
Channel 2 (October 27). "Outlawing the cash pachinko" Society of Japan [Meiji Restoration] draft election pledge.

Channel 2 (October 27). "Outlawing the cash pachinko" Society of Japan [Meiji Restoration] draft election pledge. (Text in Japanese)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11389753910.html

> "Into illegal cash pachinko" Ishin no Kai [Japan] draft election pledgehttp://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/wildplus/1351223846/
(Fri) 2012/10/26 12:57:26.73 ID: 1: ρ ★ legions of shadow (graduates of senior season XXVIII):???26 found the contents of the draft commitments of the Board of Ishin Japan team legislators have created towards the next election.In the economic field as well as lowered to about 20% from the current 35% effective corporate tax rates,that the Bank of Japan has set up a fund, such as economies of scale reconstruction pillars 100 trillion yen.
The field of view, but also included a strong policy of conservative color, such as elimination of foreign troops stationed in coordination with new party founded by Mr. Shintaro Ishihara.
26, representative of the Meiji Restoration Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto has not been a starting point for the team as well in the approximation legislator "for draft pledge.Said some parts childish expression, as "hassles now, the future, I suggest the possibility to modify the contents.
The basic principles of the "eight measures Ishin" Ishin party platform is set a "personal independence, regional and national",Add "to respect the history and tradition of Japan", draft made it clear the maintenance color.The elimination of foreign military presence is "the goal of the year 2045" 100 years after the end of the war.
Currently 10% over the age of 75, at his own expense medical expenses 70-74 years is the percentage of 20% of the legal burdenStated "more than 20 years old to 30% uniform and". Four-year term as prime minister in the direct election of the prime minister,I have also served the elimination of the provisions of the Constitution since it provides the majority of the ministers and parliamentarians.
As "political appointment of the annual salary system" of each ministry and agency executives, bureaucrats carrier of providing a "mandatory retirement age of 40."
Facilitate new entrants in the areas of antitrust law and the abolition of the exemption to agricultural cooperatives, such as elimination of monopoly regulation principle business of lawyers and doctors.Was converted to the public enterprises, such as piled into illegal cash pachinko, some items likely to call the debate.http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASHC2600J_W2A021C1EB1000/

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:01:16.68 ID:: im6ykavE Please do not give your name: 3Par asked in dismantling penis

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:01:25.12 ID:: Zaiozz4E Please do not give the name of 4:Although it would be illegal originallySomehow police

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:02:31.12 ID:: CgUCVv3x Please do not give your name: 5Redeemed I'll just keep happening to create a new loophole'll Have to eradicate Pachinko

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:03:12.89 ID:: q6HUbqTv Please do not give your name: 8You're supporting this. Prohibited such revolving-door syndrome pachinko police bureaucracy.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:03:29.07 ID:: Y5g2VPpv Please do not give your name: 9
This is
You're one of the Chung www win Maruhan Casino

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:03:38.52 ID:: Vlq1RHWV Please do not give your name: 10I dived down and not to prohibit the ban itself, not cashI redeemed ban such regulations have been doing in the past at the level already

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:04:48.57 ID:: zHjX9WwY Please do not give your name: 12What?- Like I was a sponsor of the Ishin pachinko ...

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:05:31.12 ID:: 3lFuh3DV Please do not give the name of 13:Also what are you guys cheated (laughs)

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:06:47.38 ID:: 9EW647E + Please do not give your name: 15I seem to have criticized the cash and at first glance,Pachi industry that has been growing criticism of w to veer round to the casino legally backup ToruI'm no damage?

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:12:34.33 ID:: 9GWkxsa9 Please do not give your name: 19> Outlawing the cash slingshotRedeemed pachinko gambling because it would.But the casino Hashimoto OK. The head of the guy is crazy.Gambling does not produce anything. Production activities so 0, and outlawing the entire gamblingShould be banned.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:13:33.06 ID:: yjm6Putt Please do not give the name: 20Do not be fooled guys
Reduced to about 20% from the current 35% effective corporate tax rates
Currently 10% over the age of 75, at his own expense medical expenses 70-74 years is the percentage of 20% of the legal burden"Over 20 years old to 30% uniform"
I'm trying to do that will not be a burden to the masses only be considered if

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:16:17.77 ID:: Z9JHLO7w Please do not give your name: 21I do if I do not do cash items→ Replace the small goldPurchase at the store next to the goldI have already done

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:20:16.93 ID:: I3ulyqTz Please do not give your name: 29Do I have to Maruhan Speaking of sponsors?

