> October 27. Dismantling anti-Japanese public broadcaster NHK! NHK will stop propaganda in China! ① diary demonstratorshttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11390687181.html
> [], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo dismantling anti-Japanese public broadcaster NHK continuous media anti-Japanese protests Saturday 10/27! NHK will stop propaganda in China! March and demonstration rallyhttp://www.ganbare-nippon.net/event/diary.cgi?page=1
Continuous media anti-Japanese protestsDismantling anti-Japanese public broadcaster NHK!NHK will stop propaganda in China!
Zelkova tree-lined street - the meeting place before NHK]
[Time] and content
Meeting from 13:00 to
15:30: march (arrival 16:30)
⇒ Harajuku Omotesando Keyaki Namiki ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Masuzaka Palace before Hachiko Shibuya Station ⇒ zelkova trees courses:
※ bring welcome placard (However, ethnic discrimination is prohibited ones)※ Please do not bring in-class loudspeaker flag other than the flag.
Good luck [organizers] Japan! National Action Committee
Good luck Japan] [Contact-Contact! National action committee secretariatEmail: info@ganbare-nippon.netHP: http://www.ganbare-nippon.net
I have reproduced, the flyer that we receive. Permission to reproduce the blog, hope.↓ below, I will continue to reprint.
↑The removal of memorial to Korean Forest "Gunma"!In Takasaki, Gunma PrefectureJoin us to distribute flyers and Gaisen protest!
2 hours from 11 pm on November 4 TimeJR Takasaki and location in the vicinity of Forest "Gunma"Nishiguchi square set Takasaki
↑"Correct recognition of history for true friendship, sincere reflection of need," such as by Japanese Mindan, Chongryon, to cooperate in Gunma prefectural land 2004 Korean memorial has been erected in recognition of the.Therefore, the Korean memorial gathering has been opened shall be contrary to the historical facts, such as the children are invited, and the Japanese hauled forcing Koreans, Koreans that were forced to hard labor.What everyone may overlook this?The other day, a monument to the United States that the Japanese army was taken away to comfort women forced 200,000 Korean women were hung.Will you should not raise their voice of protest against the construction of the lie that the Japanese propaganda we get out of what now masochistic view of history, not even there.If it turns out that the Japanese Koreans overlook the lies like this, forever, elastic coils are guilty, taken an indemnity, and even Japan lost territory.You must have this masochistic removal of the monument from prefectural park in order to regain pride and the correct recognition of history to the children of Japan.Search in <memorial to Korean Forest> Gunma.
Description of the monumentJapan was ruled to colonize Korea.There is a history for the Korean, Japan caused tremendous damage and suffering.Remember this fact deeply and sincerely regret, expressed their determination not to repeat the mistake again.
GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY
↑ to have children, to many people, you want to look at, this.> Ignorance, I think it is sin.
> The identity of the comfort women based on evidencehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idmDRwL7YRw
↑"Exchange Agreement reporters during the day"Arrangements that were to reside with each other exchanged between Japan and the People's Republic of China before the normalization of diplomatic relations, both reporters during the day.One. The Japanese government can not be hostile to China.2. Fingered not to follow the U.S. conspiracy to create a "two China" (fiddle) thing.3. That this does not interfere with the relationship between China and Japan will develop in the direction of normalization.
Japanese media that are contrary to this, it is that China is out of the market, that you can not interview in China.Simply put, it is that under the guise of friendship during the day, Japan inconvenient truth is that the Communist Party of China should not be reported.
↑You are either oblivious?
↑Outrageous trial is about to begin
Execution judgment lawsuit trial "Nanjing" (one large)Date and time. 1:30 pm November 09, Heisei 24Location. Tokyo District Court 601
↑ (even if you can scan, so why can not compress a word, it is the memory copy)
NHK receiving fees are used to promote KoreaNHK public broadcasting of disqualification is required for dismantling.(Demolition. Has been dismantled in corruption organization is not that special. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, also JNR)
↑● pessimistic report to the propaganda in Japan. I cut the national morale.● Korea Praise thoroughly.● economic recovery is thanks to China! Pandering to China! And incitement.● such as illegal entry of China to conceal a large part NHK.● NHK is Shameless. Crime 50 times in the private sector.(This leaflet has been prepared individuals is independent of any religious organizations, political organizations, private organizations, national organizations, with the union.)
↑● one scene of "coverage report" TaiwanGrandfather of Taiwan during the Japanese to look back with a smile, answer the interview of the reporter.A long time ago and "nostalgic every time you see the Japanese people" "nostalgic" Japan, Taiwan grandfather Irassharu to think fondly of the Japanese era.
● "great power of Asia" NHKGrandfather who criticized postwar Japan's response would not face the Taiwan is edited as if distorted NHK in Japan, like uranium. 180, figures grandfather would have been changed.
↑Do you know, the "identity" of NHK of everybody!(Scandal too many, or even pay you received this in comparison with other companies)"Scandal of scandals related deficit shown in obscenity"
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.htmlAbout you, do you know?What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
China's leaders, had been slaughtered so! !
