
Channel 2. A few days ago, the Senkaku issue] [Chinese ship MSDF destroyer escort radar irradiation Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Channel 2. A few days ago, the Senkaku issue] [Chinese ship MSDF destroyer escort radar irradiation Maritime Self-Defense Force.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11464258382.html☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Channel 2. > We will now look at the channel-2 in about 15 years, from insult Emperorhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11334858384.html> Know the trumped-of comfort women issue

> Next and that "frozen indefinitely swap" step up measures of "Korea release hard currency"-2012-08-20 15:46:26http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11333351693.html
↑ Noda was forecast at the time of administration. Abe regime, I think the Japanese economy, and encourage positive.

> This is an introduction blog (and had been found in a two channel, so that other people are you reprint the blog Mr. bloggers)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11356777604.htmlIf Japan were cornered [Politics and international] [edit]
had told me that there is a site that has more striking power and nuclear weapons export ban technologies that Japan has.Japan is not impossible, I can make a virtue of necessity embattled.
However, at this time, but there is also some potential to be invaded in order to wrest the technology of Japan · · · ·.
The following quoteBefore the dawn of a new era>, ahead, towards the ascension from here (http://ada323newage.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-09-27Please see in the URL here. )

> Mr. HatoyamaI think if there is a demo attract Gaikan, would like to participate.I do not think politicians politics for the Japanese, and should be weeded out purge.
· The abolition through name, in the incident report, a strong desire for the abolition of the coverage of the popular name.
Politics for this, I do not want to pay taxes.I think I want to be in the "system. Donation", the tax minute.The use of the tax to become a hotbed of such vested interests, I strongly resent.

Right and left, essentially. It is supposed to exist for its own national interests.Right and left, just Shifuku Japan.I think politicians not for the Japanese politics, should be weeded out purge.In this country, I do not want to pay taxes.You had better get to the "donation form" a tax, I'm still good! !
Anymore, I can not believe the news.Strong conservative colors, in newspapers, etc..I want to donate much choice, and Taxes.
Route as reality, and other facilities "scholarship, art, sports science and medicine," "orphans, welfare, medical institutions" "news organizations" specificIs a system that could "donate", I wish I want, 10% of the tax-minute,,,※ "who has Japanese nationality only" more than five generations,(Such as a donation to relatives of five Toshin, partners, and affiliated companies, penalties. Excluded)

> Note (from time to time, we will correct fix)- Around 20-30 people per ward high school student council president (though not the right to speak, the Vice-Chairman, attendance assistant)※ Only those who have more than three generations, the Japanese nationality. From any idea of ​​an unauthorized deletion. This is a challenge at any time adjustment.※ discrimination and a distinction, it is not. Theory and emotion rather than idealism, capitalism as a nation, please understand perfectly. And development of natural law for that, of the evils of the existing system is breaking down.They will get allocated "to equal, direct" news organizations, science and scholarship "" company, such as social and political background of the district, "his" tax allocation.Also. Combat training (leader, competing perspectives and get to see in combat, such as illicit trade and accusation. Embezzlement and collusion, the point of view of law reform. Overseas with, national and international laws, economy, politics, international affairs, etc. perspective, such as the experience and support deficiencies, such as amendments to the domestic maintenance)
However, the "Amount", on par with the national budget, if I were increases dramatically"Α" percent of that amount, the refund system to the national budget. Minute, or the lack of other municipalities. To, such as the shortage of science and development, etc., we will allocate further.
The principle of competitionAfter all, to some extent. In society, in politics, in the system, the "sanity".in keeping, essential necessity.
And, but true, "nurturing the next generation of leaders. Corporate management. Economy. Politics", I think that there.※ If you do not nurture, the next generation of leaders (the experience and responsibilities and obligations, such as combat involving the rights), I do not grow.※ In the previous year's budget allocation, but maybe fail. But it is "the property of a data". The property can not be a failure, the break of the current system, is essential. Clarification of responsibilities is essential.
However, the number of tests because I nice. Because good attendance.We should go forward from the root, system improvements, such as the "elite" by itself.It is, I think will lead to a decline, and it is one of the bad tradition.
The old man wrote on the Japanese, "I want to eat rice balls."I like starving to death, and rampant illegal beneficiaries.
Are allowed to receive fraud, background, etc..Even the children themselves responsible for the future go, deeply involved, and the nature reality. Deficiencies and cause.I think there is a need to develop the force will go well with the revised face with them, discussion, and more adjustment.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Is himself.
"Korea" and "China", a recentI wish it incoherent (^ ^;;
The framework of international rules,The rules of international competition capitalismAnd you know, I'm just continued threat that can not be thought.
Amplification of forgery problem.
The Japanese government, sloppy, the fabrication of one by one.I should correct invited the "consideration" for the country even if not, the evils.
The international community, if you respect the "order of law"In accordance with the law, I should raise, the evidence evidence.
For the pride of their country.Pride and appreciation for their next generation, for the country!
Sloppy, you should correct the inflated ego that to the other country, diplomatic attention is invited!
> The abolition of ODA to China and South KoreaIn the world, just announced.Anti-Japanese national, national consciousness, would have changed a lot.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
> [Problem] Takeshima Japanese government immediately withdraw Happen "measures room territory" - the Korean government protesthttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1360050216/

(Tue) 2013/02/05 16:43:36.56 ID:: Φ ★ Soki soba: 1??? 05 days, current affairs spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Korea Seoul] The Japanese government is responsible for the transmission of information to the Cabinet Secretariat and Policy Coordination, Shimane Prefecture, and so on Takeshima (Dokdo - Korean name) the "anti-sovereignty, territory planning and control room" for that you have installed, I announced the immediate withdrawal seeking comment.Commentary expressed "is a very regrettable behavior indicating that Japan does not reflect the history of the invasion of Dokdo, strongly protest and".I have "Dokdo is territory specific Korea obvious, asks to show attitude serious Japanese government quit claim sovereignty empty for the territory of other countries, to liquidate the mistakes of the past."
Delivery 14 minutes Tuesday at 16 February 05 Newsletterhttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130205-00000094-jij-kr

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​9 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:45:36.15 ID: 7h1kRConOSuch intervention spree like naturalBut I want you to think before speaking soon

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​10 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:45:38.26 ID: JawJhnduPI wonder did I effective control is to invade South Korea.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​11 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:45:55.56 ID: fO5WzMWYP1 >>Such flagrant interference in domestic affairs as well

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​12 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:45:57.15 ID: AOfWIkfaPPull off the South Korean government said that this kind of nonchalant shin mad after all

