
- Past elementary school diary -

Anorexia. (200601005)

Height does not remember, think back in the order of stay, as always to much from behind before and after the fifth.Was around 45 kg body weight. If anything, I think as muscular Ppoka~tsu.However, our meal was no longer pass through the throat gradually. As much as a month, was ranked 38 km becomes.It works well, even thought it was slow and gradually go.Now flowing about myself and also I think what was also broken lacrimal gland, tears easily unintentionally.Been rejected violence to the boy at school, crying. Violence and verbal abuse will emit a girl, to cry.Excursion in the gym just say, do not put into the group, it has become just like cry.Thought to degenerate. In dubious thought, just, only that of my mother, go now accounted for all of my nerve, somewhere.Still, bullying bear. Grandfather and uncle to mischief, the mind is paralyzed.Bravado was stretched every time your cousin come to the room and would not be touched.

No longer sleep. Nail biting habit was from the past, did not stop growing even as the habit of chewing chewing continues further, always shed blood, even beaten.If there are no nail biting both hands, now bite your nails of the foot. My nails were always covered in blood.Now to the elementary school nurse's office, to attend on a daily basis.Head is always heavy, the body of Arc. Has continued to sleep in the infirmary every day.One day teacher, the nurse's office is in a marathon five-minute break time each day the annual student body, was Tsuredashi me.I hate! And was begging to entreaty. Teacher does not forgive me. Will try to Tsuredaso me from the infirmary.I had become loose from the lacrimal gland, tears overflowing Donimo can not, we still depressingly appeal.I do not want to run, and for your forgiveness. Pride was the shreds.Still, even physical energy is also about ready to run, can not do anything did not stay.But, the teacher pulled my hands crave weeping, began to run while riding in light music.I was begging, crying, while the entreaty, and want you to release your hand.

The students of different grade, their classmates, they look for me running is led by the hand while crying.I will still appeal to the teacher and do not want to run. The teacher did not listen me.Marathon is the end of five minutes, the teacher says to me. "Look, is not can run," said a proud smile.I was crying. However, the word was crying silently, and the other, and for your forgiveness.

Then, I also in the whole school, came to be bullied. On the one, and sixth graders. Under one, grade 4.The classmate is now often I had been rejected violence, absent - minded that.To the children of the lower grade, as in the tag, so I went in bacteria than it treated.My brother is now hiding that this is a brother and sister with me.And that became "I hate shy from ugly", to say.I was laughing. It would so. Be solved and little brother and sister, I might have an awful time in the class brother.My mother, and so on. "(Father) ○ ○ ○ ○, the! 'S demon" and. On a daily basis, you spin me the word of the curse."Because of (Father) guy, I could do a suicide attempt! That guy is! Devil," and you gain a rough voice.. . . I like Taningoto somewhere, now spend less without feeling a sense of reality, to them.Uncle came to touch my body One day, as usual.I waited in a hollow feeling, again, without any resistance in that exhausted, the only time goes by.Then, caught my uncle's hand for the first time. Slide the body, was staring at my face and body.At that moment. Uncle, was said with sincerity and with a tearful face? "Or blame it on me."I was stunned in overflowing anger and hatred, and that eye of his uncle at this time, and facial expressions, words, and to focus all nerves.Intense feelings like this, I hate! On the other hand to deny. Why say something now in the face like that, why, instead of permitting.To me, it show "a friendly face" Why not?I wanted to stay paralyzed. I did not want to hate. To such feelings, but did not want noticed.Than rape, as much of that terrible, I did not think that will the.

My mother, on accident of my body without noticing. And teachers of insurance, accident unaware of my body.The accident of my body was not noticed, everyone in the class mate. Teacher also, I did not realize.But only noticed uncle seemed to have been tormented by pangs of conscience.I can not forget, I put the eyes of his uncle, a confession that. I was dragged back from the real world, me.To me, as if to say even "I want you forgiveness."My uncle did not quit me to touch on a daily basis without embracing me, still vary.I thought. "If you fall much, eat!". Since then, I will now repeat the anorexia and bulimia.Once again, inspired the spirit. Now think of going to change, this situation somehow.

