
Channel 2. "Break the siege of six measures united front in China Korea and Russia, such as the destruction of the Japanese right-wing forces," Maj. Gen. Luo.

Channel 2. "Break the siege of six measures united front in China Korea and Russia, such as the destruction of the Japanese right-wing forces," Maj. Gen. Luo.http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11463697520.html☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Channel 2. > We will now look at the channel-2 in about 15 years, from insult Emperorhttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11334858384.html> Know the trumped-of comfort women issue

> Next and that "frozen indefinitely swap" step up measures of "Korea release hard currency"-2012-08-20 15:46:26http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11333351693.html
↑ Noda was forecast at the time of administration. Abe regime, I think the Japanese economy, and encourage positive.

> This is an introduction blog (and had been found in a two channel, so that other people are you reprint the blog Mr. bloggers)http://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11356777604.htmlIf Japan were cornered [Politics and international] [edit]
had told me that there is a site that has more striking power and nuclear weapons export ban technologies that Japan has.Japan is not impossible, I can make a virtue of necessity embattled.
However, at this time, but there is also some potential to be invaded in order to wrest the technology of Japan · · · ·.
The following quoteBefore the dawn of a new era>, ahead, towards the ascension from here (http://ada323newage.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-09-27Please see in the URL here. )

> Mr. HatoyamaI think if there is a demo attract Gaikan, would like to participate.I do not think politicians politics for the Japanese, and should be weeded out purge.
· The abolition through name, in the incident report, a strong desire for the abolition of the coverage of the popular name.
Politics for this, I do not want to pay taxes.I think I want to be in the "system. Donation", the tax minute.The use of the tax to become a hotbed of such vested interests, I strongly resent.

Right and left, essentially. It is supposed to exist for its own national interests.Right and left, just Shifuku Japan.I think politicians not for the Japanese politics, should be weeded out purge.In this country, I do not want to pay taxes.You had better get to the "donation form" a tax, I'm still good! !
Anymore, I can not believe the news.Strong conservative colors, in newspapers, etc..I want to donate much choice, and Taxes.
Route as reality, and other facilities "scholarship, art, sports science and medicine," "orphans, welfare, medical institutions" "news organizations" specificIs a system that could "donate", I wish I want, 10% of the tax-minute,,,※ "who has Japanese nationality only" more than five generations,(Such as a donation to relatives of five Toshin, partners, and affiliated companies, penalties. Excluded)

> Note (from time to time, we will correct fix)- Around 20-30 people per ward high school student council president (though not the right to speak, the Vice-Chairman, attendance assistant)※ Only those who have more than three generations, the Japanese nationality. From any idea of ​​an unauthorized deletion. This is a challenge at any time adjustment.※ discrimination and a distinction, it is not. Theory and emotion rather than idealism, capitalism as a nation, please understand perfectly. And development of natural law for that, of the evils of the existing system is breaking down.They will get allocated "to equal, direct" news organizations, science and scholarship "" company, such as social and political background of the district, "his" tax allocation.Also. Combat training (leader, competing perspectives and get to see in combat, such as illicit trade and accusation. Embezzlement and collusion, the point of view of law reform. Overseas with, national and international laws, economy, politics, international affairs, etc. perspective, such as the experience and support deficiencies, such as amendments to the domestic maintenance)
However, the "Amount", on par with the national budget, if I were increases dramatically"Α" percent of that amount, the refund system to the national budget. Minute, or the lack of other municipalities. To, such as the shortage of science and development, etc., we will allocate further.
The principle of competitionAfter all, to some extent. In society, in politics, in the system, the "sanity".in keeping, essential necessity.
And, but true, "nurturing the next generation of leaders. Corporate management. Economy. Politics", I think that there.※ If you do not nurture, the next generation of leaders (the experience and responsibilities and obligations, such as combat involving the rights), I do not grow.※ In the previous year's budget allocation, but maybe fail. But it is "the property of a data". The property can not be a failure, the break of the current system, is essential. Clarification of responsibilities is essential.
However, the number of tests because I nice. Because good attendance.We should go forward from the root, system improvements, such as the "elite" by itself.It is, I think will lead to a decline, and it is one of the bad tradition.
The old man wrote on the Japanese, "I want to eat rice balls."I like starving to death, and rampant illegal beneficiaries.
Are allowed to receive fraud, background, etc..Even the children themselves responsible for the future go, deeply involved, and the nature reality. Deficiencies and cause.I think there is a need to develop the force will go well with the revised face with them, discussion, and more adjustment.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
> Actively discussing welfare of Korean residents in Japan that will be obsolete! "There is no protection of the Japanese living in South Korea"http://2chmeme.com/news/2aa3aaa625951fbe88b92c93fed96134?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=clone&utm_campaign=namapo_2ch&utm_content=2aa3aaa625951fbe88b92c93fed96134
Canopus 1 (Aichi):? 20:25:48.24 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23: ESx6RCXk0 ● PLT benefits (12101) Point
Rapid increase of foreign residents in Japan "welfare"! "There is no protection of the Japanese living in South Korea" on the other hand
Welfare recipients nationwide is increasing rapidly. I became a record-high of about 2.05 million people. Under these circumstances, the rate of increase rate and provision for foreign residents in Japan has attracted attention in secret. The problem of pressure on the finances of the national and local governments, members of the House of Councillors Satsuki Katayama of incised LDP.
Provision for foreign residents in Japan, but it more than three times that of the Japanese. Recently, the growth of welfare of foreign residents that the more significant.
Consulate of the country that it should do., For example, the protection of foreigners, "said Katayama, the original Japanese in Korea are not on welfare.You can receive, noted the possibility that "and paid welfare to foreigners resident in Japan on the international law" only if you are raising a minor child to marry Korean contrary to the "reciprocity .http://www.zakzak.co.jp/society/politics/news/20120404/plt1204041543005-n1.htm

13 Canopus (Tibet): eax4hkwr0: 20:34:10.09 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23Honma return to one's country

39 Fomalhaut (Ehime Prefecture): 20:58:02.51 ID :/ MmTac6w0 (Mon) 2012/04/23I mean, were you Ya~tsu take out up to now, but probably abnormal

Tethys 73 (East): 9I2Q0dFn0: 21:52:39.23 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23It's okay to charge ゃ consulate.

