
- Past elementary school diary -

Go-to-meeting clothes clean (20061006)

One day my mother, came to buy two wearing two-piece wrap skirt with a corsage of different colors of the wind-like "young lady" to me.Like I was there or is unusual, make a hobby out of the mother is also simple at a glance, to go to school wearing, there was resistance.

Around this time, I had to not only wear jeans and trainers.Jeans, not only have a wear, was only wearing two trainers.Was wearing jeans so many years, but was much smaller, was still wearing.Wearing of a trainer, it was tattered hole opens.The other one wearing, were present by chance at the shop steak, there was a trainer of professional wrestler signed.Although the clothes are gone and the resistance was signed by the trainer, to wear to the otherI went because they had no clothes to wear.Then was the target of bullying in boys.Or under pressure "following the sign of the Tiger Mask I got Come and". Had been subdued or violence.But, still. This dress is still cozy and it was good.

My clothes have, for every each season, had also wearing what.When severe, it was given the clothes of the brand name ones wearing the number ten in one season.Also wear the following year, the same clothes, there was not much.The closet was filled with new clothes about me and my mother can not wear.My mother says to just and angry. "Why, I do not wear the clothes I bought new" either.I, I prevaricate the mouth, "I wear" was finally. Thing, and mother much about the odd clothes, because anger makes it easier.I do not wear the clothes my mother bought me. Because there was no one wearing to school wearing clothes go.Clothes of the brand name ones, dress, was the only formal clothes like suits and luxury of going out for adults.It is not like going to wear clothes to school, it was obvious.I dress the children around, it is now fit. As much as possible, because I did not want to think unpleasant.If you wear tattered trainer, was less about the clothes is because it is said to be a dig at least.But, my mother was away we throw away all the "!" Dirty tattered clothes of me.To me, my mother and the new two-piece he has bought, suits and dresses now becomes, the only formal.

I was troubled. Brand-name clothes for adults and I did not want to go to wear.But, I've lost my clothes also wearing a. Speaking of clothes and able to wear to school It was still only two-piece wrap skirt with corsage mother who came to buy new. (The look, feel clothes are still quiet.)Wearing it, I went to school. There was a bad feeling.To go to school, and enroll in a class. Both boys and girls, had been staring, my dress.And "It's beautiful clothes.""And you was high."Is Shikato, I have been to (ostracism) Hub, a lot of people came over the voice.I was laughing vaguely. The eyes of everyone, whether that tells us anything, since it was a feel.Sure enough. I was found guilty of being subjected to "trial in absentia" after returning home.I decided when I wear this dress. The moment I saw the eyes of the children in class.I have noticed a new, and I probably now also begin bullying.However, now prepared to accept all the preceding. In order to be prepared,In order to avoid, and enough seed was one of the small-orbit correction was insurance or sometimes pale, or simulation has become a habit.Now, suppose that all assumptions. Now the stock will increase, such as degree of population when it is like going to fix In addition, also apply to children, such as the nature of the several patterns as much as possible, the situation in that case.In order to "prepare".(These are on the go to work after, I stayed a lot of groundwork of the element.They are, I think things will go, such as mentioned in the diary of future past. )The next day. I called my mother to leave, I went wearing a two-piece skirt of a different color.And "suit" is the mother, was very happy to resemble their own.I was to meet the mother with a happy grin. And "I'm going."The instant I opened the door of the classroom.The air in the classroom, rattle! I was watching like say, "Ah, I knew it," and change it and, in the feelings I can not say anything.I, until the tattered, this two-piece, until it has abandoned her mother.Every day, I went to school still come alternately.

As an aside.Only, you can refresh my mother. Turn with me to buy clothes only had me dress up as a hobby of my mother.The other mother, and may be considered the entertainment was not.And forbade it with friends and hobbies to my mother my father, I continued hearing about people crowded from my mother. Than real intention is not solved.I was not able to reject the mother in the last line of So. Ru temper than my mother is, how broken I was far better.My brother did not want to show, the mother figure incoherent. Very strongly, or why it.

