
Channel 2. = Highest ever crude steel production declined 98% steelmaker China] [Chinese economy, 12 years, followed by excess.

Channel 2. = Highest ever crude steel production declined 98% steelmaker China] [Chinese economy, 12 years, followed by excess.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11462681940.html☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Channel 2. > We will now look at the channel-2 in about 15 years, from insult Emperorhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11334858384.html> Know the trumped-of comfort women issue

> Next and that "frozen indefinitely swap" step up measures of "Korea release hard currency"-2012-08-20 15:46:26http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11333351693.html
↑ Noda was forecast at the time of administration. Abe regime, I think the Japanese economy, and encourage positive.

> This is an introduction blog (and had been found in a two channel, so that other people are you reprint the blog Mr. bloggers)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11356777604.htmlIf Japan were cornered [Politics and international] [edit]
had told me that there is a site that has more striking power and nuclear weapons export ban technologies that Japan has.Japan is not impossible, I can make a virtue of necessity embattled.
However, at this time, but there is also some potential to be invaded in order to wrest the technology of Japan · · · ·.
The following quoteBefore the dawn of a new era>, ahead, towards the ascension from here (http://ada323newage.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-09-27Please see in the URL here. )

> Mr. HatoyamaI think if there is a demo attract Gaikan, would like to participate.I do not think politicians politics for the Japanese, and should be weeded out purge.
· The abolition through name, in the incident report, a strong desire for the abolition of the coverage of the popular name.
Politics for this, I do not want to pay taxes.I think I want to be in the "system. Donation", the tax minute.The use of the tax to become a hotbed of such vested interests, I strongly resent.

Right and left, essentially. It is supposed to exist for its own national interests.Right and left, just Shifuku Japan.I think politicians not for the Japanese politics, should be weeded out purge.In this country, I do not want to pay taxes.You had better get to the "donation form" a tax, I'm still good! !
Anymore, I can not believe the news.Strong conservative colors, in newspapers, etc..I want to donate much choice, and Taxes.
Route as reality, and other facilities "scholarship, art, sports science and medicine," "orphans, welfare, medical institutions" "news organizations" specificIs a system that could "donate", I wish I want, 10% of the tax-minute,,,※ "who has Japanese nationality only" more than five generations,(Such as a donation to relatives of five Toshin, partners, and affiliated companies, penalties. Excluded)

> Note (from time to time, we will correct fix)- Around 20-30 people per ward high school student council president (though not the right to speak, the Vice-Chairman, attendance assistant)※ Only those who have more than three generations, the Japanese nationality. From any idea of ​​an unauthorized deletion. This is a challenge at any time adjustment.※ discrimination and a distinction, it is not. Theory and emotion rather than idealism, capitalism as a nation, please understand perfectly. And development of natural law for that, of the evils of the existing system is breaking down.They will get allocated "to equal, direct" news organizations, science and scholarship "" company, such as social and political background of the district, "his" tax allocation.Also. Combat training (leader, competing perspectives and get to see in combat, such as illicit trade and accusation. Embezzlement and collusion, the point of view of law reform. Overseas with, national and international laws, economy, politics, international affairs, etc. perspective, such as the experience and support deficiencies, such as amendments to the domestic maintenance)
However, the "Amount", on par with the national budget, if I were increases dramatically"Α" percent of that amount, the refund system to the national budget. Minute, or the lack of other municipalities. To, such as the shortage of science and development, etc., we will allocate further.
The principle of competitionAfter all, to some extent. In society, in politics, in the system, the "sanity".in keeping, essential necessity.
And, but true, "nurturing the next generation of leaders. Corporate management. Economy. Politics", I think that there.※ If you do not nurture, the next generation of leaders (the experience and responsibilities and obligations, such as combat involving the rights), I do not grow.※ In the previous year's budget allocation, but maybe fail. But it is "the property of a data". The property can not be a failure, the break of the current system, is essential. Clarification of responsibilities is essential.
However, the number of tests because I nice. Because good attendance.We should go forward from the root, system improvements, such as the "elite" by itself.It is, I think will lead to a decline, and it is one of the bad tradition.
The old man wrote on the Japanese, "I want to eat rice balls."I like starving to death, and rampant illegal beneficiaries.
Are allowed to receive fraud, background, etc..Even the children themselves responsible for the future go, deeply involved, and the nature reality. Deficiencies and cause.I think there is a need to develop the force will go well with the revised face with them, discussion, and more adjustment.
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> Record crude steel production declined 98% = steelmaker China] [Chinese economy, 12 years, followed by excess [02/01]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1359712290/l50
Φ ★ 壊龍: 1 (Fri.) 2013/02/01 18:51:30.07 ID:???On day 1, (CISA) is closing in 2012 80 companies major steelmakers and profits decline, and net income was only 1.5 billion yuan, down 98.2% year-on-year 81 million China Steel Industry Association Shanghai] [current events announced. Domestic crude steel production increased slightly, while record highs. I summed up the association with "was a year of contradiction excessive production capacity and decrease in demand due to the economic slowdown is projected."
jiji.com: 2013/02/01-18: 26http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=int_30&k=2013020100852