Deneb 79 (Chiba): luglABtQ0: 22:03:08.63 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23Both incompetent Rogai fuckable right now

95 Mizar (public): 22:29:26.54 ID :/ dXdMDQB0 (Mon) 2012/04/23The abolition of passes (deportation) ticket to return home at the end of

(Tue) 2012/04/24 01:26:00.76 ID:: JHuFeVCt0 162 Van Allen belt (soft bank)Me no special permanent resident

(Tue) 2012/04/24 09:48:15.28 ID:: 1XwsXKZz0 (Fukuoka) Earth 237Quickly deported

17 Pollux (Iwate): Jf0184Xo0: 20:36:06.93 ID (Mon) 2012/04/231 >>First of all, it's thoughtless words that "Koreans in Japan (special permanent resident)" Theory of Katayama and confused the other foreign residents in Japan."Special permanent resident" means a status that has been specially set up by the agreement literally the legal status of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty,And those who counterpose (not do any deal in the agreement between the two countries) Japanese in Korea is wrong.
Not only was completely ignored Zaregoto arrangements in the past in Japan and Korea.

24 red supergiant (Iwate): YfmX + R500: 20:42:26.32 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2317 >>Hear the story as prima facieIn? It keeps the gas forever?Many generations care to continue?I war or not? Nothing to today's young people in Japan

28 Orion Nebula (Osaka): aMS4V0RA0: 20:44:41.66 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2317 >>Without specific language of special treatment, you only have a right of permanent residence as a special case?

122 Habiggu celestial halo (Saitama): oF/rVEvl0: 23:04:48.17 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2317 >>I'm a special permanent resident visa by the "Special Law on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan" in domestic law

20 Habiggu celestial halo (Saitama): MUUcKFgs0: 20:40:14.39 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23> Provision for foreign residents in Japan, more than three times the JapaneseSpread rumors I guess I have to live with ZE Nidaaru fun And there was a Japan 's welfare

Coma cluster of galaxies 23 (Kanto and Koshinetsu): zqdGGaPSO: 20:42:23.72 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23>> "Manual receive welfare in Japan," in China Jan 20 there was.

25 North American Nebula (Shizuoka): YDlzwD/t0: 20:42:26.41 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23Foreign welfare should be abolishedOK the return of one-time allowance can passConditionally decades then do not allow re-entry

Acrux 47 (Fukuoka): N0ZbWxHg0: 21:10:16.71 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2325 >>I agree

56 Aldebaran (Tokyo): qFPe9UC00: 21:24:05.11 ID (Mon) 2012/04/23Rush naturalization I should begin simultaneously deportation was decided if I liked or pride of Koreans

58 Arcturus (Saitama): RL9Iv9Jg0: 21:25:57.93 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2356 >>Since I can not be naturalized there was a history of criminalMost can not naturalized

Altair 69 (Kanagawa): YMDQVZ650: 21:45:17.51 ​​ID (Mon) 2012/04/23After the 311 Chinese who had received life insurance but came back all at onceI have been back againI'm really shit

70 Arcturus (Saitama): RL9Iv9Jg0: 21:46:33.01 ID (Mon) 2012/04/2369 >>The Chinese people are receiving life insurance as well?Unlikely

(Tue) 2012/04/24 16:05:19.18 ID:: 8QolVRAD0 (Aomori) 268 Wed astronomical maserI'm fine with Singapore methodForced return falls below the income level

(Tue) 2012/04/24 16:38:29.35 ID:: (Tokyo) 269 Abell 2218 LApZ4sOX0268 >>I hope it
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> Korea exports also increased, due to the depreciation of the yen in January to illusion advisory [Korea] "compromising the competitiveness of Korean industry as a silent killer depreciation of the yen," [2/04]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1359953178/
13:46:18.30 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: φ ★ Zoo: 1:???55 minutes during the 8th April 2013 '02
[JoongAng Ilbo Japanese version / JoongAng ⓒ]
I must note the illusion by the depreciation of the yen in January, South Korea has increased exports.
# 1.1 Exports in January were recorded double-digit growth rate of 11.8% and a year-on-year. It is the fear of high grades prefade won the depreciation of the yen. Import and export manager Jo's mind Yonte of the knowledge economy to summarize the import and export business is not easy, however. He said, "worsening profitability of companies with exchange rate fluctuations will not affect the volume of exports immediately. Still a big challenge to the strong won is" and.
# 2. One day, Hyundai announced that it had sold 412 720 cars in the world last month. Increased by 27.8 percent from January last year. The first from Hyundai executives worry though. Hyundai concerned parties,I said, "This year, growth has slowed to emerging markets, will be a pretty tough year in increased uncertainty due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and".
Exports and sales in January have come one after another brilliant. People who know the internal situation of the numbers but rather shook his head. It's because of the illusion. The first effect of the depreciation of the yen illusion begins trade statistics criteria dollars. There is no change in the price of what is expressed in U.S. dollars exchange rate, even if much change. Show Prices $ 1010 will not be the ones that sell for $ 1,000 because the exchange rate has changed. Loss due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates occur in the process of conversion into the won and the yen dollar earned in this way. Export growth rate of 11.8% last month, but the criteria dollars. Export growth rate is only 4% and convert it won. Cho manager of the knowledge economy,Of the profitability of the companies that do not particularly what remains rather than reduction in export volume, short-term effects of the depreciation of the yen. That will be a Korean company incurred a foreign exchange loss as the difference of 4% and 11.8% "The export was I said, "the problem.
Also fueled illusion effect "J curve". The amount of import and export I will not change radically because the currency value changes.Existing orders, because of import and export trading practices between companies. Changes in Japan's trade balance show this. Japan's trade balance is likely to worsen in the months March consecutive weak yen, but began in earnest in October last year. Japan's trade balance changes appeared from mid-2006 after a period of adjustment for more than one year even when the depreciation of the yen in 2005.Process of change → reduction in the amount of export trade balance worsening export competitiveness of Korea → → weak yen that occur at a lagIt means.
http://japanese.joins.com/article/903/167903.html?servcode=300 § code = 30

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 3 4USZ4ny7: 13:48:18.05 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04South Korea had been benefited by the yen has dropped undue Japan's competitivenessNida became not benefit from the depreciation of the yen to the appropriate level in the induction

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 4 f05do6ye: 13:48:20.20 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Appreciation of the yen will drop the competitiveness of Japanese industry as a silent killer

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 6 DejfbBrZ: 13:48:47.80 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Korean economy did you already dead
No just been dancing to the appreciation of the yen, which is operated

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 19 fD0XDLpw: 13:54:06.68 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I think it will not effect wW I have not been corrected yet strong yenWe will correct rapidly

15 >>(Sun) 2013/02/03 19:28:46.80 ID:: RzA41qg6 [] Posted imposter Mr. Name: 203Annual average (JPY / USD) (yen / euro)2003 116.49 ↑ 130.92Koizumi 2004 134.40 108.282005 109.64 ↓ 137.672006 116.25 146.01Abe2007 117.93 161.24Fukuda2008 104.23 152.41Aso2009 130.19 93.52Hatoyama2010 116.44 88.09Tube2011 79.97 111.06Noda2012 102.65 78.71But ¥ 126 ¥ 92, but now, I Do you have something to say?
Germany is not only trap w mouth shut one's mouth was brought up this data

