
- Past elementary school diary -

Crease of the wrist. (20061009)

In both wrists, there was one or two wrinkles.Separately, I did not have feelings, one day, my girl by the hand of the leader of bullying case, said in a face like the sympathy."Poor.? Did painful" and.What you're talking about, could not be than solved. And ask again with "Why?", Taking my wrist, I refers to the wrinkles.What, I thought such a thing either.But again I thought enough to be sympathetic with such a tearful face, am I at first glance, and what the poor.Care was retaken laugh, "I differ, I'm just wrinkles and".Then, I would have rounded up the story as angry.

As an aside.This reader-rated girl, I is at the center of the bullying, it was possible for me to come every bothered some that for some reason.It is her "If I bullied (this is my Adana) ○ ○ is made to give my side?" And, watching it is said.Sometimes, help me enough to have bullied other children. Me angry enough.I am on top of the tone-deaf, was also a sense of rhythm so considerable, was terrible at it or playing the castanets.But this girl can you pass me the rhythm in clapping me, according to the performance of my castanets, or show me it was before everyone was clapping.

After all, I do not know if this a repeat of the passing small, it may eventually become a large crack in.I would be there was a non-me, do not say maybe there is also something to her.Who knows, it may be that there was or was wounded, I have often angered.Have been heard when the bullying was a rotation, at the end of the bullying of my turn, she "I regret that?" And often.I mean without thinking much, had nodded. I do not know if bullying is one of the keys, it might have hidden there as well.

手首のシワ。        (20061009)

「 可哀想。辛かったの? 」と。
何を言っているのか、解かりませんでした。「 なんで? 」と聞き返すと、私の手首を取って、シワを指しました。
気を取り直して、「 違うよ、ただのシワだよ 」と笑いました。

それは、彼女が「 もし、私がイジメられたら、○○(私のアダナです)は私の味方に成ってくれる? 」と、言われてみたり。

イジメがローテーションだったとき、私の番のイジメが終わるとき、彼女は大抵私に「 反省した? 」と聞いてきました。

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