(Fri) 2013/02/01 18:54:52.84 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 6 NWkYBgD3Really is a large deficit.

(Fri) 2013/02/01 18:59:41.87 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 8 lTJj5FIdI support something before it becomes normal 98.2 ......

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:01:25.10 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 9 jzcCjg3NApril 2011 That was down 99 percent and ToyotaDid some big earthquake in China last year?

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:01:27.63 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 10 StFQKp4DMaybe not in the previous year was multiplied by 0.982It's not because I've lost 98.2% mistake? Do not you go bankrupt?

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:14:51.17 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 18 udvLp1v /Unreal wDo not just say ww Ne and indeed China

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:14:59.37 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 19 V9f1r3yyIt's real estate bubble collapse

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:15:13.91 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 20 0e0mnXWNDeficit? She would barely profit almost without leaving short.

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:19:16.66 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 22 76ZUS3w /1 >>A Suge~e ...
"Invisible hand" is to state atheism is such ww seems unrelated

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:38:06.87 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 26 VR0kFTDt25 >>I wonder now proceed with the consolidation because companies have been divided into loss-making enterprises and surplus.It's about prescribed in the national goal of increasing the company's market share and higher selection of inefficient companies for steel industry.

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:41:57.48 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 27 Hud9ztXvIncome of ¥ 20 billion and 98% decreaseI've had so much profitMoreover, even wwwwwwwwww net profit

(Fri) 2013/02/01 19:50:50.91 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 28 TYmKo9x6I have to produce a 98% degree of iron impurity

(Fri) 2013/02/01 20:05:42.16 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 29 co2VyHg1W (contraction of the private sector) will wonder people go country by the merger proceed recession

(Fri) 2013/02/01 20:06:41.84 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 30 5U5DXytL· · · W Hey Well That's because I'm American when ん Depression

(Sat) 2013/02/02 04:41:44.17 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 33 MD4xhb8QI'm gonna check w quickie

(Fri) 2013/02/01 20:12:37.77 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 31 E1KceuMM29 >>The reality is a large deficit in production is doing because there are many state-owned system.
> China steel industry,"Production for employment," I can not sell, also produced in red ...2012/10/31Listed companies under the (Shanghai) China steel giant, Baosteel Group,General Manager Ma Guoqiang of Baoshan Iron and Steel is 30 days,Steel industry in the world "enters the next 3-5 years in midwinter," exhibited and recognition.In the background, "points out there is excess production capacity.""Many companies have also continued to produce in the red from the employment problem"I explained the background to the constitution is not amended and the overproduction of the industry.http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASGM30063_Q2A031C1FF1000/

(Sat) 2013/02/02 07:38:47.01 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 34 wXi + S71Y31 >>Because they do such a thing, something that PMI numbers I'm phony at best.I think numbers are inflated much more than actual demand and have come up.

(Sat) 2013/02/02 08:31:03.48 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 35 aSsMnXJLIs not the concept of "dead stock" in China?