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​13 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:46:08.45 ID: 0S5OFsfB0Kick out from Takeshima to Korea! in Shin-Okubo
February 17, 2013] [conference time (days)[Meeting place] Okubo ParkSet time [14:30] (volunteer should be set at around 14:00)Departure time [15:00][Caution] VariousHeld rain or shinePlease support their day of shooting a movie, so on.Welcome placard along the gist · Z-flag-rising sun rising sun flag.Please act according to the instructions of the person responsible for the field day.
Yu-set - Shonan Junai responsible for site-sponsored]

South Korea defeat! March of the recapture Takeshima【Date】 setFebruary 23, 2013 (Sat)15:00 departure demo set 14:30
[Meeting place]Please note that there is an error-prone park ← Mizutanibashi park.1-12-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[Sponsored]Japan-Korea Joint Struggle Committee Imperial severance of diplomatic relationsHaruki Murata / caretaker representative

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​72 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:52:29.15 ID: 9412QCAb0The cost of the anti-Japanese cyber tools Jinro and drink! ! ! ~ Jinro boycott
■ Start the movement (expulsion from Japan) boycott of Korean soju company Jinro of anti-Japanese ultra-
As a "cyber-terrorism organization" Korean from Japanese net user [Korea] reality of "VANK" has been recognized [09/07]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1346998182/
Began a boycott of Jinro
Jinro soju of Korea is an international public relations activities of Dokdo to the funding to develop anti-Japanese organizations, also funded "VANK" cyber-terrorism organizations
Let's cut off the financial power in the boycott Jinro
I think that there is no drinking Nde Jinro Soju taste like shit, please help us to Ban Japanese m (__) m

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​74 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:52:38.11 ID: aS3dhFUh0If that country's territory, I may be settled in international law.The method of settlement are still military even lose to Korea.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​78 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:53:01.56 ID: VgR55P8 / 0In addition, such would say out or strengthen (squatters) effective control over TakeshimaI had to say or make marine base
The other, I think I can I sue alone

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​79 (Tue) 2013/02/05 16:53:07.06 ID :/ ofBEEhA0South Koreans are troubled w SaUs to consolidate the anti-chamber

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 107 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 16:56:01.91 ID: Ydm3m/xeP★ ★ ☆ ☆ [government] 2.10 Urawa, Saitama petition in the streets! Happen rescue as soon as possible of all abductees Tilt the full force ☆ ☆ ★ ★
February 10, 2013 (Sun)
及 east exit and before Isetan JR Urawa Station West Exit
14:00 to 16:00
Save Saitama meeting Organizer:http://www.sukuukai.jp/syuukai/item_3319.htmlContact: 090 -8 815 -4 986 (Takemoto)
Event Information Channel Sakura Note:http://www.ch-sakura.jp/events.htmlSummary Japan's Counterattack're going maintenance declaration demo Note:! !http://ameblo.jp/hosyuyamato/Note: lawmakers who do not know the meaning of the Human Rights Committee established committee Sanjo bill should be defeatedhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19344319

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​168 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:01:37.20 ID: XznZ6uhs0
※ · · · Mizuho Fukushima, "Article 9 of the Constitution, and the Japanese Navy, Army and Air Force also banned, also banned war, are also prohibited police officers with a weapon"
■ any person is killed by a Japanese "Article 9" Mizuho Fukushima "TV live till morning", ~ I have important human rights and thugs "Article 9" ■
~ ぃ, do not put one wound to the perpetrator. A weapon even if I is a translation There are human rights even in handgun use is absolutely the opposite. (Japanese) is a criminal police officer in "Article 9" → "Mizuho Fukushima (Japanese) should be towards the unarmed police officers arrested in "Article 9" Even with thugs and say "
→ Tahara "to do that, the police officer was killed (Japanese)?"
→ Mizuho Fukushima, "it ~ ~ It is the duty officers ぃ (Japanese)"
(Echoed in surprise and studios as "~ ~E~e Yeah!" Oh, buzz, as angry Tao)Did you think that voice and bad, and I hurriedly Fukushima
"~ ~ Yo~o ぃ The reason that I think is the culprit if it was not so much to resist the need to arrest it impossible not to, may be released" → Mizuho Fukushima
→ Tahara "Ja~tsu, killed the (Japanese) people elsewhere also the culprit that was released?"
Mizuho Fukushima → "It is a different issue - I ぃ in it."

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 179 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:03:17.76 ID: KJXl + aCq0The Japanese government immediately withdraw "measures room territory"
AnswerI closed me return Takeshima

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 236 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:08:48.36 ID: yfwqwW2m0That's better. If it's war

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 240 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:09:02.08 ID: cH2jLvS70But I was a terrible hit Abe said stop or Takeshima DayWarota have to work closely
Do not be fooled by the other tools divisionFirm support no matter what

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 270 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:12:42.74 ID: yF3SKHrV0Warota too shaken by political and economicNuclear test, North China PM2.5I have not the South Korean government to function
Prime Minister Abe GJ

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​278 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:14:08.62 ID: 4LNtBXqq0▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼237 Democrats to oppose the "Kimigayo" "Hinomaru" Japanese flag and song ... as in Japan▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
◆ 237 Democrats opposed the "Hinomaru and Kimigayo" as the national flag and the national anthem of the Japanese ... ◆
Naoto Kan, Yukio Edano, Seiji Maehara, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Ryu Matsumoto, Satsuki Eda, Yukio ten thousand students, Banri Kaieda,
Philosopher Iwakuni, Higashi Koshiishi, Keiko Chiba, Tomiko Okazaki, Toshihisa Matsuzaki, Yoriko yen, Akihiro Ohata, Hirotaka Akamatsu,
Chuji Ito, Toshihiro Asahi, Keelung Ito, Kiyoshi Imai, Katsuya Ogawa, Toshio Ogawa, Sachiko River Bridge, Wataru Kubo,
Akira Gunji, Yoko Komiyama, Taisuke Sato, Satoru Kasai, Motohisa Ikeda, Seiichi Ikehata, 鍈子 Ishige, 大吉 Ishibashi,
Order through Iwata, Yasushi Uehara assistant, Hitoshi Ozawa sharp, Seiichi Kaneda, Tetsuo Kitamura, Yutaka Kuwahara, Tadamasa Kodaira, Mamoru Kobayashi,
Regular Goto, Shoichi Kondo, Hidenori Sasaki, Kenichiro Sato, Tomio Sakagami, Yoshinori Suematsu, Kazuhiko Tsuji, Ryuichi Doi,
Shin five Nakagiri, Kenji Nakazawa, Takashi Hayama, Yoshio Lu pot, Ichiro Hino, Miyoko Hida, 也 宗 Fukuoka, Ritsuo Hosokawa,
惟子 Matsumoto, T. Yamamoto, Joji Yamamoto, Takashi Yamamoto, Takahiro Yokomichi, courageous Saito, Mitsuru Sakurai, Sadako Sasano,
Good charge Takashima, Yasuko Takemura, Masaaki Hayashi valley, Y. Tsunoda, fearless Saito, Mitsuru Sakurai, Sadako Sasano, good charging and Takashima,
Yasuko Takemura, Masaaki Hayashi valley, Y. Tsunoda, Tetsuro Fukuyama, Toshikazu Hori, T. Maekawa, N. Qi Feng, Shoji Motooka,
154 people remaining proceeds Yanaze omitted, husband Yasuo Yamashita, Osamu ... too many family full of straw

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​303 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:17:36.94 ID: xnI5akEp0Do not interfere in the internal affairs end

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 339 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:22:34.72 ID: ZPCQjGEq0Allowed to return home without one animal remained in Japan

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 341 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:22:36.94 ID: GtY2m + jZT1 >>Are you sure you want to sever diplomatic relations at any time
Look, I'm in right now?

