
- Past elementary school diary -

Money-in the socks (20111020)

I passed on the slope-and-older-sister-of the house about five years ago-of a lotus.• In the atmosphere of the older sister and older sister, are you talking about-a little? Noticed that the funny-is. I looked, the older sister.

I noticed that the-socks-and-feel that try to stare at the bulge-to-the uncomfortable feeling of little feet, then your sister.I will care, that bulge· "My sister, what 's inside-something socks?"-Told me, laughing, "This? This'm have put socks-to-not to drop the money"-and sister.

Around this time I will. Every day.Had been-in-class boys in the "request money"-of a few hundred yen.(Middle Primary School (hereafter, is about grade 3-4 events) writes • (20060904)>.)

Look-a-"socks" of her sister.An attempt was made to go to school, put a money-in-socks think you can have, to schools transferred to-socks from Purses bottle of great-in the living room of the house, so as not to Bale to mother or father .

• When the mother called to be stopped.• "Look, take off socks, Chieko" mother unprovoked.I was refused a hard-to-body-and dismay-while Iyada very surprised.("Tone of voice, a commanding tone," mother-of,,, can be beaten, it is only, as can be seen, now,,, so, absolutely, We ended up cramped, body and mind)

But my mother-"Over to-EACH? Or good! Whack-and I do not listen, to say that out of three ..." motherAnd body-mind is freezing the countdown of my mother. Took off-the-socks as my mother says.

"Money-is-I've been entered in a place like this-why? What this?" Mother-Because I wanted-sweets "· · · I,,, being Buttobasa-in mother-also. Did not say-that the real-and has been (bullying is because I was scared-> More than this, even at school, even my mother, because did not want to be hurt,,,, gone away, even where it is because I was scared,) "

Mother, "I put in a place like this-the-money-why? You have will not come up with Ne-alone? 'S hint of who? Just say it!!""My sister-in front of the house ..,,,"-I• Is good! Fellow Pansuke that "mother? That the woman is not because human-sucks not! You got that I Ne Well do you ask that till doomsday!! Say? He is also Yo and Doe! ? ""Was found ..,,,"-I· "My mother was found would! High! Not!?"· · "· · · Hi,,," I

Rather than stolen, the money,,, my mother-is distributed to me, saying many bad things about your sister-in before the nest, back to the bottle the money was gone, to somewhere,,,

I am very, steeped-in was something like a sense of guilt, for her sister,,,Mind and did not even try to Ali and copper have been painful, very painful, as had been de-tattle, the gossip, also a,,,
Valle was a "money-in the socks"-the mother.Sisters-money-gathering place in the arch-in-socks every time I walk.> Because had sounded, the sound-and-Charin Charin.

In addition to the socks.Is sound, tried to go out, thus, about 10 sheets so as not to face towel, a 100 yen.Because I wanted to accumulate, little by little, in and outside so as not to be found in their mother-a coin.(Request-of a few hundred yen, daily, is because there was, to the boys in the class,,,)

But, I would find my mother-in-it also."I've got guts that towel?" MotherI was impatient, would become disoriented,,,,"I'll wipe • In this · · · · · · When you sweat, is @ @ (the name of the brother ←),,," · I"Lend-a towel!" Mother

In addition, mother-and that is cramped-IBegan, in a low voice, the "Countdown",,,"Time"-this is me at the time, it was scary, heart-about is likely to collapse,,,

If you pass a towel for my mother. Receive the mother is a little rough towel.• 100-yen coin was from the towel-scattering.I was afraid-that sound,,,,, scatters money,,, metallic sound,,,

I will be beaten! • When I think. Clenching teeth, was strongly and hard-to-body everywhere.Was laughter-but-is the mother.

Reviews of this towel.I had been chatting, and more companies and acquaintances as a "joke" · Mother's often-even after becoming an adult.Each time-I, "laughed happily,"-was feeling in Itatamarenai,,,.

Tentatively. Asked the mother-and-at that time? "What this money,"-And-answer was "Because I wanted to eat sweets · · · ·" · I,,,

My mother towards acquaintances and entertainment company· "My mother is Chieko & @ @ Na-itself did not unlikely that it once did, I wiped the sweat-of (the name of the brother ←) has a towel to Ne (laughs)"And, had been chatting,,,.

Because this is a thing before going to home-grandmother. I think that event-and time-of-grader probably 3-4.Still, the time of the state before the house is brown-Sat not been paved, is visible.

