
- Middle school diary and reprint past -

You are staking filtrate (20070704) one year

From the entrance ceremony, When I was a few days.
Was called from the hallway to the girl of outfits really say "What you Tsuppa" third grade.Children in the class, move the line of sight to me all at once. Another, began to familiar but fed up somewhere.Called to the elder girl, I was out in the hallway.Then the girl,Said things like, "says. I, which accounts for three years But ○ ○ ○ ○. But I came here to talk to you."And "? What is story", while feeling the impatience of some, has prompted the story.

The girl was cut out, and say things like ". Years is a story. Is because it moist with you."I the next moment. And face cousin who just graduated, my parents were flickering.I said, "I am not interested in,. Is good" and he declined.Desuga girl is"One year from left to you,. Also does not occupy it good. Which accounts and also to love you" is said.Slightly, commensurate with each other after. "Well, then. Come at any time if there something" is said like that says.Went away. I with mixed feelings, just silence, was shelved, it.

There was no interest.Dari hang out with someone, take over or something.There was also because I felt anyway, all, and I would come is here Shirinugui of fights and softening.What fun of something like that, what, I could not understand.

When I was a few days and then also.This time, the girls were beaten up sophomore came to visit me to a classroom of the year.Honestly, had been sick. Not anymore because it was too, I wanted you to leave me alone.Also, if anything. . . I think that the tight, not us, not you, Jean and me, I,,A touch of self-derision, I would like mocking laugh. I think I was tired heart, somewhere.Line of sight of the classroom, you caught me at the same time. Snorting habit is fast, seemed to go crazier than ever.

Out of the classroom, go to the front of the girls. And was exonerated? "What is" Futebuteshiku.Voice and attitude, I quit the paper over that. Leave the mood, was issued remain the same.The girls, obviously offended! Innovation as previously. Still, we have spoken so as to suppress somewhere.

"Today, I've been supposed to be put in 2 years and negligence ○ ○.If you win you're two years and stretched negligence, "and I'll refer an account for years, I was told.I was honest, and ridiculous. Extent it was too Bakabakashiku~tsu, moment, things could not understand.

You guys, and I did not allow Apache to negligence?Besides, where I was stretched negligence. You guys will not give a fuck.However, would you just want a toy?If I win, that you guys have lost, to the negligence of the junior high school next door, not just stand face.If I loses, you guys Ochokuruneta even to me, will only? ? ?And silly, I thought. Really, about this, why would probably be silly,,,Pleasant, fast, seemed to go in the cold dissipated.

And I also noticed that the second grade and third grade, is not a monolith.To ignore the girl's life has been rated number three years said, because he has been approached me talking about it.And, silly, I would laugh, or why it. Frosty smile, but seemed to come to words.The girls, because only it and talk.
I was told if I put when you hear the negligence, and come to the house of the girl after school rated number two years.I, I feel I did not go smoothly,And appropriate to say that "I could go go", was rounded up.Who will go! Stupid! And, inwardly, was cursed,,,

When I was a few days further, and.A sheet of letter was contained in my cupboard.Like say ". Allow Apache to. Negligence waiting in the back of the gym after school," was the sentence.I was laughing. Once back home, there were only turned back much time to come.Once, I decided to return home in haste.Arrived at the house, I looked for plain clothes, dirty clothes so that you do is not found.I was a little thought, I do a little ugly? And although I thought.Packed to the back of the jersey of the school, was turned back to the gym.

There are two people of rugged physique girl, were side by side.And, I would be this one or other of two, was convinced.The girls have been speaking to me.And "? But it seems in a hurry?" What happened.At that moment, cynicism has gone missing. Really,,, and I wish stupid,,"Hold out and are written from negligence,? I just saw coming," said said.The girls, doing an eye on my back then."In the back that is? No such weapon," and has been heard.I, so did not stop laughing.What weapon? ? ? No stupid? ? You guys are wrong with your head? ? And. . .

However, and I bought Mendokusa. In and it had amazed."Yes.. It's a weapon," said said.I was inside is the jersey. Once you have your uniform dirty, being angry because the parent was hated.I thought so before the fight, about time you change clothes, and'll let, had been prepared jersey.Keep saying Hold out negligence, you guys came to me alone, I come to the consultation? And.And girls, bland story was followed by interim Easy.I waited about 15 minutes, but nobody appeared."I was too time, it seems not come from anyone. I go home" and I cut out.The girls also answer, "Well, if you come, who do you think,. I'll tell you," saidI said, "Well, best regards" to say things like, say was goodbye.Inwardly,,, stupid,,,, and lies and bravado of the girls Yarikirenaku too.
Was wrapped in an unpleasant feeling. Would not come quarreling with the straight, why? And. . .The girls also answer, "Well, if you come, who do you think,. I'll tell you," saidI said, "Well, best regards" to say things like, say was goodbye.Inwardly,,, stupid,,,, and lies and bravado of the girls Yarikirenaku too.
Was wrapped in an unpleasant feeling. Would not come quarreling with the straight, why? And. . .
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
From Easy later interim, I know.We She was the sister of fellow girl was said to number of third grade rating.I heard it was a dream from elementary school, middle school If you are up to, is it a sister school in which accounts.And, in two people are dating and boyfriend from elementary school, going to school year is accounted for seems to have been a dream.That's been betrayed by her sister three years.
I think I have a complex and do not try to Tsurumo not so grade accounted for, and upperclassman.When he comes into action, I learned later from interim Easy.