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:22:30.69 ID:: MVY3QbEE Please do not give your name: 311 >>Pachinko cash, it's illegal a long time ago.Pretending not to see the police,Only provides convenience in a criminal group.
As long as you are not committed to outlawing Pachinko itself,It's Untrue to deceive.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:34:29.94 ID:: QBR5m3JX Please do not give your name: 38
Pachinko is determined by all the members of the next defeat

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:44:22.68 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give the name: 44Into illegal cash slingshot to public enterprises (conversion)? Conversion? Pachinko is a public figure in a different form?Along with the popular name like Yan · · · ·Invincible master of gambling in Japan or Japanese flag?Does the use of funds to operate public airwaves?Name = shift or communication?

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:46:03.06 ID:: QFlM9bNn Please do not give the name: 45I tell you, the hand will not even be attached to a three store systemI for some reason, is because the effect also appears in other antique dealer trading'm No longer forced to disable or even an online auction and sale of used car

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:52:29.71 ID:: ORqydWeM Please do not give the name: 4844 >>It is rightly. It is a legitimate opinion.Hashimoto, than your Mai44 >>'ll wise much better.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:54:25.00 ID:: ORqydWeM Please do not give the name: 50It is also rightly >> 45. It is straightforward opinion.It is correct.
Hashimoto I cry, you learn.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 13:57:01.43 ID:: kNoQDNIp Please do not give your name: 51Casino or reinvented to Maruhan (laughs)

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:20:02.22 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give your name: 56Absolutely not vote in the Meiji Restoration.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:25:27.78 ID:: c6uZLA9J Please do not give the name: 57That 's What type of shop farce example Sugge Pachi

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:28:52.95 ID:: aoXU8n / + Please do not give the name: 58This is supported by the best

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:33:10.53 ID:: tLU2F39v Please do not give the name: 59Too late, but I can not trust what I may say, Hashimoto.This guy was a member of parliament, because I'm going to sell to Japan certainly Chung.Before lawmakers, Democratic What I've done for Shinachon use flattery, he was elected for the people and for Japan.It fooled by this, honest people who have devastated Japan is good.If a guy does not try to legislators, what you do not know whether to do is to say, those who go to the mental hospital 's good.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:45:35.08 ID:: yCZNNr6i Please do not give the name: 6058 >>Do not be fooled me wwNot unlikely to be that guy have help from ya ya Pachi Pachi like Trapped

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:55:38.24 ID:: UnwSmexP Please do not give the name: 62I just can thrift shop next to the pachinko parlor

(Fri) 2012/10/26 14:57:16.37 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give your name: 63W I'll send it to Korea and all employees of all assets of pachinko pinballPresident'm glad rats

(Fri) 2012/10/26 15:09:01.83 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give the name: 67Please outlaw the cash slingshot.It 's useless w convertible conversion w c'mon, the public enterprisesPlease existing public enterprises. Up w tax revenue flowing guests keirin, racing, the boat races.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 16:12:04.95 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give the name: 72W in relation to the management keirin lottery, horse racing, motorboat or relationship become public if the slingshotFry buys a pachinko parlor. It is the market. Management of pachinko parlors in sell goldI'm going home I w Sa South Korea

(Fri) 2012/10/26 16:29:35.46 ID:: Gu0QkKdb Please do not give the name: 75Pachinko If I were into taxpayer-funded public. Ki has become a public figure you fool managers yuan.After she was stupid caterwaul simply looking to cash only is the tail wagging the dog.There is no trial or not it has been used way decent puzzle where you have depression ぷ Corporation income.Fri useless idiot revolving-door syndrome and I'll only be further used.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 18:01:28.74 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give the name: 77I think the Japanese soldiers and conscription should proceed separately.Conscription is trained to the vacant lot or the ground pinball soldier stationed in each region of the neighborhood,I attend a training from home.The free meal per diem is at about 3,000 yen wMother many children would be saved?Can also get a salary when he joined the Japanese army or.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 18:04:21.11 ID:: 2pFEjm + F Please do not give the name: 78ー Well I go in the battle by volunteers on old bones and whiplash.