• Place-remembered, so adding some-one-in-soil road is not paved, in front of the house,,,

Such as road roller in front of the house, has not been paved-in-concrete yet.Mother's will be seen, so the "Gamagaeru" about no place to step foot on one side of the road, on a rainy day↑ this episode, but was never heard from anyone-even once-a non-(? Or was not), mother and brother-

Yes, saw the "Gamagaeru" of the surface of a road-there is no place to step foot on the Day of rain also brother-in about a few years later.

I usually have something-or-the-eaves of (the type of a big house with a garden-) locality? *** I've been hiding-usually-to-earth, where only the number of long-frog "says mother I saw a frog in it, have only been living up to now? I was surprised-in or for the first time in my life!! "


クツシタの中の・お金   ( 20111020 )


・私・「 おねえちゃん、クツシタ・なにか・入ってるの? 」
・お姉さん・「 これ?これは・お金が落ちないように・クツシタに・入れているんだよ 」と・笑って・教えてくれました。

数百円の・「 金銭の要求 」を・クラスの男の子たちに・されていました。
( 小学校中学年(これ以降、3~4年生くらいの出来事です)(20060904)>に・書いています。 )

お姉さんの・「 クツシタ 」を・見て。

・母・「 チエコ・クツシタ・脱いでみなさい 」と・いわれ。
( 母の・「 命令口調・声のトーン 」、、、殴られることが・それだけで、わかるように、なりました、、、だから、どうしても、ココロもカラダも・竦んでしまいました )

・母・「 3つのうちに・言うこと聞かないと・ぶっ叩くぞ!いいか?いーち・にー・・・ 」

・母・「 なんだこれ?なんで・こんなところに・お金が・入っているんだ!? 」
・私・「 ・・・・・・お菓子が・欲しかったから、、、( イジメられていると・本当のことが・言えませんでした。また・母に・ぶっ飛ばされるのが・怖かったからです>これ以上、学校でも、母にも、傷つけられたく・なかったからです、、、逃げ場所すら・なくなってしまうことが・怖かったからです ) 」

・母・「 なんで・こんなところに・お金を・入れたんだ!?おまえが一人で・考え付くわけねーだろ!?誰の入れ知恵だ!?いいなさい!! 」
・私・「 ・・・前の家の・おねえちゃん、、、 」
・母・「 あのパンスケ野郎!!いいか!?あの女の事は・金輪際!!いうこと聞くんじゃねーぞ!?アイツは・どーしよーもない・サイテーな人間だからな!!わかったな!? 」
・私・「 ・・・わかった、、、 」
・母・「 わかった!じゃない!!ハイ!!でしょう!? 」
・私・「 ・・・・・・ハイ、、、 」




母に・「 クツシタの中の・お金 」が・ばれたのは。

( クラスの男の子たちに・毎日・数百円の・要求が・あったからです、、、 )

・母・「 そのタオル・どーすんだ? 」
・私・「 ・・・@@( ←弟の名前 )が・汗かいたら・・・これで・拭いてあげるの、、、 」
・母・「 タオルを・貸しなさい! 」

「 カウントダウン 」を・声を低くして・始めました、、、
この・「 時間 」が・当時の私には・心臓が潰れそうなほど・怖かったのです、、、



私が・大人になってからも・ちょくちょく・母の・「 笑い話 」として・会社や知人の方と・談笑していました。
私は・そのつど、いたたまれない気持ちの中で・「 楽しそうに・笑って 」いました、、、。

一応。「 このお金は・なんだ? 」と・当時・母に聞かれ
・私・「 ・・・お菓子が・食べたかったから 」と・答えました、、、

・母・「 チエコが・@@( ←弟の名前 )の・汗なんて・一度も拭いてやったことがねーのに・タオルを持っていること自体・ありえなかったからなー( 笑 ) 」



雨の日に・母は・道一面の・足の踏み場もないほどの・「 ガマガエル 」を・見たそうでう
   ↑けれど・これは・母と・弟( だったかな? )以外・誰からも・一度も・聞いたことがない・エピソードでした

数年後くらいに・雨の日に・弟もまた・足の踏み場もない・道一面の・「 ガマガエル 」を・見たそうです。

母曰く・「 あれだけの・カエルの数・いったい・どこに・普段・かくれているんだ?***さんち( 庭のある・大きな家のかた )の・軒下か・なんかに・普段いるのかな?いままで生きてきて・あれだけのカエルを見たのは・生まれて初めてで・驚いた!! 」

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