
Channel 2. Estimation photo authenticity massacre of Koreans [Korea] The Great Kanto Earthquake? Photos Chong "I have published is original.

Channel 2. Estimation photo authenticity massacre of Koreans [Korea] The Great Kanto Earthquake? Photos Chong "I have published is original.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11463632364.html☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Channel 2. > We will now look at the channel-2 in about 15 years, from insult Emperorhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11334858384.html> Know the trumped-of comfort women issue

> Next and that "frozen indefinitely swap" step up measures of "Korea release hard currency"-2012-08-20 15:46:26http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11333351693.html
↑ Noda was forecast at the time of administration. Abe regime, I think the Japanese economy, and encourage positive.

> This is an introduction blog (and had been found in a two channel, so that other people are you reprint the blog Mr. bloggers)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11356777604.htmlIf Japan were cornered [Politics and international] [edit]
had told me that there is a site that has more striking power and nuclear weapons export ban technologies that Japan has.Japan is not impossible, I can make a virtue of necessity embattled.
However, at this time, but there is also some potential to be invaded in order to wrest the technology of Japan · · · ·.
The following quoteBefore the dawn of a new era>, ahead, towards the ascension from here (http://ada323newage.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-09-27Please see in the URL here. )

> Mr. HatoyamaI think if there is a demo attract Gaikan, would like to participate.I do not think politicians politics for the Japanese, and should be weeded out purge.
· The abolition through name, in the incident report, a strong desire for the abolition of the coverage of the popular name.
Politics for this, I do not want to pay taxes.I think I want to be in the "system. Donation", the tax minute.The use of the tax to become a hotbed of such vested interests, I strongly resent.

Right and left, essentially. It is supposed to exist for its own national interests.Right and left, just Shifuku Japan.I think politicians not for the Japanese politics, should be weeded out purge.In this country, I do not want to pay taxes.You had better get to the "donation form" a tax, I'm still good! !
Anymore, I can not believe the news.Strong conservative colors, in newspapers, etc..I want to donate much choice, and Taxes.
Route as reality, and other facilities "scholarship, art, sports science and medicine," "orphans, welfare, medical institutions" "news organizations" specificIs a system that could "donate", I wish I want, 10% of the tax-minute,,,※ "who has Japanese nationality only" more than five generations,(Such as a donation to relatives of five Toshin, partners, and affiliated companies, penalties. Excluded)

