Early summer (20070805)
Classroom during the move, and that pass each other upperclassman, there was often.Each time, was multiplied by the voice.
When it is talking to third grade, was hailed in the tangle of his cousin that most of the time."During this time also, because that was asked of you, If there is something I really come," said"What,? Or not that are in trouble and". Was the only thing favorable.Since I was like cousins, were laughing saying thank you to ambiguity.Cousin, on a daily basis, "school is that of you? Are you OK? Or calm, because there talking, I'm fine!"And, had you care about me.I think somewhere while the burden, the gentleness of his cousin.Ru solved are solved as if he has me and I think that I went no longer able to be rejected.
When it is talking to a second year."During this time, (to me) was beaten But ○ ○ ○,? Remember" or,"During this time, ○ ○ ○ ○ But the calling? Ru solved" and whether, and came included in the topic of direct involvement.
I remember faces and names of the people is not good at.So, what do you remember? And, if asked, obediently"You do not remember" "I do not know, and" I'm sorry, but I stopped off to talk pleasantly.Most people, like swallow the words, seemed to be angry.But then so as to suppress anger, seemed to me in contact with me favorably.I am not speaking still pleasantly, "Well, we will," said"Next time, I Remember" Some people say things like come and say, was from time to time.
Classmates are looking at that exchange, I was staring at me at a distance.The meaning of their eyes, feel the Yarikirenasa, now keep the distance between the people.
Among such, it is now time to our conversation with the second year.I, as "Mr. ○ ○ ○", was talking.Followed by a few days that day.Is said that one day like say, "Because not older than you, so do not give a senior and".Disturbing in the air, in a classroom of second grade, I was responding to it is still felt."I do not have respect, you just one year older. Yourself, if you respect it and seniors, I do so," said said.
Was felt, it was volatile air flow.Another, was also good copper. Was Mendokusaka~tsu.I thought either kill or be killed, and so good.The wake of this, and grab the chance to get out of the house, and was aimed at was because lie in wait.If you have any next, to get into a fight, had been determined to go in challenging trying to kill your opponent.So, to pick a fight in school, had to look down on people like the look sharp with contempt.
May be killing your opponent. Yes, I thought.In exchange, and if out of the house, and do not mind any risks with it as it was.If you had decided that the opportunity even if it means carrying a lifetime, to be out of the house, and grab it.As a result, may be killed, I thought.If, if you have any living things. Would reformatory would place discrimination.In that time, and I certainly get a chance to leave home, I was hoping hard.
I was laid glare. But it was how I was in second grade."~Tsu Was solved, and the other, you can do anything you'd go" and.Is said without power. I will not hide the disappointment in somewhere, I went back to my classroom.Influence of his cousin, Why how. . . A while now, seemed to be reminded of.In feeling very sad, I sigh, why.
Myself, was snorting. How, to reaffirm their own or at least human.To parents, not to say anything. It does not matter to you shed the blood of someone else, repeat the excuse.But people come to face with me quarreling with anyone, a person who did not.I, as if someone eyes stare at the mall also had an eye to pick a fight.However, the line of sight can be returned, there was not a little.
From this time, it will be molested, but no longer.However, from relatives, but there was as usual, it is now possible to reject it.My grandfather only, even if you refuse, no matter how firm the bravado I've just been touched by Desuga caught.Grabbed the hand, carried on the lap, the smell of alcohol, the body odor of his grandfather, was no longer move.Afraid, you become stuck. And they smell and body odor in the sniffing of my grandfather's sake. . .Fell into such a sense of consciousness away. Is my intention, that does not feel on blank time.
And will be open. Miss the time to want to cry, come stronger than it struck nausea cry.Feeling like crying, no longer go from the solution. Their own emotions, went becomes impossible to understand.
However, he was scared. A parent. Mother.More than this, if you stay in this house, I would not. Only thing that was strongly What solved.So, as soon as possible, I wanted to get out of the house.But that face the mother, the more the other, not compete with. I fear, was thrown somewhere.The tears of my mother, to violence, in words, I absolutely would not compete with.But, if you stay at home this leave. I would not.Only thing is that, clearly, the solution was bought.So, as people pick a quarrel as to challenge, in a tense time, was spent.How, if you have bought that dirty solution or at least it took to select it, still.If we just have substituted secretly, while aware of that.
