Death of a kindergarten graduation ceremony,
(Maybe, I think-and I "mother", found the third from the right and on the stage)
> Uniforms for kindergarten. (20060726)
· As an aside.
Lack of ambiguity of memory and time.
I think such things, as it was often from this time.
Even now, I could not remember, is the first time in my bohemian mother says in kindergarten.
In your play, climb out the classroom such as tombstone seems to have become addicted to catching insects in the picture-card show, and insects such as dragonfly enters the eye everywhere.
Had written the words to say. "It is suggested that you do not protrude from the classroom can have insect. Let composure a little more" even in a notebook of kindergarten, the teachers I remember, essential I do not have anything of impressions and memories.
> (^ ^ Pretty, so I can not move, becoming physically and mentally;;; in around here>, is blasting-yourself ☆
Memories of elementary school prior to admission. (20060725)
↑ Around this time, "the damage of" first-of-actual age is a picture that occurred,,,,
I do not remember (^ ^;;
↑ Yappari? Laugh ☆ (Gyafun is likely just doing unnecessary things>;??? ^ ^ (
I really liked the teacher of the above-De like "mom"I was like "mom"-imagine-, very much embarrassed, I loved
And warm, softDo not hit me inFrom behind, even hugTalk to me, gentlyWas very teacher "mom"-about sad,,,
And so also did not "like" hug-to-be mother or father was, I got to say(To father, I had put the hand-in. Pants half asleep? Sexual abuse. There were, from this time)
> Uniforms for kindergarten. (20060726)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11164960626.htmlOne-piece uniform, had become much smaller and it will look pants.At the time, the kindergarten is turning skirt was in vogue.One day, I would be laughed at Adokenaku a kid who loved "○ ○ ○ ○ pants, since skirts seem even turned over," and I remember it was very shock.What is it with your child "are inferior."It was not a relationship to say "My mother bought from a small uniform", was Hayashitate wear uniforms on a daily basis until graduation small, but had been laughed at.Was sad. Was mortifying.Dance of the summer since absolutely, "(that thing sexual and physical) to be ashamed" that I was no longer true though.
The photo above it, still, uniform is "Yes" any-Decided to graduate, the uniform is very small,Pants are always visibleHave to tighten the body;; Still> smile ☆ (Gyafun does not wear loose-fitting clothes with peace of mind-only; (^ ^ was hate
And warm, softDo not hit me inFrom behind, even hugTalk to me, gentlyWas very teacher "mom"-about sad,,,
And so also did not "like" hug-to-be mother or father was, I got to say(To father, I had put the hand-in. Pants half asleep? Sexual abuse. There were, from this time)
> Uniforms for kindergarten. (20060726)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11164960626.htmlOne-piece uniform, had become much smaller and it will look pants.At the time, the kindergarten is turning skirt was in vogue.One day, I would be laughed at Adokenaku a kid who loved "○ ○ ○ ○ pants, since skirts seem even turned over," and I remember it was very shock.What is it with your child "are inferior."It was not a relationship to say "My mother bought from a small uniform", was Hayashitate wear uniforms on a daily basis until graduation small, but had been laughed at.Was sad. Was mortifying.Dance of the summer since absolutely, "(that thing sexual and physical) to be ashamed" that I was no longer true though.
The photo above it, still, uniform is "Yes" any-Decided to graduate, the uniform is very small,Pants are always visibleHave to tighten the body;; Still> smile ☆ (Gyafun does not wear loose-fitting clothes with peace of mind-only; (^ ^ was hate
>-Generalhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-10512433704.html★ ★ faceMr. Keiji Goto, a lawyer of 50 police officials aim to eradicate child pornography from @☆ there is an unforgettable experience. 1998 was working on Internet crime in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Was referred to sarcastically as "a brave person who came in from a superpower that child pornography" from the moderator, at a meeting of the (ICPO) International Criminal Police Organization was held in France. And Japan at the time such images covering the eyes and there is no law to regulate child pornography had been leaked all over the world. Lowering the head-to investigation officials "sorry" in each country was enough to do. Seemed inadequate regulatory Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography of enforcement of the following year. Wound of the heart-child of the subject can not say a lifetime. "Why does Japan insensitive to pain of the children why this much" jumped out, police organizations and 2005. I passed the bar exam during his tenure of 92 years. "I wanted familiar with the law." Faced with law book on holiday or when commuting. 33-year-old. Was passed in the fourth challenge. Tensin was after flying to petition to lawmakers, such as asking for the prohibition of simple possession of child pornography, a lawyer. At the end of March was also formed group 0 lawyer role. "Child pornography is child abuse itself." Belief does not change.(Tomitokoro Kosuke Sasaki, Noriaki social unit shooting)
> Overcome extremes-Adult ChildrenStill, digested, and he must overcome, I think,,,
This is, data of oneAs will be one sample,,,
Right now the children, are suffering from bullying and abuse, as we will be saved even a little,,,
Everyone for Adult Children should be noted that even now suffering, as we will be saved even a little,,,
( たぶん、上の段の・右から3人目のかたが・「 母 」だと・思います )
>幼稚園の制服。 (20060726)
小学校入学以前の記憶。 (20060725)
↑このころ、初めての・「 性被害 」が・起きた・実年齢写真です、、、
・「 お母さん 」みたいで
私が・思い描く・「 お母さん 」みたいで、とても、恥ずかしいくらい、大好きでした
とても、哀しいくらい・「 お母さん 」な先生でした、、、
母や父に・抱きしめられたことも・「 好き 」と、言ってもらったこともなかったので
( 父には、寝ぼけて?このころから。性的虐待が・ありました。パンツの中に・手を入れられていました )
>幼稚園の制服。 (20060726)
上記の写真だと、まだ、制服は・「 ゆるそう 」ですが
@児童ポルノ撲滅を目指す警察官僚出身の弁護士 後藤 啓二さん 50
☆忘れられない体験がある。警視庁でインターネット犯罪に取り組んでいた1998年。フランスで開かれた国際刑事警察機構( ICPO )の会議で・司会者から「 あの児童ポルノ大国から1人でやってきた勇敢な人物 」と皮肉たっぷりに紹介された。当時・日本には児童ポルノを規制する法律がなく・目を覆うような画像が世界中に流出していた。「 申し訳ない 」各国の捜査関係者らに・頭を下げるのが精いっぱいだった。翌年施行の児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法も規制が不十分に思えた。被写体の子は一生・心の傷が癒えない。「 日本はなぜこれほど子どもたちの痛みに鈍感なのか 」・2005年・警察組織を飛び出した。司法試験に受かったのは在職中の92年。「 法律に精通したかった 」。通勤時や休日に法律書と向き合った。33歳。4度目の挑戦での合格だった。弁護士に転進後は・児童ポルノの単純所持の禁止などを求め・国会議員への陳情に飛び回った。3月末には役0人の弁護士グループも結成した。「 児童ポルノは児童虐待そのもの 」。信念は変わらない。
( 撮影・佐々木紀明・社会部 富所浩介 )
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