyes.)

At the same time, we have noticed the possibility of one (application) with it anymore."While through a conversation with a partner, we follow exactly the numbers in my head."This is in everything, and we would go take advantage of is (Application).Its purpose, but I think it depends on the "people" that, for me this is as challenging a variety, now led us a chance and perspective without being caught from various perspectives to me in the direction of various later.

As an aside.Clothes in the diagnosis of the mother, are now utilized to cram school.When there is a cocktail dress.At other times, such as adult wear at work, was a suit of the brand name ones.Tsuppane and even how "I do not want to wear", is kicked is the end beaten to cry, no longer forced to wear.I would be in this dress was the elementary school at the time, was how evils. . .
Be read back at all-today-,,, could not,,,

> ★ ★ (preparation time axis), U.S., Middle East, China (government and politics) Japan YOMIURIONLINE> Russian newspapershttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10813959772.html> ★ ★ weapon demo concern the Middle East, China, United States (government and politics) Japan YOMIURI ONLINE> Russian newspapershttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10813934349.html
Management of unaffiliated voters >>>> (diplomatic, political and government capacity) Japan YOMIURIONLINE newspaper do you judge do?http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10813828968.html
> The "information",,,The simulation,,,I think I exhausted,,,
As will be one-of-something-to go-even saved a little-children-are suffering from bullying and abuse-in-this is now,,,One of the go-something-saved, so that you become even a little-of-your-adult children are suffering, still,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,

Can not be able to-to-own,,,To be patient,,, one by one,,, little by little,,,I stopped, because that Hikikomoru,,,Straight,,, let go,,,

I quit, that because of their own free-Hikikomoru,,,The straight-prepared, properly,,, fair,,, let go,,,


公文。         (20060907)

ですが数日ほどで、公文の先生から「 ○○○ちゃんは、頭が悪いので、ほかの子の遅れの原因になりますので、来させないでください。 」と、言われたそうです。
「 他の子のノートを見せてもらっても、直ぐに書き写せないからです。 」と、引き続き言われたそうです。

ある日、その男の子は「 パパから誕生日に、この時計を買ってもらったんだ!いいだろう? 」と、私に自慢してはとても嬉しそうに話していました。
そんな会話の中で、男の子が「 今から何時何分何秒を言い当てたら、この時計あげるよ! 」と言い、先生は隣に居ましたが、まだ授業時間ではなかったので、私は受けて立ちました。

男の子は嬉しそうに「 はい!スタート! 」と言って、時計をストップウォッチに切り替えました。
(男の子が「 スタート 」と言った瞬間と、私が数え始めたロスタイムを自分なりに逆算して足しました。)

2~3分が経ったころ、先生がそろそろ授業を始めるぞと言いました。すると男の子は、「はい!ストップ!いま、何分何秒だ? 」と、嬉しそうに時計をとめました。
私は、「 60の束と、いまストップと言われただろう数字 」とを足して、答えました。
そして、「 当たったんだから、その時計○○○にあげろよ 」と、意味ありげに笑いながら言いました。
私は、時計なんて要りません。だから「 いらないよ 」と言いました。

このとき感じた、「 手の内を見られている 」。。。
これは後に「 仕事 」でも、私自身の中で確かな手応えとして、今後の課題として自分自身の中での確かな位置づけとなりました。( 私の表情を第三者の人に見られ、その腹の内を読み解かれている。それが私のコンプレックスを刺激したからです。先生の、あの目が忘れられません。 )

それと同時に、もう一つの可能性( 応用 )に気がついていました。
「 相手との会話を通しながら、頭の中で数字を正確に追っていく 」。
これは何事にも、活用( 応用 )されて行く事になるだろうと。
その用途は、その「 人 」次第だと思いますが、後に私にとってはこれが色々な方面で色々な手応えとして、私に多角的に囚われずに視点とチャンスをくれる切っ掛けとなりました。

どんなに「 着たくない 」と突っぱねても、最後には泣かされ殴られ蹴り飛ばされて、着ざるを得なくなりました。




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