
Companies ... 3 750 000 yen donation foreigners (Yomiuri Shimbun during the 3rd 05 minutes 18 October 2012) Mr. Ishiba side full refund.

Companies ... 3 750 000 yen donation foreigners (Yomiuri Shimbun during the 3rd 05 minutes 18 October 2012) Mr. Ishiba side full refund. (Text in Japanese)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11391615955.html
> 750 000 yen donation ... 3 foreign companies, (05 minutes at the 3rd Yomiuri October 18, 2012) Mr. Ishiba side full refundhttp://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/news/20121017-OYT1T01567.htm
> Donation of approximately 400 000 foreigners in three years↑ This is, I think you're really just another tip of the iceberg.

You should replace the corporate entertaining. Executive officers of large corporations, as in the one-act entertainment.

"Kurumadai" from the contractor individuals without ①, also an alternative name ~ ← tens of thousands of yen (or was Mr. Mom took the breath Some people whispered. Destination entertainment, this amount, was president of partners protege later. ← you do or, in this matter, is provided to the merchants to clear the "challenge" of one, you can also receive a "continuation" In addition, it offers. it, and it is one of the step-up I think.)

↑ This is almost, is the end of several tens of minutes. At about 10 minutes. At best, so sit on the seat barely meet face to face, it is also able to sit for a few hours, exchanging voice greeting to about 1-2 degrees. If you can meet about once to several times a year, is the character of the obligation. ← But, because while it is sifted, in proportion to the "power", that number is, I'll going to be countless.

Across ②, an introduction, people ①, and advances to the second stage. (Such as the relationship behind)Here, finally. Can you remember the names and faces. And hear me, the "story" job.
(Only "me" I've heard the story of the work, still, the "real work", that lead is not.)Etc. "Kurumadai" is, to the extent that has been broadcast on the news, is close to the minimum amount.

↑ to two patterns, an introduction is divided roughly.

The first one, if you as a "facilitator", those of ①, has cemented its position.
(In this case, is to proceed to ③, an intermediary is that almost is not. So, be subject to the "reception" from the people of ① often, they cling is at this point. ← it seems that many , is, I think that you have not won, the "credit", executive officers of the company, and know. entertaining, it is essential "(such as the stiffness of the mouth) trust, trust.")

"When to ② ~ ③, advanced, president" of the individual contractors are ① Secondly, I think the majority.
↑ and from people of corporate officer positions, "so we nomination" However, six months, a few years, this will be with people in the "entertainment". Through this period, the route to ③, should proceed, but we cut is open.
President of the protege you trust degree of ②, the "scrutiny", the trader's personal ①, this is better executive officers of companies, firmness trust "looking at the mouth (even years of time and I think ") and the like, and wonder if it concurrently.
Entertainment destination is, most of the time. Because it is "instruction". Also be fulfilled, such as "snack moms" reason, "your glasses", if it is required, there are plentifully.

Almost, "Introduction" of the first one, "Also, if there is a chance," and avoid the main issue is, almost, and there is no better corporate officer positions, can meet.
But because it is rare. "Rumor, truth" that is, it might mean that some of it might be gaining weight.

"Introduction" The second is the "marshal's baton" towards the officer positions of watching several times, the individual trader ①, corporate.
Here, get the information from the (president. Skilled individuals) contractor protege.
Then, for example, when I wanted to go to the next step, direct your call, "at the mom of snacks (such as a mistress), (who has been dropped, the money) me I'll do once in a while," and short a phone call, from once every few months, until they come to take several times a month, it is through.
↑ Because I know a "mistress". Anyway, we collect information and efforts or, to interact.

Also, I think if you can provide "added value" So, is, and will probably lead to an overwhelming difference with other companies.

Again, I think I know> Individual donations (such as corporate entertaining)
↑ at all, also referred to as "can not know", and not, I think.Always, because you pass, a "protege", in most cases.Are different, "donation" and "entertainment", of course, you think,,,.

> Protege, President of theThe "one person", I am not limited.

Consists of an introduction unseated ③, of ②, in the pipeline. People will drop out of 90% to get here five minutes, 5 minutes to 80%.
↑ From here, further, "competition" fierce will begin.

And, even when political contributions, even if the issue of corporate bribery.Only ①, almost. Are not reported.I think this is, and would also have to do with the law."If you admit here, if you do not recognize the name of the man on the destination are not out of here., Where the destination may be annoying to the person from here," and as a "meeting point" from the tax office, verbally clearly say so.

Entertaining, entertainment expenses.Gold and unaccounted for.
↑ the "tax" in here, so take me. So you "OK if you pay it,".Legally, I have no problem with.

That's why, including those laws.Name-passing-Law amendments
↑ When it is essential, I think it is.
> "Family business" in · · · of "give and take" and "about life" ... and I like the sight as "debt-have received"http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10906780918.html
To our sight, if it is known, even in the middle of the night, to prepare as soon as he heard.Like you, in primary care, hospitals,
· If the brain, where
· If the heart, and,,, where. Is now "instruction",,,
If, on the mistress's house three, falls over. Was supposed to be together, (family), but my father and I headed.
At that time,,,

Had diedEven naked, and prepare the clothes, with his father, together, as he was "spent",To your home like you, let us know

If you have life-or-consciousnessTrimmed the clothes, as instructed, to the hospital, it was conveyed.