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 343 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:22:41.55 ID: UqILs1XM0Herself to anti-Japanese education, not interfere in domestic affairs.I do not have an ear to hear anyone even if said idiot nation.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 351 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:24:28.62 ID: YD1N0tj +0Do not keep company with Koreans continue to act in the world denigrating Japan.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 419 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:37:50.02 ID: CWwPA1L001 >>↓ Koreans or evidence of how it liar.
Possibility of fabricated using a photo of another documentary photography expert [Korea] Korea complained of the Great Kanto Earthquake Photo massacre of Koreans? ★ 3http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1359947448/

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 424 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:38:16.11 ID: V1atna3D01 >>
Abe administration of stable peace

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 425 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:38:26.82 ID: nSzUDqbb0I owe it to South Korea continued to pamper server.
They've done an interference in domestic affairs calmly.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 427 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:38:33.54 ID: AxCtHNQp0416 >>I want to go back to when he was near and distant countries like in the old days ('· ω · `)

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 433 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:40:05.57 ID: fXU/0o6y0
Ryu Matsumoto ... "human rights organizations" hamlet Korea, Maehara, Haraguchi, ets · · ·Ozawa, ... "anti-Japanese, anti-American" Mindan Korea, Hatoyama, Noda, Hosono, Yamaoka, Akamatsu, ets plains ...Naoto Kan · · · ets one "anti-Japanese, anti-American" Chongryon, Maehara, Hiroshi Nakai, chief wife, Ishii ...Naoto Kan ..., Keiko Chiba, ets Katayama "civil party" leftist North Korea ...Ozawa, ... "anti-Japanese, anti-American," Communist China, Okada ion, ets Beaux lotus ...· Complacent ... "anti-Japanese, anti-American" Association of Kujo, Tomiko Okazaki ets ...Sen-valley ... "anti-nuclear" extremists, Edano, Naoto Kan, Tsujimoto, ets KawabataKoshiishi · · · ets "bullying" teachers' organization↓ ↓Korea also elected leftist population 320 people speaking Korean in 2009 ... Democrats hoax

GogaginDokkanm DokkanCome out Ola =====))) ☆! Japanese! Ya kneel down on the ground! !
∧ _ ∧ | | / /() | | _____ ∧ _ ∧ <Jiminga! "Hinomaru" of the Japanese is very right! Kneel down on the ground in Korea!"⌒ ¯ | | | | ('Д`) \| (Big laugh) Do not get worked like slaves from the Japanese against the Korea / "\ \ |!! That | / ¯ Mindan| / \ \ Dowa | | | | public | | Japan anti-nuclear| Human Rights | / / to | | | | .. Left | | || Board of Kujo | \ to /, | b | | (b) teachers' organization| ∧ | | | | / \ Chongryon (morning)| | | | <| | | |/ / / / | / | <| | |/ / / / | | | | | |/ / / / = ----- = -------- | |

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 434 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:40:19.53 ID: og1BR1T20I hope the severance of diplomatic relations as soon as possible

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​488 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:48:14.05 ID: aNjbjjRM0■ Based on the "Korea-Japan Joint Declaration new era" "regular meetings and monthly Treasury" Korea, Democratic Party of Japan, the Ministry of Finance will only execute instructions received here.
※ because they do not have any record of discussion of decision-making to the Democratic Party can be found here.
Items that are directed to Japan from the Korean Ministry of Finance based on the "Korea-Japan Joint Declaration on a new era" ...Dollar Currency move to Korea, swap, buy Korean bonds, other support and cooperation Samson, crushed Japanese companies maintain strong yen soaring, soaring electricity costs policy,South Korea moved to the high-tech industry, the transfer of oil stockpiling Korea, Japan, the price of oil pay advances, companies preferential treatment in Japan, raise taxes on the people, ets · · · ·
Council members monthly based on the "Korea-Japan Joint Declaration new era"[South Korea] [Japanese]Park Jae-Finance Minister Kan Strategy and Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda (Park Jewan)鍾龍 responsibility (Im Jong) Vice Minister of Finance seafood source Otachi first vice← ※ Korea Yoon 琮源 KGB chief economic policy wins Eijiro Permanent Secretary (Yoon Jong-won)Deputy Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination Director Koji Kinoshita fiscal policy (Hong Dong-Ho) Ho Hung eastFri 奎玉 Deputy Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination budget chief paymaster Y. Masago (Kim Gyuo)Concert Fri taxation bureau chief officer Kazuyuki Furuya tax policy (Kim Naku~e)邊商 nine chief customs officer Atsuo Ikuta 柴 tariff policy (Byun Sanku~u)Akio Nakamura, the Financial Director of the National Treasury Director (Jesse Park) Park Jae-sikSoo Yin Castle International Director International Finance Bureau chief Takehiko Nakao (Un-Sonsu~u)

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 504 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:51:53.39 ID: aNjbjjRM0
■ "Treasury and the regular monthly meeting" Korea, Democratic Party of Japan, the Ministry of Finance will only execute the instructions received from the Korean Ministry of Finance here
※ There is not any reason to be here until the Record of Discussions of the policy decision of the Democratic Party.← ※ Korea KGB Permanent Secretary Eijiro Democrat wins ...
Items that are directed to Japan (Ministry of Finance), South Korea ...Dollar Currency of Japan move to Korea. Swap, buy bonds Korea.Other supporting cooperation Samson. Crushing Japanese companies. Keep soaring yen. Policy soaring electricity costs.South Korea moved to the high-tech industry.Transfer of oil stockpiling Korea. Japanese oil price reimbursements.Business tax incentives in Japan, pachinko industry incentives.Reduction of the Self-Defense Forces, 6,000 people every year. Disempowerment of defense.Tax increase to the public, ets · · · ·