> Note (from time to time, we will correct fix)- Around 20-30 people per ward high school student council president (though not the right to speak, the Vice-Chairman, attendance assistant)※ Only those who have more than three generations, the Japanese nationality. From any idea of ​​an unauthorized deletion. This is a challenge at any time adjustment.※ discrimination and a distinction, it is not. Theory and emotion rather than idealism, capitalism as a nation, please understand perfectly. And development of natural law for that, of the evils of the existing system is breaking down.They will get allocated "to equal, direct" news organizations, science and scholarship "" company, such as social and political background of the district, "his" tax allocation.Also. Combat training (leader, competing perspectives and get to see in combat, such as illicit trade and accusation. Embezzlement and collusion, the point of view of law reform. Overseas with, national and international laws, economy, politics, international affairs, etc. perspective, such as the experience and support deficiencies, such as amendments to the domestic maintenance)
However, the "Amount", on par with the national budget, if I were increases dramatically"Α" percent of that amount, the refund system to the national budget. Minute, or the lack of other municipalities. To, such as the shortage of science and development, etc., we will allocate further.
The principle of competitionAfter all, to some extent. In society, in politics, in the system, the "sanity".in keeping, essential necessity.
And, but true, "nurturing the next generation of leaders. Corporate management. Economy. Politics", I think that there.※ If you do not nurture, the next generation of leaders (the experience and responsibilities and obligations, such as combat involving the rights), I do not grow.※ In the previous year's budget allocation, but maybe fail. But it is "the property of a data". The property can not be a failure, the break of the current system, is essential. Clarification of responsibilities is essential.
However, the number of tests because I nice. Because good attendance.We should go forward from the root, system improvements, such as the "elite" by itself.It is, I think will lead to a decline, and it is one of the bad tradition.
The old man wrote on the Japanese, "I want to eat rice balls."I like starving to death, and rampant illegal beneficiaries.
Are allowed to receive fraud, background, etc..Even the children themselves responsible for the future go, deeply involved, and the nature reality. Deficiencies and cause.I think there is a need to develop the force will go well with the revised face with them, discussion, and more adjustment.
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> Even after another year in the Chinese enterprises to flit without paying wages of migrant workers [China] The economy [02/03]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1359889520/
Φ ★ 壊龍: 1 (Sun) 2013/02/03 20:05:20.81 ID:???Judging from the streets of Shanghai, people would not suspect the modernization of China. However, when we clear up the forefront, the problem emerges clearly.Mr. Satoshi slope wealth journalist familiar with the situation in China is reported.
***In China, the Spring Festival approaching, the news is full of specific at this time.
Although the most apparent, such as the sale of fireworks and crowded train homecoming moonshine and illegal, and of course all over the opener this year mixed with such news is the issue of migrant workers their unpaid wages (migrant workers).
Incident that might result in poorly performing companies to flit has gone bankrupt, leaving the plan with only unpaid wages with the workers because the succession in various places.
Despite the broad daylight on January 22, it became a big fuss of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 has been stopped for about 20 minutes by two migrant workers.
Jump in the line to see if the train came and invaded, migrant workers of one who had sat down directly. It's a train station, "Takashi" subway.
Another person, but the problem was loud complaint unpaid up to the viaduct wall soundproofing, electric shock, I would touch the high-voltage line running in the middle and the side. I was injured by falling on the line side.
These events is something since become a major problem, spread and gradually around the coastal areas in Guangdong Province in 2007, two or three years this I am also seems to have become established as news before the Spring Festival in particular.
Slowdown of the economy in China is becoming clear, investment has been actively carried out yet. That the target is the most focused towards the train I just know everyone.These outstanding companies to cause problems in railroad-related business, I wonder if that means that the level of China's economic slowdown is becoming more and more serious.
NEWS Post Seven: 2013.02.03 16:00http://www.news-postseven.com/archives/20130203_169711.html

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 2 (Sun.) 2013/02/03 20:06:48.61 ID :/ u8AhoQgDeceive the poor are poor

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:08:39.92 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 3 o7Eg8tTsDo not know.

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:14:21.05 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 6 Y32bK0AvJapanese factories that had been paid because a decent baked themselves. It probably deserved

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:14:35.48 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 7 n216uSRLFactory of the world []① industrialized developed country is among the first 10 people several hundreds of million populationIndustrialization of China and other emerging countries, a dozen billion population by low wages ②Moving to India and Southeast Asia, is now Lecturer ← ③ rat dozen billion people ends hereCountry move cheap electric bill ④, the land of geopolitical advantage, and countries with high cultural standard
② ① is eaten← China ② ③ is eaten here now
Ponzi scheme will end in 10 to 20 years even after Ya~tsu deceived deceived because developed countries do not have

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:17:30.65 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 8 X8KBIsy +Annual probably, also the Chinese New Year is also flit.

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:14:03.72 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 5 lJb4UpGlHeck, I could likely I am proud that we put foreign companies in China or even bankruptcy and eat it ...... this plight
Hey do around here is getting that old DO?

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:23:05.06 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 10 Y32bK0Av5 >>Would be the norm. Since I'm now desperately Old Maid, Communist Party'm laden vapor to draw the last Baba foreign companies.I guess cause the joint venture and was earnestly burdened with nonperforming loans plus or law or authorized by pressure

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:24:14.39 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 11 lJb4UpGl10 >>Yeah. I wonder though it is very much important news is more over there rather.Enough of that Hey is not reportedly Agara.

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:30:18.91 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 13 Y32bK0Av11 >>Since I often ally of China and South Korea and the Democratic left and the Japanese media, there is no reason to report.Probably also the media and the Democrats had taken the Ondo of entering the Chinese market until now desperately.I think I probably had not been informed at all if there is no such information on the internet as well.