LDR5hl62: 13:55:12.82 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04 25: Air Robot ◆ VYWZ60AjThTPGermany is annoying has been complaining Gyasuka from politicians to media on this issue rather than Korea.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 27 2lDIk1PJ: 13:56:29.17 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Appreciation of the yen in the Japanese television had not say a bad thing for the JapaneseI'm sure it is not a bad thing, never mind, never mind won appreciation

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 29 NhfKj2dH: 13:57:13.16 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I did not even think I was buying the German yen fooled by the Democratic Party.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 30 kzhFk1PE: 13:57:30.51 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Not even need economic sanctions'll just south 鮮脆. I have not done anything yet Heck.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 31 pVnvRQFY: 13:58:22.33 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0429 >>This? ?Germany was strong opposition reasons to buy a lot of turn out weaker yen yenhttp://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1359809514/

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 34 aX / FLGrV: 13:59:55.50 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It's just I do not lose much in depreciation of the won-induced depreciation of the yenSpree won as long as the depreciation of the yen continues! !

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 35 K8kBbnuW: 14:00:37.35 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I will say, may be won by printing Urimakuru

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 36 z / b + odKG: 14:00:53.06 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04'm Tsu-ki, was the co-Shi-Lo!

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 37 8kRoGdq6: 14:01:05.40 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04What made you face victim-focused economy is terrible such frustrated crush Japan

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 46 mXpCO0si: 14:04:11.61 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Hey, I was not satisfied with the game that was not a 70 yenS easy-peasy such damage be given only by going back to an appropriate value

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 47 4QjvoU3x: 14:04:35.39 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04South Korea did not matter because I should not have turned up in the technical capabilities?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 48 8JwDl90K: 14:04:50.27 ID (Mon) 2013/02/041 >>Do not mean we will be disinfected as parasites of silence

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 49 M9eGyWg8: 14:05:01.29 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Because Japan, I'm endure to appreciation of the yen that abnormal
Korea, www'm not much impact w, s so much because of the depreciation of the yen is more than Japan

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 51 Kcd4u55Y: 14:05:57.09 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Or that I've been to Japan's battered manufacturing sector profit motives Korea only Democrats can take ...

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 58 z58tZVO8: 14:08:50.02 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It's still a strong yen ('· ω · `)

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 62 j3flMVMM: 14:11:54.64 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Once I put it to dismantle Gasa to SamsungI think you would like to be a depreciation of the won ...

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 70 9MnU + Vrg: 14:16:39.04 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Do I www cares because my imagination

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 71 Pn2EdaXi: 14:16:40.54 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0468 >>Isolated morning in Korea probably only wwwYou're you guys www housecleaning in exile fine severance of diplomatic relations.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 73 TEVJScDa: 14:16:57.27 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0468 >>Hey, it's tough.Koreans in Japan should return to their country of origin. Goodbye.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 119 Sn4H7O5G: 14:38:26.26 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04The related depreciation of the yen toward trade with China than the U.S., Europe and Japan even though deep relationship?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 121 t0F33MfC: 14:38:48.24 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Samsung Electronics 10.5% corporate tax rate, 36.4% SharpOf what I can not win in this ww

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 129 diOdRUwk: 14:40:33.34 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Korea because I'm facing the ChinaPlease attacked more Abethe amount earned in the Korean Democratic PartyIf you do not recover such

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 142 nUAmrXa5: 14:43:59.89 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Korean wonder let the dream I had my thanks to the appreciation of the yenNot now already death

Crab ◆ M6A1eiUUqQ (produced wktk Far East):: 279 S + qY9MrP: 15:20:01.46 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It is a number of pre-2010 earthquake.
From Korea http://www.jetro.go.jp/world/asia/kr/stat_01/$ 1 trillion 014.7 billion nominal GDP
466.4 billion U.S. dollars export value425.2 billion U.S. dollars the value of imports--------------------891.6 billion U.S. dollars total trade8 million U.S. dollars 40 billion trade balance
$ 29.4 billion current account

Http://www.jetro.go.jp/world/japan/stats/stat_01/ from JapanNominal GDP of $ 5 trillion 488.5 billion
767 billion U.S. dollars export value691.4 billion U.S. dollars the value of imports--------------------$ 1 trillion 458.4 billion total trade6 million dollars 90.7 billion trade balance
204.1 billion U.S. dollars current account
(V). . (V). Divided by the value of exports Let Mi (∀) mirror the balance of trade <. Profit of one unit export value is mean how much.South Korea is 8.5% against 11.8% in Japan. If you export the same $ 100, $ 11 Japan has earned 80 cents in other words,Korea does not earn only 50 cents $ 8.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 394 rhhlrGnM: 15:47:28.18 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're words like ruthless.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 455 HfHnL0rC: 16:12:52.33 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04W You're momentum that might ask you something apology and compensation to Japan

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 459 6AFZPUyx: 16:14:12.65 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Does not feel like a mad ginger Koreans but, What's the mad who received education in Japan is decent in Japan?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 499 kZ7TvdLs: 16:25:49.67 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04It is true that there is no doubt that South Korea is a country's trade surplusYen depreciation, the depreciation of the yen 's, but we make a noise to the level of comfort womenI'm not at all become weaker yenThe depreciation of the yen that is the state of = 7-8 won $ 0.01Now probably about 12-15 won = $ 0.01I should not be carney Korean> ALL

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 548 MpcJm4eo: 16:55:10.25 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're 93 yen soon ^ ^
You seem to have seen the growth of a child grow quickly though ^ ^

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 566 G8AbHlbl: 17:14:25.92 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04· · Ww gradually

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 572 2etU0U9j: 17:25:52.82 ID (Mon) 2013/02/041 >>Korean www to kill off the weak yen

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 573 vxBB70pJ: 17:26:00.64 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Should I become weaker yen for deflation is good I wonderJust saying, I KO Korean economy on the verge of it even though I have not specifically use 10 yen · ·Though even now I mean great appreciation of the yen · · · · · ·