(Sat) 2013/02/02 08:48:03.51 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 36 qbNxqB6Q35 >>China w concept of tax on such assets is different fromChina, Japan or the loose side will be taxed as hard assets and inventory

(Sat) 2013/02/02 08:56:27.78 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 37 qbNxqB6QYou're only halfway with thisInstead tight against fixed assets from Japan, because the concept of depreciation strange ...Because it takes a large tax on an ongoing basis to those capital investment, I can not help but continue to sell based on the assumption that production equipment maintenance that is
Economy began to stagnate, and the general country w huh I'm beginning to quite different problems of the tax system appears remarkably
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> ★ 3 budgeted 38 million yen in Akita Prefecture location [social assistance], of Korean dramas ... make "support committee Drama Korea"http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359516561/
(Wed) 2013/01/30 12:29:21.56 ID:: debris φ ★ spring: 1??? 0★ Akita support cost issue again ... filming "Iris Effect"
24-day and night, filming in Akita Prefecture of TV drama "(Iris) 2 IRIS" in Korea began in Daisen prefecture.
In 2009, a big hit in Korea filming previous work has been carried out in the prefecture, province came a surge of Korean tourists. Such as Akita Prefecture andIn this study, we expect the return of the "iris effect", eight municipalities were prepared Prefecture location subsidies totaling approximately 83.3 million yen.Since this spring, there is also a cost-effective voice of doubt in part, likely to clear.
According to the Tourism Promotion Division Prefecture, in December last year, about 20 people crew coaches visited the prefecture, check the location along the image of the scenario. Joined with a dozen staff crew of about 50 representatives of the production company to come on the 24th of this month Prefecture, the prefecture had already come and started shooting. He is planning to shoot in different parts of the prefecture until February 4, in order to avoid confusion by the rush of fans, the production company does not disclose the specific location and shooting schedule.
All 20 times, the drama will be aired in Korea twice a week from February 13. Was replaced to starring Mr. Lee and Mr. Da Jang Hyuk from Kim Tae Hee and Lee Byung-hun of the previous work, gained popularity in "Chuno" historical drama Korean TV dramas.South Korea and other countries to shoot from November last year, filming in Japan will only Akita. Aired in Japan undecided.
Previous work will be taken in the prefecture in March 2009, after the broadcast in Korea, Korean tourists increases. Akita - 10 years, with a record number of 40 463 people, users of Seoul Korean line accounted for 23 370 people, an increase of approximately 60% year-on-year this out. However, such as reputational damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Korean tourists were greatly reduced.
Against this backdrop, during the visit of autumn 1999, when production of the sequel, and ask to shoot again in the prefecture production company, Satake governor has been working to attract and province.Last year, the province organized "support committee Akita Korean drama" and 19 other local municipalities. Last month, we have budgeted for the cost of 38.24 million yen Roque support such contributions to cover the cost of co-production to production companies. Eight cities and towns as well, such as Akita, prepare a cost similar assistance.It also plans to prepare a budget near Yuzawa. (Continued on >> 2-10)http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/entertainment/news/20130126-OYT1T01138.htm
※ previous thread () 17:21:35 Tues ★ 1:1 / 29 (): http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359461800/

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:29:47.15 ID: dhbNsOoe0[Summary of the claims of Mr. Tomonari willow]"My grandfather was forced draft 2002" from "voice" Asahi Shimbun 2002/11/13(Lie theory in Japan forced draft barrels around the net)"We arrive in Japan by the hardships of life in colonial grandparents 2010" from "voice" Asahi Shimbun January 24, 2010(In the thrust to exploitation and oppression and discrimination has been in Japan for colonial rule, fool themselves into Japan come home that has not bother)

(Wed) 2013/01/30 12:29:47.32 ID:: debris φ ★: Spring 3??? 0(Continued from >> 1)In May last year, city officials to accompany the PR activities of the province over the Korean production companies and travel agencies, which helped Yokote shooting in Yokote and Castle restaurant in previous work and appeal to Yokote. This time, I was prepared to support cost about 12 million yen Roque.On the 17th this month formed a "Committee transverse support Korean drama" in 28 institutions and organizations such as the Federation of Tourist Accommodation and Yokote station, in the city. I was poised to respond also be asked hurriedly the location in the city.
"Expected to increase the exposure is believed that from previous experience, there is a change schedule steep to shoot.'s In Korea, want to raise awareness of the Yokote," manager Hideaki Kagaya the Division Bussan City Tourism and.
Chairman Kazuhiko Okuyama Federation of City Tourism, we are going to and tour that you expect to come might come to Yokote some Japanese as well as Korean. "Many, over the location, to be able to lively the town I'm starting to develop an idea and the various tourist "Thailand.
On the other hand, he was questioned (40) "starring the last was a famous, this time Can we expect the economic effect do not know even heard the name. Enough to last" man-in-the-restaurant business in Yokote said. (More)

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13: 4 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:29:47.53 ID: rRoBXQ/P0I do not go to the other Northeast