It was directed instruction in regular meetings of the Democratic Party in July from Korea Ministry of Finance
Suffocation of the yen by Japanese companies ①
You can fast transfer company in Korea to the yen ②
Parous phase Edano announced July 20, referred to as anti-appreciation of the yen, and promote the transfer of factories to Korea by Japanese companies. Transfer hurry Korean parts and materials industry advanced in Japan.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​532 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:56:58.85 ID: VdTj0Pw00
South Korea is said to remain, according to dog Democrats intervention in Korea! ! !↓ ↓ ↓
Destroyed [Democrats] Prime Minister Noda, the "Korea-Japan Basic Treaty", promise to forever apology and compensation agreement "Korea-Japan Joint Declaration on a new era"http://logsoku.com/thread/hatsukari.2ch.net/news/1320120098/Japan and South Korea at the summit of October 19, 2011, Prime Minister Noda agreement secret agreement ridiculous! I found.Discard the "Korea-Japan Basic Treaty", against South Korea "forever, apology and compensation" and its contents slurped treaty agreed committed to the "New Era of Japan-Korea Joint Declaration" something all the requirements of Korea .As a souvenir, Democrats agreed to swap $ 70 billion dollar offer (5 trillion yen 6,000 billion) in South Korea,Announced that in accordance with the swap in exchange for U.S. dollars practical Korean government wants to make Japan won 19.
Establishment of a multi-media brainwashing brainwashing education institutions 1), the symbiotic coexistence education center in South Korea to South Korea to Japan under the guise of education and cultural exchanges. That mass immigration to Japan and South Korea Korean to interference in the internal affairs of Korea until the administrative, legal and Japan.
To share transfer in Korea and all other defense force, economic force, and marine resources such as technology and industrial and intellectual property, such as space development in Japan with 2), also provides technical and economic aid Japan patent development.
If South Korea 3) fell, etc.) and defense diplomacy, economy monetary and fiscal (national crisis, the symbiotic Korea established a funding mechanism for funds and support to South Korea that Japan unconditionally.

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 537 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:57:41.95 ID: mGIqBqh40Prime Minister Abe what are you doing,
I do not care even if you break diplomatic relations with South Korea
To resolve the problem I now also Takeshima

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​541 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:59:09.41 ID: yyebbg800Is this the government are sayingI'm not okay to declare war on the pretext of intervention if the normal state

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 154 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:00:01.81 ID: TINmJCfj0● Reduce the instructions SDF 6,000 annually · · · · The guys kai "Kujo" Democrats did it to Dosakusa
Noda, Okada et al. Conviction that the Democratic Party is trying to cut 6,000 Self-Defense Forces in 2013!
In opposition Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party administration recapture this, I was able to prevent at drawn to.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​230 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:07:59.22 ID: fGUbuqzS0Request or apology, this kind of threat, struggling furiously,Do not you change tactics but not acceptable to the Japanese anymore?

@ Nameless anniversary: ​​13 370 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 17:27:20.51 ID: xycrzJGD01 >>You're "anti-hoax-Planning Coordination Office" comfort women next time.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
> Chinese naval fire control radar irradiation [breaking], the MSDF destroyerhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1360054419/
(Tue) 2013/02/05 17:53:39.99 ID:: ρ ★ ◆ BAKA1DJoEI @ Shogo Shogo Ariake Ariake: 1???? 0 PLT (12068)In the waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, China's ship, a few days ago,That had been irradiated with a fire control radar for the Maritime Self-Defense Force escort will become apparent,I was to be the Minister of Defense announced that a press conference will soon Onodera, to protest the Chinese government.
Anonymous @ 13 anniversary: ​​4 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:54:39.04 ID: M7EsnzB70http://niceboat.org/10/s/10ko492192.jpghttp://zephyrus.jpn.ph/tv/s/test1360053785419.jpg

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​5 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:54:40.31 ID: TeWwYGUYOI count on return

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​13 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:59:07.74 ID: YxdYsFhI0It 's brink of war I this.But People's Army that can not do anything in front of the U.S. and Japanese warships I wonder if I have knew was doing this sort of thing?Overflight of aircraft to China, F-15 of the SDF does nothing, has been done or hurl wave illuminator from Aegis are under, China will be in trouble, for example.There is the most difference in the U.S. it's all about electronic warfare capabilities.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​15 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:59:40.79 ID: PKXNr1K3OIt is a declaration of war, this

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​18 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:29.76 ID: uAlQZErV0Gimme a break dudeDoes China have really wanted to start a war?

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​19 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:33.84 ID: RFPu6YIo0Giri or.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​20 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:36.87 ID: VGMzOVyb0I think that it was locked on.
You're 100% act of war. Fight back.

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​21 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:45.13 ID: M1iwckOjOThis war probably

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​28 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:04:52.86 ID: vOTxZJIZ0I'm forever recognized right of innocent passageMust declare if I fight back next やっ

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​30 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:05:30.21 ID: jMikAYZN0Dying state, then the Chinese military have fueled the media war in China wanted another war
Students and families who are expatriates in China is to be allowed to return home as soon as possible if you do not hurry, and nuclear armament

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​32 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:41.34 ID: noX8J7Ui0What was it that on this rock?

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​34 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:07:50.30 ID: vOTxZJIZ0Counterattack was possible to lock on to the international plane ifThere can be no irradiation or fire control radar ship has been comparatively condone

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​40 (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:09:10.15 ID: QmUh/kkb0This is war and such. You collect weapon so that it does not do what people in Chicago

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​6 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:54:41.40 ID: PnYgSZl60I'm gonna check a few days ago

Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​16 (Tue) 2013/02/05 17:59:57.20 ID: QUv3BV3w06 >>I'm far from where thrusting.That 's negligence or blunder that impossible.This time to announce such a contingency is also a good place peace blur.Would develop into a major problem.Do not be Hidaruma in the National Assembly.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
> A few days ago, the Maritime Self-Defense Force escort radar irradiation [Senkaku] problem MSDF escort ship in China [02/05]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1360054625/
1: Winston ρ ★: (Tues) 2013/02/05 17:57:05.12 ID:???In the waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, that a few days ago, the Chinese vessels had been irradiated with a fire control radar for the Maritime Self-Defense Force escort has become apparent,I was to be the Minister of Defense announced that a press conference will soon Onodera, to protest the Chinese government.
Source NHKhttp://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20130205/j68216910000.html

(Tue) 2013/02/05 17:58:55.27 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 3 FeIYBYDvWar!

(Tue) 2013/02/05 17:59:07.55 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 4 Dh9XEspdHistory of China to ruin one step

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:10.01 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 6 LF61p + tsWhat's the level of military action? Collection

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:03:29.86 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 16 0He5Zgf7W is a war and you'll have such a thing
Well, it is advantageous but not.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:03:37.45 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 18 teS4nh7tI was able to lock on in the garden of the person?What's not a declaration of war to become like this?

