
- Middle school diary and reprint past

How do you spend your weekends (20070715)

Happened around 8:30 in the morning. While taking breakfast as it is, viewed as a father the news program.Father and, to repeat the response in the form of "Q & A".And "? Know what this means" in place suspect that your computer needs, or specific, make sure the father.My father, usually "do not know", to fight with pride, sometimes quietly, asked me.

I, like easy to understand his father.Immediately in combat! Ready to use. By fitting the person holding the fields of his father, usually went to explain.Until you understand my father.
Based on the application, until you can convince each other several times, I went to repeat the question and answer session.

In the field of his father, was able to adapt the contents of the news program is.From his father, on weekdays. Entertainment or work through, was because I heard that most of.Elicit from his father that "no state based on the feelings of father" of a series of its people, is.In my mind, repeat the digestion.
Again and again, as that person determine the image, repeat the simulation.In addition, the next day. If there was a place was anxious, and the conversation with that person, sensitive to his father works.
Up to the tone of voice, listen again, in his Kamikudaki, I went to explore the thinking of them.In each case, the information I think in my mind, and not enough. I went from father to compensate.Father, it is also dissent, was not also want Mendokusa.

I had to offer, the only course, the person's preference goods-oriented, family structure, as well as fondness for the family, as far as possible, from the Father "of information that is not based on emotional as it is" as one element .Father also, within the time and I repeat, our relationship is unawares, had become in a word or two to avoid.That, from a word or two, to the mockery of strategic management advice, such as entertainment or the next, the transition went.(I am going to write in detail. At a later date also, etc. How do you spend with the father is this, about the work.)

Then, after spending the morning with my father.So if the boat races are held, as it went out to the Father and motorboat race place.Takes the (grandstand) specialized sense. Father and sat down next to each other. No, buy a newspaper motorboat.Every time, so they lost, both of whom bought a red pen. To prepare the drinks.I went to the views.To go to the bird, the "data". In order to collect the numbers in the next battle to entertain, you can use.

I, aloud, laughed.And "! Let ー ー ~Tsu! Than sow as it is! Righteousness.", Or I was blown away by the first corner.I sometimes some, such as when you or I are skipped over in the last corner, theAnd was aloud "ー! ー! ー bad luck! Ah! Quit".When you go to take a drink and, when standing on the toilet seat.I decided, then a kiss on the head of his father, was told the seat up the destination.

Was like watching in the sense that even in video games, the reaction of the people around you.On the surface, happily. Alternatively, Punpun, and so angry.Sometimes, people were eye. I was watching how the people came over and exchanged while the voice, word light.

From the muscle of his face, have a look what what.Eyes and for those who look at me, look through, now, what would do the facial expression yourself.Why, had come to understand.Then, from the expression of some of the people who have seen me now, what situations Why had feel.The "My situation is located."

That adults who are looking at a 13-year-old girl.I have laughed in a lighthearted manner. The Punpun, angry.I also have seen while the "bright and girls pretend" to adults who are looking at me.And be with "Uncle," How to make a play, or that you can dominate the space, so that it does not realize the sense of never cold, Kande was paying close attention.Sometimes, people and quiet. Sometimes, people and unyielding. Sometimes, some people like habit and trait two.By "ladler", what is obtained. In addition, it can not be obtained or what.Risk, what are they?
It was used in the "entertainment" I will go, also a place of great trial and error.

If you hated. And. "I'm sorry", should I apologize.So that reflection. A little, and then to have been hurt. "Really,. I'm sorry" and."We adults around" to have a look at it. Girls tend Shunto downcast.If you know that there is no should not be allowed, I was taking action.On was found in men, arms and say "girl", was because were also used.However, as much as possible. The people had hated me, as if apologizing to gently honest,,,Most people, in a 13-year-old girl, was favorable.

On the weekend, has not been held boat races.I, most of the time. To Ginza, I went to my mother was taken out.At home, I want to slow. . . But, my mother, me Tsuredashi. I liked to buy large amounts of clothes.That does not change from an early age, time with the mother.Only two, if you have changed.Time does not change, and "Please Father's revival will be home shield, brother", is admonished.And, my wording-deportment.To them, so I go up a tree, call me at every turn that is now been cornered in the word go.Does not tell another word. Mother say is decided on, and it "for me." . .

My mother, me track down. Mother's words, is likely just means broken heart always.My all negative. . . I am in front of the individual, company or father or brother has been included. . . Why. . . ?If I hear is cold yelled reason of the word, "You are not honest" and.In the end, and that "for the whole family" "for you" will be well, be admonished.

Before going to bed, repeat the simulation, such as the entertainment.As far as possible, to make choices and branching.Say from among hundreds, over the years a high potential, to compensate for information.The high degree of confidence, go work connected. . . For 24 hours without a headache that is, disappear.But, I'm laughing. Because I wanted to avoid, and that the extra risk will increase.If you show your weakness, will become stuck. . . Such fears.Mother, mother's instruction, such as would have been caught up, a sense of dread. . .So, I no longer quit, and that laugh.
Was no longer quit unawares, to make weapons, the brightness of the handlebars.