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​7 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:31:02.72 ID: th03X76Z0I go to a school to increase the load factor ChungLe us ㍗ Akita

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​8 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:31:21.83 ID: vorReeUU0Na has been hijackedI'll travel through the Akita Tohoku encounters with Koreans because I want to avoid even a little

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​9 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:31:34.58 ID: muT9fvp00Akita Ne Nikki Bakka negative self-scan, using money

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​10 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:32:02.67 ID: paTIcWXH01 >>Tohoku people shit what are you using tax us

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​15 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:33:39.45 ID: Pb9Es4p90I will not buy again Akita Komachi

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 16 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:34:12.96 ID: paTIcWXH0Do you use your hard-earned tax money of the people of South Korea for whyThis should be demonstrated

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 17 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:34:30.76 ID: UIc1br8wO4 >>I do not lump together the Northeast.Earthquake damage I think I'm doing what I saw from the Pacific Ocean or something almost Akita

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 20 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:35:44.17 ID: UdAuztOL0· The work of saboteurs naturalization· Ufufu in Hanitora-Acquisition tools
Which now?

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 21 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:35:55.14 ID: 6Gyj/P2KOBy an earthquake in Akita

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​22 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:35:55.66 ID: cg7AYod2OConfiscate the local allocation tax

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 25 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:36:44.79 ID: YSOPNOwy0I do not buy the agricultural products produced in another Akita

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 26 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:36:47.68 ID: paTIcWXH0By Chung said = Akita

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 27 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:37:12.45 ID: KrQ4yOqMOAkita Komachi boycott

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​30 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:38:13.21 ID: zU1BuhdX0Had made a bomb shelter just because there is a budget of bomb shelter in December 1945 Well, it is the Akita Prefecture.I'm not entirely sure that the county budget exercise.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​32 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:38:52.94 ID: psd6OYBu0Notice Contact Fuji TV audienceTerminated (Thu) 1/31
Fuji Television is a query about the audience from viewersIt ended on January 31, has become evident.I will not tell any future viewers even inquire! And things.
It is just that the audience seems to be embarrassed.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 35 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:39:25.46 ID: + oUC23DF0Silly Akita. I think of the time wー Akita or a place that looks like one, it is a waste to a place where you want to enjoy the taste of Japan lies.Did not stop anyone?

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​36 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:39:53.11 ID: WWXJJqEOOIt's suicide rate Zenkokuichi I AkitaOf the doctor or the previousI occasionally funny?Indeed, Did not is also the venue for the Winter Olympics preliminary Chung?

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 39 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:40:20.61 ID: rbQK2jKy0The allowance I have been doing this stupid officer arrest

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​40 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:40:28.75 ID: El/wWS8g0Akita efforts reduce suicide.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​41 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:40:31.73 ID: F6bVh0MO0Thanks for the valuable news.I'll not have to feel bad to go on a trip without knowing something in this Akita.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​46 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:42:18.61 ID: AWQ4Oiso0It seems some co-hosted the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, the Akita.Well, it is the government, Akita Prefecture kimchi completely.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​47 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:42:20.09 ID: 1CCSC/ap0I should immediately investigate the scandal involving acquisition or up to the lawmaker Chung woman from Governor

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​48 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:42:22.93 ID: JXrjxAnb0As it is, the prefecture unemployed tribute to KoreanI'm not allowed

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​51 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:44:28.62 ID: ixQ/2SX/iWhere the party who have not bought did not come to the original Akita, Akita things boycott was, and whether the effect of just one?I'm looking forward to me Do not you do what Negakyan.I want you to spread Kenchomae 日の丸 in if you want to do something.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​52 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:45:18.33 ID: C8UapE2l0Everyone outside the prefecture! Let's boycott the Akita Komachi,

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​53 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:45:45.82 ID: UIc1br8wOIt is supposed to be the other.It can help refugees from the affected areas to improve the economy and to reduce suicide employment will become snow removal ...I think that the worst population decline due to have followed the above does not read air

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 70 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:54:29.40 ID :/ YitaFMmOI hope if the termination is bilk Nakya like Kochi

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 73 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:55:13.96 ID: CCU5DGzROKawaisosu taxpayer

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 74 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:55:20.81 ID: ixQ/2SX/i65 >>Hirosaki investment, attract Korean dramas, as well Prefecturehttp://www.city.hirosaki.aomori.jp/gaiyo/shicho/kaiken/h240703/index.html
Not known that his department is doing, beating other provinces, forest fool or not you ashamed of yourself

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​80 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:56:35.25 ID: jBO1tygc0Increasing number of tourists in the filming of the last, did one hundred million yen or more profitable?It's a complete waste otherwise

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​81 (Wed) 2013/01/30 12:56:55.03 ID: 5HGKL + HM0Not it good?I may be suffering arbitrarily invoke law

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 139 (Wed) 2013/01/30 13:23:49.41 ID: oWVAI/bz0I did not say anything Akita guys?

