
Shinjuku held in March of national subjugation Korea (Sat) 8/25! ! ← Yakuza in Japan and the person who calls himself yuan> tour diary,

Shinjuku held in March of national subjugation Korea (Sat) 8/25! ! ← Yakuza in Japan and the person who calls himself yuan> tour diary,

> I had no injuries, but both were torn between the tail and last about 5 minutes towards "yakuza" original self-proclaimed Korean [8/25 17:49]. Was good

> Where [8/25 17:50] demo is finished, the applause was when I was pretty nervous from the Japanese
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> Shinjuku held in March of the South Korean national subjugation (Sat) 8/25! !

A demonstration, a march of more than one hour afterTurn left, square end? Only when it is straight to the, tens of meters

Turn left at the sidewalk, I was applauseThen, I was right next to me, young womenWith me, to the applauseWelcomed me, and everyone in the demo

Then, the applause, about one-third? People have in generalTo everyone in the demo, while the applause,Welcomed

The time of the demo you have to have finished, almost, a left turnIn front of meBicycle, fell, was resounding roar-

From the demo car, roar is heardSome people got killed, the bike had been raised roarWho was in Japan, the "self-proclaimed former yakuza"-two
↑ Both of them, be separated, as it is, is a person who is in good Gatai, I just leave quietlySlender and feel better, better demo has gone collision

But the violence, such as kick hit, there was no
↑ comes between, towards the police, so that the hand does not reach, because I was away

To listen towards Japan, the talk, I went to the buckwheat· I have been hit, the bamboo emotional

Among the general public isThe collision, and no good, I think,,,

Government> Japan> Korean government
↑ you should do is really purge-and corrective lawmakers denounced evils, which maintains the system-
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For square· The singing, the national anthem
While, in the plaza,That I was on speechWhere it becomes a little,Was seeing

Then, my, one step in front, towards the copLocal shopkeeper came
-And-local shopkeeper "!'m Ginger Ne Yo Aitsura bad! Really!! Most! Security is bad now! Deported us all! Store is vandalism", about 10 minutes ?
Much, I had heard, toward the policeman, and the story has been

Around the squareOrdinary citizens, nearly 100 people? AboutI was watching from a distance

While listening to the speech of the squareOccasionally, applause occurred· The Emperor apology would be too rude· Illegal occupation of Takeshima
↑ to these two, roughly, applause occurred

Sometimes, from the public· "Soda soda! ー!'re Right"-general, and the voice had been raised
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Throughout> Demo of about one hour-Applause-Raises his handCheer-
↑ Sometimes, even from the sidewalk, I was going

In addition to? General, a young womanBetter or cheer, I have a hand brandishingThere were many
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<At individual stores shops Hangul characters there>

From the sidewalk, a little apart, While I was walkingSomehow, the atmosphere of the demo will changeWonder that? And, with eyes, among the roarEveryone, looked back and I have seen obliquely

Shop> Personal larger-Hangul characters? WasNa-work ー is Korean!· ー back to Korea!

While raising the voice, and say things likeAlmost without stop, I had to march

When I glanced to the shopThan me, and two men who shop a little young,Disconsolate eyes like I was watching a demo

To the left of the entrance of the shop, the two were soI stood on the right side of the entrance of the shop

So, it was Yarusenaka~tsu

> The abolition pachinko is I agree
↑ hurry, rather! Do it! ! When is enough to think> it is nationalized direction of Ka (^ ^;;

But small personal shopHow much money do I earn veryLoanPeople and warranty• The cash accumulate to some extent, give the shop

Terribly, and it was Yarusenaka~tsu

If, like demo of China, if there is such a thing to destroy the shopI still think, and stop

While standing in front of the shop, I think so

This is such sad,,,

This demo> Say, the simplicity! Do not write! OfBecause I like it to cherish the spirit,,,It even so, it is well known,,,(Such as "purge of the system and correct selection of the Japanese government collusion," ... hope, so-and it's important, "the height of the morale" of the people of this demo because I think,,,)

But, after all,,,I gotta blame, individualsIf you do not do, I think,,,

> You can run theSo, because it is a great thing,,,So that from the ground up, with a shop, because a lot of things,,,

Thinking, such a thing, I should have next toWhen I see the two of you,I also have left the shop, I followed the march>;;; ^ ^ (again, because it did not have

>> From> YouTube Korea Koreans in Japan talks about criminal state, I collectedhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11337255064.html

South Korea> Korean residents in Japan said that criminal statehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lshbs2H5loY&feature=related(I remember, and her カク ↑, Mr. iodide,,,)

>> Was willing to work in-house, until about the age of 10 to 18 years, each of the three Korean-Chinese and Mr. iodidehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11334981867.html
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> And the person who calls himself a former Yakuza in Japan, a little quarrel? When it is, in

The march is over, disbanded? When it isI had to clap• "Strandhotel cheers for good work"-I.

Then, about 70 years old? Of, and grandpa,While pointing to me, a little, was scraped, the blood of the arm
- "This, a little while ago, I've been Cha~tsu do what. Then," Grandpa, I'm not cheers for good work! "And" I-still-future meeting or follow the flow of the dissolution of the demo? I went back-to

After that,I ... "or injury, medical ー sent down with care"
· "I would come out or has blood, doctors sent down ー · The careful I think I hurt"
• "doctor sent down ー careful-because I think hurts blood flow, and they ..." · I,
I did the applause
↑ a little-, while in some people likely hate (^ ^; everyone, because of a clear demonstration of slogan-> "simplicity is say ...!" With,,,;;

Indeed,,, is there ... "(Situation the flow-location) when necessary," it alsoSo, does not deny
↑ "etc. purge of members that are smeared with corruption that are not placed in the spindle and Japan correction system evils of vested interests, collusion, the Japanese government's" I-want, if you tie your hands, you will also have do tie , so I think,,,

> A demonstration of the multifacetedIf I go correcting the source of• The purge-and correct selection of their government, denouncingAnd will lead me, because I think

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