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:04:08.41 ID:: dglhCTJk clione ◆ HPbPYoY6YI timid: 216 >>Invisible War already has begun.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:04:12.12 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 23 xZLdjrKyI'm gonna be threatened, "I'll shoot"

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:04:27.61 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 25 Jd + FVcndMajor General Luo finally ended up doing
W From the theory of Major General Luo, Japan is much saturation will be able to attack China

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:02.98 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 33 4DcSc3p /Seems heavy snow in the city center tomorrow. Or not such a big success is a young officer of patriotism.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:21.53 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 37 613r1WCCWhat was it that I was in a state of radar irradiation is not amusing in the state are also being shot one missile

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:25.63 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 39 jelrEsCu29 >>I have been waiting to come rather WoottonI last shot

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:33.75 ID::? HIOCE + fh 2BP (3580) ◆ TMb.tT1ehod4 plus pull: 401 >>(Because the conditions are in place) I'll be Gochin

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:38.23 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 41 v9XGBEYvSay in shooting"Devoted to breast a gun, is causing a hammer, a place that was put your finger on the trigger"
A mind full of threat to kill
Level can be triggered off by anything war

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:06:54.74 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 42 JLqGokhcI'm gonna check that a few days ago

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:07:38.72 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 44 x7Iq48c429 >>From the first one and dont's not absolutely beyond.Excuse me, because otherwise fade.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:15:12.54 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 80 U08hvXn0Disappeared friendly mood was trying to produce and Komeito and Murakami Hatoyama riding into the hands of China in this fog and
Will benefit if China is to leave Japan out strongly enough, but unfavorable to the Chinese Communist Party no longer handI wonder what gave me good irradiation.I can also now to silence those guys were saying that it was half asleep or to cooperate with China in the poison fog problem

. ◆ x047xXcqA nameless because that is my fellow it carefully: (Tue) 2013/02/05 18:15:45.71 ID :/ tIle9kF 87Rather than a provocation easy, actually you are specifically Ase~tsu not find Japanese submarine Seriously it?Possibility of showing the threat so far, tried to lure the Japanese submarine
It is behind the scenes battle Seriously

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:16:06.95 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 89 + p637sfIYou're the brink of war

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:19:10.91 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 104 h0GO + aAhChinese wonder missile shoot even if you think you fool. Japanese and forgive me.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:19:45.18 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 108 U08hvXn096 >>NHK thing I love is that China was the press, there are more evidence'm much restraint absolutely can not hide anymore

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:19:58.05 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 110 QBUQYJd6101 >>ー one I guess, because it is possible that also stopped production in Japan before theI could become the Great Depression on a global scale before.
But if it's a good story or even

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:21:04.15 ID:: 116: (`c ') (' · ω ·`) <`∀ 丶 '> UVP1UcDuThe constitution prohibits Japan would fight back, right?I do not think I was shot in silence,
War as a sovereign right of the nation and, threat or use of force, the=================================================As a means of settling international disputes, gives this up forever.=================================================End!

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:24:57.52 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 145 B6Vb6wIRJapan has enacted a law to allow pre-emptive strike, such as defense-only policy to abolish immediately!
In this state, what you should do to stand out to the Japanese people of Japan until the victim is attacked in China!

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:26:16.42 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 155 UVP1UcDu>> What you should do to put up with the Japanese people in Japanese victim until 145!
Would be a fool?The correct answer is "Japanese people do not have to sacrifice to endure even out to the Japanese"

Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `):: 163 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 18:27:09.93 ID :/ 5nM6QvC155 >>Right to self-defense is not to abandon'll Bakachon.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:26:31.58 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 156 BehiZZzJSuch there is a temperature difference of learning and behavior clearly hetare
In the form of a high possibility of runaway military, it is pressed or learning

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:26:46.15 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 159 E + JnQHIHBy the way, Abe-chan kore Ne event or visiting Okinawa

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:26:49.79 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 160 fPbAA9oXWhy is information a few days ago would be announced by nowThat is why I take it a few days ago the phraseI do not have a guy on this board can answer this question

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:30:19.88 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 191 U08hvXn0160 >>The government would not have put out the news to reporters today finally.It is a translation that was shed on to discuss its support in the government because it is an extremely important issue.Because it corresponds to strongly protest the government's belly not mean that the Japanese government has decided to completely shed by this news

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:29:00.60 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 176 E + JnQHIH153 >>Well, it is good timing baud
An attempt to prevent the backflow reactionary to affirm beautification and wars of aggression and corruption Constitution Abe administration is targeted, five days, began to promote regular every Tuesday committee Kyoto Japanese Communist Party (Chairman Kazutoshi Watanabe). Watanabe chairman, called "to protect the peace constitution, will extend beyond the partisan movement" at the intersection of Karasuma Oike Kyoto and Nakagyo.
Cabinet Abe "Revised Article 9 of the Constitution, to the military defense of the SDF" Changing the Article 96 the Constitution "," relaxes the requirement proposal of a constitutional amendment "to eliminate the sovereignty of the people, to the head of the Emperor" Chairman Watanabe, the I strongly criticized and are aiming. For the political orientation of the Abe Cabinet,And that it has direct appeal to the Prime Minister asking for the closure and removal of the Futenma base withdrawal and deployment of Osprey County Council chairman and head of all 41 municipalities of Okinawa Prefecture,Japanese military "comfort women" are we introduced that resolution calling officially apologized to the Japanese government as a sin against humanity, such as the adoption of the voice of anger is rising in Congress New York, USA.
Explained that it is commitment to the world based on the reflection of the war of aggression that gave enormous damage to the world Article 9 of the Constitution, and Asia, has vowed Japanese war will not happen again, he is supported by the Liberal Democratic Party in the general election last time "and Let's join forces beyond partisanship to include some people have, abide by Article 9 of the Constitution.House of Councillors election, the Communist Party has called for Japan to breakthrough, to win the Akiko Kurabayashi, in Kyoto constituency "Let's spread wide voice of defending the Constitution.
The party Yoshiyuki Fugi Hamada, let me change the Article 9 of the Constitution, which vowed not to war again "is not."Appeal, and the City Council Kyoto Kyoko Kurata Party said," raise the best to carefully protect the Constitution, to Japan to implement a philosophy of the Constitution, such as be dispatched abroad freely Self-Defense Forces, Abe Cabinet, the Sun I emphasized the "importance what that carefully abide by Article 9 of the Constitution decided integrated U.S. military is aiming to strengthen military power. war is not.
Source: ttp :/ / www.kyoto-minpo.net/archives/2013/02/05/post_9317.phpttp :/ / www.kyoto-minpo.net/archives/images1302/20130205-01.jpg
Communist propaganda regular government committee "will defend Article 9 of the Constitution beyond the partisan" ... prevent the backflow reactionary to glorify war and aggression worse Constitution [Kyoto] Abe administration is targetedhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1360055398/

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:29:26.08 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 178 HRMhGZmO166 >>> U.S. military, spend all one's time to help in Japan security
Not ('· ω · `). Level does not need U.S. military.MSDF is stronger than you think you guys.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:29:35.57 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 180 OUPE3gOaWhat is this, probably combat, right?