Crab ◆ M6A1eiUUqQ (produced wktk Far East):: 574 S + qY9MrP: 17:27:23.06 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04http://nbiz.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20130201000295> Point but rather a serious balance of trade. Trade balance in January for $ 800 million 74 million, we recorded the lowest value since February last year.> Signal against the Japanese yen's depreciation policy, because in a sharp decline in the trade balance appear before the decline in exports.
(V). . (V). Export Mi (∀) mirror of the month <1 was $ 45.2 billion 46 billion 85 million 11 million U.S. dollars, while imports.Be too few 74 million to $ 800 million trade surplus?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 677 sW7N15eX: 18:39:38.90 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04659 >>Hey are you okay head?Korea w I have sales warning eat dumping in countries currency depreciation against the background
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<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 426 IN1b2HFi: 16:05:27.23 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Japanese had been carried away to the Korean Wave has become the enemy suddenly
Exchanges in Revel and private disagreement between different countries shouldWork has always come and see the progress from the people of Japan but
Occupying the Tsushima in class landing ship Dokdo has been deployed on the island of JejuIt is a provocation because it is stupid Japanese but I may let the collapse!!!I do not know and do not have to destroy? Anger

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 433 ehQuALSR: 16:07:13.62 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04426 >>Nida not say this was the end
Appreciate your words of President Lee Myung-bak
If you want to come to the Korean people sincerely prostrate, Sun King, "he let them apologize to the ground and stepped on his head rubbed shackled suitable for human felonyI speak only joking apologize felony is not even human prostrate, in words, not hold talks such nonsense, I will not forgive immigration "Then

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 442 RDU1Wvho: 16:09:12.61 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04> "Depreciation of the yen dropped the competitiveness of Korean industry as the murderer of silence"
Japan's biggest enemy. South Korea's current state of it. There is no intent on lobbying in the United States of Japan bashing.Demean the midst of activities organized on a national scale in Japan. To beat in terms of the economy such heinous Korea, is a natural providence.
The anti-Japanese counterattack is actually in action.
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<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 12 pc + FprsY: 13:51:06.03 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04's What you gotta stiff?Why Democrats Did the appreciation of the yen in which such guidance was clear though.
NpaIEjfe: 13:52:42.66 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: ◆ 0fdmGas.n7Vo Eastern Barbarians: 161 >>
The appreciation of the yen, but I was restructuring the Japanese salaryman like a murder,
BOJ's Shirakawa san, do you hear me?
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> "In united front six measures Korea and Russia, such as the destruction of the Japanese rightists break the siege China" Major General Luo Senkaku issue [] [02/04]http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1359977775/
20:36:15.91 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04: φ ★ voice actor yuan Konakatta work came back: 1:???Do not accept that China and Japan will remain in the bargaining, China and Japan to act actively around, but made a motion to create an "arc of freedom and prosperity".To compete in the same way to go to the front line, take the initiative, China should take a lot of action.
Against the "alliance of values" in the "alliance profit view." Based on the theory of the West, rather than the eternal ally in the world, there is only eternal interests.I do not think there is no reason to let go of the neighboring countries may be the main source of funding and the huge market of China, and Japan made with the "alliance of values". If there is such a country, China takes the same measures on the economic front.It is said that "separation politics and economics", located on the relationship between politics and economics are inseparable, and so I hope you do not think will benefit from China while infringe the interests of China.
Suppress the revival of Japanese militarism in international united front to protect the results of World War II victory. Japan has a dispute sovereignty over the island as well as with China, Russia, South Korea also.There is a good reason to form a united front to protect the territory of international politics in the post-war South Korea and Russia. This year falls on the 70th anniversary of the Cairo Declaration, along with the affected countries look back on the tragic history of World War II, China should denounce militarism. Not to break through the siege only form a small coalition large.
Island wrest control from grabbing air superiority and naval supremacy. Diaoyu Islands is as small as 4.38 square kilometers, the capacity is limited as a battlefield, without any conditions are also very good residence and defense, hard to keep easy blame.If you look at the power of Japan's current, even if the Self-Defense Forces stationed on the island, China You can do the surrounding sea and air blockade, seal off Japan.Therefore, China will act aggressively, it should create a three-dimensional network of anti-siege. Who won the air superiority and naval supremacy around the Diaoyu Islands can be effective control over the Diaoyu Islands.
Destroy the Japanese right-wing forces in a way that internal collapse. In birds tend to collapse from within.Rather than as iron plate inside of Japan, each has a partisan attack each other, there is a great room to act in China.Through the efforts of many years of Sino-Japanese experts and organizations friendly to China exists in Japan, China should deepen their faith through their actions, clear up the misunderstanding.
I win the public opinion. China has some historical and legal basis sufficient in the Diaoyu Islands issue, China's diplomatic missions spread in the United Nations and the White Paper on the Diaoyu Islands, China should regain the right to speak in the Diaoyu Islands issue. You must send a personage China friendship, promote development in the situation before or initiatives, such as uncovering the vending flaps Japanese surprise attack tactics or boring.
Wearing a hard power, good bargain. Solving problems Diaoyu Islands are China's comprehensive national strength it takes to improve, I must also take advantage of soft power and at the same time wearing a hard power.As an example, China convey accurate information to the other party "itself has to be committed, the person does not commit" it. It is only. (Support: Vice Chairman and Executive Board Secretary Luo promote Chinese strategic culture statement)

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 2 N72B3GCp: 20:36:52.94 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I was waiting for!

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 3 c64Ux2C4: 20:37:16.58 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Pro-North Korean and North Korean forces to interfere with Japan and South Korea compromise comfort women issuehttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/120923/kor12092318010001-n1.htm
Oh, it's scary.

? ◆ eyIbm5aesQ Havoc:: 4 ID :/ 7VBfSz1 PLT 桜 20:37:21.87 (Mon) 2013/02/04 (22 423)Diplomatic intimidation (laughs)Did you not say sorry, or hegemony? (Laughs)

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 5 U9O1/jpJ: 20:38:12.21 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Aside from Korea, but Russia is such that it clearly from JapanChina's expansionist policy because such an eyesore but also for Russia

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 8 2j8789hy: 20:38:51.11 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Legends in Indonesia MalayProphecy Joyoboyo
Allow us to my kingdom would be taken over by the white man appeared from somewhere, "and that they have a magic wand, kill people from a distance.Although the long domination of white people, yellow people wearing white robes will soon get rid of the northern white people, during the life of Jagon (corn),Coming reign after ruling this land will be blessed by the rule of "the God of justice Ratu Adil =" "
Japanese troops drove out the Dutch justice from Indonesia

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 17 oU4Ao5VX: 20:41:50.17 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Alliance delusion

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 23 T57x6no9: 20:43:33.79 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04State or the end of World War I Japan to rely on aid dew

26 Breasts (Tits?) Favorite: 0H0YVCFY: 20:43:51.03 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Night, I was waiting for! Hey I'm Major General General!

