
Channel 2 (October 30). I speak Japanese ... China's "hunting" Japanese problem [China], followed by suicide

Channel 2 (October 30). I speak Japanese ... China's "hunting" Japanese problem [China], followed by suicide. (Text in Japanese)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11392019305.html

> "To maintain the best male line" Sankei problem [imperial] MIYAKE women (Box Sankei Shimbun)http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/liveplus/1350898319/
??? 0: 18:31:59.27 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: φ ★ your lack of sleep can have a nap: 1◆ "committed to maintaining the male line," Sankei problem MIYAKE Women
■ Yomiuri "Study of founding a" reasonable and
How do I prevent a reduction in the royalty to support the Emperor. GovernmentBased on the interviews that were conducted by experts, royal women in the imperial family after marriageDiscussion Paper summarizes the pillar was the creation of a "woman MIYAKE" is Todoma, I announced.4 Sankei paper, Asahi, Yomiuri, Nikkei was editorialize. In the export,Sankei and Yomiuri is the contrast.
The Yomiuri, the Discussion Paper that clearly states should promote the establishment of the proposed study MIYAKE WomenI was assessed as a "valid content". That the government "will respect the intentions of the principalI have stressed that women MIYAKE hurry to consider founding premise is "it for granted.
"Still, would concern pastern (one such) does not disappear Jokei emperor" and SankeiI get to the bottom of a problem.Imperial Family of Japan "is a historical throne from generation to generation, the male line has been maintained. Imperial line of theYou should do your best to maintain the male line that takes into account first. MIYAKE female emperor easy JokeiCare must be taken, such as does not lead to unacceptable "
Limited to child princess female emperor, a grandson a woman MIYAKE, Discussion Paper, the foundingGranted the status of a royal spouse and children as well as long as one generation of royal women ▽ ▽ or spouseThe child is not granted the status of royalty - that's what you have already mentioned two of the draft.Sankei, such as revision of the Imperial House Law that defines the "throne by male male line",Pointed out, there is a possibility that the emperor is born from MIYAKE Jokei women.
Seven years ago, "experts meeting on the Imperial House Law" private advisory panel of (then) Prime Minister Junichiro KoizumiJokei admit women and the emperor, give priority to the throne of the (firstborn) first child regardless of genderI have put together a final report. Stop the doubt was to this paper in only 6 Tokyo Sankei,5 of the Tokyo Nikkei paper Yomiuri daily, Asahi had supported the conclusions of the council.
However, in recognition of the stable inheritance of the throne among the non-Sankei newspapersThere is a subtle difference.
2 or later >>Sankei 2012.10.22http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/121022/imp12102207450000-n1.htmhttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/121022/imp12102207450000-n2.htmhttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/121022/imp12102207450000-n3.htmFresh request thread

??? 0: 18:32:12.57 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: φ ★ your lack of sleep can have a nap: 2More >> 1

Nikkei is the most delicate part of the opinion, "Discussion Paper is that this conflict isAre not depressed. Upon which I was "it is necessary to proceed to a discussion more now,"Currently, the heirs of His Majesty's grandchildren to worry about. Hisahito one of our 6 years old no longerI raised the issue with the "no.
Asahi captured in reverse "Mr. Yu Jin was born and anxiety to the throne is not imminent and".And, should consider now ", the content and scale of imperial activities should be, how itI argued, "It plays to the issue of how to get that proper royalty.
Asahi and that in the course of the Discussion Paper, a voice came to guard the emperor in the experts JokeiYomiuri has been introduced. Such experts will present, the imperial citizenship after the Second World WarYou should maintain the size of the imperial family by, for example, to adopt a male that leads to the old princely house awayAgree with it, disagree Asahi was.
I do not think anyone accepted ideas smoothly in many nations. "Of the former princely house greetedMany difficult issues such as whether there is, to broaden the distance between the imperial family and the people ratherDo not "
Asahi and Sankei agree to return actively enrolled 皇 reversed. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in the DietCapture that you have expressed their intention to consider, in order to reduce the burden of your Majesty ", the old princely houseI argued, "I asked again to consider a wide range of Noda administration, including the return imperial citizenship.
Discussion Paper on various issues that have been raised, to gain a wide range of positive discussion "It is certain that there is a need to increase "does (Nikkei). However, an emphasis on history and traditionForget the major premise is made Mai. (And Akira Toriumi)
■ editorial issues MIYAKE WomenSankei(Date 6) consideration not connect to the emperor JokeiMorning sun- Only with the support of the people (10 dates)Yomiuri· To deepen discussion stable imperial activity (date 6)NikkeiWidely-imperial future (date 7) discussion