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:29:56.43 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 186 +8 teSdBlChina 's, how are you rooting strengthening Japan's military? Stimulated me but I feel good.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:30:30.25 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 192 r + Cxml82Another, but this is synonymous with the declaration of war trap.Need to leave from here but not to attack, evacuation advisory issued deportation of Chinese residents, and travel restrictions against the Japanese in China,Should be taken immediately stop trading with Chinese companies, the measure of freezing bank accounts of Chinese companies.

Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `):: 201 (Tues.) 2013/02/05 18:31:56.23 ID :/ 5fR/KteOr that it was locked on me?I feel better be regarded as a declaration of war

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:32:07.67 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 202 WCQE5AxGElection, the appeal if such a victory to strengthen national defense.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:32:50.55 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 205 ohf8rEHlYou're de facto declaration of warSince I was do what I may do it to hit back

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:32:51.03 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 206 CjXhnFQ1I think the appeal of this sinking

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:36:04.23 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 227 UTAu7gl7Chikashi or Senkaku Islands Battle of ...

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:36:45.53 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 233 k7WWOy5tVietnam war ratio mark snatch Senkaku Islands Japan and the United States →→ People's Liberation Army abandoned the Senkaku Islands to riot, civil war in Taiwan Tibet Uighur
To abandon robbery, because I happen both had crossed the line and you will choose

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:37:52.88 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 240 fPbAA9oX216 >>Jan is a good thing to announce that it has been hostile actionI'm not wishing to separate combatThe important information disclosureBe in the hands of the government to control the information is probably the worstIf you have announced soon, whether you're a real information makes it easier to validateYou use the expression of such ambiguous I called a few days ago

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:39:57.78 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 253 HOZnqQFVU.S. military has been doingWould have sank counterattack compellingAnother, such has come to simmering state

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:43:32.65 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 277 7kV4Kl6pWhat? War or begin

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:44:57.71 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 287 PY3jWqb6I only return I radiated radar.W output phased Reifuru

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:45:26.73 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 288 N7aykoCq1 >>What the government does not still press conference at this time I've been to Da ...

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:45:32.29 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 290 U08hvXn0280 >>I'm a power struggle of the Chinese Communist anti-Japanese riots also Senkaku problem fullest.Japan is only just being targeted

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:47:04.04 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 300 ONUpN5iB290 >>Philippines, India, Vietnam, "Hmm (· ∀ ·) grin"

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:45:40.44 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 292 pIOxXPynTake a trade embargo

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:45:46.21 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 293 5mG3q4AZEven though you may be countered by the lock on it is locked on.What 's It's a protest against China.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:00:21.85 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 7 XIHQxz / SYou're a level that does not say this to complain even hit back

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:14:26.89 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 75 3zdTxlMAThis y'know, I'm a complete combatIf the sword, which means that you have the Iai stance of holding patternIf the pistol, but you mean that you have put your finger on the trigger towards the muzzle
If there was a decent war convention if the SDFBe added to the counterattack, under international law, such acts can not say I complain
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:05:18.28 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 29 AzN7085GI countered, Abe.
Ostrich policy of the painting that you Oh, the timid, but make things worse.

(Tue) 2013/02/05 18:04:42.87 ID:: Mr. (`c ') <` ∀ 丶'> ('· ω · `): 27 MyogSLLeI can not do anything ... radar irradiation.Hey would be scary.This is also funny because the Constitution as well.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.html
What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

■ "Takashi Uemura," Asahi Shimbun that forged the comfort women issueWife wrote the article "Takashi Uemura" is the KoreanIs the chairman of the organization of the Korean comfort women mother-in-law "(Yang Sun'nimu) order beams responsibility."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmphs0RjZ4Mhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1344382002/

Do you not see the "other issues! Raitaihan rape and massacre of Vietnamese civilians by the South Korean military" in YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7FcQmcdf8Y&feature=youtube_gdata_playerA little two minutes, and did not see all of the comfort women issue. Of Japan, in the light, and. Want as compared to such evidence is evidence, there is also a ghostly image (. I, the Japanese government politics, Japan including against the house, etc. Gaikan attract crime, seek support essential!)


>・「 スワップ無期限凍結 」その次が・「 ハードカレンシー・韓国解除 」のステップアップ措置
2012-08-20 15:46:26


>ブログ紹介です(2ちゃんねるに載っていたのと、ブロガーさんも他の方のブログを転載なさっているので )
もし、日本が追い詰められたら [国際・政治] [編集]



( ここから先は、>新時代の夜明け前に、アセンションに向けて
  こちらの URL で参照してください。 )






( 5等親までの血縁者、提携会社、傘下会社等の寄付などは、除外。罰則規定 )

>メモ( 随時、修正訂正していきます )
・各区ごとの高校の生徒会長20~30人前後( 副会長は、発言権は無いけれど、補佐出席 )

彼らが、自分の「 区の会社・社会・政治背景等 」「 科学・奨学金・報道機関 」等への、直接的な「 税金の割り振り 」を、割り振ってもらう。
( リーダー実戦育成。また、癒着や横領。不正取引などの告発や、法改正の視点を、実戦で見てもらう。海外との競合視点や、国内外の法整備、経済、政治、国際情勢等の国内に対する不備やサポート視点、改正整備などの経験値等 )

ただ、国家予算並みに、「 金額 」が、膨れ上がってしまった場合は
その金額の「 αパーセント 」は、国家予算への返金システム。あるいは、ほかの市町村の不足分。科学や開発などでの不足分などへ、さらに割り振って行く。

やっぱり、ある程度。「 健全性 」を、社会でも、政治でも、システムでも。

そして、本当の、「 政治。経済。会社経営。次世代のリーダー育成 」でも、あると思うのです。
※育てていかなければ、次世代のリーダー( 責任と義務と、利権の絡む実戦等の経験値 )は、育ちません。
※前年度の予算割り振りで、失敗はあるでしょう。けれど、それは、「 データーとしての財産 」となります。失敗を財産に出来ない、現状システムの打破は、必要不可欠です。責任の所在の明確化は、必要不可欠です。