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​140 (Wed) 2013/01/30 13:23:49.46 ID: CCwSZ/1n0Do not you have to send to the people of the world 's Japanese drama?
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> Left Party [Germany] "more than $ 63 million annual income should not earn more than 40 times the minimum standards seek 100% tax rate. Anyone. Inequality will endanger democracy" ★ 2http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359827001/
(Sun) 2013/02/03 02:43:21.22 ID:: 1: BaaaaaaaaQφ ★??? 0Its name is also tax democracyGerman Left Party (die Linke), announced the draft election manifesto aimed at the general election in autumn 2013.In it, I showed the intention to obtain a tax rate of 100% annual income from more than 500 000 euros (about 63 million yen).
Chairman Bernd singer leek, the newspaper Deutsches Mittelberg500 000 euros should not earn more than 40 times the minimum standards of social nobody. "Annual income of € 40 000 monthlyThe fact that there is (¥ 500 million). '"The exploding inequality, endanger democracy. And I this tax. '" Was called "democracy taxI said.
Also, to all the nations, and request the minimum pension guaranteed minimum income of € 1,050 per month (U.S. $ 130,000). The Left Party,Election of 2013 is going to be "redistribution election." Contribute to the social welfare and future investment, money wealthyIt will supply the idea of ​​gold.
German public opinion?Manifest for the Left Party, in the form of the online version of Der Spiegel magazine 1 date, 114 comments have been received as well.In this proposal Hilfskraft @, Maybe leftist party gather votes possibly. Election results are fun.
Nobody Gruenbonz @, do not want a revival of the former East Germany. The confiscation of property in the former East Germany had always been done.
As far as the Left Party geo_48 @, even if there is a revenue of more than € 40 000 monthly, life But that does not improve in the competition, what can have people who want to build more assets, this society I wonder if it is not going to evolve?
wilee19 @ this proposal is executed is not that politicians are in trouble. Well, I think that there is no reason to get the votes in this commitment.
In this election manifesto, the Left Party, I wonder if it is possible to increase the current 6% approval rating. As far as the opinions of the form view, I feel like I am difficult.http://www.excite.co.jp/News/column_g/20130202/Leafhide_election_news_aLo2R71PF8.htmlBefore"Seek a tax rate of 100 percent from more than $ 63 million annual income" Left Party [Germany]http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359815929/

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​3 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:44:07.61 ID: UY3T1qXGORed dead

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​6 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:45:54.92 ID: V9dG0FH50I'm mad or 100% w

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​7 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:46:04.61 ID: rRd + / ntEiI think you fool me even of the average annual income

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​8 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:46:37.10 ID: fBjaUbA1PJa ne inequality to reverse this?

(Sun) 2013/02/03 02:51:46.59 ID:: 13: Ninja Art - Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 +0:5) wody1Ecd0I have a point
Enough to rank up increase, Therefore it tens of millions to work without much Tatte
Something to do on a volunteer board member of the president'm the best

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​14 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:52:09.77 ID: HoVX/D5x0Germany I'm doing things such as Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. Kan scared.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​18 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:54:07.59 ID: mF1tBpv90Communism'm born as the final stage of capitalism

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​21 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:55:03.73 ID: BrRO8h6B0I do not come out of the region of the base from the outside I'm like that

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​22 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:55:13.81 ID: JaA2QKds0Maybe www extreme leftist everywhere I thought I

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​28 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:00:01.26 ID: fBjaUbA1PDictator because born rich and easy to lose power.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​29 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:00:18.90 ID: jdiHxFSY0Well, not the wealthy end up or run away to Russia? Like France

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​36 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:03:49.21 ID: uLwNs5Uo029 >>I have not run away from France