My father came to take care, Mr. mistress like the sight of three people.Sometimes, we even to his mistress's house, and-and-deliver "your water (mineral water)" a.
↑ I-ki Kotono was about 22 years old,,,

> From my brother and now, there is a phone? I asked my father mother> ¥ 8000 ten million back tax> 7 minutes 28 seconds or a pedophilehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11247641994.html

> I • "-lie? With? Question mark," some call-and-brother andhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11117668431.html

> Part 4 ☆ literary manuscripts, Inc. 's year-end post-2011http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11154097364.html











私自身、自分のブログでも、「 清書 」として、書きたくなり。

上記のコメントを、コピペしてきました。( ←自分自身の書いたコメントです )


>視点を、ありがとうございましたm(_ _ )m

>石破氏側に外国人献金…3社75万円、全額返金(2012年10月18日03時05分 読売新聞)



↑上記は、メモ的に書きとめました。( ↓下記、訂正個所もあるので、下記を優先していただけたらと、思います。 )






①、名もない個人業者からの「車代」( 数万円~ ←だいたい、この金額は、耳打ちする人がいます。接待先の息のかかったママさんだったり、子飼いの提携先の社長だったりします。←のちに、この件で、さらに「 続き 」が、用意されている場合もあります。それは、一つの「 課題 」をクリアした業者に用意されている、ステップアップの一つだと思います。 )



( 仕事の話を「 聞いてもらえる 」だけで、まだまだ、「 実際の仕事 」とは、結びつくことは、ありません。 )


一つ目は、①の業者が、「 まとめ役 」として、地位を固めた場合。

( この場合、この仲介者は、③へ進めることは、ほぼ、ないです。なので、大抵①の人からの「 接待 」を受けることに、執着してしまうことが多いようです。←この時点で、企業の役職役員の、「 信用 」を、勝ち得ていないことが、判ると思います。接待には、「 信用、信頼( 口の堅さ等 ) 」が、必要不可欠です。 )

二つ目は、①の個人業者が「 ②~③へ、進んだ場合の、社長 」が、大半だと思います。

↑そして、企業の役職役員の方からの、「 直々の指名 」なので、半年から、数年は、この方との「 接待 」になります。この時期を通して、③へ、進んでいけるルートが、切り拓かれていきます。

これは、企業の役職役員の方が、①の個人業者を、②のある程度信用している子飼いの社長に、「 精査 」させ、時間との年月も見ている「 信用( 口の堅さ等 ) 」と、並行しているのだろうと思います。

接待先は、たいてい。「 指示 」されているので。その「 スナックのママさん 」などの、「 お眼鏡 」にかなうことも、必要になってる場合が、多々あります。

一つ目の「 紹介 」は、ほぼ、「 また、機会があれば 」と、お茶を濁されて、企業の役職役員の方と、会えることはほぼ、ないです。

けれど、稀にあるので。その「 ウワサ、真相 」は、ある意味、重みを増してしまうのかも知れません。

二つ目の「 紹介 」は、①の個人業者を、何度か見ての、企業の役職役員の方の「 采配 」になります。

ここで、子飼いの業者( 個人業者。社長 )からの情報を得て。

そして、次のステップに進んで行こうと思った時などに、直接電話で、「 ( 愛人等 )スナックのママの所に、たまには行ってやってくれ( お金を、落としてきてくれ ) 」と、短い電話が、数か月に1回から、月に数度かかって来るようになるまで、通います。

↑「 愛人 」なのを知っているので。とにかく、情報収集や、やりとりに奔走したりします。

また、そこで「 付加価値 」を、提供できるかどうかが、他社との圧倒的な差異に繋がっていくのだろうと思います。


>個人献金( 企業接待等 )

↑まったく、「 把握できない 」ということも、ないと、思うのです。

必ず、ほとんどの場合、「 子飼い 」を、通すので。

もちろん、「 接待 」と、「 献金 」は、異なるとは、思いますが、、、。


「 一人 」とは、限りません。


↑ここから、さらに、熾烈な「 競争 」が、始まります。




↑こちらで、「 税金 」が、かかって来るので。それを、「 支払えばOK 」なので。







>御前様と・「 命約 」と・「 ギブ&テイク 」の中での・「 受け取った・恩義 」と・「 家業 」





・心臓なら、どこ、、、と。「 指示 」されるようになりました、、、

もし、3人の愛人さん宅で、倒れても。父と私( 家族 )が、一緒に、向かう事になっていました。



裸でも、衣服を整えて、父たちと、一緒に、「 過ごしていた 」として、





ときには、私たちも、愛人さん宅へ、「 お水( ミネラルウォーター ) 」を・届けたり・しました。




>弟と・電話と・「 いくつかの・疑問符?と・ウソ? 」と・私




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