But, If you come to my neighbors and acquaintance of the mother, smiling and laughing, was spread their patience.To soften the look, and then Adokenaku gentle tone of voice,Were repeated "politeness", and "Greetings".Mind was made up to go to pieces. Heart seemed to go peeling.Thinking of the other party to entertain his father, a superposition of their own thinking, to examine.Nausea without stopping, it is driven by the feeling of guilt, fear of unknown frightened. . .If overlap were riddled with thinking about, and say his personality, I went no longer grasp.But, in simulation of entertainment went gaining accuracy.
Guilt, was Sainami me.I did not understand the meaning, nausea did not stop the pangs of conscience.Still, I want to live. Desire to escape, I was hoping strongly.May be enough to shed the blood of anyone. How, if you have bought or solution that it is dirty.If we just have substituted secretly, if you have bought the solution. Still, with the desire to escape. Want to live, I was hoping.
· · · · · · · · · I think becoming an adult · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Causing it to self-excuse, but should be avoided.
Again, I think.Children right now, that if you're suffering, How do I become what society do not suffer.Why correct, what,,,How do I go healthy in adulthood do not suffer. . .Children, What if, what can live happily,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
初夏の頃 (20070805)
「 この間も、君の事頼まれたから、何かあったら本当においでね 」と、
「 なにか、困っている事はないか? 」と。 好意的なものばかりでした。
従兄弟が、毎日のように、「 学校は、平気か? 大丈夫か? お前の事、話してあるから、大丈夫だぞ! 」
「 この間、( 私に )殴られた○○○だけど、覚えてる? 」とか、
「 この間、呼び出した○○○○だけど、解かる? 」とかと、直接の関わりを話題に含んで来ました。
「 覚えていないです 」「 知りません、ごめんなさい 」と、愛想無く話を切り止めました。
私はそれでも愛想無く、「 じゃ、行きます 」と言えば、
「 次は、覚えていてね 」と言う様な事を言ってくる人も、時々いました。
私は、「 ○○○さん 」と、話しかけていました。
ある日、「 あなたより年上なんだから、先輩と付けなよ 」と言う様な事を言われ。
「 尊敬してないし、ひとつ年上なだけでしょ。 自分が、先輩だと尊敬したら、そうするよ 」と、言いました。
もう、どうでも良かった。 めんどくさかった。
相手を殺しても構わない。 そう、思っていました。
もし、生きている事があるのなら。 鑑別所だろうが少年院だろうが。
私は、睨み据えました。 けれど、折れたのは2年生の方でした。
「 解かった、もう、行っていいよ 」と。
力なく言われ。 私は、どこか落胆を隠せずに、自分の教室へと戻って行きました。
自分に、自嘲しました。 自分がいかに、最低な人間か再確認するように。
親に、何も言えないから。 誰かの血を流しても構わない自分に、言い訳を繰り返し。
怖くて、動けなくなってしまうのです。 祖父のお酒の匂いと体臭を嗅いでしまうと。。。
意識が遠ざかるような感覚に陥りました。 自分の意思が、感じ取れないような空白の時間。
そして、開放され。 泣きたいのに、それ以上に強い吐き気が襲ってきては泣けるタイミングを逃し。
泣きたい気持ちが、解からなく成って行き。 自分の感情が、理解できなくなっていきました。
ただ、怖かった。 親が。 母親が。
これ以上、この家に居たら、私はダメになる。 そのことだけは、強く解かってた。
けれど、母と向き合う事は、もう、かなわないほど。 私は、恐れ、どこか投げていました。
だけど、このまま家に居たら。 私はダメになる。
「 ご挨拶 」や、「 社交辞令 」を繰り返しました。
心が、バラバラに成っていくようでした。 心が、剥がれ落ちていくようでした。
それでも、生きたいと。 逃れたいと、強く願っていました。
誰の血を流しても構わないほどに。 それがどれほど、汚らしい事か解かっていて。
摩り替えているだけだと、解かっていて。 それでも、逃れたいと。 生きたいと、願っていたのです。
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