それだけで、「 エリート 」のようなシステム改善を、根本から進めていくべき。

日本人のご老人が、「 おにぎり食べたい 」と書き残して。




最近の、「 中国 」「 韓国 」は



自国の為にもならない「 配慮 」の招いた、弊害を正すべきだ。

国際社会が、「 法の秩序 」を重んじるならば






1 :そーきそばΦ ★:2013/02/05(火) 16:43:36.56 ID:???0

時事通信 2月5日(火)16時14分配信

9 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:45:36.15 ID:7h1kRConO

10 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:45:38.26 ID:JawJhnduP

11 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:45:55.56 ID:fO5WzMWYP

12 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:45:57.15 ID:AOfWIkfaP

13 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:46:08.45 ID:0S5OFsfB0



韓国打倒! 竹島奪還大行進
14:30集合 15:00デモ出発

水谷橋公園 ←間違いやすい公園があるので注意してください。

代表世話人 / 村田春樹

72 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:52:29.15 ID:9412QCAb0






ジンロくそ不味い焼酎なんで飲んでないとは思いますが、日本追放運動にはご協力下さいm(_ _)m

74 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:52:38.11 ID:aS3dhFUh0

78 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:53:01.56 ID:VgR55P8/0


79 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:53:07.06 ID:/ofBEEhA0

107 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 16:56:01.91 ID:Ydm3m/xeP
★★☆☆【浦和】2.10 政府は、全勢力を傾けてすべての拉致被害者を早急に救出せよ! 街頭署名活動 in 埼玉 ☆☆★★




主 催:救う会埼玉

参考:保守宣言 デモまとめ 逆襲の日本行くぞ!!
参考:人権委員会設置法案 三条委員会の意味を知らない議員は落選すべし

168 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:01:37.20 ID:XznZ6uhs0
■「朝まで生テレビ」 福島瑞穂が“9条”で日本人が何人殺されても、“9条”と凶悪犯の人権が大切なんです~■ 
福島瑞穂→ 「“9条”で警察官(日本人)は拳銃使用は絶対反対です。犯罪者と言えども人権はある訳ですしぃ~、犯人には傷一つ付けてはいけない。 たとえ凶器を持った凶悪犯と言えども“9条”で警察官(日本人)は丸腰で逮捕に向かうべき」

  田原→  「そんな事して、警察官(日本人)が殺されたら?」

福島瑞穂→ 「それは警察官(日本人)の職務ですしぃ~~」
        ( 「え!えぇぇぇ~」 と驚きと、ざわめき声、怒濤のようにスタジオ中に響き渡る)

福島瑞穂→ 「それに犯人がそんなに抵抗するんだったら、 無理して逮捕する必要は無いと思うんですよぉ~、 逃がしても良い訳ですしぃ~」

  田原→  「じゃっ、逃がした犯人が別の所でまた人(日本人)を殺したら?」

福島瑞穂→ 「それはそれで別の問題ですしぃ~」

179 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:03:17.76 ID:KJXl+aCq0


236 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:08:48.36 ID:yfwqwW2m0

240 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:09:02.08 ID:cH2jLvS70


270 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:12:42.74 ID:yF3SKHrV0


278 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:14:08.62 ID:4LNtBXqq0
  我が国の国旗・歌として・・・ 日本人の「日の丸」「君が代」に反対する民主党議員237人

◆ 国旗国歌として・・・日本人の 「日の丸・君が代」 に反対する民主党議員237人 ◆












303 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:17:36.94 ID:xnI5akEp0

339 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:22:34.72 ID:ZPCQjGEq0

341 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:22:36.94 ID:GtY2m+jZT


343 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:22:41.55 ID:UqILs1XM0

351 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:24:28.62 ID:YD1N0tj+0

419 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:37:50.02 ID:CWwPA1L00

【韓国】韓国記録写真研究家が関東大震災の朝鮮人虐殺写真を訴える 別の写真を使い捏造の可能性? ★3

424 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:38:16.11 ID:V1atna3D0


425 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:38:26.82 ID:nSzUDqbb0


427 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:38:33.54 ID:AxCtHNQp0

433 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:40:05.57 ID:fXU/0o6y0
2009年 民主党・・・ デマ話しで朝鮮人320人も当選 朝鮮左翼集団

         m    ドッカン
  =====) ))         ☆           おら出てこい! 日本人!土下座しろや!!   
      ∧_∧ | |         /          /
     (   )| |_____    ∧_∧   <  ジミンガー!日本人の 「日の丸」 は極右翼だ!韓国に土下座しろ!
     「 ⌒ ̄ |   |    ||   (´Д` )    \
     |民団/  ̄   |    |/    「    \      \ 韓国に逆らう日本人!奴隷のように働いてもらうからな!(大笑い)
     |反原発| 日本|国民 ||    ||同和 /\\
     |左翼..| |    |    |  へ//|人権| | | 
     |日教組 |    ロ|ロ   |/,へ \|九条の会
     | ∧ | |    |    |/  \朝総連( ) 
     | | | |〈    |    |     | |
     / / / / |  /  |    〈|     | |
    / /  / / |    |    ||      | |
   / / / / =-----=--------     | |

434 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:40:19.53 ID:og1BR1T20

488 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:48:14.05 ID:aNjbjjRM0
■民主党政権は「日韓新時代共同宣言」 に基づき"韓国財務省と毎月定例会議"、ここで指示を受け日本の財務省は実行するだけ。


「日韓新時代共同宣言」 に基づく韓国財務省から日本に指示されている項目・・・・

「日韓新時代共同宣言」 に基づく月例会議メンバー
   【韓国側】                         【日本側】
朴宰完(パク・ジェワン) 企画財政部長官       野田 佳彦  財務大臣
任鍾龍(イム・ジョンヨン) 第1次官           尾立 源幸  財務大臣政務官  
尹琮源(ユン・ジョンウォン) 経済政策局長      勝 栄二郎  事務次官 ← ※韓国KGB
洪東昊(ホン・ドンホ) 財政政策局長          木下 康司  総括審議官 
金奎玉(キム・ギュオ) 予算総括審議官        真砂  靖   主計局長
金樂會(キム・ナクェ) 租税政策官           古谷 一之  主税局長 
邊商九(ビョン・サンクゥ) 関税政策官         柴生田敦夫  関税局長  
朴在植(パク・ジェシ) 国庫局長             中村 明雄   理財局長
殷城洙(ウン・ソンスゥ) 国際金融局長         中尾 武彦   国際局長

504 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:51:53.39 ID:aNjbjjRM0

 民主党・・・ 勝 栄二郎 事務次官 ← ※韓国KGB



① 円高にして日本企業の息の根を止めること

② 円高にして韓国に企業移転を早くすること


532 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:56:58.85 ID:VdTj0Pw00

【民主党】 野田首相、「日韓基本条約」を破棄し、未来永劫謝罪と賠償を約束する 「日韓新時代共同宣言」 合意
韓国の要求を全て丸呑み条約とはなにかその内容は、「日韓基本条約」を破棄し、韓国に対して「未来永劫、謝罪と賠償」を約束する 「日韓新時代共同宣言」に合意した。