As an aside.I, becomes about sixth grade, is now back order of about the middle.At one time, was also a headache it is tall. But each time measured by body measurements, growth was much longer.When the time up to junior high school, my height is now about the fifth, counting from the front.Height growth was no longer the most. A cup is also too big even in the chest, did not have a bra size that fits.Leakage of urine is a little, now. Became frequent urination. When the tension, or defeating the stomach, is now near the toilet.Growth of the body, you will feel that from this time I stopped.
This is also,,,
"One year" in-home-grandparents
Stay calm • The blog from the law of the mother
From the digestion-to-slightly-even my own feelings, and
I think "one year" in home-this-grandparents of going Saru and Categories,,,,

> One day teacher, the nurse's office is in a marathon five-minute break time each day the annual student body, was Tsuredashi me.> I hate! And was begging to entreaty. Teacher does not forgive me. Will try to Tsuredaso me from the infirmary.> I had become loose from the lacrimal gland, tears overflowing Donimo can not, we still depressingly appeal.> I do not want to run, and for your forgiveness. Pride was the shreds.> Still, even physical energy is also about ready to run, can not do anything did not stay.> But, the teacher pulled my hand begging, crying, began to run while riding in light music.> I was begging, crying, while the entreaty, and want you to release your hand.

> The students of different grade, their classmates, they look for me running is led by the hand while crying.> I will still appeal to the teacher and do not want to run. The teacher did not listen me.> End a five-minute marathon, the teacher says to me. "Look, is not can run," said a proud smile.> I was crying. However, the word was crying silently, and the other, and for your forgiveness.

> Then, I also in the whole school, came to be bullied. On the one, and sixth graders. Under one, grade 4.> The classmate is now often I had been rejected violence, absent - minded that.> To the children of the lower grade, as in the tag, so I went in bacteria than it treated.> My brother is now hiding that it's me and my brother and sister.> Has become and that "I hate shy from ugly", to say.> I was laughing. It would so. Be solved and little brother and sister, I might have an awful time in the class brother.

->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -Mother attempted suicide (200601004)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10826785424.html

->-Era elementary school upper grades reprint past diary -Why I wanted out of the house (20060930)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10825461440.html

> And my mother and amoeba-Death (Saru Categories-supplement and correction)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10792170965.htmlBaba had loved, particularly, the third son, the youngest-And heart by nature is weakHole in the heart? I seems to have is
Seems to have been said • If you do not live up to the age of twenty-
So the grandmother-
It is said that the third son, and not let me come-from school
"Please let objection, does not attend. So to all schools, even though he dies, is this child in the class" and-grandmother,,,

My grandmother, is the third son.
Either with or without you-also-also play study
You have been, the only love that
> Because I thought, and die,,,

And flow-month is,,,

I-10 at the age of
Grandmother's home, and a fifth-grade year
Along with the third son and his wife, had spent

Every day,,,
The third son, and grandfather,,,
> Had received sexual-abuse

When the body weight of about 44 km • The lean-to to about 38 km, the third son
• In the face-was seen as "? Or blame it on me", the third son, I feel like crying

Anger-about-never felt so far was Wye,,,

My brother is on a daily basis-
From the third son, grandfather and
Had been beaten
Had been beaten, sometimes, I also
(Had eaten immediately, and get up and walk away-brother-is-the leftovers audience-audience-of-rice-Why did not)

Also (my older one) from the son of the eldest son of grandmother
Was supposed to undergo sexual abuse-a,,,

> I-and-mother and amoeba2011-02-06 15:01:18http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10792156034.html

From children of the same grade, it is now repeated every day Kareru Shipping Information from the side from behind.I think yeah, and Shipping Information Kareru. Themselves, because there was no specification of the denial.Another, began to get used to that to be kicked in the boys beaten to classmates. Also be considered, cumbersome somewhere.Rather than at school, grandfather, uncle, cousin, that mother was worried about that. Intervention of a stranger in the toilet.

Are Shikato at school. Been violence and demanded money. Said the sarcastic. The loss of one or rot, or stained.Mother, to not understand the word. Swallow every day.Still, because that he chose it, I will attempt to find a workaround, in my elementary school thinking they are now up dispersing in front of the mother, such as attempted suicide.Every day, like get better still, struggle struggle.Also intend to escape bad to worse, could not escape from going down.