JzKvcp780: 18:36:41.63 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: 3: ΨEmperor Jokei the road to Lost KingdomI must defend the national polity

: PBEevfOF0: 18:39:06.27 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: ΨTherefore it is qualified male line of the EmperorOnly the return of nationals Jokei 皇 MIYAKE nothing to do with the old emperor problem solutions

4zvVNBPI0: 18:39:54.26 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: 6: ΨThe male line of all the men in maternal relative by GHQThis is not a problem if a resolution to return to royalty

0OhwsZRt0: 21:45:45.62 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: 15: ΨThat 's culture of South Korea and China' s regardless of the male line of

TSWQcL5sO: 23:42:33.33 ID (Mon) 2012/10/22: 16: Ψ15 >>By symbolizing the emperor is the symbol of the unity of the people of Japan and the Japanese symbol of paternal origin in Japanese. This important.The grandchildren of Empress ancestors is not the origin of the foreign country and can become even follow the maternal mother and father and mother and follow the father's paternity.But if we were recognized symbol of the unity of Japan and the Japanese people with whom resides sovereign power of foreign origin such constitution, the Constitution of Japan and the Japanese people it will have nothing to do with the Japanese.The constitution of Japan and the Japanese people, the country and its people would like it and the symbol of the unity of their country and their Emperor by consensus.It is also the Potsdam Declaration, the Japanese race and as a nation to survive as a nation.Rightly or wrongly, the constitution of such a constitution now.

I4OhI6HX0: 19:57:09.28 ID (Mon) 2012/10/29: 32: ΨViolation of Article 14 of the Constitution MIYAKE Womenhttp://togetter.com/li/398075
> 10 days appear in a row boat in water monitoring connection China, near the Senkakuhttp://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1351515814/
Black tiger (Tokushima):: 1? 22:03:34.44 ID (Mon) 2012/10/29: KsLd3o2O0 PLT benefits (12 121) point
29, in the waters around the Senkaku islands of Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture five ships of the Chinese ship monitoring water connectionI sailed in the (about 22 kilometers outside of territorial waters). Chinese surveillance ship from entering the water is 10 consecutive days.
According to Naha, government "fishing" fisheries patrol boat "audit" Sea and ocean surveillance ship four vessels 11th Regional Coast Guard HeadquartersIn one ship, currently 7:00 pm, I navigated the waters (Tsukuba) and Kuba off Diaoyu Island. Japan Coast Guard patrol boat in watersI have a warning to stay away.
> United States ... end of American men who married [society] "lived up to relatives, had been occupying the house" and Chinese womenhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1351589583/
(Tue) 2012/10/30 18:33:03.91 ID:: ρ ★ ◆ BAKA1DJoEI @ Shogo Shogo Ariake Ariake: 1???? 0 PLT (12066)
Blog entitled "The outcome of American men who married Chinese women" has been gaining popularity in China. Chinese media reported overnight sheep Castle reported.Same or less than the contents of the blog.
Married a Chinese woman, her relatives came about together. Her parents, sister, and nephew settled within one after another in less than six months of marriage.As a result, the wok you've never seen before will exist even two in the kitchen drawer has become riddled with chopsticks.
House had been occupied by the Chinese, the concept of privacy is no longer anymore. Suddenly one day, I would have to do the business,Father-in-law came into the bathroom, was spoken as "How are you?".
In addition, the remote control, such as rugs and keyboard, the piano is covered with a plastic bag all. It is intended for the use of the furniture for Americans,What it's for the Chinese ornamental. Therefore, I was forced to sit stiff and cold, wooden chair China can not even lean.
You know I like the Chinese meat, I was surprised that the birds eat toes, beak of a duck, pig's ears. My wife is in the habit of herbal infusion,Police officers came to visit the house three times so far. Because there was a report from neighbors, "the smell of chemical weapons was" and. (Source Juro Oikawa Editor)
Searchina 16:44 (Tue) Society] [News 2012/10/30http://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2012&d=1030&f=national_1030_030.shtml

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​3 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:34:33.37 ID: 4j/HkwaIOJapan also is doubtful home