Rated number of men and women and people say that makes the third grade, had been supporting me.It, you solved it with a great deal from the influence of his cousin.Second year, if anything, seemed to deny the girl that wants to let two of our people a year.But, I am not interested. Also been called to fight, to participate once was not.

And, later.I until the graduation, grade of that put together we did not.Because, the boyfriend of a girl, was scheduled to go from seemed to account for another year.However, was because there was no grade can be more than us, a clear case number does not exist, nobody put together.

I, rather than heng out with someone and fight. Had indulged in gambling and cousins ​​who graduated.If Hanafuda, was 100 yen to 500 yen hit in the sentence.If Mahjong, was struck in the gift or Tengo.Was spent by gambling, and almost every day.
Occasionally, other than those referred to in the dining room to my mother, then the betting, was spent talking to a fool.Weekends, with my father watching the news program. In the afternoon, about to receive a 10,000 yen from his father.Takes a seat especially if you watch boat races are held, it was loud and enjoy lifted up their lifestyle has become.When there is no racing, as had been taken out to Ginza to mother, I think.I will now go repeat every day does not feel on his emotions.



あなたが一年をシメろ     (20070704)

三年生のいかにも「 ツッパってます 」と言ういでたちの少女に廊下から呼ばれました。
クラスの子供たちは、一斉に私に視線を移します。 もう、どこか嫌気が差しながらも慣れ始めてました。
「 私、3年をシメてる○○○○だけど。 あなたに話があって来たんだけど。 」と言う様な事を言われ。
「 話ってなんですか? 」と、多少の焦りを感じながら、話を促しました。

少女は、「 一年はあなたがシメなよ。 話はついているから。 」と言う様な事を、切り出されました。
私は、「 興味ないから、いいです。 」と、断りました。
「 一年はあんたに任せたから、好きにするといいよ。 シメるのもシメないのも。 」と言われ。
少し、お互いに見合った後。 「 じゃあ、何かあったらいつでもおいで。 」と言う様な事を言われ。
去って行きました。 私はそれを、複雑な気持ちで、ただ黙って、見送っていました。


正直、ウンザリしてました。 もう過ぎた事なんだから、ほっといて欲しかった。
自嘲気味に、嘲る様に笑ってしまいました。 どこか、心が疲れていたのだと思います。
教室の視線は、一斉に私を捉えます。 自嘲癖がどんどん、増して行くようでした。

教室を出て、少女たちの前に行き。 ふてぶてしく「 なんですか? 」と聞き返しました。
態度も声も、取り繕う事をやめました。 気分のままに、そのままに発してました。
少女たちは、明らかにムッ!っとしたように。 それでも、どこか抑えるように話しかけてきました。

「 今日、○○中の2年とタイマン張る事に成ってるんだけど。
  あんたが2年とタイマン張って勝ったら、一年をシメさしてやるよ 」と、言われました。
正直、バカバカしいと思いました。 あまりにバカバカしくって、一瞬、物事が理解できなかった程でした。

それに、私がタイマン張った所で。 あなたたちは痛くも痒くもなくて。
くだらないと、思いました。 本当に、どうしてこれほど、くだらないのだろうと、、、

くだらない、、と、どうしてだか、笑ってしまいました。 冷ややかな笑いが、込み上げてくるようでした。
「 行けたら行くね 」と適当な事を言って、切り上げました。

「 放課後体育館の裏で待っている。タイマンを張れ。 」と言うような、文章でした。
私は笑いました。 家に一度帰って、引き返して来るくらいの時間しかありませんでした。

「 どうしたの? いそいでいるみたいだけど? 」と。
その瞬間、冷笑がもれてしまいました。 ホント、、、くだらないなあと、、
「 タイマン張れと書かれてるから、来て見ただけだけど? 」と、言いました。
「 そのバックの中は、凶器なの? 」と、聞いてきました。
凶器ってなに??? バカなの??あなたたちは、頭が悪いの??と。。。

ですが、メンドクサかったのと。 あきれてしまったのとで。
「 そうだよ。 凶器だね。 」と、言いました。
中に入っていたのは、ジャージです。 制服を汚したりしたら、親に怒られるのがイヤだったからでした。
「 時間が過ぎたけど、誰も来ないみたいだから、帰るね。 」と私は切り出し。
少女たちも、「 じゃあ、誰か来たら、教えてあげるね。 」と答え、
私は、「 じゃ、よろしく 」と言う様な事を言って、別れました。
イヤな気持ちに包まれてました。 どうして、ストレートにケンカを吹っ掛けて来ないんだろう?と。。。
少女たちも、「 じゃあ、誰か来たら、教えてあげるね。 」と答え、
私は、「 じゃ、よろしく 」と言う様な事を言って、別れました。
イヤな気持ちに包まれてました。 どうして、ストレートにケンカを吹っ掛けて来ないんだろう?と。。。



けれど、私は興味が無く。 ケンカに呼ばれても、一度も参加することはありませんでした。


私は、ケンカや誰かとつるむより。 卒業した従兄弟たちと賭博に耽ってました。

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