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 32 bfcBwyhV: 20:45:40.89 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04European countries you have been accepted to many immigrants, how about you? Tone recently [overseas] reactionhttp://10000km.com/2012/12/29/immigration/ # comment-8877Immigration policy is the worst policy! International reaction.http://blog.livedoor.jp/zzcj/archives/51810671.html"Showing that we are becoming a minority now Chinese immigrant too" Canadian Overseas] [Bulletin Boardhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/imagedirectory/archives/22770350.html
Sweden is being destroyed. A low intensity civil war has already started.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QILt8mnZnMsLow-intensity civil war already entered the state Den - Swellendam to collapsehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeLL6hNVrwc
Welcome to the real Swedenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DD9WsnrhxwSwedenborg - Den is an Islamic state by 2049http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UocmQZa8tqoMulticultural what brought - the tragedy of the Netherlandshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_RfSzawKUQBrussels, capital of Belgium Belgian town of soon there will be nohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXKSQ8lxwDULost Kingdom Germany immigrationhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvb-7KfKPwA
Dangerous conditions not stringent naturalizationReally not too late, but I barely anymoreWhat if I can not even try anymore taken Japanese nationality
Composition will remember that it's all the same.http://mamorenihon.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/zainichi_seijinshiki_1.jpghttps://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhN0eB9rNpLZkdhcLhU_q0xxvZdOy9lZpRmU3xfD0NH0-AX0kLRowIOUdarpDDtfKCsQdM7CtcMF4mIGLVcv0i8wwTgA9ZwQGGFKH-B4D64Vi6MxA9ltAvYh8ckQ7s_uHjZgYhHjIJC2Iw/s1600/IMG_9062-714071.jpghttp://wave.ap.teacup.com/renaissancejapan/timg/middle_1228711905.jpg

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 34 hZ21gQrV: 20:47:43.03 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Must have been the same level as South Korea was China 's

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 38 3Kf4rsZX: 20:48:49.22 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04"Friendly and organizations exist in China to Japan"Are you talking about the following leftist Democratic party

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 39 XV/9HMkt: 20:49:18.05 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04W you want to get us on the side of the Korea

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 40 bF6HS8IW: 20:49:53.73 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Was in Japan, Senkaku I just used as a touchstone of subordination to the United States.
If the U.S. does not work as allies, considering the state of operational preparedness of the future in its own way.
You're armed with nuclear weapons first.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 41 U0YmPBjG: 20:50:17.22 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Standing position halfway Korean Well, it is very annoying is annoyingI hope that I professed enemy of Japan and the United States clearly

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 42 BOHVyfQt: 20:50:32.79 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I want to become a great general or rear admiral of the world w from the now throbbing.Who is the confidant is good?? Chubby BBW grandson of Mao Zedong about staff would be good.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 45 NQgxPq0x: 20:51:14.57 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're united front is South Korea and Russia within the scope of the assumptionIf you're moving in the line that the United States also already

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 46 6/E8DUxh: 20:51:57.81 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0442 >>W I wonder is nothing else in the video sites which lie subtitle

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 47 m0xwjvNu: 20:52:29.00 ID (Mon) 2013/02/041 >>Me to come along, please! ! !Assistant w dew but going to be full of the Nekubi Kakuki
Me return the four northern islandsI am also supported expanding the territory southwards in case of emergenciesI thing I do also signed a peace treaty and the treatyWonder if you can help a secret treaty with Russia?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 48 CB2mRF1N: 20:52:36.89 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Axis powers of the 21st century has been decided

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 57 ihhcp5X +: 20:56:05.37 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0448 >>I know it is JapanACKKR-ASEAN encirclement is completed Soon

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 49 Rqm9ws6d: 20:52:50.00 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04But I want to hear, while Russia's fine I get along?

51: Ninja Art - Lv = 2, xxxP] (1 +0:9): e48vOK + F: 20:53:17.87 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Such are also forced China, South Korea and Russia 's united front.
China I like crazy fear.
U.S. military bases in Okinawa Korea plays I've been, what, the US-ROK alliance, South Korea's defense as well.
From the U.S. military base, but such is to be attacked.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 52 sja9fmxV: 20:54:48.60 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0449 >>'m Worse. Border issues, water issues, vandalism and unauthorized weapons in particular stole market, immigration problems.Which did not cut anymore.It is this delusion of Chinese generals so stupid.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 53 OxSs + Yxf: 20:55:11.18 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Do not become discouraged much this major general?It was like I should definitely win the war alone?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 60 rWZmxRXz: 20:56:29.67 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04If it is unreliable ally
You Korea collapses easily by the enemy
By all means, please act together with China

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 62 WmzRz7lM: 20:57:13.49 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04ww the contents laughed at SukkasukaTeam Korea and Russia but it is not reasonable at first only theory of WW2Promised a gift of commensurate with Russia, no such difference Bae pull U.S. forces from South Korea
I'll not make any sense to surround the Senkaku after? or not because I'm stuck on the island there are no facilities to protectWithout having to stick to the Senkaku, we simply continue to defeat the Chinese military parentheses

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 63 + WDnNyFg: 20:57:21.40 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I try to run a line from that I'm good good yoWhere you are trying to involve South Korea, especially I like

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 64 sja9fmxV: 20:57:27.47 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04There are benefits to China and Russia, China or rather in combinationIs there any benefit to Russia?Russia signed the treaty not help because I Russia, because it is anti-American way.I'm the assistant dew tough.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 68 Bfb0gwr7: 20:59:13.71 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04(Manchuria) was a Russian secret agreement that what the northeastern part of China?It is also the liquidation of the Russo-Japanese War, I would dispose of the issue of the Northern Territories in exchange for the sameThe policy can also south of Russia earnest desire

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 71 oeqi26y3: 21:00:18.22 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04You're really stupid Chinese I
If there are other things to do more
It's clean-up or construction of infrastructure such as disparities between rich and poor tactics or environmental issues
You say what the Chinese people to go to Harvard, Ne 's the same as 100 years ago this