Mind, I do not know. Myself, I do not know.Always, because they are like filters, had been spent in such distant feel.Other than pain and sorrow mixed with weeping comes to words, their own feelings, did not know.The mother is called, the time alone together. I have painful, sad and was crying.Help me! Another, Stop it! Another, forgive me! . . . And, except for strongly hope.Were no longer know, my feelings, what are they.

For my father. In order to be successful in the entertainment father.
I, on the spot or other boat races, taking the data, repeat the validation.Assumed that applied to the person, that number. . . Its potential, would be possible in several ways.That, and percentage. Against the percentage of its Hajikidashi, "trust". . .Increase the confidence in their work, a place of trial and error,Has become necessary reaction of many people. . . There was also a reason. . ."Read what the hand, lead to could we entertain." . . It was also my job.

Night likely to be crushed by pangs of conscience.Solution but not from what the scary thing, as the breast is likely to bursting night, they are driven by a sense of guilt.Fear of someone that had hurt.Night can not be myself without stopping nausea, sleep.Disgust or night to itself, ridicule, but have gone further distort themselves.Alone, crying in the room was dark with no sound. And, to his crying, had been ridiculed.

But sad. But painful. Cold feeling in me, but went further cornered itself.

All ", and" Shimae to retaliation "Shimae break, all".Shimae and defeated in all things hurt me, the social sanction. . .I was crying in earnest. I hate being yourself, feeling bad, I cried.And "Shimae selling to the mass media '."If the Japanese media does not work I hope you # to leak to other countries that are sensitive to sexual abuse and". . ."Times-base" for this purpose are in place. . .And, as it is, and asking for protection Shimae,,,The "action as soon as" probably, and will be subjected to special treatment,,,

But I could not.I did not want to hurt nobody. . . Even lie, I did not want to be terrible for everyone.Also their own, more than this. I did not want to hurt. Did not want to be known, anyone.Was not accepted because after the leak, the risk. . .How much, and would rape Second, while I was scared the children.And, second that rape is, how much time, followed by Why on earth?Probably not be permanently disappear. As a "case" of one. . .So, I was stuck. Also hurt people, even the second rape.Both, the more feel nausea coming on, because he was scared.

So, I went to pick, that will weaken themselves.I do not want to hurt anyone. Want to stay in a beautiful heart remains. Even lie, you want to continue to be friendly. . .Also break their own, malicious and cold curiosity in me, do not want to be fooled.To someone, you want to be allowed. To someone, please forgive me. To someone, please help,,,Still,,, want to live,,, still, you are looking for a way can be free,,,Much, and their wishes, it disappears from the inside of me, there was not.
However, even though to mock him. Even though he had scornfully.Without hurting anyone, just wanted to be free. To live, I wanted you to forgive me.

I, myself, first thing in the world could not forgive.Other than your own, if somebody else. I was able to forgive.For some reason, only himself, forgiveness Gataku Nevertheless, horrifying as nausea, could not forgive.

· · · I think becoming an adult · ·From self-protection or,,, this item is and might be better to kill it to delete, I think squalor. . .And, still. Fact does not mean to write all that.Yet, still,,, is what has been continued in me in a lie, so that there may be some confidentiality.

Of "children-not asked to help",,, but,,,I think if there is to be a catalyst for something,,,How do I, do not hurt children now, what will become the society need not cry. . .

Children, "want to hurt a parent, there is no". . .More than this, do not want to lose, the human dignity of their own. . .

Tatoeba, Even though he has been bullied yourself. Even though he has received, the abuse. . .And become an adult, why,,, what you forget it, the feeling of when I was a child,,,How do I now. . . Children are suffering, are you crying, why go been saved,,,,,How do I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

週末の過ごし方       (20070715)

朝8時30分頃に起き。 そのまま朝食を取りながら、報道番組を父と見る。
父と、「 Q & A 」形式で応答を繰り返す。
「 この意味が判る? 」と、特定、あるいは必要だと思われる箇所で、父に確かめる。
父は、大抵「 判らない 」と、プライドと戦うように、時には静かに、私に尋ねました。

実戦で即!使えるように。 父のフィールドに居る人物を当て嵌めて、大抵は説明して行きました。

父から、平日に。 接待や仕事を通して、殆どの事を聞いていたからでした。
その人達の一連の「 父の感情を踏まえない様子 」を、父から聞きだしては。
また、翌日。 気になった箇所が在ったとすれば、父にその人物との会話や、機微動作。 
自分の中で、足りないと思う情報を、その都度。 父から補っていきました。

もちろん、その人物の嗜好・志向品、家族構成、家族に対する思い入れなども、一つの要素として可能な限り、父から「 あるがままの・感情の踏まえない情報 」だけを、提供してもらいました。
( この、仕事に関する父との過ごし方等は、また後日。 詳しく書いて行こうと思います。 )