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:32:18.07 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 14 gMtJ05Gs5 >>First of all, is there a system of bill paymentSuspiciously ぃ

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:55:01.03 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 21 Bs2UFbHB5 >>Traded in the air seems full of items to steal rather than dishonor.

(Sun) 2013/02/03 20:39:02.71 ID:: <`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '): 16 P4h6Yv3tIt is this world says "reset flit"
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> "If you are traveling on Aruyo Nida Korea too! Something not worth to go to Japan?" Chinesehttp://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1359947140/
1: African wild cat (house):? 12:05:40.08 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: XYM3dcjG0 PLT benefits (12 121) point
China, South Korea travel to popular shift from Japan
In China, South Korea travel is gaining popularity on behalf of our partners.January 15, Kang Hui travel agency has announced a target of 10 million deal with a trip to Korea this year.
The company announced a target of dealing with 50 000 people in Japan travel to early 2012. The impact of nationalization Senkaku Islands, Nippon Travel Agency handling but was canceled.Geographical situation and for tourism resources, travel expenses close to Japan, South Korea plans to switch to push out a trip to Korea.
Chinese obtained a tourist visa in Korea for medical purposes in 2012, up 70% year-on-year. It was a Chinese woman to undergo cosmetic surgery in Korea a lot.http://www.sankeibiz.jp/macro/news/130204/mcb1302040502007-n1.htmhttp://www.sankeibiz.jp/images/news/130204/mcb1302040502007-p1.jpg

4: tiger (Miyagi): c6dM9E + P0: 12:06:45.31 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Perfect couple

9: Burmese (mushroom): gG2Q/mLX0: 12:09:39.37 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It's a good storyBetween owner and pet, feel free to without having to worry about

10: Bombay (Shikoku): RRBMw9TAO: 12:11:06.66 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Yeah やん story

11: Marble Cat (Kanto and Koshinetsu): RT4j6TO6O: 12:11:31.31 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04We get along anywayDo not come here

12: Kuroashineko (WiMAX): Vv3XP9Yf0: 12:12:13.06 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Can I bring back from such equipment if South Korea Hotels

Striped calico (Kumamoto):: 13 PAGO4YyR0: 12:12:28.09 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Chinese to KoreaKoreans to China

X5LLTs2Z0: 12:13:18.01 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04 14: manul (soft bank)The good news

15: Sphinx (Hong Kong): YvOXEN1 / 0: 12:13:35.54 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Japan is ready to accept a little more firmly touristsToo unkind or transfer guide transportation

ZuCR40zf0: 12:13:45.56 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04 16: Cheetah (soft bank)This is a good story that everyone will be happy

17: margay (West): 12:13:56.71 ID :/ EqCPycJ0 (Mon) 2013/02/04Mon among similar

18: Havana Brown (Tochigi): vSaV + sG30: 12:14:02.46 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Department stores and travel agencies that employ people in Japan are now Cena w You're watery eyesWww fired hurry

25: Bombay (Kanto and Koshinetsu): YRAk/0XPO: 12:19:15.99 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Good news.Japan may be to prohibit entry Shinachon.

31: Maine Coon (Kanto and Koshinetsu): BdgJ8C3lO: 12:21:41.45 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Incidentally, hurry up and go back to the Korean peninsula filthy monkey fucking stupid that even our Sun disagreeable typical per Chunichi Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun and Christian unity and Mindan and Chongryon in Japan and Soka.

36: serval (Tibet): BkcnMW3p0: 12:24:27.03 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Please please
What you're going to see But South Korea?

37: Sabiironeko (Fukuoka): mPRISv1t0: 12:24:58.12 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0436 >>Tues disease

38: Leopard (West): uxNx1tMS0: 12:25:15.30 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Please please w

Tqr7fQ + P0: 12:25:24.76 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: 39: Borneo Wildcats (soft bank)Well ...Have no use for nothing less than a dream come true.

