
- Past elementary school diary -

Tampons (20061214)

In the summer of the first time, it was decided to go to luxury hotels along the coast was out in the annual father came back.Unfortunately, it was decided to hit Desuga physiology and during the trip. Menarche, I was greeted to the time my father was not there.Fun along the way, while also stop by, such as service area, enjoyed the hearthstone of the moment.About upcoming evening, we arrived at the inn like that.However, I did not make a reservation because've just been refused booked up that day.My father is furious to it,"I've been coming every year, asking them to make the room money? Will pay anything from vacant rooms! VIP Do something!"And was strongly Kuisagari the manager.The manager left and Leaving those words a moment, please. In a little time, please prepare the room was VIP.Father says."In full occupancy? Name, the VIP room? Will always vacant" and said it was also not do without fear.I, these autocratic manner of my father did not like. Seems to come weigh heavily, something the mind.

Is passed through the room. Than drinking a cup of tea, but I want to go to the beach in front of the fast, was not helpless.However, the physiological would have begun. I bought tampons choose the smallest.Tampons, there is no that you have. Afraid to put her own.I lost a little, feeling you want to enter the sea is above the shame,Mother, "and put tampons," I ask.My mother, "You'd better put your father. Dad. Into the hole from accustomed" was inspired and then."Dad, all right hole because of a woman messing with various professional and".I was dismayed. Mother, and I'm saying that a small sarcasm to his father.I have switched the feeling I feel like crying, in a tone so spoiled,And showed, in Seguin "~! Put Papa~a ~".Children's pretend, as you can with the intention, I had become shrewd.Really was very unpleasant. Although his father, also a man to be touched, seen also did not accumulate in the ear.But my mother is poking me."Look, You'd better see you soon.? Would not want to go to the sea," said with a laugh.And my own. I did not want to break the air of this hearthstone. Once again, fatherAnd showed graces "- because you want to put - I need a tampon into the sea."

My father turned red, while choking,And "You'd better see the mother," I said.I remember, it was relieved, it was relieved.Was speaking to his father as "~! By ~ in", because what was relieved in many ways, with peace of mind.This year, I did not put to sea. After all, was because I was scared what you put yourself.

As an aside. (I think that's the time of the year 5-6.)My mother always, even in swimsuit Seguin however, was not only bought me a bikini.I did not have wanted to wear a dress way.I was told if the mother Nedare to dress, "You are silent because the color is bad taste" and.Halfway to figure multiplied by swelling of the breast, bikini is very difficult to move.Still, the swimsuit is forgotten once you put into the sea. After swimming bout, I tried to go back to the family that there is parasol,Young men, in embarrassment, I was stopped by the impression given so. I wonder what I? And, When I see a man who,"I have left Chichi tail", is said shyly. I eat Pani moment,To say "Thank you", was fled. Was very shock.What solved it and yes even the difference between addition and subtraction fool of himself, badly wounded from, and what will be said to mother, it is no longer wear a bikini.

As an aside further.Said that "I want you put a tampon" is available as a destination entertainment at work, I put my father in favor of the topic often.In the seat of the alcohol, even when the high school students at the junior high school students. Since then, I laugh every time that topic is out,"And so I wanted to enter the sea," was agreeable to those who spread their elderly entertain your partner.From there, also be a juicy story, was not less. But, were laughing from the solution under the guise of pretending not to.The father laughed, "Not really placed,? Would have been good and".These, one is one of the exchange, is was often very difficult to "Figure" heart to forgive the "father" is entertaining opponent.(This is, I think development of the case. Some of the special pipeline. Of course, there was also that of others.They are, I write in a range, and go past mentioned in the diary. )


タンポン      (20061214)

「 毎年来ているんだ、なんとかしろ!VIP室が空いてるだろ?金はいくらでも出すから部屋を用意して欲しい! 」
「 な?満室でも、VIP室は常に空いているだろ? 」と、悪びれるでもなく言いました。

母に、「 タンポン入れて 」と、お願いしました。
すると母が、「 お父さんに入れてもらいなさい。お父さんは穴には慣れているから。」と促されました。
「 お父さんは、いろんな女の人の穴いじり専門だから大丈夫 」と。
「 パパァ~入れて~! 」と、せがんで見せました。
「 ほら、早くしてもらいなさい。海に行きたいんでしょう? 」と、笑いながら。
「 海にな要りたいから~タンポン入れて~ 」と、甘えて見せました。

「 お母さんにしてもらいなさい 」と、言いました。
いろんな意味で安堵したからこそ、「 して~して~! 」と、安心して父に言えました。

余談ですが。( 5~6年生の頃の事だと思います。 )
ワンピースを母にねだれば、「 お前は趣味が悪いから黙ってろ 」と言われました。
「 おちち出ているよ 」と、恥ずかしそうに言われ。私は一瞬パニくって、
「 ありがとう 」と言って、逃げ去りました。とてもショックでした。

この「 タンポン入れて欲しい 」と言った事は、仕事での接待先でも、ちょくちょく父が話題に好んで入れました。
「 とても海に入りたかったからです 」と、接待相手のご年配の方たちに愛想を振りまきました。
父は、「 本当に入れられなくて、良かっただろう? 」と笑います。
こういった、やりとりの一つ一つが、接待相手が 「 父 」に心を許せる「 図 」と成って行く事が多かったです。
( これは、一部の特殊なケース。パイプラインの開拓だと思います。もちろん、それ以外のこともありました。
  それらは、書ける範囲で、過去日記で触れて行くと思います。 )

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