(Fri) 2012/10/26 18:07:45.70 ID:: GT + hVIxv please do not give the name: 79> Converted to the public enterprises into illegal cash slingshot
I think that the legalization of the slingshot is this?
Ishin Kutabare!

(Fri) 2012/10/26 18:44:34.15 ID:: NFzIxfFV Please do not give the name: 80Disappear pachinko

(Fri) 2012/10/26 19:02:36.31 ID:: ZYYFKBVG Please do not give the name: 81Become illegal residents of Japan Korean

(Fri) 2012/10/26 19:13:01.58 ID:: KWGGeOfR Please do not give the name: 82Www such because they receive money from MaruhanWww ワ nasty things to do
> Prevention Act [spy, to achieve a new constitution early! (Permanently expelled from Japan leftist anti-Japanese traitor!) Gaisen in Ginza & Demo]http://calendar.zaitokukai.info/skantou/scheduler.cgi?mode=view&no=91
Prevention Act [spy, to achieve a new constitution early! Gaisen in Ginza & Demo](Permanently expelled from Japan leftist anti-Japanese traitor!)★ I was changed by the convenience of the guard time.
Gaisen start at 14:00 October 28, Heisei 24 [date] Gaisen(Side street attack Harumi, Tokyo New buildings, landmarks Glockenspiel) [Location Yurakucho Marion before Gaisen]Http://chizuz.com/map/map138050.html Gaisen] [map of location
16 hours 15 hours 45 minutes set starting October 28, Heisei 24 demo [date]Tokiwabashi park [demo] set the meeting place, the demonstration starts at 16Map & location http://chizuz.com/map/map138051.html [demo] set
Kikukawa [site] Akemi Chief侵会 Day organizers]Those who agree to participate in the activities of qualification 侵会 Day]Enters shooting NOTES. Plaka along the rising sun, rising sun flag, flag Z, in the spirit, welcome loudspeaker!Be sure to follow strictly prohibited simplicity, the instructions of the person responsible for the site. We Gaisen off, from the demo if you do not obey.Please note.
Prevention Act [spy, to achieve a new constitution early! Gaisen in Ginza & Demo](Permanently expelled from Japan leftist anti-Japanese traitor!)★ I was changed by the convenience of the guard time.
Gaisen start at 14:00 October 28, Heisei 24 [date] Gaisen(Side street attack Harumi, Tokyo New buildings, landmarks Glockenspiel) [Location Yurakucho Marion before Gaisen]Http://chizuz.com/map/map138050.html Gaisen] [map of location
16 hours 15 hours 45 minutes set starting October 28, Heisei 24 demo [date]Tokiwabashi park [demo] set the meeting place, the demonstration starts at 16Map & location http://chizuz.com/map/map138051.html [demo] set
Kikukawa [site] Akemi Chief侵会 Day organizers]Those who agree to participate in the activities of qualification 侵会 Day]Enters shooting NOTES. Plaka along the rising sun, rising sun flag, flag Z, in the spirit, welcome loudspeaker!Be sure to follow strictly prohibited simplicity, the instructions of the person responsible for the site. We Gaisen off, from the demo if you do not obey.Please note.
Invasion invasion of southern Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands to the whole of Russia,I started to say and make a road capable of carrying such missiles to Etorofu,If the original islanders towards the northern territories of Russia by ship for the grave,Called numbers like criminals,Normally also need to buy from Russia, crab, cod roe, the roe kelpIt should hardly.For the lifting amount of fishing rights Kunashir, off the coast of EtorofuSeizure of Japanese fishermen.
Illegal occupation and the Korean word has spread Netouyo, Takeshima, Lee landed illegally,Out the territory of South Korea also said TsushimaViolate the Emperor, forced draft, the comfort women issueSouth Koreans flock to Japan to fake necessity.
Japan's Ministry of Finance harm and do not want to make waves in the morning relationship,Abduction of Japanese nationals by North Korea has announced that 17 people,In fact it is said to be 10 000 people.I do not even Chongryon and Mindan.Taepodong missile, such as the Nodong, the abduction of Japanese nationalsMoney pachinko in Japan is used,Japanese who lived on welfare get, and Koreans in JapanTribute to pachinko, abduction to Japan, I am become a missile.
I was based on Tongzhou incident was a Japanese spree slaughter of China reallyForgery of the Nanjing Massacre.Around the Senkaku Islands last year to more than 30,Intrusion into territorial waters this year seems to be comparable or better than more.Already, as Shina land of the land of linen consulate in Tokyo,Buy five thousand square meters, and the sale is that the 5,000 square meters of land for the consulate also Niigata.
If you want to know more. Stands (hereinafter, http://calendar.zaitokukai.info/skantou/scheduler.cgi?mode=view&no=91Take a look here. )
[Overthrow], Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Noda Cabinet Democrats! National Action Continuous immediate ※ (every Thursday), switch to the ad-hoc protest, let me take a rest action regularly.
※ For the time being, switch to the ad-hoc protest, let me take a rest action regularly.
Every Thursday (except holidays)
House of Rep. House of Representatives before the second set at 11:30Depending on the situation → protests before the prime minister's official residence 12 hours, 00 minutes, even before the Democratic Party headquarters protests (to 13 o'clock)
※ in advance, who will join us for the first time, please contact the secretariat always.
Tibet demoOctober 28 (Sunday)JR Sakuragi-cho Station at 12: set
※ We are scheduled to greet our representative office around 12:00
20:12 minutes Departure:
→ → Hon Circle Walk 4th Nippon Maru Sakuragicho Station → JR: Course→ Square before the opening of the Yokohama Customs before Park → → → elephant's trunk before the Red Brick Warehouse →Yamashita Park (End)
Walking distance: about 40 minutes
Office of the Delegation of Japan His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Tibet mass media do not reportListen to a representative government-in-exile in Japan
> 9/17 [] I went to Tokyo> demo "Around the Yamanote Line! Senkaku protect" (Holiday Monday) (reprinted paper distribution)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11357402477.html
Freedom andEconomic and capitalismDemocracyPolitical functions and healthy
Their own people sought, theseWhere is it any of the government,And I have a gun, I do not think
> Spring in Japan> Chinese Spring> Spring in Korea
When> Spring in Russia
Spring is in AsiaYou wanted it,If you do not have the right to stop anyone, but I think
But absolutelyTo its own people, and I towards the firearms, I do not think
Now, to participate in various demonstrations etc.Collection and information.And horizontal linkages, information exchange.Trying to think, to work together, I think.
Even if you have seen, thisI was anxious, words and articlesYourself, please try to find out.
Even to deny, everything, nor to swallowAlways be yourself, please try to find out.That, and the fact that reviewing the information, because I think.
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.htmlAbout you, do you know?What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
China's leaders, had been slaughtered so! !