40: Panpasuneko (Tokyo): 9hlQm + kd0: 12:26:05.10 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Please come well-mannered only toward the wealthy in Japan

41: serval (Tochigi): CbMDf9Yv0: 12:26:05.84 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Avoid China and South Korea, the Japanese, but I go to Europe and HawaiiI wonder why a Korean Chinese w

Calico (Kyoto):: 42 oWoWv4Tw0: 12:26:55.46 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Thank you! !

Tabby (Osaka):: 44 4CVgGeRG0: 12:27:12.72 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Many countries do not go the Chinese do not get a visa first

Pull (Kumamoto):: 45 8OAoNnvG0: 12:27:28.71 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It seems they implanted trader fraud considerable negative image for the poor tourHave decreasing influence of anti-Japanese but would simply

53: Bobcat (home): TjxXtPgy0: 12:30:28.44 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Because I'm thinking of doing some Japanese that do their ownThere is no reason to come to Japan

64: clouded leopard (Kanto and Koshinetsu): KWjJuNkwO: 12:33:23.98 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're a good story

75: British Short Hair (Osaka): 65Op990N0: 12:39:55.90 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're good news!

: 76 jaguarundi (Hokuriku Kansai): vZXXm8BoO: 12:39:57.71 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Has become such a good flow

108: Devon Rex (potato): HDxzkbwZ0: 12:57:43.51 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Annexed as

W0rNpeLZ0: 13:01:31.96 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: 112: Munchkin (soft bank)Unusual good news and the news of CJK

120: manul (tenement): euB5FCHe0: 13:08:46.44 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Dear ChineseKorean seems to have trouble because Japanese customers is reducedPlease'll go fast.

122: La Perm (Kanagawa): v6DJG0ka0: 13:12:53.02 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Bright news after a long time

: 133 kodkod (Shiga): V5d3ENBl0: 13:30:17.11 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Big dance Yodobashi Camera and the camera is crushed

136 serval (Tochigi): CbMDf9Yv0: 13:31:19.17 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04133 >>Big

: 170 Sabatora (garden): lrEdYpKU0: 16:25:18.72 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0477 >>Looking Korean puke comes out, that I was also shown the opposite is Japanese Chinese general now.

173: house cat (SB-iPhone): 99nrTvwEP: 18:21:29.71 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're just Win-Win.
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> Authenticity estimation photo massacre of Koreans [Korea] The Great Kanto Earthquake? "It's original. Photograph that I've published," said Chung [02/04]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1359970691/

18:38:11.83 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: φ ★ troubled waters: 1:???[Yonhap News] Seoul
Over the authenticity of the photos published in Yonhap News as shooting a Korean chief Museum Honorary Medical Center mountain Daito Hiroaki Jung Songiru home study documentary photography South Korea were massacred at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake, controversy has occurred.
A "September twelfth year Taisho day", on top of the 2 photos were published date the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred are marked.
In the first photo the bodies of dozens of underwear is taken off to be ordered, with photos of the bodies are overlapping one another.I have argued that Mr. Chung is seen as a victim photographs taken Koreans were massacred during the Great Kanto Earthquake.
In this regard, have objected to conclude with a photo of Korean victims on the Internet or by just (electronic version) Sankei 4 Date of underwear has been stripped and is unreasonable.
Japanese readers pointed out that while there is Yonhap News, "At the time the photograph that Mr.. Chong wrote from right to left in horizontal was published date is written from left to right and".I questioned "Do not was written after the war." I have also argued at the time quite a few women who do not wear underwear, to conclude from the fact that Korean victims underwear is taken off "and there is a problem.
On the other hand, view photos also appear with a photo of a large fire during 1911 at the time (1911), occurred in the Yoshiwara, Tokyo.
The same photo that has been published in the Archives of the Research Center for Tohoku Tohoku University of Art and Culture is wearing a description that "the devastation of New Yoshiwara park", as a photo of fire Yoshihara 1911.
However, the same photo is about whether or not those of the Great Kanto Earthquake of fire Yoshihara Opinion is divided as well in Japan.
While I reported on the same photo, Sankei Shimbun "and is expected at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake," "firm evidence in support of the massacre Koreans do not" and.On the net is "dead in the fire I think photo is not Yoshiwara, it pictures the Great Kanto Earthquake. Yoshihara fire was eight," and there is also a write.
For one photo, another site on the Internet, are introduced with a photo of "show clothing Army Headquarters" at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake anymore.
Mr. Chung has not written "a picture I publish is original. In that photo" and "devastation of New Yoshiwara park.I said, "shall be made clear whether the photos in a printed book Culture Research Center Tohoku Tohoku University of Art and Design is an original or.
"They say Japanese women at that time were often not wear underwear, genital bodies in the picture has been damaged" on it, I explained.
Contrast was reportedly wearing a heading media Japan accusing the claim of Mr. Chung and "? Fabricated also in South Korea", in order to confirm the date written on the photo, "said Chong is whether or not at the time , I said, "is prepared to verify the printing paper and ink.
2013/02/04 17:52http://japanese.yonhapnews.co.kr/headline/2013/02/04/0200000000AJP20130204002500882.HTML