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​5 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:35:58.76 ID: YeUmcTc40Could I be the same kind of Korean

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​10 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:36:46.45 ID: lchNnOPt0Japanese men and women married to KoreanTerrible culture coming to Japan cleared the family.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​17 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:38:01.35 ID: OinGIqOFOIt is the U.S. Amagasaki

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​19 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:38:20.41 ID: f71V4ks90Seriously look painful in national costume and I think it's only a matter of distant Asia

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​20 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:38:21.62 ID: L7b0jr9e0Sure I thought I Amagasaki also a "Sumitsuki to relatives"

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​21 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:38:26.89 ID: FTXD2yB50It is the end of life is sorry

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​30 (Tue) 2012/10/30 18:39:35.84 ID: RyA/IePt0I wonder burdened the whole family relatives of the person is also married to a KoreanTakashima certain You're struggling with divorce
> ... China hunting "Japanese" [China] problem, followed by "The suicide speak Japanese" Japanese "★ 2 refused accommodation in luxury hotel"http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1351583198/
You (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:46:38.70 ID:: ー φ ★ ☆ Mk one place 太 tool ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ 太 bug ☆: 1??? 0· China's going on now is "hunting" Day. Japanese living boycott Japanese products, the local hit. China, the Cultural RevolutionIs it that I think that goes against the age of the nightmare.
Japanese companies have been praise locally to the development of Shanghai port has grown into the world's best harbor now, and has contributed greatly.It is Tsuneishi headquartered in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture. Tsuneishi was founded in 1917 in the city of Fukuyama did operating in China, was that of 2001.To invest more than $ 100 million, established a shipyard near Shanghai to Zhoushan. Japanese staff of about 80 people were sent from headquarters, 5,000led a Chinese shipbuilding technology by hiring staff exceeded. As a business model, from the local government, I have received the award more than once.
Evening, October 11, and four of the company's Japanese expatriates, a total of five Chinese employees of one person, open to close "Bund" one attractions in ShanghaiThe "true" bird upscale yakitori shop not long, the pinch of the skewer and beer. By force to a group of Chinese men who had drunk to eat at ambient"You guys! Do Japanese" and came at stake.I deal with Chinese employees of Tsuneishi is between them. The Chinese group was drunken frenzy, Japan Onigo guys "is the Diaoyu Islands in Japan butTherefore I unjustly occupied! To swear like "and take out the knife, I cut the Chinese employees gave. Guests who were in the store immediately,I was excited by onlookers turned into a "shazam". Although the police clerk hurriedly, in the meantime, the Japanese attacked us expatriates kick hitI was feeding became a hospital.
Published the following example: the home page, the Consulate General Shanghai, surrounded by a "mob" thing 17 000 people in the demonstration in September, has been warned.
○ while traveling by taxi, the taxi driver "because pay, unload the passengers" from the driver of the motorcycle has been requested, such as suspicious.○ I was walking down the sidewalk with more than one person, is said to be "JAPANESE" from the Chinese, injuring one person is subjected to noodles, was taken away one is cracked glasses.○ I was walking on the sidewalk, and applied voice or "Japanese" from the Chinese, suddenly suffered a leg bruise kicked several times.○ I was walking on the sidewalk, is referred to as "JAPANESE" in Chinese electric bicycle has been headed, I was put on his head a carbonated beverage. (Continued on >> 2-10)http://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/33910
※ Before: http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1351564020/