1) 洗脳教育機関・洗脳マルチメディアの設立、文化交流名目で日本の教育を韓国中心の共生教育にして韓国に共生させる。韓国人の日本への大量入国及び韓国が日本の内政・法律・行政まで韓国に干渉をさせること。

2) 日本の有する知的財産・産業や宇宙開発等技術・海洋等の資源・経済力・防衛力など全てを韓国に移転共有させ、開発も日本が特許・技術・経済援助も提供する。

3) 韓国が国難(金融・財政・経済・外交・国防等)に陥った場合、日本が無条件で韓国支援をする資金提供基金や機構を設立して韓国に共生させる。

537 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:57:41.95 ID:mGIqBqh40



541 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:59:09.41 ID:yyebbg800

154 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:00:01.81 ID:TINmJCfj0



230 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:07:59.22 ID:fGUbuqzS0

370 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:27:20.51 ID:xycrzJGD0


>【速報】 中国艦船、海自護衛艦に射撃管制レーダー照射

1 :有明省吾 ◆BAKA1DJoEI @有明省吾ρ ★:2013/02/05(火) 17:53:39.99 ID:???0 ?PLT(12068)


4 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:54:39.04 ID:M7EsnzB70

5 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:54:40.31 ID:TeWwYGUYO

13 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:59:07.74 ID:YxdYsFhI0

15 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:59:40.79 ID:PKXNr1K3O

18 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:29.76 ID:uAlQZErV0

19 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:33.84 ID:RFPu6YIo0

20 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:36.87 ID:VGMzOVyb0


21 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:45.13 ID:M1iwckOjO

28 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:04:52.86 ID:vOTxZJIZ0

30 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:05:30.21 ID:jMikAYZN0


32 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:41.34 ID:noX8J7Ui0

34 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:07:50.30 ID:vOTxZJIZ0

40 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 18:09:10.15 ID:QmUh/kkb0

6 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:54:41.40 ID:PnYgSZl60

16 :名無しさん@13周年:2013/02/05(火) 17:59:57.20 ID:QUv3BV3w0



1 :ウィンストンρ ★:2013/02/05(火) 17:57:05.12 ID:???

ソース NHK

3 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 17:58:55.27 ID:FeIYBYDv

4 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 17:59:07.55 ID:Dh9XEspd

6 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:10.01 ID:LF61p+ts

16 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:03:29.86 ID:0He5Zgf7


18 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:03:37.45 ID:teS4nh7t

21 :気弱なクリオネ ◆HPbPYoY6YI :2013/02/05(火) 18:04:08.41 ID:dglhCTJk

23 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:04:12.12 ID:xZLdjrKy

25 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:04:27.61 ID:Jd+FVcnd


33 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:02.98 ID:4DcSc3p/

37 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:21.53 ID:613r1WCC

39 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:25.63 ID:jelrEsCu

40 :ぬこぷらす ◆TMb.tT1ehod4 :2013/02/05(火) 18:06:33.75 ID:hIOCE+fh ?2BP(3580)

41 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:38.23 ID:v9XGBEYv



42 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:06:54.74 ID:JLqGokhc

44 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:07:38.72 ID:x7Iq48c4

80 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:15:12.54 ID:U08hvXn0


87 :我が輩はぬこである 故に名無しさん ◆x047xXcqA. :2013/02/05(火) 18:15:45.71 ID:/tIle9kF


89 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:16:06.95 ID:+p637sfI

104 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:19:10.91 ID:h0GO+aAh

108 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:19:45.18 ID:U08hvXn0

110 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:19:58.05 ID:QBUQYJd6


116 :(´・ω・`)<丶`∀´>(`ハ´  ):2013/02/05(火) 18:21:04.15 ID:UVP1UcDu
だって 日本は憲法で反撃禁止だろう?


145 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:24:57.52 ID:B6Vb6wIR


155 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:26:16.42 ID:UVP1UcDu
>>145 日本人に犠牲が出るまで日本国民は我慢をしなければいけないのか!

正解は『日本人に犠牲が出ても 日本国民は我慢をしなければいけない』

163 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:27:09.93 ID:/5nM6QvC

156 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:26:31.58 ID:BehiZZzJ


159 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:26:46.15 ID:E+JnQHIH

160 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:26:49.79 ID:fPbAA9oX

191 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:30:19.88 ID:U08hvXn0

176 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:29:00.60 ID:E+JnQHIH
いやー、いいタイミングですね ぼー







178 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:29:26.08 ID:HRMhGZmO


180 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:29:35.57 ID:OUPE3gOa

186 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:29:56.43 ID:+8teSdBl
中国って、日本の軍備強化応援してるのかな? いい感じで刺激くれるけど。

192 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:30:30.25 ID:r+Cxml82

201 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:31:56.23 ID:/5fR/Kte

202 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:32:07.67 ID:WCQE5AxG

205 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:32:50.55 ID:ohf8rEHl

206 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:32:51.03 ID:CjXhnFQ1

227 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:36:04.23 ID:UTAu7gl7

233 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:36:45.53 ID:k7WWOy5t


240 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:37:52.88 ID:fPbAA9oX

253 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:39:57.78 ID:HOZnqQFV

277 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:43:32.65 ID:7kV4Kl6p
ん? 戦争始まるのか

287 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:44:57.71 ID:PY3jWqb6

288 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:45:26.73 ID:N7aykoCq
この時点で 未だに記者会見しない政府は何をしてるんだぁ・・・

290 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:45:32.29 ID:U08hvXn0

300 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:47:04.04 ID:ONUpN5iB

292 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:45:40.44 ID:pIOxXPyn

293 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:45:46.21 ID:5mG3q4AZ

7 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:00:21.85 ID:XIHQxz/S

75 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:14:26.89 ID:3zdTxlMA



29 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:05:18.28 ID:AzN7085G


27 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/05(火) 18:04:42.87 ID:MyogSLLe


>>【東京都新宿区】中国共産党の63年にも及ぶ弾圧。虐殺に抗議する南モンゴルデモ行進 ②参加日記


●20世紀虐殺「 ギネス 」ランキング
1位。毛沢東 9000万人以上
2位。スターリン 3000万人以上
3位。ヒトラー 600万人以上( ユダヤ人 )
4位。胡錦濤 200万人以上


GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)

■慰安婦問題を捏造した朝日新聞 「植村隆」
記事を書いた 「植村隆」の妻は韓国人であり

( 凄惨な映像もあります。私は、2分ちょっとで、全部見れませんでした。日本の慰安婦問題と、照らし合わせて、証拠物証などと比較して欲しいです。そして、日本政府、日本の政治家に対しての、外患誘致罪等も含めて、本質的な対応を求めます! )

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