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 2 CaFM3qIo: 18:38:57.78 ID (Mon) 2013/02/041 >>Www went to where I'll not go back

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 3 kLSJdwrK: 18:39:15.44 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Equation of a typical liar

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 5 jDoMxZh8: 18:39:41.99 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04W such because there is no escape

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 6 x6JcPz50: 18:39:54.46 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04What are you going to run away? w

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 8 v8rz3F0o: 18:40:04.80 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0410 pesos to commit suicide ultimately

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 10 yVvtS + nF: 18:40:45.72 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Chung forgery is good technique

11: Ninja Art - Lv = 2, xxxP] (1 +0:9): e48vOK + F: 18:40:53.85 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Korean shit liar! !
Apologize to all of the Japanese people to kneel down on the ground! !

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 12 3iW7drTZ: 18:41:10.19 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04One vote in the burning house in passing that also burned a photo I Fabyo

Koreans (in Japan the abhorrence of discrimination in Korea) + spoofing-American human right:: VxaeMxJM: 18:42:25.20 ID (Mon) 17 2013/02/04Really, this site is a ー America Let's

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 21 2j8789hy: 18:43:09.72 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Chung Chung also fabricated
Korean anti-Japanese hero innocence even discovered

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 24 IGWPwzXI: 18:43:40.11 ID (Mon) 2013/02/042 >>Raab, ♪ Train

BgYnErp1: 18:43:38.22 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: ◆ Kitto / LvYE surely right: 25By the way, I guess what I original pictures?I know if I have or film · · ·. Oh fun.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 27 fCs5Nxj3: 18:43:53.42 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Chung I only have this anger welling SeriouslyDo not over this desecration of the victims of the earthquake

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 28 yu8RZI7O: 18:44:21.31 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I wonder - again! Innocent impression is? (Laughs)

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 35 PFF04n4r: 18:45:36.12 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Chung also fucking idiot trap no original without negative

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 58 6/E8DUxh: 18:49:08.67 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0452 >>Koreans go out If it was all from Japan, including Japan.I would be just a crime.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 61 lDNpzXHx: 18:49:32.73 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Thing is everything,I I've been fabricated until now also in this vein.Is it that most of the claims of Korea Yu lie.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 62 ZAxBByc /: 18:49:42.27 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Route to obtain the photo of where this person?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 63 x6JcPz50: 18:49:45.61 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I think this flag dangerous hero?

2wlPXls6: 18:49:50.95 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: jealousy right wing: 64Ah ha ha Tsu.Well, I'll have to publish the original.I w appraisal method, but in the mountain range

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 65 l3vUlesB: 18:49:51.83 ID (Mon) 2013/02/041 >>> Said, "to make sure the date it was written in the picture is whether or not at the time, be prepared to verify the printing paper and ink," Mr. Chung said.
Evidence that this is not fake?

