
- Past elementary school diary -

Curse to his father (20060925)

When parents divorce, my mother is my father speak ill of me on a daily basis.And started! "Devil" "! 'S demon", from relationships with women of his father, work, gambling relationship.The start of a romance or two, of wrongdoing in a local story of his father.If you can, words of hatred of the biological father did not want to hear from real mother.But every day, every day. Violently every day. My mother went on hate my father.It seems like we are imprinted with the same hate me, and Noroe. Exit is not found as a bottomless swamp.May not be from around this time, it might have come to know the meaning of "divorce" I am.

Bullied at school.Rather than be rejected violence, rather than rot or contamination or loss is your thing, than be required to bribes, abuse and sarcasm rather than be told, was bought to be tight in most Shikato is.However, in front of the public and teachers are very kind, but to become so bear was finally crying.Pride too will get torn to shreds. Crushed dignity will cause the "default judgment" on the back of the hypocrisy.Also bullied my way home. But finally reached the house, this time is no longer my mother away from me.Daily, as desired by mother, out the back-channel feedback to the word of the curse of the mother, and positive.Only the father is the villain, the devil, it went to what is called a demon.

I'm laughing. "I'm all right."Speaking of my mother "(father) is! 'S lowest scum bastard guy," saidNow nice guy in the affirmative to the mother I said, "Daddy? Did you such a terrible thing" and.Mother have been hurt before my eyes, more than my own or whether it hurt or how dif cult, because it had seemed like a great thing.

As an aside.Was passed to the left to steal money from coin purse in the house, as required by the school.Had become "angry children are unsure about where" I am.There are many times that I thought could withstand the violence in elementary school, and try to return hit, it can hurt your opponent Kowaku~tsu of chastisement and then absolutely, now bear the feeling.Continue to beat your opponent, let his knees. Over the pressure to continue, continue to break.If you can not have it, could not escape from bullying in the real sense can not be it.Even in the gallery, you may not be getting used to.But, absolutely. That is was afraid to hurt people. Continue to damage the opponent is defeated, it was scary.Once I realized it had become a child do not know how far should Taere.On the other hand the situation was worse. There was no salvation.At home as if nothing had happened, I went as a companion for my mother.At school, only, it is now time to wait too.But pretending to be cool break in front of the mother was not.Actually, I wanted someone to help. Really, to a location that will not be a terrible thing anyone wanted a place to escape.Playing outside, was virtually eliminated.I like and then replaced, the younger brother was a quiet shy, but now play outside.

Even today, at all, did not Yomikaese,,,
Rather, consumables, like have run out,,,

But, I repeat-Why's this? Both, I think so
Or go for a while and continue the routine of the day-of-a-now-to get used to this pace, I think

Absolutely, as if they've been overworked,
A little, you have to adjust,,,

Data of this blog is one-
As a sample of one, to be able to function,,,
Leave, and wrote as much as possible, to leave it, but,,,

Right now the children, bullying and abuse, are suffering, even a little, as we will be saved,,,
It should be noted that even now suffering, of Adult Children, are you,,, even a little, as we will be saved,,,


父への呪い      (20060925)

「 鬼だ! 」「 悪魔だ! 」と始まって、父の女性関係から、仕事、ギャンブル関係。
この頃から、私は「 離婚 」の意味を理解できるようになったのかも知れません。

プライドはズタズタに引き裂かれてしまいます。偽善の裏の「 欠席裁判 」に尊厳が砕かれてしまいます。

私は笑っています。「 大丈夫だよ 」。
母が「 アイツ( 父 )は最低のクズ野郎だ! 」と言えば、
私は「 パパはそんな酷いことをしたの? 」と母に肯定の相槌を打つようになりました。

私は「 どこで怒って良いのか解らない子供 」になっていました。

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