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​30 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:00:43.18 ID: h5pm +2 FtPI think 70% and 100% may be too much harm, but baseHowever, it is not alleged and at the same time in the world, only to be cheap tax evasion in the country

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​45 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:07:09.69 ID: Y7mOxgBa0I was thinking of the Board of the RestorationThat was radical policy also does not recognize the inheritance business
■ do not allow inheritance and business operations, as long as one generation
Sankei Shimbun reportedRestoration of eight measures in the draft time last FebruarySuch was considering also admit inheritance business, as long as one generation to the business
IZAThis is the Ishin Hashimoto measures "Ishin eight!" Full text outlineUpdate 2012/02/21 16:11http://www.iza.ne.jp/news/newsarticle/politics/localpolicy/546682/
Economic policies and employment policies and taxation (6)
-Married couples, people with disabilities, business succession challengesOnly if you have a job creation in the business of a certain size? Cases one of the measures (acknowledge business succession?As long as one generation or principle? Sale of assets? )

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​107 (days) 2013/02/03 03:34:23.85 ID: yWV + y5lK093 >>Merchant has a low waist
Everyone perish country will no longer workBut I escaped with Nandakanda even to tax the rich
I know the feeling you want to tax the rich

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 108 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:34:36.46 ID: g8SwiLxG0Lazy or manufacturing machine

(Sun) 2013/02/03 03:35:12.78 ID:: 109: Ninja Art - Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 +0:5) wody1Ecd0100 >>Limits of capitalism'm much closer

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 119 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:37:18.81 ID: p40yx2acPYou're the same as eliminating the Cultural Revolution era intellectuals

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​120 (days) 2013/02/03 03:37:20.89 ID: lB3rCTBW0I worked defeat

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​121 (days) 2013/02/03 03:37:21.01 ID: QIaFCTQp0But European tradition,'m still stop tax evasion has increased.
As officials in China, just request a bribe on the black market.Give the mistress instead of remuneration.Passing the key and leave luxury car,I'll give the mansion or right of residence in Spain to give homebuyers.
That corruption does not increase but the most left-wing policy Well

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 147 (Sun) 2013/02/03 03:47:17.83 ID: qrpr8tSo0[Society] "to Japan for the revival, should be 100% inheritance tax"http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359830407/
It was 100% wwww will come out in Japan

(Sun) 2013/02/03 04:27:20.38 ID:: 236: Ninja Art - Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 +0:5) wody1Ecd0229 >>Jews because it was such a terrible greed Jewish
Germany is also struggling people, only profits because I did not mean absolutely Yuzura

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 258 (Sun) 2013/02/03 04:42:42.65 ID: 4WpQF/1xORedistribution of wealth and not what I thought would really act for workersStrange idea of ​​low-income grasshopper does the ant infested in high-incomeIt's not necessarily that their income also increases by lowering salaries of civil servants, I will not come around to me also take a lot from higher income taxBecause I'm gone remember internal reserves that make money out of the company do not pay a salaryIs not that more important to make something up wages by lawIs not a good idea to drag down others

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​16 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:53:52.20 ID: U4v6ik6a01 >>W loophole is the only company making such rampant
're In corporation tax measures Though many individuals in Japan

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13: 5 (Sun) 2013/02/03 02:45:53.52 ID: Y7f4SB/d0This is a threat but as a force. If the ruling party ruin.I'm excited for any such stupid country.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.html
What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

Do you not see the "other issues! Raitaihan rape and massacre of Vietnamese civilians by the South Korean military" in YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7FcQmcdf8Y&feature=youtube_gdata_playerA little two minutes, and did not see all of the comfort women issue. Of Japan, in the light, and. Want as compared to such evidence is evidence, there is also a ghostly image (. I, the Japanese government politics, Japan including against the house, etc. Gaikan attract crime, seek support essential!)