69 Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) [81.3%] TEPCO: tyEA74Rm: 18:50:14.31 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04There is too much force or genital area is damaged

ZEMYd20C: 18:52:33.71 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: ◆ NetoUyoWhY Taito 亭 Harukaze: 86Kita w ultradevelopment

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 87 0cqiKZoG: 18:52:38.48 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04http://img.yonhapnews.co.kr/photo/yna/YH/2013/02/01/PYH2013020111390001300_P2.jpghttp://www.toshima.ne.jp/ ~ esashi/image5612.jpg
Why the range that is reflected from the photo below that I would narrow the original?But it has obviously been trimmed

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 89 DwSQayW8: 18:52:52.97 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Vicious fellow not make an example of this kind of kangaroo court TeKoreans stupid I wish I'll be springing from the following
Will hit your hand on the line of suicide Well

F1dOVq50: 18:53:31.17 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: ◆ 7ZL.3C19WKcC ¥ 680: 94South Korea received a compensation of only I were fake collapse
I will not put up with any more

ZEMYd20C: 18:53:35.67 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: ◆ NetoUyoWhY Taito 亭 Harukaze: 9585 >>I think we've got Mr. Japan was soon hit the guy is goodI'll be home fool w'm trying Otoso as evidence of their

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 53 KNcuBifQ: 18:47:58.27 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04W photo originalThis excuse, me ん Sankei reported on paper or tomorrow

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 9 KNcuBifQ: 18:40:37.85 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04♪ will be greater commotion that more
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63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.html
What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

■ "Takashi Uemura," Asahi Shimbun that forged the comfort women issueWife wrote the article "Takashi Uemura" is the KoreanIs the chairman of the organization of the Korean comfort women mother-in-law "(Yang Sun'nimu) order beams responsibility."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmphs0RjZ4Mhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1344382002/

Do you not see the "other issues! Raitaihan rape and massacre of Vietnamese civilians by the South Korean military" in YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7FcQmcdf8Y&feature=youtube_gdata_playerA little two minutes, and did not see all of the comfort women issue. Of Japan, in the light, and. Want as compared to such evidence is evidence, there is also a ghostly image (. I, the Japanese government politics, Japan including against the house, etc. Gaikan attract crime, seek support essential!)


>・「 スワップ無期限凍結 」その次が・「 ハードカレンシー・韓国解除 」のステップアップ措置
2012-08-20 15:46:26


>ブログ紹介です(2ちゃんねるに載っていたのと、ブロガーさんも他の方のブログを転載なさっているので )
もし、日本が追い詰められたら [国際・政治] [編集]



( ここから先は、>新時代の夜明け前に、アセンションに向けて
  こちらの URL で参照してください。 )






( 5等親までの血縁者、提携会社、傘下会社等の寄付などは、除外。罰則規定 )

>メモ( 随時、修正訂正していきます )
・各区ごとの高校の生徒会長20~30人前後( 副会長は、発言権は無いけれど、補佐出席 )

彼らが、自分の「 区の会社・社会・政治背景等 」「 科学・奨学金・報道機関 」等への、直接的な「 税金の割り振り 」を、割り振ってもらう。
( リーダー実戦育成。また、癒着や横領。不正取引などの告発や、法改正の視点を、実戦で見てもらう。海外との競合視点や、国内外の法整備、経済、政治、国際情勢等の国内に対する不備やサポート視点、改正整備などの経験値等 )

ただ、国家予算並みに、「 金額 」が、膨れ上がってしまった場合は
その金額の「 αパーセント 」は、国家予算への返金システム。あるいは、ほかの市町村の不足分。科学や開発などでの不足分などへ、さらに割り振って行く。

やっぱり、ある程度。「 健全性 」を、社会でも、政治でも、システムでも。

そして、本当の、「 政治。経済。会社経営。次世代のリーダー育成 」でも、あると思うのです。
※育てていかなければ、次世代のリーダー( 責任と義務と、利権の絡む実戦等の経験値 )は、育ちません。
※前年度の予算割り振りで、失敗はあるでしょう。けれど、それは、「 データーとしての財産 」となります。失敗を財産に出来ない、現状システムの打破は、必要不可欠です。責任の所在の明確化は、必要不可欠です。

それだけで、「 エリート 」のようなシステム改善を、根本から進めていくべき。

日本人のご老人が、「 おにぎり食べたい 」と書き残して。




1 :壊龍φ ★:2013/02/03(日) 20:05:20.81 ID:???