You (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:47:05.66 ID:: ー φ ★ ☆ Mk one place 太 tool ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ 太 bug ☆: 2??? 0(Continued from >> 1)Japanese pre-war, as many as 250,000 have lived in Shanghai, Hongkou District, the remaining Japanese houses and shrines, such as the ruins of old public bath, and former Japanese town.Even the "Nanjing Road" the city's largest downtown, recently, I could not quite see but the Japanese.Shanghai Representative said major trading will lament."We raise mostly expatriate family, condo for Japanese expatriates" became the museum of "widower. Their expatriate in questionIt is guarded by the daily's official car, home and office just back and forth every day. I just want a helper, business trip from JapanFully self-restraint. Employees also should have a new representative otherwise, does not go down because the working visa harassed by Chinese authorities, the termI am dealing with employees who have extended my stay reluctantly "
The company also said Japanese expatriates stationed in Shanghai another Japanese advertising.Will you meet with a pretext "after demonstrations in September, also around the Chinese companies trading partner, is president of the other party who" like "you are urgentIt turned out. As you descend still, always the amiable reception from a woman, you would be like "Which? Tobo Keru like "This settlement. Japanese companies are receiving is treated like a plague like now "We're Japanese expatriates and those scary people war, but as good as Beijing, the capital.
Manufacturer construction executive last week, then it just came back from Beijing temporary indignation.I have been stationed in Qingdao ", there is a five-star hotel you have Joyado in Beijing. The hotel that I stayed five days prior to this timeI put the booking. Although certainly a reservation subject to availability "When we arrived to the hotel the day before returning home via Beijing, however due to circumstancesI was told foreigners "and not stop. while I'm arguing with hoteliers, but Americans came, the passportI was handed a room key and show "This expatriates, but reluctantly went to another hotel, and then, no matter how many hotels around, as soon as you show your passport in Japan, it was met with rejection rate.I was exhausted but amazed anymore ", became so late at night, I went to Beijing airport reluctantly, spent the night on the couch there. I was surprised, more than 10 peopleJapanese, and have the same problem with me, I was sleeping at the airport and "(I followed >> 3-10) (he)

You (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:47:20.87 ID:: ー φ ★ ☆ Mk one place 太 tool ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ 太 bug ☆: 3??? 0(Continued >> 2)The other day, about the hotel in Beijing, have an unpleasant experience that was also representative of Japanese banks."I was waiting for a taxi at the entrance of a five-star hotel near the World Trade Center, the hotel doorman, suddenly and"? "Or JapaneseI've heard. Answered "Yes", the Diaoyu Islands, "continues the territory of China do you think? I've heard that. " Such a "Why IYou've got to ask questions? I say, "I ask again and" taxi "and not place so do not answer. I was in silence, Doorman is doingAgainst the taxi driver came, "This man is Japanese but, me, so I'll put the Diaoyu Islands are China's territory to say that" the stated andWere put. I would say first-class hotel services and also like this? '
In Beijing, the mastermind and "ANA" near Japanese Embassy, ​​such as "Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ", a huge billboard of offices of Japanese companiesRemains covered is continuing.Japanese restaurant in Beijing was closed at once in September, began to resume gradually. However, "The Diaoyu Islands! Territory of China" Diaoyu Islands "Dear patriot to defend the two discount! I have listed a sign that says, such as ". Any Japanese restaurants, and Japanese customers is nil.
Beijing Representative of Japanese banks will continue."Since September, entering the Chinese restaurant stopped to speak Japanese. Performed by Japanese people, especially the" is "suicidal.Similarly, while also avoiding Japanese restaurant, if you want to eat Japanese food was absolutely, to call in advance to store trusted absolutely,I booked a private room alone. I have to order in Chinese and unreasonable. The unfortunate, from the Japanese restaurantJapanese manufacturers is that the beer is gone. I shop itself and leave the menu, or was no longer stomach the Chinese orderOr dangerous, perhaps you would be both "Thus, in China, "Nikka" 没有 (Japan product NO) is now it has become a watchword. (Continued on >> 4-10)

You (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:47:32.66 ID:: ー φ ★ ☆ Mk one place 太 tool ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ 太 bug ☆: 4??? 0(Continued >> 3)The demonstration on September 16, in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, located on the north side of the Guangdong Province, Heiwado of large shopping mall is thoroughlyWere destroyed. Shocking television images that reflect us miserable Japanese expatriates took refuge on the roof is probably fresh in our memory.Restoration work is the first to make it into a pile of rubble being destroyed, in Heiwado that is ongoing at a rapid pace.Employees Heiwado talks.In September "is damaged three stores, total damage is only to ensure the safety of up to 500 million yen only operated part. Of Japanese expatriatesSince the first, out of the apartment rental dangerous, he stayed at a hotel in the city, such as using the pseudonym of Chinese Changsha, the nightmare reallyIt was every day. I think three stores together, and somehow want to play to resume later this year "
Panasonic factory in Qingdao, Shandong is destroyed, the restoration work has been carried out. Executives to oversee the company's China operations said."President Hu Jintao came to Japan in May '08 to visit the headquarters of Osaka bother," I can not forget forever support of Mr. Konosuke Matsushita.We serve the development of China, I was down the head and said, "Thank you. Now, it is "supposed Matsushita out" So,Open mouth I will never blocked. China has a large factory in eight locations, has sent more than 1,000 Japanese expatriates. ChinaSince beating out approximately 20% of the sales of the entire group, but I can not retreat so easily. In the future, the plant but Vietnam and MyanmarWill want to raise the ratio "
Japanese bullying these to be deployed throughout China, followed by how long on earth.Business in China that has been referred to as the "Gold Rush" until a decade ago, had turned into the worst now the lowest in the world. China is now clearly abnormal. (At least, excerpt)