>・「 スワップ無期限凍結 」その次が・「 ハードカレンシー・韓国解除 」のステップアップ措置
2012-08-20 15:46:26


>ブログ紹介です(2ちゃんねるに載っていたのと、ブロガーさんも他の方のブログを転載なさっているので )
もし、日本が追い詰められたら [国際・政治] [編集]



( ここから先は、>新時代の夜明け前に、アセンションに向けて
  こちらの URL で参照してください。 )






( 5等親までの血縁者、提携会社、傘下会社等の寄付などは、除外。罰則規定 )

>メモ( 随時、修正訂正していきます )
・各区ごとの高校の生徒会長20~30人前後( 副会長は、発言権は無いけれど、補佐出席 )

彼らが、自分の「 区の会社・社会・政治背景等 」「 科学・奨学金・報道機関 」等への、直接的な「 税金の割り振り 」を、割り振ってもらう。
( リーダー実戦育成。また、癒着や横領。不正取引などの告発や、法改正の視点を、実戦で見てもらう。海外との競合視点や、国内外の法整備、経済、政治、国際情勢等の国内に対する不備やサポート視点、改正整備などの経験値等 )

ただ、国家予算並みに、「 金額 」が、膨れ上がってしまった場合は
その金額の「 αパーセント 」は、国家予算への返金システム。あるいは、ほかの市町村の不足分。科学や開発などでの不足分などへ、さらに割り振って行く。

やっぱり、ある程度。「 健全性 」を、社会でも、政治でも、システムでも。

そして、本当の、「 政治。経済。会社経営。次世代のリーダー育成 」でも、あると思うのです。
※育てていかなければ、次世代のリーダー( 責任と義務と、利権の絡む実戦等の経験値 )は、育ちません。
※前年度の予算割り振りで、失敗はあるでしょう。けれど、それは、「 データーとしての財産 」となります。失敗を財産に出来ない、現状システムの打破は、必要不可欠です。責任の所在の明確化は、必要不可欠です。

それだけで、「 エリート 」のようなシステム改善を、根本から進めていくべき。

日本人のご老人が、「 おにぎり食べたい 」と書き残して。




1 :壊龍φ ★:2013/02/01(金) 18:51:30.07 ID:???

jiji.com: 2013/02/01-18:26

6 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 18:54:52.84 ID:NWkYBgD3

8 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 18:59:41.87 ID:lTJj5FId

9 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:01:25.10 ID:jzcCjg3N

10 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:01:27.63 ID:StFQKp4D

18 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:14:51.17 ID:udvLp1v/

19 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:14:59.37 ID:V9f1r3yy

20 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:15:13.91 ID:0e0mnXWN

22 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:19:16.66 ID:76ZUS3w/


26 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:38:06.87 ID:VR0kFTDt

27 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:41:57.48 ID:Hud9ztXv

28 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 19:50:50.91 ID:TYmKo9x6

29 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 20:05:42.16 ID:co2VyHg1

30 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 20:06:41.84 ID:5U5DXytL

33 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/02(土) 04:41:44.17 ID:MD4xhb8Q

31 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/01(金) 20:12:37.77 ID:E1KceuMM


34 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/02(土) 07:38:47.01 ID:wXi+S71Y

35 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/02(土) 08:31:03.48 ID:aSsMnXJL

36 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/02(土) 08:48:03.51 ID:qbNxqB6Q

37 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/02(土) 08:56:27.78 ID:qbNxqB6Q



>【社会】 秋田県、「韓国ドラマサポート委員会」作る…韓国ドラマのロケ支援で3800万円予算化★3

1 :春デブリφ ★:2013/01/30(水) 12:29:21.56 ID:???0







※前スレ(★1:1/29(火) 17:21:35):http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359461800/

2 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:29:47.15 ID:dhbNsOoe0
2002 「祖父は強制連行された」 2002/11/13 朝日新聞「声」より
2010 「祖父母は植民地支配による生活苦で渡日した」 2010/01/25 朝日新聞「声」より

3 :春デブリφ ★:2013/01/30(水) 12:29:47.32 ID:???0




4 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:29:47.53 ID:rRoBXQ/P0

7 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:31:02.72 ID:th03X76Z0

8 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:31:21.83 ID:vorReeUU0

9 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:31:34.58 ID:muT9fvp00

10 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:32:02.67 ID:paTIcWXH0

15 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:33:39.45 ID:Pb9Es4p90

16 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:34:12.96 ID:paTIcWXH0

17 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:34:30.76 ID:UIc1br8wO

20 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:35:44.17 ID:UdAuztOL0


21 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:35:55.14 ID:6Gyj/P2KO

22 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:35:55.66 ID:cg7AYod2O

25 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:36:44.79 ID:YSOPNOwy0

26 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:36:47.68 ID:paTIcWXH0
秋田=チョン と言う事で