 * * *








NEWSポストセブン: 2013.02.03 16:00

2 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:06:48.61 ID:/u8AhoQg

3 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:08:39.92 ID:o7Eg8tTs

6 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:14:21.05 ID:Y32bK0Av

7 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:14:35.48 ID:n216uSRL


③今はインドや東南アジアへ移行中、人口10数億人 ←ネズミ講はここで終了


②は③に喰われる ←中国は今ここ


8 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:17:30.65 ID:X8KBIsy+

5 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:14:03.72 ID:lJb4UpGl


10 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:23:05.06 ID:Y32bK0Av

11 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:24:14.39 ID:lJb4UpGl

13 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:30:18.91 ID:Y32bK0Av

14 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:32:18.07 ID:gMtJ05Gs

21 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:55:01.03 ID:Bs2UFbHB

16 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/03(日) 20:39:02.71 ID:P4h6Yv3t



1 : リビアヤマネコ(家):2013/02/04(月) 12:05:40.08 ID:XYM3dcjG0 ?PLT(12121) ポイント特典

日本から韓国へ 中国、旅行人気シフト




4 : トラ(宮城県):2013/02/04(月) 12:06:45.31 ID:c6dM9E+P0

9 : バーミーズ(茸):2013/02/04(月) 12:09:39.37 ID:gG2Q/mLX0

10 : ボンベイ(四国地方):2013/02/04(月) 12:11:06.66 ID:RRBMw9TAO

11 : マーブルキャット(関東・甲信越):2013/02/04(月) 12:11:31.31 ID:RT4j6TO6O

12 : クロアシネコ(WiMAX):2013/02/04(月) 12:12:13.06 ID:Vv3XP9Yf0

13 : 縞三毛(熊本県):2013/02/04(月) 12:12:28.09 ID:PAGO4YyR0

14 : マヌルネコ(やわらか銀行):2013/02/04(月) 12:13:18.01 ID:x5LLTs2Z0

15 : スフィンクス(香港):2013/02/04(月) 12:13:35.54 ID:YvOXEN1/0

16 : チーター(やわらか銀行):2013/02/04(月) 12:13:45.56 ID:zuCR40zf0

17 : マーゲイ(西日本):2013/02/04(月) 12:13:56.71 ID:/EqCPycJ0

18 : ハバナブラウン(栃木県):2013/02/04(月) 12:14:02.46 ID:vSaV+sG30

25 : ボンベイ(関東・甲信越):2013/02/04(月) 12:19:15.99 ID:YRAk/0XPO

31 : メインクーン(関東・甲信越):2013/02/04(月) 12:21:41.45 ID:BdgJ8C3lO

36 : サーバル(チベット自治区):2013/02/04(月) 12:24:27.03 ID:BkcnMW3p0


37 : サビイロネコ(福岡県):2013/02/04(月) 12:24:58.12 ID:mPRISv1t0

38 : ヒョウ(西日本):2013/02/04(月) 12:25:15.30 ID:uxNx1tMS0

39 : ボルネオヤマネコ(やわらか銀行):2013/02/04(月) 12:25:24.76 ID:Tqr7fQ+P0

40 : パンパスネコ(東京都):2013/02/04(月) 12:26:05.10 ID:9hlQm+kd0

41 : サーバル(栃木県):2013/02/04(月) 12:26:05.84 ID:CbMDf9Yv0

42 : 三毛(京都府):2013/02/04(月) 12:26:55.46 ID:oWoWv4Tw0

44 : 茶トラ(大阪府):2013/02/04(月) 12:27:12.72 ID:4CVgGeRG0

45 : ぬこ(熊本県):2013/02/04(月) 12:27:28.71 ID:8OAoNnvG0

53 : ボブキャット(家):2013/02/04(月) 12:30:28.44 ID:TjxXtPgy0

64 : ウンピョウ(関東・甲信越):2013/02/04(月) 12:33:23.98 ID:KWjJuNkwO

75 : ブリティッシュショートヘア(大阪府):2013/02/04(月) 12:39:55.90 ID:65Op990N0

76 : ジャガランディ(関西・北陸):2013/02/04(月) 12:39:57.71 ID:vZXXm8BoO

108 : デボンレックス(芋):2013/02/04(月) 12:57:43.51 ID:HDxzkbwZ0

112 : マンチカン(やわらか銀行):2013/02/04(月) 13:01:31.96 ID:w0rNpeLZ0

120 : マヌルネコ(長屋):2013/02/04(月) 13:08:46.44 ID:euB5FCHe0

122 : ラ・パーマ(神奈川県):2013/02/04(月) 13:12:53.02 ID:v6DJG0ka0

133 : コドコド(滋賀県):2013/02/04(月) 13:30:17.11 ID:V5d3ENBl0

