
- Past elementary school diary -

Rocket fireworks (20060907)

Well go to the toy shop with his cousin, bought the fireworks rocket Uchia~tsu was playing in the park.Sometimes I have minor burns or injury or, did not care so much fun.And tired of the shooting of fireworks rocket, climbing the cliffs of the nearby shrine, was often angry.Alone, it was no longer in the park but also to go to the shrine. For me, because was not just good memories.

I played the last memory in the park. . Cousin is three years away, the thrust of the firecracker in the ass of the frog was allowed to explode.So it starts the competition was the thrust of both, firecracker, or bursting, ass or mouth, and what animals.If it is a boy, Maybe a common part of the play. In fact, the experiences of this kind, was to hear often from.But, I was very shock that. I pretend to be "calm" is utmost, could not be afraid to stop.I was also scared frog, because I was scared also "urge" our cousin after stopping.

I am from it, no longer playing in the park.(I think was mentioned is how to "live and Nanzo or is it?" Of, it is mentioned in the upper grades of elementary school diary and go past.)
> ★ (China-Russia strategic move against time axis), U.S. and Middle East (government and politics) Japan YOMIURIONLINE> Russian newspapershttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10816296193.html
> About the first time in a year? Beauty salon
↑ above today-is not tired (^ ^;;It could not be read over-,,,

This is, in part, became very Trauma,,,

Maybe, I can not see it-is-only-"splatter" in horror, and whether this effect-quite-well,,,,

I think it-but even before, and adding some go-it-remembered memories-was missing, by the law of "low grade" past diaryAs they'll have to cut-the-stomach of the pike only once-in-one brother and twoSince the gills turned into two-personWe are brother-sister as a "splatter" not good,,,


ロケット花火           (20060907)


けれど、私にはとてもショックなことでした。「 平静 」を装うのが精一杯で、怖くてとめることができませんでした。
カエルも怖かったのですが、とめた後の従兄弟たちの「 衝動 」も怖かったからです。

( 「 生きるとはなんぞや? 」の方でも触れましたが、それは過去日記・小学校高学年で触れて行くと思います。 )






たぶん、ホラーで・「 スプラッタ 」だけが・見れないのは・この影響も・かなり・あるかと・思います、、、

けれど・それ以前にも、過去日記・「 低学年 」のほうで・抜けていた・記憶を・思い出したので・書き足していくかと思うのですが
私たち・姉弟は・「 スプラッタ 」ニガテなようです、、、

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