These were all well aware of that, and that it has invited my own weakness and vulnerability. Still, I wanted to continue to stay low probability but I think, "Modifying the trajectory was continued" Desuga.Someday, maybe. Still, it might change us. I wanted to stay I believe. The kit.Or. Until it is ready to face my own malice of your own, you did not want to hurt anyone.It is arrogance.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I do not really know, they feel it may lie for myself smell.However, to someone, even as he was giving up something. Good intentions may be there will always be.I have Tsuppane the mother, look at the mother was hurt, and the other, it is because I do not want your own hurt.That my true feelings Ru was false moves. I uncover the true feelings of your own, I do not have a good one 's very comfortable.But still. Admitted to confront with it, think, go out the answer.Even though the answer was that, without relief, without through. I have to go to overcome, I think it can not go.In the real sense, for my own Kaware Ru. To survive.It 's not "live is utilized." "Live" for.For "! Survive."

As an aside further.When the closet is full, throw away all the clothes that do not wear a garbage bag more than once, there was once or twice a year.Mother says is decided on, "also in this, you can buy clothes in space, it was good" and then.And, "Now, I throw away not wear, not allowed" and, it will usually be added.Why did not my mother wearing one which I wear, the clothes he had bought, was remembered with a probability of pretty.

Buy clothes every time. "I want to wear the same clothes with everyone", I can say there was.Depending on the mood of the mother, there was a cry will also be beaten.More often than not, was the mother admonished, "you people. People too. You, that will depend on the people that I'm not good" and.In some cases,My heart, we'll lie. If you don rags I. Brocade, Domo become dirty mind to wear a "rag.So, mom, wearing clean clothes, a beautiful place you want to go. Remember, too.If you wear something dirty, "and I'm going to become dirty mind, I did.I vaguely laughter. Choose to try on the clothes of the mother happily, was a frog would continue the day-to-day wear.
I, and high brand-name clothing fabrics is hate. Feel that is was absolutely do not like.Now, I am indifferent to clothes to makeup. Makeup itself, it is not the most.Also to the hairdresser, is about to go once or twice a year. Does not even skin care. I feel so naturally, so that only the corners of our skin, but degradation is intense, the most comfortable and natural posture still.

余所行きのキレイな服        (20061006)
母がある日、私に色違いの「 お嬢さま 」風のコサージュ付の巻きスカートのツーピースを2着買って来てくれました。
「 次はタイガーマスクのサインを貰って来い 」と圧力を掛けられたり。暴力を振るわれたりしてました。
母は、憤慨とばかりに言います。「 なぜ、新しく買った服を着ないの 」かと。
私は、「 着るよ 」と口を濁すのがやっとでした。こと、服に関すると母は異様なくらい、怒りやすくなるからです。
けれど、母は私のボロボロの服を全て、「 汚い! 」と捨ててしまいました。
けれど、服が一着も無くなってしまいました。それでも学校へ着て行けそうな服といえば、母が新しく買って来てくれたコサージュ付きの巻きスカートのツーピースだけでした。( 見た目が、それでもおとなしい感じの服は。 )
「 キレイな服だね 」と。
「 高かったでしょ 」と。
シカトされ、ハブ( 村八分 )にされていた私に、多くの人たちが声を掛けて来てくれました。
案の定。私は帰宅後に「 欠席裁判 」にかけられて有罪になってました。
「 覚悟 」をするために。
( これらは、後に仕事をしていく上で、多大な要素の下地とまりました。 
 それらは、今後の過去日記などで触れていくことになると思います。 )
母は「 似合う 」と、自分の見立てにとても嬉しそうでした。
私は、嬉しそうに笑って母に応えました。「 行ってきます 」と。
教室の空気が、ガラリ!と変わるのを、「 ああ、やっぱり 」と言うような、なんとも言えない気持ちで見てました。
これらは全て、私自身の弱さや脆弱さが招いていることだと自覚してました。ですがそれでも、「 継続した軌道修正 」を、低い確率だと思いながらも続けて居たかったのです。
「 活かされて生きる 」のじゃなくて。「 生きる 」ために。
「 生き抜く!! 」ために。
すると母は決まって、「 これでまた、服を買えるスペースがで出来て、良かったね 」と言います。
そして、「 今度は、着ないで捨てたら、許さないから 」と、大抵付け加えられてしまいます。
服を買うたびに。「 みんなと同じ服が着たい 」と、私は言う事が在りました。
大抵は、母は、「 人は人。お前はお前。あまり、人に左右されることは良くないことだよ 」と諭されました。
「 ボロを着れども心は錦。なんて嘘だよ。ボロを着れば、心まで汚くなっていく。
  汚いものを着ていれば、心まで汚くなっていくんだから 」と、言いました。



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