Part 3● over Hiroshima nuclear damageSpanning the 46th nuclear test is performed, in Uighur, 1.48 million people are exposed.190 000 people have died of them.Sequelae of radiation exposure, many Uighurs are still suffering.
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.
● Even in Mongolia, by the Cultural Revolution.16 222 people were killed.87 188 people were left failure.(From the announcement of the Chinese government, were many experiments that far)80% of the population, and now is the Han Chinese.Land will be taken up, nature is destroyed, until culture and language is about to be robbed! !
※ (army Communist) People's Liberation Army, I'm a country to war in the world, has been massacred! Too cruel! !

● manifest behind the Democratic Party. Do you know?* Foreign voting rights in local elections* Basic Law immigrant alien* Dual citizenship law* Dual surnames* 10 million people receiving immigration language. East Asian Community
If you do not do something now, I will get a lot of that is irreparable Japan!
Uyghur yesterday, at this rate, it becomes tomorrow's Japan.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Massacre Tibetans in China! Unbelievable happening is happening in reality.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dnzLEsOYRsk

Attack video Uighur workers in Guangdong, China that took place on June 26.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YEko0KL2Jc4

[1] Silk Road research that infiltrate China's nuclear tests [Uighur]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=37sFp3pcPHo

The whole process of China's vital organs hunting unimaginable: shock confessionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_K0J2SZZuGA

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

> United States of America, Europe, Germany. I ask media to foreign governments.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11349560716.html> So if you can not, based on the facts, the "comfort women issue trumped" the U.S. government is condemning fair.I >> ask the U.S. government, the merits and demerits of the Gulf War.That is diplomacy.· I ask, the information scrutiny.★ weapons of mass destruction.★ background of U.S. oil companies and lawmakers.I questioned them.

> The identity of the comfort women based on evidence (the video. English)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idmDRwL7YRw&feature=player_embedded

Korean for two special location 2012 (. Korean. English. Takeshima)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Mt-KIdvvUQs

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