特観( 特別観覧席 )を取り。 父と隣同士に座り。 違う、競艇新聞を買い。
毎回、二人とも失くしてしまうので、赤ペンを買い。 フリードリンクを用意して。
「 データー 」を、取りに行くために。 次の接待に、使える実戦での数字を集めていくために。

「 よし!そのままー!!捲くり差せーっ!!! 」と。
「 あー!!だめー!!やめてー!!!頑張れー!!! 」と、声を出しました。

表面上は、楽しそうに。 あるいは、ぷんぷんに、怒っているようにして。
時には、目のあった人。 声をかけてきた人達と、軽い言葉も交わしながら様子を見てました。

自分の「 置かれている状況 」を。

私は、くったくなく笑ってる。 ぷんぷんに、怒ってる。
私も、私を見ている大人たちを「 明るい・少女のフリ 」をしながら見てる。
そして、「 どの・おじさん 」と、場を作る事が、その空間を支配できるのか、冷めた感覚を決して悟られないように、細心の注意を払いながらで観てました。
時には、静かな人と。 時には、勝気な人と。 時には、一癖二癖あるような人と。
「 組む人 」によって、何が得られ。 また、何が得られないのか。
それは、私が行っていく「 接待 」で使える、大きな試行錯誤の場でもありました。

嫌われたら。 「 ごめんなさい。 」と、謝ればいい。
反省しているように。 少し、傷ついているようにして。 「 本当に、ごめんなさい。 」と。
それを見ている「 周りの大人たち 」。 しゅんと伏し目がちの少女。
「 少女 」と言う武器を、男性の中で判った上で、使ってもいたからでした。
ですが、極力。 私を嫌ってしまった人に、優しく素直に謝っているように、、、

私は、大抵。 母に銀座へと、連れ出されて行きました。
家で、ゆっくりしていたい。。。けれど、母は、私を連れ出し。 大量の服を買う事が好きでした。
変わらない時間に、「 御家再興・父、弟の盾となりなさい 」と、諭され。
二の句が告げません。 母は決まって、「 私のため 」だと言う。。。

母は、私を追い詰める。 母の言葉は、いつも心が壊れそうな意味ばかり。
私の全否定。。。 私は個人の前に、会社や父や弟が付属されている。。。なぜなの。。。?
その言葉の理由を聞けば、「 お前は素直じゃない 」と冷たく怒鳴られて。
最後には、「 お前のため 」「 家族みんなが良くなるため 」だと、諭される。

けれど、私は笑ってる。 余計なリスクが増えていく事を、避けたかったから。

心が、判らない。 自分自身が、判らない。
母に、呼び出され、二人っきりの時間。 私は、苦しくて、悲しくて泣いていた。
助けて! もう、やめて! もう、許して!。。。と、強く願う以外。

父のために。 父が接待で成功するために。 
その、割合や。その弾き出した割合に対しての、「 信頼度 」。。。
「 何手先を読んで、接待に繋げて行けるのか 」。。。それが、私の仕事でもありました。

一人で、音の無い真っ暗な部屋で泣きました。 そして、泣いている自分に、嘲笑してました。

悲しいのに。 苦しいのに。 自分の中の冷たい感情が、さらに自身を追い詰めていきました。

「 全てを、壊してしまえ 」 「 全てに、報復してしまえ 」と。
私は本気で泣きました。 自分が嫌で、気持ちが悪く、泣きました。
「 マスコミに売ってしまえ 」と。
「 日本のマスコミが動かないなら、性的虐待に敏感な諸外国にリークしてしまえ 」と。。。
そのための「 下地・時勢 」は、整っている。。。
おそらく「 アクション次第 」では、特例処置が施されるだろうと、、、

自分も、これ以上。 傷つきたくなかった。 誰にも、知られたくなかった。
おそらく、半永久的に消える事が無い。 ひとつの「 事例 」として。。。
だから、私は動けなくなった。 人を傷付ける事も、セカンドレイプも。

誰も傷付けたくない。 キレイな心のままで居たい。 ウソでも、優しいものであり続けたい。。。
誰かに、許されたい。 誰かに、許して欲しい。 誰かに、助けて欲しい、、、
それでも、、、生きていたい、、、 それでも、自由になれる道を探したい、、、
どんなに、自分を嘲笑していたとしても。 蔑んでいたのだとしても。
誰も傷付けず、ただ、、自由になりたかった。 生きる事、許して欲しかった。

自分以外の、他の誰かなら。 許す事ができました。

そして、それでも。 全てを書き込めた訳ではない事実。

けれど、、、「 助けを求められない・子供たち 」の、、、

子供は、「 親を、傷付けたくは在りません 」。。。

たとへば、自分がイジメられているのだとしても。 虐待を、受けているのだとしても。。。

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