27 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:37:12.45 ID:KrQ4yOqMO

30 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:38:13.21 ID:zU1BuhdX0

32 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:38:52.94 ID:psd6OYBu0



35 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:39:25.46 ID:+oUC23DF0

36 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:39:53.11 ID:WWXJJqEOO

39 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:40:20.61 ID:rbQK2jKy0

40 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:40:28.75 ID:El/wWS8g0

41 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:40:31.73 ID:F6bVh0MO0

46 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:42:18.61 ID:AWQ4Oiso0

47 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:42:20.09 ID:1CCSC/ap0

48 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:42:22.93 ID:JXrjxAnb0

51 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:44:28.62 ID:ixQ/2SX/i

52 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:45:18.33 ID:C8UapE2l0
県外の皆さん!  秋田コマチを不買しましょう、

53 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:45:45.82 ID:UIc1br8wO

70 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:54:29.40 ID:/YitaFMmO

73 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:55:13.96 ID:CCU5DGzRO

74 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:55:20.81 ID:ixQ/2SX/i


80 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:56:35.25 ID:jBO1tygc0

81 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 12:56:55.03 ID:5HGKL+HM0

139 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 13:23:49.41 ID:oWVAI/bz0

140 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/01/30(水) 13:23:49.46 ID:CCwSZ/1n0



1 :BaaaaaaaaQφ ★:2013/02/03(日) 02:43:21.22 ID:???0
ドイツ左翼党(die Linke)は、2013年秋の総選挙に向けた選挙マニフェスト草案を発表した。



Hilfskraft@ この提案で、ひょっとしたら左翼党は票を集めるかもしれないな。選挙結果が楽しみ。

Gruenbonz@ 誰も、旧東ドイツの復活を欲していない。旧東ドイツでは常に財産の没収が行われていた。

geo_48@ 左翼党に言わせれば、月々4万ユーロ以上の収入があっても、生活は向上しないということだけど、競争の中で、より多くの資産を築きたい人たちがいてこそ、この社会は発展していくのではないだろうか?

wilee19@ この案が執行されると、困るのは政治家じゃないかな。まぁ、この公約で票を得るわけがないと思う。



3 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:44:07.61 ID:UY3T1qXGO

6 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:45:54.92 ID:V9dG0FH50

7 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:46:04.61 ID:rRd+/ntEi

8 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:46:37.10 ID:fBjaUbA1P

13 : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) :2013/02/03(日) 02:51:46.59 ID:wody1Ecd0



14 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:52:09.77 ID:HoVX/D5x0

18 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:54:07.59 ID:mF1tBpv90

21 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:55:03.73 ID:BrRO8h6B0

22 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:55:13.81 ID:JaA2QKds0

28 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:00:01.26 ID:fBjaUbA1P

29 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:00:18.90 ID:jdiHxFSY0

36 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:03:49.21 ID:uLwNs5Uo0

30 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:00:43.18 ID:h5pm+2FtP

45 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:07:09.69 ID:Y7mOxgBa0



橋下維新 これが「維新八策」だ! 骨子全文
2012/02/21 16:11更新



107 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:34:23.85 ID:yWV+y5lK0



108 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:34:36.46 ID:g8SwiLxG0

109 : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) :2013/02/03(日) 03:35:12.78 ID:wody1Ecd0

119 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:37:18.81 ID:p40yx2acP

120 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:37:20.89 ID:lB3rCTBW0

121 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:37:21.01 ID:QIaFCTQp0



147 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 03:47:17.83 ID:qrpr8tSo0


236 : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) :2013/02/03(日) 04:27:20.38 ID:wody1Ecd0


258 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 04:42:42.65 ID:4WpQF/1xO

16 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:53:52.20 ID:U4v6ik6a0


5 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/03(日) 02:45:53.52 ID:Y7f4SB/d0


>>【東京都新宿区】中国共産党の63年にも及ぶ弾圧。虐殺に抗議する南モンゴルデモ行進 ②参加日記


●20世紀虐殺「 ギネス 」ランキング
1位。毛沢東 9000万人以上
2位。スターリン 3000万人以上
3位。ヒトラー 600万人以上( ユダヤ人 )
4位。胡錦濤 200万人以上


GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)

( 凄惨な映像もあります。私は、2分ちょっとで、全部見れませんでした。日本の慰安婦問題と、照らし合わせて、証拠物証などと比較して欲しいです。そして、日本政府、日本の政治家に対しての、外患誘致罪等も含めて、本質的な対応を求めます! )

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