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​5 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:47:40.51 ID: yIO + h1XK0Perpetrators not seem to have Fri

(Tue) 2012/10/30 16:48:57.71 ID:: GYWW9C7R0 rare decay: 8Against the Japanese or Chinese, the same thing?No.
That is the cultural standard of the Chinese.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​17 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:51:31.36 ID: of7rQ8L80To feel emotions such as mushroom picking or strawberry picking 紅葉狩り the JapaneseI'm Chinese feel the emotion in Japanese hunt

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​18 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:51:41.33 ID: jHBopQRf0I'll do more and moreBeat me more stupid Japanese companies and betrayal of one's own country!Teach!

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​19 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:51:41.98 ID: IaD1NIvd0I think of the guy who would say such a trip to China in time I do not know
(Tue) 2012/10/30 16:52:26.19 ID:: 23: (1 +0:5) Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT TJumQOA60]The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, raised the risk level travel

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​30 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:54:19.96 ID: 7iLcjLcY0This probably normally racism.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​33 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:54:47.67 ID: e / Ko +7 + P0Incompetent government that I do not do anything and the Democratic Party

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​34 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:54:49.51 ID: vN1nNkKn022 >>Do not lick dictatorshipChinese Communist Party cells in all but

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​42 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:56:43.53 ID: OV0VCzzC0Keidanren to shake a tail CCP is anything ^ ^

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​43 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:56:50.19 ID: e8H61dE40Na s going or already many Japanese partner rape and pillage

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​44 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:56:55.21 ID: zAsepSY8OI'm sorry I can not sympathizeEarn mon China was condemned from all over the world are killed Japanese

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​45 (Tue) 2012/10/30 16:56:55.92 ID: lfOdKGvX0The brutality of 1 >> Shinachon abnormalities
■ benefactor Oita murder in January 2002Death (73) are at home to stab Mr. Satoshi Yoshino Metta Oita Prefecture.Arrested two Chinese students and Korean students. Two Chinese students have fled.Mr. Yoshino benefactor who had tried empathically care of international students that became perpetrators.
■ January 2003 murder pledged YokosukaTsuyoshi Maruyama (79), was pledged to the Chinese mandarin and tea was engaged in construction work in the mountain behind in Kanagawa.Snatch money assaulted after the end of construction, from the Chinese to break into the house.At that time, the murder of Mr. Tsuyoshi Note Remove the breathing apparatus.I statement "I think the money to charity because" when arrested
■ the murder of four family Fukuoka June 2003Mr. underground rape his wife one of the group of Chinese students broke into Matsumoto's house was in the bath in the bathroom first.The other two people because you find the sea of ​​his eldest son (11 years old) during ransacked the room, immediately killing folding the cervical spine.Between husband until the return home, I began to hear a PIN card, etc. "torture" as Mr. underground to pass the time.And "torture" Chinese things, "while giving the pain alive, we cut the meat with a knife in order" that.When he died, the last man who cut the meat into the "role to kill 8-year-old daughter Hina" punishment gameI was going to kill a man Hina gave a mortal wound to Mr. Chika eventually.The sight of hell have been waiting for Mr. Shinjiro husband came home without knowing anything "because I'm also dead, only daughter helped me"I also ignored pleas and kneeling down on the ground, strangling the Hina in front of Mr. Shinjiro. I did not say where to find gold, Mr. Shinjiro strangulation.
■ trainee nationality yuan in knifing October 2010 killing men Saijo, Ehime retrieve the victim's heartIn the solitary man in the murder Akeyashiki Saijo, was arrested on suspicion of murder Takeshi hole 祥 apprentice under the nationality suspect (Con Shanmon) (28),Such as DNA analysis of bloodstains was found by police special investigation task force that is likely to have people hunting after killing Mr. Minami (64) Mr. Kiyoshi Minami. Such as how the victim Kenbun commentaryThings such as lost deposits are also investigating whether or not related to assets, it is proceeding with a view to investigating the possibility of theft suspect robbery and murder.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​72 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:02:11.36 ID: neAM/EJk0Www fun blur peace, security safe is blurred because well, Japan is also occasionally beaten to Monkey