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 72 QJCJqOrv: 21:00:23.81 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04★ ★ ☆ ☆ make an arc of freedom and prosperity ☆ ☆ ★ ★ Now is the time
Chinese military to prepare for war and diplomacy Abe China encirclement strategyhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19845834Security concept Diamond democracy and Asia Shinzo Abewas removed http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19848705 ↑http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19853187 ↑ ↓ New!Full "security initiative Diamond" of Prime Minister Abehttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19886346?mypage_nicorepoPotential of the Chinese Liberation Army general staff [of war] Tojin new instructions "preparations for war" ishttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1358421569Xi Jinping accept the prize "war preparations" Liberation Army general staff section Tojin [new]http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1358939861"Preparations for war" [CCP] The China threat theory, but strictly internal and external situation of [H25/1/15 Sakura]http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1358237422"Double-edged sword" nationalism is that Chinese military hawks, prominent hard-line speechhttp://www.epochtimes.jp/jp/2013/01/html/d31386.html
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ★
73 ::. ∴ <`д '┗ ┐)` c') ∴ thirty ('· ω · `);: WvpdAnQz:) 21:00:30.74 ID Mon 2013/02/04 (This person, this threat to the Philippines for the way ...Therefore, not much different from death threat against Japan ...
Recently, the Philippines is now doing exercises frequently.Borrow the coattails of the United States once again, led to the summit (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) ASEAN, would pound the shit out of going to China in great numbers.
The purpose of the Philippines shall act in my face are so
▽ I want to snatch the natural gas in the South China Sea▽ become agents of regression Asia in the United States, I want to get on the good side of the United States▽ fueled nationalism, I want to distract people's eyes from the mess of domestic▽ You will be divided into four, someone has the ambition to tear minutes disproportionate relationship with countries that are vying for the sovereignty of China and the South China Sea, it would take the initiative of ASEAN.
However, the Philippines has been greatly misunderstood, unfortunately.Do you think I have the courage to cause trouble between China and the United States is the world's second largest economy.China is the third trading partner after the United States and Japan for the Philippines.Japanese media have reported that the rate has declined and support Aquino III.Dissatisfaction with economic policy Takaji It seems that, if an enemy of China, the economic loss is immeasurable.If you can not provide a rich life to the public, but you should know what is what makes.
Philippines are not aware that China has been given a last chance at peace now in the greatest patience and sincerity.Are mistaken as a "weak-kneed" mere good intentions of China. Politicians in the Philippines should have know.The Philippines can not hold a candle to China's military power in national power.No matter how the blade toward China, it is something such as eggs per body stone.
Be a good thing, even if the bad things, there is always the reward.Least not right now, but I will be sure to receive a reward commensurate when the time comes.Those who keep in mind that the Philippines is a good thing.

Te development or Death ... what say China Peace and Friendship?

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 75 YjrYh2SQ: 21:01:05.66 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04South Korea has become the direction China, Russia will not join.Russia wants to join hands with Japan rather than Shinachon.Or military Tsutomaru not know such a thing.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 76 hkx3 + lme: 21:01:10.76 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04Underground tunnel in the northeastern part of China is only the Soviet Union has been run throughoutW ー now but I can not use a flooded

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 81 lvLapAiC: 21:04:00.16 ID (Mon) 2013/02/0461 >>In the days of Mao territorial disputes in Manchuria, with Khrushchev confrontation line.I do not necessarily not incorporated into the Chinese nation in the future because of the Tatar yoke in Russia,Would want to avoid such expansion in China.

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 85 MemKs + Vm: 21:04:54.17 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04(Allied) dew 泰 Australian nun units mark ratio Vietnam vs Japan and the United States during the Korean morning (axis of evil)

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 86 LvefFauP: 21:05:07.46 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I should turn off to a man I'll be bombing the U.S. military withdrew TakeshimaWhere there is no problem but I will not even complain Rain

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 88 EfAgUugM: 21:05:54.74 ID (Mon) 2013/02/04I blew in Suretai wwHow to self-proclaimed balancer www

<`∀ 丶 '> (' · ω ·`) Mr. (`c '):: 31 20:45:10.64 ID :/ o3Ug/I5 (Mon) 2013/02/04> China convey accurate information to the other party "itself has to be committed, the person does not commit" that
Innovation knowIgnore the TibetToru yak
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
63 >> years of oppression of the Chinese Communist Party [Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]. ② participation diary march south Mongolia demonstration to protest the massacrehttp://ameblo.jp/buraiai/entry-11367445842.html
What kind of country ... China?
Part 1● "Guinness" ranking the 20th century massacre# 1. Over 90 million people MaoSecond place. Over 30 million people Stalin3rd place. Hitler more than six million people (Jews)4th. Over 2 million people Hu Jintao
● In Tibet, more than 1.2 million people will be massacred.Over 6500 temples were destroyed.Mixed by promoting causes terrible thing to be settled in Tibet, a large number of Chinese, rather than countries and cultures, it will extinguish the race itself is currently being performed.

GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Taniyama Yuji Akira Taniyama Yujiro] (forger comfort women)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9bOw0uhgfrY

■ "Takashi Uemura," Asahi Shimbun that forged the comfort women issueWife wrote the article "Takashi Uemura" is the KoreanIs the chairman of the organization of the Korean comfort women mother-in-law "(Yang Sun'nimu) order beams responsibility."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmphs0RjZ4Mhttp://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1344382002/

Do you not see the "other issues! Raitaihan rape and massacre of Vietnamese civilians by the South Korean military" in YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7FcQmcdf8Y&feature=youtube_gdata_playerA little two minutes, and did not see all of the comfort women issue. Of Japan, in the light, and. Want as compared to such evidence is evidence, there is also a ghostly image (. I, the Japanese government politics, Japan including against the house, etc. Gaikan attract crime, seek support essential!)


>・「 スワップ無期限凍結 」その次が・「 ハードカレンシー・韓国解除 」のステップアップ措置
2012-08-20 15:46:26


>ブログ紹介です(2ちゃんねるに載っていたのと、ブロガーさんも他の方のブログを転載なさっているので )
もし、日本が追い詰められたら [国際・政治] [編集]



( ここから先は、>新時代の夜明け前に、アセンションに向けて
  こちらの URL で参照してください。 )






( 5等親までの血縁者、提携会社、傘下会社等の寄付などは、除外。罰則規定 )

>メモ( 随時、修正訂正していきます )
・各区ごとの高校の生徒会長20~30人前後( 副会長は、発言権は無いけれど、補佐出席 )

彼らが、自分の「 区の会社・社会・政治背景等 」「 科学・奨学金・報道機関 」等への、直接的な「 税金の割り振り 」を、割り振ってもらう。
( リーダー実戦育成。また、癒着や横領。不正取引などの告発や、法改正の視点を、実戦で見てもらう。海外との競合視点や、国内外の法整備、経済、政治、国際情勢等の国内に対する不備やサポート視点、改正整備などの経験値等 )

ただ、国家予算並みに、「 金額 」が、膨れ上がってしまった場合は
その金額の「 αパーセント 」は、国家予算への返金システム。あるいは、ほかの市町村の不足分。科学や開発などでの不足分などへ、さらに割り振って行く。

やっぱり、ある程度。「 健全性 」を、社会でも、政治でも、システムでも。

そして、本当の、「 政治。経済。会社経営。次世代のリーダー育成 」でも、あると思うのです。
※育てていかなければ、次世代のリーダー( 責任と義務と、利権の絡む実戦等の経験値 )は、育ちません。
※前年度の予算割り振りで、失敗はあるでしょう。けれど、それは、「 データーとしての財産 」となります。失敗を財産に出来ない、現状システムの打破は、必要不可欠です。責任の所在の明確化は、必要不可欠です。

