Have kept in the picture of the mother, seems to have slipped a little in
But (↑, ^ ^ (this time, but it should be done there was not found-quite-a picture of side Father's before rebuild the house;;; maybe> minutes, three or four cardboard boxes of the entrance .;; consent of the mother I put the hand that mountain and now> is and the great-so would not be obtained-; (^ ^ but may find one's way into a photo-still-in the documents of the mother of -also driven by paranoia of mother-to-door mountain of paperwork is so-troublesome, you should leave now through (^ ^;;)?
↑ I have been described, and "75" in the margin of the photo. Perhaps, and a picture of 75 years, I think
As we have created a dovecote normal-to two-storey house (^ ^;;
↑ in the retrofit, the blood ← "I have great leak-and-later make a dovecote"> "? Slogan" common-man made a dovecote laugh ☆ (
In fact, out, year after year, we'll leak was worse (^ ^;;
When I was a junior high school, came to leaky Innovation & Ira
;; "!! Zza"; (^ ^ in the wooden sword, when breaking through the heavens and>, in the rain it brought laughs from the hole-☆ (Gyafun Ssu-I was surprised
↑ In this photo, does not the photo-
During the three-floor stairs from the second floor and outside
During the two-floor from the first floor, have been rising-with-ladder
When I was a child, I have a thing went up, several times I
Nuclear particular, outside stairs, but I hope (^ ^;;
From the first floor, "ladder" between the second floor of Amari scared, I did not go
My father, one day. 2 or 3 times, always go to the dovecote
Had to take care of the pigeon
Sometimes (and restaurant that is sexual abuse to continue to receive his grandfather and uncle, a year-one years from the time of ← 10) in the mother-in-law father-in-law brother-in-law and his wife and restaurant management to maternal
My father, from early afternoon, during the long evening
· Have received, such as cabbage
Was given to the pigeon, what was chopped
> Black and white photo of me and father and
Tell me-my father to talk-only? I liked SaGa.
-Feather count is back-thin to-skinny from coming back in and they will not chew it does come back in about a week-one. Not drink and fast-I have a thing flew a pigeon race from South Korea, "the father to come. about half of half of it does become Mokuzu of the sea without being come back. of the rest stop by and shrines. or perched on the mast of a ship. come back, over time-, I also have to come back, or over about a month. Those guys will come back-to-bread fat than when flying from South Korea "
I give this story the father-is-only-you tell us was love.
I've heard, again and again.
★ ★ face
Mr. Keiji Goto, a lawyer of 50 police officials aim to eradicate child pornography from @
☆ there is an unforgettable experience. 1998 was working on Internet crime in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Was referred to sarcastically as "a brave person who came in from a superpower that child pornography" from the moderator, at a meeting of the (ICPO) International Criminal Police Organization was held in France. And Japan at the time such images covering the eyes and there is no law to regulate child pornography had been leaked all over the world. Lowering the head-to investigation officials "sorry" in each country was enough to do. Seemed inadequate regulatory Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography of enforcement of the following year. Wound of the heart-child of the subject can not say a lifetime. "Why does Japan insensitive to pain of the children why this much" jumped out, police organizations and 2005. I passed the bar exam during his tenure of 92 years. "I wanted familiar with the law." Faced with law book on holiday or when commuting. 33-year-old. Was passed in the fourth challenge. Tensin was after flying to petition to lawmakers, such as asking for the prohibition of simple possession of child pornography, a lawyer. At the end of March was also formed group 0 lawyer role. "Child pornography is child abuse itself." Belief does not change.
(Tomitokoro Kosuke Sasaki, Noriaki social unit shooting)
> Overcome extremes-Adult Children
Still, digested, and he must overcome, I think,,,
This is, data of one
As will be one sample,,,
Right now the children, are suffering from bullying and abuse, as we will be saved even a little,,,
Everyone for Adult Children should be noted that even now suffering, as we will be saved even a little,,,
( ↑でも、家を建て直す前に・父サイドの写真も・かなりあったはずなんですが・今回は・見つけられませんでした(^^;;;>もしかすると、玄関のダンボール3~4個分の母の書類の中に・まだ・写真が紛れ込んでいるかもですが(^^;;;>いま・あの山を手つけるのは・大変なのと。母の了承は・得られないだろうなので・母の疑心暗鬼?に・駆られるのも・メンドクサイので・玄関の書類の山は、いまは・スルーしておきます(^^;;; )
↑写真の余白部分に・「 75 」と・記載されているので。たぶん、75年の写真だと、思います
↑後付で、鳩小屋を作った人共通の・「 合言葉? 」>「 あとから・鳩小屋を作ると・雨漏りがすごいな 」←でちた☆(笑
木刀で、天上を突き破ったら(^^;;;>「 ッザーーー!!!! 」と、その穴から・雨が漏ってきたのには・驚いたっすぎゃふん☆(笑
1階から、2階にかけての・「 ハシゴ 」が怖くて・あまり、行きませんでした
時には、母方の義母義父義弟夫妻が経営する・飲食店で( ←10歳の時からの・1年間を、祖父と叔父に・性的虐待を受け続けた・飲食店です )
・父・「 韓国から・レース鳩を飛ばした事があるんだけど・早いと・数羽は・1週間くらいで帰ってくるんだ。飲まず食わずで帰ってくるから・ガリガリに痩せて・帰ってくる。半分くらいは・帰ってこれないで・海の藻屑になってしまうんだ。のこりの半分は・時間をかけて・帰って来る。船のマストにとまったり。神社などに寄って、1ヶ月くらいとかかけて・帰ってくるのもいるんだ。そいつらは・韓国から飛ばすときよりも・パンパンに太って・帰って来る 」
@児童ポルノ撲滅を目指す警察官僚出身の弁護士 後藤 啓二さん 50
☆忘れられない体験がある。警視庁でインターネット犯罪に取り組んでいた1998年。フランスで開かれた国際刑事警察機構( ICPO )の会議で・司会者から「 あの児童ポルノ大国から1人でやってきた勇敢な人物 」と皮肉たっぷりに紹介された。当時・日本には児童ポルノを規制する法律がなく・目を覆うような画像が世界中に流出していた。「 申し訳ない 」各国の捜査関係者らに・頭を下げるのが精いっぱいだった。翌年施行の児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法も規制が不十分に思えた。被写体の子は一生・心の傷が癒えない。「 日本はなぜこれほど子どもたちの痛みに鈍感なのか 」・2005年・警察組織を飛び出した。司法試験に受かったのは在職中の92年。「 法律に精通したかった 」。通勤時や休日に法律書と向き合った。33歳。4度目の挑戦での合格だった。弁護士に転進後は・児童ポルノの単純所持の禁止などを求め・国会議員への陳情に飛び回った。3月末には役0人の弁護士グループも結成した。「 児童ポルノは児童虐待そのもの 」。信念は変わらない。
( 撮影・佐々木紀明・社会部 富所浩介 )
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