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​75 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:02:38.38 ID: r0RiDwBfPJapan is "autonomous region" of China

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​116 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:09:05.43 ID: aFxKTSGr030 >>Racism.Japanese media also, not noisy at all even though human rights groups.Japanese discrimination racism clean w

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​150 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:12:57.71 ID: sn06PrcD0Regional battle began in the Senkaku,Japanese in China is to victimization, including women and children definitelyAround Shanghai with many Japanese, the Japanese will be hung in the streets

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​159 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:14:37.43 ID: UPqpI6IJ01 >>Yo can imagine such Omaira what has taken place in Tibet

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​160 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:14:51.09 ID: DAWAXDlc0Let's cut to the edge

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 161 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:15:06.79 ID: X5gHY5bR0Page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs travel safety a mystery to this danger zone.
Liability companies to be a problem to stay The situation is becoming clear.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​200 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:20:10.65 ID: WBHEaD120Managers who have a good relationship and I think really Kizukeru and countries that have anti-Japanese education is probably incompetentI partnered with a company that countries that have anti-Japanese education, do not think that the former is nothing in the immediate wants gold

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 227 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:23:57.44 ID: fKwH9r310I too insensitive something Japanese. I would understand if you think I'm talking about.

(Tue) 2012/10/30 17:24:37.49 ID:: Oh Oh: 235 EFzXePu30Relations will be the date of the original incident happens if Tongzhou.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 237 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:24:52.18 ID: AdQeNFGt0Tongzhou such incident will come again

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 239 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:25:20.11 ID: PbpMHdYQ0How horrible ... Do not be helped butI can not afford to approve a request of Okinawa until independence by far the Senkaku
22 >>Or just minions of the Communist Party of're hunting Japanese?I also look at how different

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 242 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:25:52.24 ID: Su00YFRq0Good to be murdered in left-handed management of the local ...

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 274 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:29:47.11 ID: 3ZADCunZ0Not matter if the other party to a Japanese racism

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 277 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:30:11.09 ID: hyFBHRq +0Even though the number of dead Japanese people are assaulted in the demo the other day, I really do not report any and all government media.Obviously mentally deranged.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 290 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:32:12.56 ID: 3CvTb/rU0The return to the soil in the traitor Gaikan Nokorazu earth loving! !

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​329 (Tue) 2012/10/30 17:37:26.37 ID: Rf + XQ + dYiExert more and more the result of anti-Japanese education! !

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 335 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:37:55.50 ID: aZ6miLH60To travel banMinistry of Foreign Affairs to work

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 336 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:38:03.65 ID: vZ2hJ9Gy0If you do not get killed several people would not know the Japanese peace blur.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 343 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 17:38:48.59 ID: XlVP9Dhs01-5 Tongzhou truth of the incidenthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7vJtEzXo_ghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lFoaBcKAPYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVkRoG8NAn0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpv2a9s_mfUhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcINl5PCAMA

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 526 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:13:31.40 ID: qt6Sdnn10Would be treated just the same as the Tibetan

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 555 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:17:57.81 ID: 9EEpnyx5OChina, You're no good anymoreNow is the economic powerhouse of potential generic like South America or Southeast Asia

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 560 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:18:15.13 ID: ydSobzm10Chinese Communist Party dictatorship is overthrown to the people in the summer of 2014.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 577 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:20:52.12 ID: MxLUSmQg0The Chinese Communist Party than the originalIt is because of the Keidanren and the Democratic Party is a dog thatJapanese is more slaughter

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 663 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:34:16.63 ID: NIGeA6Zg0China to launch a "war" in Japan
Coming similar to the pre-war situation, the newspaper media hype actively advance the continentState companies not to draw close to a significant investment and the transfer of plantChina's domestic war on the people who wish to widening gap has been increasingCommunist Party has taken a policy towards the overseas domestic discontentVery dangeroushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGkPdkDynUE&feature=relmfu