それだけで、「 エリート 」のようなシステム改善を、根本から進めていくべき。

日本人のご老人が、「 おにぎり食べたい 」と書き残して。



>在日韓国人の生活保護は廃止しようという議論が活発に! 「韓国では日本人の生活保護はない」

1 カノープス(愛知県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:25:48.24 ID:ESx6RCXk0● ?PLT(12101) ポイント特典

在日外国人の“生活保護”急増! 一方で 「韓国では日本人の生活保護はない」




13 カノープス(チベット自治区) :2012/04/23(月) 20:34:10.09 ID:eax4hkwr0

39 フォーマルハウト(愛媛県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:58:02.51 ID:/MmTac6w0

73 テチス(東日本) :2012/04/23(月) 21:52:39.23 ID:9I2Q0dFn0

79 デネブ(千葉県) :2012/04/23(月) 22:03:08.63 ID:luglABtQ0

95 ミザール(公衆) :2012/04/23(月) 22:29:26.54 ID:/dXdMDQB0

162 バン・アレン帯(やわらか銀行) :2012/04/24(火) 01:26:00.76 ID:JHuFeVCt0

237 地球(福岡県) :2012/04/24(火) 09:48:15.28 ID:1XwsXKZz0

17 ポルックス(岩手県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:36:06.93 ID:Jf0184Xo0


24 赤色超巨星(岩手県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:42:26.32 ID:YfmX+R500

28 オリオン大星雲(大阪府) :2012/04/23(月) 20:44:41.66 ID:aMS4V0RA0

122 ハービッグ・ハロー天体(埼玉県) :2012/04/23(月) 23:04:48.17 ID:oF/rVEvl0

20 ハービッグ・ハロー天体(埼玉県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:40:14.39 ID:MUUcKFgs0

23 かみのけ座銀河団(関東・甲信越) :2012/04/23(月) 20:42:23.72 ID:zqdGGaPSO

25 北アメリカ星雲(静岡県) :2012/04/23(月) 20:42:26.41 ID:YDlzwD/t0

47 アクルックス(福岡県) :2012/04/23(月) 21:10:16.71 ID:N0ZbWxHg0

56 アルデバラン(東京都) :2012/04/23(月) 21:24:05.11 ID:qFPe9UC00

58 アークトゥルス(埼玉県) :2012/04/23(月) 21:25:57.93 ID:RL9Iv9Jg0

69 アルタイル(神奈川県) :2012/04/23(月) 21:45:17.51 ID:YMDQVZ650

70 アークトゥルス(埼玉県) :2012/04/23(月) 21:46:33.01 ID:RL9Iv9Jg0

268 水メーザー天体(青森県) :2012/04/24(火) 16:05:19.18 ID:8QolVRAD0

269 エイベル2218(東京都) :2012/04/24(火) 16:38:29.35 ID:LApZ4sOX0


>【韓国】「円安は沈黙の殺人者のように韓国産業の競争力を落とす」 韓国、1月の輸出増加も円安による錯視に注意報 [2/04]

1 :動物園φ ★:2013/02/04(月) 13:46:18.30 ID:???

[ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版]







3 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:48:18.05 ID:4USZ4ny7

4 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:48:20.20 ID:f05do6ye

6 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:48:47.80 ID:DejfbBrZ



19 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:54:06.68 ID:fD0XDLpw

203 名前:山師さん[] 投稿日:2013/02/03(日) 19:28:46.80 ID:RzA41qg6
2003 116.49 ↑ 130.92 
2004 108.28小泉134.40
2005 109.64 ↓ 137.67
2006 116.25  146.01
2007 117.93  161.24
2008 104.23  152.41
2009 93.52  130.19
2010 88.09  116.44
2011 79.97  111.06
2012 78.71  102.65


25 :エアロボット ◆VYWZ60AjThTP :2013/02/04(月) 13:55:12.82 ID:lDR5hl62

27 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:56:29.17 ID:2lDIk1PJ

29 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:57:13.16 ID:NhfKj2dH

30 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:57:30.51 ID:kzhFk1PE

31 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:58:22.33 ID:pVnvRQFY
ドイツが円安に猛反発な理由が判明 円を大量に買っていた

34 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:59:55.50 ID:aX/FLGrV

35 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:00:37.35 ID:K8kBbnuW

36 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:00:53.06 ID:z/b+odKG

37 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:01:05.40 ID:8kRoGdq6

46 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:04:11.61 ID:mXpCO0si

47 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:04:35.39 ID:4QjvoU3x

48 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:04:50.27 ID:8JwDl90K

49 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:05:01.29 ID:M9eGyWg8


51 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:05:57.09 ID:Kcd4u55Y

58 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:08:50.02 ID:z58tZVO8

62 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:11:54.64 ID:j3flMVMM

70 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:16:39.04 ID:9MnU+Vrg

71 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:16:40.54 ID:Pn2EdaXi

73 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:16:57.27 ID:TEVJScDa

119 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:38:26.26 ID:Sn4H7O5G

121 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:38:48.24 ID:t0F33MfC
法人税率 サムスン電子10.5%、シャープ36.4%

129 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:40:33.34 ID:diOdRUwk

142 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 14:43:59.89 ID:nUAmrXa5

279 :蟹(極東wktk産) ◆M6A1eiUUqQ :2013/02/04(月) 15:20:01.46 ID:S+qY9MrP

韓国 http://www.jetro.go.jp/world/asia/kr/stat_01/ から
名目GDP 1兆0147億ドル

輸出額   4664億ドル
輸入額   4252億ドル
貿易総額  8916億ドル
貿易収支  400億8百万ドル

経常収支  294億ドル

日本 http://www.jetro.go.jp/world/japan/stats/stat_01/ から
名目GDP 5兆4885億ドル

輸出額   7670億ドル
輸入額   6914億ドル
貿易総額 1兆4584億ドル
貿易収支 907億6千万ドル

経常収支  2041億ドル

(V)。 。(V)
.ミ( ∀ )ミ <貿易収支を輸出額で割ってみましょう。輸出額1単位の利益はどれくらいかというわけです。

394 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 15:47:28.18 ID:rhhlrGnM

455 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:12:52.33 ID:HfHnL0rC

459 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:14:12.65 ID:6AFZPUyx

499 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:25:49.67 ID:kZ7TvdLs

548 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:55:10.25 ID:MpcJm4eo


566 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 17:14:25.92 ID:G8AbHlbl

572 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 17:25:52.82 ID:2etU0U9j

573 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 17:26:00.64 ID:vxBB70pJ

574 :蟹(極東wktk産) ◆M6A1eiUUqQ :2013/02/04(月) 17:27:23.06 ID:S+qY9MrP
> むしろ深刻な点は貿易収支だ。1月の貿易収支は8億7400万ドルで、昨年2月以降で最低値を記録した。

(V)。 。(V)
.ミ( ∀ )ミ <1月の輸出は460億8500万ドル、輸入は452億1100万ドルでした。

677 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 18:39:38.90 ID:sW7N15eX


426 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:05:27.23 ID:IN1b2HFi



433 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:07:13.62 ID:ehQuALSR



442 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 16:09:12.61 ID:RDU1Wvho




12 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 13:51:06.03 ID:pc+FprsY

16 :東夷 ◆0fdmGas.n7Vo :2013/02/04(月) 13:52:42.66 ID:NpaIEjfe





1 :帰って来た仕事コナカッタ元声優 φ ★:2013/02/04(月) 20:36:15.91 ID:???

