
- Past elementary school diary -

Mother's eccentricities (20061120)

I want to be alone sometimes, I was watching the sky and come and go just a train for many hours from the roof of the building and apartment.Play again, this time with someone, had become extremely less to spend with people.If you met on the road or adult acquaintance with us, be returned in a polite greeting with a smile but was accompany plate.There was also in the neighborhood, and to properly greeting "I'm famous for a child who was able to improve it", is said to be a time to exchange greetings.It is, children in society, there was no risk of bullying at least also be very.But, my mother gave me at least pleased. "There is no mistake in the education of yourself".In front of the mother, played a perfect sociability. Even a little, my mother has beaten me in public even if I'm facing the other way.

Inform the 5 chime when the evening.Before I chime that rings was must have arrived at the house.If delayed, even five minutes, my mother panicked.Was confused and thinks about my father was kidnapped, would report to the police.However, my mother in front of people that get upset is less. People call me from a sure hit came all of the emotion.The dismay of my mother. The anger. A grudge. Hatred. The affection. . . Which might have been bathed in herself.Nazilli me, clasped my body strong enough stick marks, crying.It approaches the promise anymore, and I come back to after the chime.I will strongly signed a promise to leave the mother's wishes.

My mother is not there at the people, and threatened to commit suicide.I, the moment. Frozen heart to go, very sore breasts.In an instant, making the result may be unified to conform to the wishes of all my mother.Like, and like a dog Baburofu, and now I became an adult.Thinking is gradually went obscured.Their feelings of bad feeling, lie to yourself always want to somehow, the mother cry in front of your eyes.I'm fine. " Calm at all. "But the word is great. Even momentarily, can inspire yourself from.Continue even in the time impossible.If you go with a separator as the events of the moment before my eyes, because things go but he still managed to overcome.Until it breaks at every moment to recognize, and events in the time it was continued.Still, I thought it was hold on things.

Even when absent from school without permission, three people came out to travel in the parent and child."Why? Did not you tell me to attend the school" to the question of me with my mother.From the hated father ", and come chasing after listening to the destination from the school.News to anyone without a destination, I had set out on a trip. Said. "I kept thinking of my mother in the chest not say anything more than that.From children of the same grade, it is now repeated every day Kareru Shipping Information from the side from behind.I think yeah, and Shipping Information Kareru. Themselves, because there was no specification of the denial.Another, began to get used to that to be kicked in the boys beaten to classmates. Also be considered, cumbersome somewhere.Rather than at school, grandfather, uncle, cousin, that mother was worried about that. Intervention of a stranger in the toilet.

Are Shikato at school. Been violence and demanded money. Said the sarcastic. The loss of one or rot, or stained.Mother, to not understand the word. Swallow every day.Still, because that he chose it, I will attempt to find a workaround, in my elementary school thinking they are now up dispersing in front of the mother, such as attempted suicide.Every day, like get better still, struggle struggle.Also intend to escape bad to worse, could not escape from going down.

Word of resentment to his father and mother a request from the home visiting teacher of psychic → → chastisement occasionally be a time to be mischievous pranks are their grandfather to go to school bullying → → → → The toilet occasionally bullied from school → → → go to school to sleep →

Conclusion. (.. But only for my own personal retrospective)I think if I get help to adults and helped me be better. Now, there are a variety of institutions.In children, I think it is unreasonable. I also do not want to hurt the mother, it is their children that is just unreasonable.

Do not want to break the home. I also do not want to hurt anyone. I think about the same, and I want to cherish themselves with it.I think to support someone, and even more must be strong themselves.Because I think sometimes necessary to reject the deal. If you are going in anticipation of, a long time. . .

If you can. . . I would like to consult more than one adult person.And that of bullying, sexual violence. Violence, abuse and abandonment of a child of the language from relatives. . .You also solved than to talk to a human, there are also very tremendous determination.Nevertheless, I think it to consult more than one adult, and very painful thing.But now it became an adult Ru solved. Is to say, "adults are not a panacea" and. . .Is that the person is not only taken the children be raised by. . .Please accept me looking for a adult, if so.Before they lose energy even thinking also consult anyone, please help me find the adult, whether.

I thought I do not want to hurt the mother and, finally,,,,,,,Because I did not want to hurt the mother saw himself, will hurt.For me, I do not want to hurt someone, because people do not want to go at the sight of the tattered hurt by me.Really, I think that 's his own worst thing hypocritical.Also that if you hurt someone, that see him, become tempted to run away from the kit.If you try is hated by someone, because it seems like that should not really very scary.
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Now, I'm very lethargic. In the gray zone, is alive. From hurt, you take the distance. . .I did not want to become your own, we would become an adult. Choose your own, now became his.Once you have a little more, I will go out the answer to my own.Actually, I think in the "diary" For the past remain in sentiment felt in the past, and I want to write a leave of events.News and bullying of the past few weeks, news of the abuse. . . So, it will be thought-provoking.


母の奇行       (20061120)

近所では、挨拶をきちんとする「 良く出来た子で有名だよ 」と、挨拶を交わす度に言われる事もありました。
けれど、母は少なくとも喜んでくれました。「 自分の教育に間違いは無い 」と。


『 私は大丈夫。全然平気。 』けれど、言葉はスゴイ。一瞬でも、自分を奮い立たせることが出来るから。

「 なぜ、学校に欠席すると伝えてくれなかったの? 」との私の問いに、母は。
「 お父さんが、学校から行き先を聞いて追いかけて来るのが嫌だったから。
  誰にも行き先を知らせずに、旅に出たんだよ。 」と言いました。

それでも、それを自分が選んだ事だからと、対処法を探そうとするのですが、小学生の私には母の自殺未遂などの前に思考が霧散してしまうようになりました。 毎日が、それでも良くなる様に、あがきもがき。

学校へ行く→ イジメられる→ 下校イジメられる→ 祖父たちにイタズラされる→ トイレの度にイタズラされる→ 時折折檻→ 時折霊能者の先生宅訪問→ 母からの要求や父への恨みの言葉→ 寝る→ 学校へ行く→

結論。( 私自身の個人的回顧に限ってですが。。 )


だけど、大人に成った今解かるのは。「 大人は万能では無い 」と言う事です。。。



本当は、「 過去日記 」では、過去に感じた心情のまま、出来事のままを書いて行きたいと思っています。

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