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 765 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:45:33.36 ID: CbXomWRB0You're the gift of anti-Japanese education. All education from an early age.Reason is different from being disgusting hate to become Korea with discretion as Japanese.From them have received such education, I'm a Japanese textbook is to pinch the mouth and Donokono.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 767 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:45:48.51 ID :/ yLV/1L +0
Fabrication of Nanjing Massacre Tongzhou photos and record of the casehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZl9wUDt5U4

July 29, 1937, about 260 people were massacred Japanese constabulary denizen of China.
Hell picture of Japanese massacre <scourge of incident Tongzhou>
Neck and hands are cut off entirely family, women's 14,5 years of age or older had been raped all.Upon entering the restaurant called Asahi hotels, 7 and 8 will be the name of the woman all nude, shot to death rape,There are some who push a broom in the genital area, who have put the sand in the mouth,I could not bear to see such a person that is vertically Tachiwaru abdomen.Tied with wire to the neck, hands together, in a pond near the East Gate, the Line eight through it,I have evidence of corpse Rekizentaru turn link together six pulled the family afloat,Pond water had turned red.
Name of woman between the ages of 7 and 8 17-8 40 to be rape everyone in the (restaurant) Asahi hotels ",Has been shot dead while in the nude exposed genital area, four or five had been stabbed to death with a bayonet in the genital area.I was something of a male corpse was left to the office and Japanese trading company has after all routed with a rope around his neck, most blood is sprinkled on the wall, the insulation on the language. '

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 769 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:45:54.39 ID: fQhEGJXa0Human beings of the continent has been discriminated against the Japanese since the dawn of historyIt does not change from this unchanging foreverIt will not end until you conquer each other
It's just that this time is required to Okinawa also gave away the Senkaku IslandsYou should seek the means to live at a distance as possible

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 770 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:45:56.68 ID: nQrmN7qO0Japanese media who reported no abnormalities

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 779 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:48:02.29 ID: oHBeGRmp0Do help us in these cases the Japanese are Human Rights Protection Act? You help meJapanese happy that the bill is zeroForeign bill that is punishable by zeroI wonder what has become of the world now bad law

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 784 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:48:53.69 ID: A8 + Bty5Q01 >>I wonder if the second incident Tongzhou soon.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 785 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:49:01.97 ID: BbDPGrSH0It does not matter what I do, even if expatriates will do all this for the sake of money.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 786 (Tues.) 2012/10/30 18:49:23.96 ID: 4s9DWrjY0Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China's overseas risk information does not flow with what's
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.htmlAbout you, do you know?What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
China's leaders, had been slaughtered so! !

Part 3● over Hiroshima nuclear damageSpanning the 46th nuclear test is performed, in Uighur, 1.48 million people are exposed.190 000 people have died of them.Sequelae of radiation exposure, many Uighurs are still suffering.
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.
● Even in Mongolia, by the Cultural Revolution.16 222 people were killed.87 188 people were left failure.(From the announcement of the Chinese government, were many experiments that far)80% of the population, and now is the Han Chinese.Land will be taken up, nature is destroyed, until culture and language is about to be robbed! !
※ (army Communist) People's Liberation Army, I'm a country to war in the world, has been massacred! Too cruel! !

● manifest behind the Democratic Party. Do you know?* Foreign voting rights in local elections* Basic Law immigrant alien* Dual citizenship law* Dual surnames* 10 million people receiving immigration language. East Asian Community
If you do not do something now, I will get a lot of that is irreparable Japan!
Uyghur yesterday, at this rate, it becomes tomorrow's Japan.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Massacre Tibetans in China! Unbelievable happening is happening in reality.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dnzLEsOYRsk

Attack video Uighur workers in Guangdong, China that took place on June 26.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YEko0KL2Jc4

[1] Silk Road research that infiltrate China's nuclear tests [Uighur]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=37sFp3pcPHo

The whole process of China's vital organs hunting unimaginable: shock confessionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_K0J2SZZuGA

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

> United States of America, Europe, Germany. I ask media to foreign governments.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11349560716.html> So if you can not, based on the facts, the "comfort women issue trumped" the U.S. government is condemning fair.I >> ask the U.S. government, the merits and demerits of the Gulf War.That is diplomacy.· I ask, the information scrutiny.★ weapons of mass destruction.★ background of U.S. oil companies and lawmakers.I questioned them.

> The identity of the comfort women based on evidence (the video. English)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idmDRwL7YRw&feature=player_embedded

Korean for two special location 2012 (. Korean. English. Takeshima)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Mt-KIdvvUQs

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