「利益観同盟」で「価値観同盟」に対抗。 西側の理論に基づくと、世界に永遠の盟友はなく、あるのは永遠の利益だけである。

第二次世界大戦勝利の成果を守るための国際統一戦線で日本の軍国主義の復活を抑止。 日本は中国とだけでなく、ロシア、韓国とも島の領有権争いをしている。

制海権と制空権を奪ってから制島権を奪う。 釣魚島は4.38平方キロメートルと小さく、戦場としての容量は限られ、居住と防衛の条件もあまりよくなく、責めやすく守りにくい。

内部崩壊という方法で日本の右翼勢力を破壊。 とりでは内部から崩れがちである。

世論を制する。 釣魚島問題において中国には十分な歴史的、法的根拠があり、中国は釣魚島白書を国連や中国の在外公館で広め、釣魚島問題における発言権を奪回すべきである。中国は友好人士を派遣し、先に取り組みあるいは局面打開を図り、日本のつまらない策略や奇襲といったやり口を暴く必要がある。

ハードパワーを身につけ、うまく駆け引きする。 釣魚島問題の解決は中国の総合国力の向上にかかっており、ハードパワーを身につけると同時にソフトパワーもうまく利用しなければならない。
例を挙げると、中国は相手に「自らが犯されなければ、人を犯さない」という正確な情報を伝える。それだけである。(文:中国戦略文化促進会常務副会長兼秘書長 羅援)


2 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:36:52.94 ID:N72B3GCp

3 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:37:16.58 ID:c64Ux2C4
慰安婦問題 日韓歩み寄りを妨害する韓国の親北勢力と北朝鮮


4 :はぼっく ◆eyIbm5aesQ :2013/02/04(月) 20:37:21.87 桜 ID:/7VBfSz1 ?PLT(22423)

5 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:38:12.21 ID:U9O1/jpJ

8 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:38:51.11 ID:2j8789hy



17 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:41:50.17 ID:oU4Ao5VX

23 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:43:33.79 ID:T57x6no9

26 :美乳(微乳?)好き:2013/02/04(月) 20:43:51.03 ID:0H0YVCFY
よっ、まってました! 大将じゃねぇわ少将!

32 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:45:40.89 ID:bfcBwyhV
移民政策は最悪の政策だ! 海外の反応。

Sweden is being destroyed. A low intensity civil war has already started.
崩壊するスウェ-デン 既に低強度の内戦状態に突入

やがてベルギー人のいなくなる町 ベルギーの首都ブリュッセル



34 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:47:43.03 ID:hZ21gQrV

38 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:48:49.22 ID:3Kf4rsZX

39 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:49:18.05 ID:XV/9HMkt

40 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:49:53.73 ID:bF6HS8IW

41 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:50:17.22 ID:U0YmPBjG

42 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:50:32.79 ID:BOHVyfQt
今をときめく羅少将かw 天下の大将軍になって欲しい。

45 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:51:14.57 ID:NQgxPq0x

46 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:51:57.81 ID:6/E8DUxh

47 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:52:29.00 ID:m0xwjvNu


48 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:52:36.89 ID:CB2mRF1N

57 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:56:05.37 ID:ihhcp5X+

49 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:52:50.00 ID:Rqm9ws6d

51 : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】(1+0:9) :2013/02/04(月) 20:53:17.87 ID:e48vOK+F




52 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:54:48.60 ID:sja9fmxV

53 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:55:11.18 ID:OxSs+Yxf

60 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:56:29.67 ID:rWZmxRXz



62 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:57:13.49 ID:WmzRz7lM


63 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:57:21.40 ID:+WDnNyFg

64 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:57:27.47 ID:sja9fmxV

68 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:59:13.71 ID:Bfb0gwr7

71 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:00:18.22 ID:oeqi26y3




72 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:00:23.81 ID:QJCJqOrv
★★☆☆ 今こそ自由と繁栄の弧を作ろう ☆☆★★

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19848705 ↑削除されました
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19853187 ↑↓New!
【新唐人】中国解放軍総参謀部の「戦争準備」指示 戦争の可能性は
【新唐人】解放軍総参謀部“戦争準備を” 習近平褒賞を承諾
中国軍タカ派、強硬発言が目立つ 民族主義は「諸刃の剣」


73 ::.∴<`д´┗┐(´・ω・`)三○) `ハ´)∴;:2013/02/04(月) 21:00:30.74 ID:WvpdAnQz





中国の善意を単なる「弱腰」だと勘違いしている。 フィリピンの政治家たちは分かっているはずだ。


・・・中国の言う 平和友好発展て何デスか?

75 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:01:05.66 ID:YjrYh2SQ

76 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:01:10.76 ID:hkx3+lme

81 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:04:00.16 ID:lvLapAiC

85 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:04:54.17 ID:MemKs+Vm

86 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:05:07.46 ID:LvefFauP

88 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 21:05:54.74 ID:EfAgUugM

31 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2013/02/04(月) 20:45:10.64 ID:/o3Ug/I5



>>【東京都新宿区】中国共産党の63年にも及ぶ弾圧。虐殺に抗議する南モンゴルデモ行進 ②参加日記


●20世紀虐殺「 ギネス 」ランキング
1位。毛沢東 9000万人以上
2位。スターリン 3000万人以上
3位。ヒトラー 600万人以上( ユダヤ人 )
4位。胡錦濤 200万人以上


GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama](慰安婦捏造)

■慰安婦問題を捏造した朝日新聞 「植村隆」
記事を書いた 「植村隆」の妻は韓国人であり

( 凄惨な映像もあります。私は、2分ちょっとで、全部見れませんでした。日本の慰安婦問題と、照らし合わせて、証拠物証などと比較して欲しいです。そして、日本政府、日本の政治家に対しての、外患誘致罪等も含めて、本質的な対応を求めます! )

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