
- Past elementary school diary -

Priority (20061007)

From bullying at school. From mischief that is repeated in his grandfather's home.To me, since my mother attempted suicide caused, thinking of all the circuit has gone caught in the presence of the mother.It took me, as a matter of top priority heaviest, it is now going to handle my mother in mind always.The words and thoughts of my mother, now held captive go. Pain that is now live.Pretending to wear the clothes I hated my father, my mother happy.Speaking of dinner and the shrine, chanting, and take me to meetings with people in psychic mother, now respond to it.Outside of school is now dressed as my mother wanted.Also "dressed" to the instructions in the mother, now pay attention as much as possible.The mood of the mother, always mindful ascertaining, now ahead.My mother, now preaching and instructions to me on a daily basis.Now dominate indication and a sense of conversation, deportment, the behavior of all.

At school, they bullied while maintaining sanity is pretty tight I bought.However, to preserve the energy strength now, as all devoted to the mother.Home grandfather, grandfather and uncle. The cousin of mischief while being one year older, as much as possible the movement of their hands, it is now going to induce my own hands.I do not want to be touched. Along with my hands in their hands, so as not to come to invade the genitals and underwear in hand, it is now going to control.As not to offend. To avoid damaging. Paying close attention.Now use deliberately, "and Da~a ~" Hi "I tickle", a childlike laugh.I remember I went in combat inevitably, the "pause" bring out the words. Sometimes, or exchanged words. Lovely to look like in the middle, "Do not want to eat dumpling's uncle", as flatter, has been touched, and was pretending to talk.I went to learn in the failure of the iteration, the tactics, that dirty.
> I went to learn in the failure of the iteration, the tactics, and that the dirty* FailureMoral and it is our Pride to be taken-with-uncle "rejection-rejected (probably)" when? • Do not strongly was grabbed, beaten, or beaten • When in conflict, had both good and bad, such as,,,Had been eye-does not fit, so I did not want to see-a "(eyes) face" at that time-but-

• The uncle> Anorexia. (200601005)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10827903771.html* Since it was asked, and "? Or blame it on me"I do not want to see, to harden, the "eye"-like and say, "Forgive me" • If your opponent! Now, to deny,,,


優先順位     (20061007)

母の指示する「 着こなし 」にも、極力注意を払うように成りました。

「 くすぐったいよ 」「 やぁ~だぁ 」と、子供らしい笑い方を、意図的に使うように成りました。
言葉を発する「 間合い 」を、実戦の中で必然的に覚えて行きました。時には、言葉を交わしたり。媚びるように、「 伯父さんのギョーザ食べたいな 」と、触られている最中に可愛らしく見えるように、話を振りました。


それは・ときに・「 ( おそらく )拒否・拒絶 」ととられ・おじさんたちに・プライドや・モラル?などに・良くも悪くも・抵触してしまったときに・たたかれたり・殴られたり・強くつかまれたり・しました、、、
けれど・そのときの・「 顔( 目 ) 」を・見たくなかったので・目線が合わないように・してました

>拒食症。    (200601005)
*「 俺のせいか? 」と・聞かれて以来
相手が・「 許してくれ 」と・いうような・「 目 」を・かたくなに・見たくない!拒否するように・なりました、、、

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