136 : サーバル(栃木県):2013/02/04(月) 13:31:19.17 ID:CbMDf9Yv0

170 : サバトラ(庭):2013/02/04(月) 16:25:18.72 ID:lrEdYpKU0

173 : イエネコ(SB-iPhone):2013/02/04(月) 18:21:29.71 ID:99nrTvwEP



1 :荒波φ ★:2013/02/04(月) 18:38:11.83 ID:???














2013/02/04 17:52

2 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:38:57.78 ID:CaFM3qIo

3 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:39:15.44 ID:kLSJdwrK

5 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:39:41.99 ID:jDoMxZh8

6 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:39:54.46 ID:x6JcPz50

8 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:40:04.80 ID:v8rz3F0o

10 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:40:45.72 ID:yVvtS+nF

11 : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】(1+0:9) :2013/02/04(月) 18:40:53.85 ID:e48vOK+F


12 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:41:10.19 ID:3iW7drTZ

17 :右翼なりすまし朝鮮民族(在日差別の韓国には嫌悪)+在米人:2013/02/04(月) 18:42:25.20 ID:VxaeMxJM

21 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:43:09.72 ID:2j8789hy


24 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:43:40.11 ID:IGWPwzXI

25 :きっと右翼 ◆Kitto/LvYE :2013/02/04(月) 18:43:38.22 ID:bgYnErp1

27 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:43:53.42 ID:fCs5Nxj3

28 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:44:21.31 ID:yu8RZI7O

35 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:45:36.12 ID:PFF04n4r

58 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:08.67 ID:6/E8DUxh

61 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:32.73 ID:lDNpzXHx

62 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:42.27 ID:ZAxBByc/

63 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:45.61 ID:x6JcPz50

64 :しっと右翼:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:50.95 ID:2wlPXls6

65 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:49:51.83 ID:l3vUlesB


69 : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:9) 【東電 81.3 %】 :2013/02/04(月) 18:50:14.31 ID:tyEA74Rm

86 :春風亭駘蕩 ◆NetoUyoWhY :2013/02/04(月) 18:52:33.71 ID:ZEMYd20C

87 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:52:38.48 ID:0cqiKZoG


89 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:52:52.97 ID:DwSQayW8


94 :680円 ◆7ZL.3C19WKcC :2013/02/04(月) 18:53:31.17 ID:F1dOVq50


95 :春風亭駘蕩 ◆NetoUyoWhY :2013/02/04(月) 18:53:35.67 ID:ZEMYd20C

53 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:47:58.27 ID:KNcuBifQ

9 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:40:37.85 ID:KNcuBifQ


>>【東京都新宿区】中国共産党の63年にも及ぶ弾圧。虐殺に抗議する南モンゴルデモ行進 ②参加日記


●20世紀虐殺「 ギネス 」ランキング
1位。毛沢東 9000万人以上
2位。スターリン 3000万人以上
3位。ヒトラー 600万人以上( ユダヤ人 )
4位。胡錦濤 200万人以上


GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)

■慰安婦問題を捏造した朝日新聞 「植村隆」
記事を書いた 「植村隆」の妻は韓国人であり

( 凄惨な映像もあります。私は、2分ちょっとで、全部見れませんでした。日本の慰安婦問題と、照らし合わせて、証拠物証などと比較して欲しいです。そして、日本政府、日本の政治家に対しての、外患誘致罪等も含めて、本質的な対応を求めます! )

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