Part 3● over Hiroshima nuclear damageSpanning the 46th nuclear test is performed, in Uighur, 1.48 million people are exposed.190 000 people have died of them.Sequelae of radiation exposure, many Uighurs are still suffering.
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.
● Even in Mongolia, by the Cultural Revolution.16 222 people were killed.87 188 people were left failure.(From the announcement of the Chinese government, were many experiments that far)80% of the population, and now is the Han Chinese.Land will be taken up, nature is destroyed, until culture and language is about to be robbed! !
※ (army Communist) People's Liberation Army, I'm a country to war in the world, has been massacred! Too cruel! !
● manifest behind the Democratic Party. Do you know?* Foreign voting rights in local elections* Basic Law immigrant alien* Dual citizenship law* Dual surnames* 10 million people receiving immigration language. East Asian Community
If you do not do something now, I will get a lot of that is irreparable Japan!
Uyghur yesterday, at this rate, it becomes tomorrow's Japan.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Massacre Tibetans in China! Unbelievable happening is happening in reality.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dnzLEsOYRsk
Attack video Uighur workers in Guangdong, China that took place on June 26.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YEko0KL2Jc4
[1] Silk Road research that infiltrate China's nuclear tests [Uighur]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=37sFp3pcPHo
The whole process of China's vital organs hunting unimaginable: shock confessionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_K0J2SZZuGA
GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY
> United States of America, Europe, Germany. I ask media to foreign governments.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11349560716.html> So if you can not, based on the facts, the "comfort women issue trumped" the U.S. government is condemning fair.I >> ask the U.S. government, the merits and demerits of the Gulf War.That is diplomacy.· I ask, the information scrutiny.★ weapons of mass destruction.★ background of U.S. oil companies and lawmakers.I questioned them.
> The identity of the comfort women based on evidence (the video. English)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idmDRwL7YRw&feature=player_embedded
Korean for two special location 2012 (. Korean. English. Takeshima)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Mt-KIdvvUQs
>10月27日。反日公共放送局NHK解体! NHKは中国のプロパガンダをやめろ!デモ参加日記①
>【東京都渋谷区】 10/27(土) 反日メディア連続抗議行動 反日公共放送局NHK解体! NHKは中国のプロパガンダをやめろ! 集会&デモ行進
【集合場所】 NHK前けやき並木通り
15:30~:デモ行進 (16:30到着)
「 群馬の森 」朝鮮人追悼碑の撤去を!
時間11月4日 午後11時から2時間
場所 JR高崎駅前及び「 群馬の森 」付近にて
集合 高崎駅前西口広場
2004年群馬県有地に民団、朝鮮総連、協力する日本人等によって「 真の友好のためにただしい歴史認識、心からの反省が必要だ 」との認識で朝鮮追悼碑が建立されています。
< 群馬の森 朝鮮人追悼碑 >で検索を。
GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)
「 日中記者交換協定 」
2.米国に追随して「 二つの中国 」をつくる陰謀を弄しない( もてあそぶ )こと。
「 南京裁判 」執行判決請求訴訟( 大1回 )
日時。平成24年11月9日 午後1時半
↑( スキャンは出来ても、なぜかワードで圧縮が出来なかったので、写メです )
( 解体は特別な事ではありません。電電公社、国鉄も組織腐敗で解体されました。 )
( このチラシは個人が作成しており、いかなる宗教団体、政治団体、民間組織、国家組織、労組とも無関係です。 )
●「 台湾取材レポート 」の1場面
「 日本が懐かしい 」「 日本の人を見る度に昔が懐かしい 」など、日本時代を懐かしく想っていらっしゃる台湾のお爺さん。
●NHK「 アジアの一等国 」
知っていますか、みなさまのNHKの「 正体 」を!
( 他企業と比較し非常に多い不祥事、これでも貴方は受信料を払いますか )
「 赤字で示す不祥事はわいせつ関連の不祥事 」
>>【東京都新宿区】中国共産党の63年にも及ぶ弾圧。虐殺に抗議する南モンゴルデモ行進 ②参加日記
●20世紀虐殺「 ギネス 」ランキング
1位。毛沢東 9000万人以上
2位。スターリン 3000万人以上
3位。ヒトラー 600万人以上( ユダヤ人 )
4位。胡錦濤 200万人以上
( 中国政府の発表より、実験は遥かに多かったという )
※人民解放軍( 共産党軍隊 )は、世界一戦争して、虐殺している国なんだ!酷すぎる!!
中国でのチベット人虐殺! 信じ難い出来ごとが現実に起こっている。
【ウイグル】中国の核実験 潜入調査その1【シルクロード】
GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)
>アメリカ政府が「 慰安婦捏造問題 」を、事実に基づいた、公正な糾弾が出来ないのであれば。
>証拠資料に基づく従軍慰安婦の正体( 英語。動画 )
韓国人にとって特別な二つの場所 2012( 竹島。英語。韓国語。 )
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