Word of resentment to his father and mother a request from the home visiting teacher of psychic → → chastisement occasionally be a time to be mischievous pranks are their grandfather to go to school bullying → → → → The toilet occasionally bullied from school → → → go to school to sleep →

Conclusion. (.. But only for my own personal retrospective)I think if I get help to adults and helped me be better. Now, there are a variety of institutions.In children, I think it is unreasonable. I also do not want to hurt the mother, it is their children that is just unreasonable.

Do not want to break the home. I also do not want to hurt anyone. I think about the same, and I want to cherish themselves with it.I think to support someone, and even more must be strong themselves.Because I think sometimes necessary to reject the deal. If you are going in anticipation of, a long time. . .

If you can. . . I would like to consult more than one adult person.And that of bullying, sexual violence. Violence, abuse and abandonment of a child of the language from relatives. . .You also solved than to talk to a human, there are also very tremendous determination.Nevertheless, I think it to consult more than one adult, and very painful thing.But now it became an adult Ru solved. Is to say, "adults are not a panacea" and. . .Is that the person is not only taken the children be raised by. . .Please accept me looking for a adult, if so.Before they lose energy even thinking also consult anyone, please help me find the adult, whether.

I thought I do not want to hurt the mother and, finally,,,,,,,Because I did not want to hurt the mother saw himself, will hurt.For me, I do not want to hurt someone, because people do not want to go at the sight of the tattered hurt by me.Really, I think that 's his own worst thing hypocritical.Also that if you hurt someone, that see him, become tempted to run away from the kit.If you try is hated by someone, because it seems like that should not really very scary.

As we will be saved-even a little-children-are suffering from bullying and abuse right now,,,
Adult Children of everyone-is suffering, still,,, even a little, as we will be saved,,,

拒食症。    (200601005)
5分間のマラソンが終わり、先生が私に言います。「 ほら、走れるじゃない 」と、誇らしげな笑顔で。
私と居る事を「 恥ずかしくて、みっともないから嫌だ 」と、言うように成りました。
母は、言います。「 ○○○○(父)は、鬼だ! 」と。毎日のように、私に呪いの言葉を紡ぎます。
「 アイツ(父)のせいで、私は自殺未遂をしたんだ!アイツは悪魔だ! 」と、声を荒げます。
その瞬間。伯父さんが、泣きそうな顔で「 俺のせいか? 」と真摯に言いました。
どうして私に、「 優しい一面 」を見せるの?
私に、「 許して欲しい 」とでも言うかのように。
私は、思いました。「 倒れるくらいなら、食え! 」。以来、私は拒食と過食を繰り返すように成りました。

祖父母宅での・「 1年間 」は・
この・祖父母宅での・「 1年間 」は・加筆していこうかと・思います、、、

>5分間のマラソンが終わり、先生が私に言います。「 ほら、走れるじゃない 」と、誇らしげな笑顔で。
>私と居る事を「 恥ずかしくて、みっともないから嫌だ 」と、言うように成りました。
母の自殺未遂      (200601004)

私が家を出たかったワケ     (20060930)
>母と・アメーバと・私( 補足・加筆・修正 )です
・祖母・「 この子が・授業中死んでも・一切・学校へ異議申し立てはしません。だから・通わせてください 」と、、、


・三男・「 俺のせいか? 」と・泣きそうな顔で・見られた

( 弟は・ごはんが・なかったのか・お客さんの・残り物を・お客さんが・席を立つと・すぐに・食べていた )

祖母の長男の息子から( 私の一つ年上 )も

2011-02-06 15:01:18

学校へ行く→ イジメられる→ 下校イジメられる→ 祖父たちにイタズラされる→ トイレの度にイタズラされる→ 時折折檻→ 時折霊能者の先生宅訪問→ 母からの要求や父への恨みの言葉→ 寝る→ 学校へ行く→

結論。( 私自身の個人的回顧に限ってですが。。 )

だけど、大人に成った今解かるのは。「 大人は万能では無い 」と言う事です。。。


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